@FEichinger What do you mean you can't add two strings together? Multiplication works just fine, so why shouldn't addition?
Oh, wait... You can't multiply a string by a string. Pretty sure you can still add though.
I don't even know what language we're talking in anyway. Just felt like spouting some random crap about whatever looked to be the current topic. Feel free to disregard me and carry on.
i'd like to be able to RDP into my localhost. simply put, i want to RDP into the machine where i'm making the connection from.
is this possible?
@AviD I'm pretty sure that's an arbitrary limit set by the standards and not some inherent limit to the algorithm itself. /cc @ThomasPornin @CodeInChaos
@FEichinger This is why you use a proper language with strong typing.
@TerryChia oh sure, apparently. Though I'm not sure about the "arbitrary" part, they probably have to test and certify each length, different considerations, etc.
@TerryChia in any show of all time.
it is still burned into my eyelids.
@TerryChia no, that was just horrible. it wasnt so horridly gruesome.
@RoryAlsop yeah, that death wasnt horrible for its goryness, but for shocking all of us who didnt realize "Everyone dies" applies to the characters we like, too. Ostensibly the star, at the time.
Food to mouth -> someone calls -> must swallow instantly or push food into cheeks -> talk -> repeat. It took me about an hour to eat a store-bought salad.
I remember reading this really creepy horror book, but I forget the name and author. I just remember the story and the cover of the book. It was really old when I got it from the library, tried to search for it a few months ago but it wasn't there anymore...
@AviD The cover was a drawing of a half-rotten corpse dude, chained to a dungeon wall. The story was about some researchers who went to a haunted mansion, one of them was a female pastor or woman of religion? There was a scene in which she went to a room in the mansion and a giant crucifix fell and almost killed her. There was some sort of entity that kept haunting the team, the encounters with the woman were very... sexual in nature.
yuck, im about to ask a question on stackoverflow that i am struggling with tha past 2 days (and one day before weekend), and it tells me i am possibly on the ridge of being blocked for asking qestions, because past questions weren't "good" :S
asking a question on SO from my experience results in a bunch of tryhards asking a bunch of questions in comments that were already stated in the question body
that's SO failing at answering my once in a blue moon issue
like Crystal Reports being unable to generate a report unless it logs in to the database as SA even though all of the stored procs powering the report work fine if you connect via smss with the user Crystal is using
ive spend almost 3 days fidlding with my current script, its still for study yes, but i pulled out half my hair before i ask, because i know well enough that google gets me more awnsers that work then hairs i can pull out on a day, yet i cant find them, and everything i do/try just fails, again, again and again
trying to use the simpelest PDO script, every tutorial i find suggest, but it won't put the information into the database, after fiddling with echo's and print_f's, i found out after a while that it doest put the POST info into the vars
well, according to my teacher, i am fit to tackle the symphony PHP framework (not using it now) and spend half a year in the real world of developers while doing a handstand, if i know how to do 1+1 in javascript
@Lighty Have you tried setting the variables before binding them? That looks like the most obvious potential mistake given that I have absolutely zero idea how PHP handles things like that.
studiolupa.nl/dashboard/admin/addplugin.php <-- thats the form which submits it, after submititng info, it shows a back button to the form page, and print_r's the string of the query