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@PsychOPhobiA that wouldn't help much since half this chat rooms normal population is mods :)
but DMZ follows its own set of rules
room topic changed to The DMZ: The first breach costs you an arm.... [double-entendre] [food] [libations] [no-nono-yolo] [rory] [security]
@AviD there, fixed
@PsychOPhobiA nobody likes boobs that lack definition, that's why they invented pushup bras
@PsychOPhobiA that wouldn't actually matter
if anything, they get more attention from mods. We see all
@PsychOPhobiA - the big thing about the line is that if anyone actually does get offended, everyone in here that regularly participates is smart enough to (generally) figure it out and back off. Otherwise the whip does start cracking
Da whip of..?
mods calling stuff out, deleting posts and in extreme cases handing out suspensions (though generally far shorter than elsewhere on the network would get)
thing is that in here, people primarily joke around with other people that are known to joke around
@AJHenderson heh, thats really not always true.
its really a matter of keeping it within the realms of good taste, which obviously varies.
@AviD not always, but generally that's when flags start flying and mods start getting cranky because we have annoying blue bubbles
We tend to straddle the line, trick is to not turn around and hump the line's brains out.
you have to cuddle with the line after and make it feel loved and appreciated
I agree with you all
I have to say this is interesting conversation ever
@PsychOPhobiA clearly you never experienced IRC
With you being in a infosec chat room, this raises the question: How old are you?
@PsychOPhobiA internet relay chat, it is an old chat system, one of the earlier ones on the Internet and was far, far more bizar and haphazard than anything here
I don't understand you. Can you explain a little bit further?
take a look at bash.org sometime for highlights
If you're in an infosec room, it's safe to assume that you have at least some form of experience in IT. Now, if you do have experience in IT, but no idea what IRC is, you must be rather young - because IRC was a quite important part of IT in the last few decades, slowly losing traction.
(I'd say "thankfully", because IRC as a protocol is outdated and should've been replaced ages ago, but at it still is an integral part of the web in many ways.)
Anyway, back to tinkering with a stack machine. Because building a Markdown parser stack machine is awesomely pointless fun.
@FEichinger You have to respect its simplicity, though
You can write an IRC server in a 30-line bash script.
...not that you would. Bash is inefficient to a degree that's difficult to even fathom
ohai guise!
IRC is simplistic enough you could probably even write an IRC server in ruby.
@ScottPack that might be pushing it.
I'm not saying it would be easy...
UnrealIRCd still gets updates
the big thing though is that without services running, modern IRC is basically worthless
You could write one in PHP, but if you did it would also function as an unauthenticated login shell.
@tylerl That's just a side benefit of using PHP.
I see today's chatter involved lots of tit discussion.
Did anyone bring up the subject of boobies?
@ScottPack that came first
Well, I'm sad to have missed all the great discussion of the finer points of tits and boobs but I'm very glad it happened.
hey @ScottPack. Who is Chris Kimmel?
Related to Jimmy?
@AviD Have you tried the googles?
You asking about the guy from SecureState?
dont need teh googles, I'm lookin at him
I don't understand.
He's from Ohio, in security, figured you knew him.
There's quite a lot of us.
It looks like he works for SecureState which is pretty nearby.
Is face looks somewhat familiar.
and now tangible.
Where are you?
Sent me a linkedin request, I just went and assumed and made an ass out of us.
@ScottPack Me?
You said his face is tangible
@ScottPack heh, no, now he works for Tangible.
Never heard of them.
probably a local consulting company. There are lots of them.
Oh, there website is total "Oh sure you betcha we're totally cyberwarriorsecurity ninjas. Except with the buttoned up tie sporting federal feel."
They're in Maryland
Which is kind of not Ohio.
So either he's moved or is traveling.
Like pants.
Yeah, he totes has a familiar looking face.
duh, I thought it said Columbus, its actually Columbia. Slight difference.
What's his linkedin profile?
@ScottPack or they are less local and more.... not local.
SecureState is nearish Columbus.
Specifically Cleveland which is only a couple of hours north.
wait, is that me?
Dude's name has got to be fake. Avi Douglen. Yeah. Sure. Kind of like my tech support guy "Ron" from "Indianapolis".
Ok, he must be working remote. He lists his Tangible location as Cleveland/Akron
heh, yeah obviously its a spoof. No way is the real Avi D actually looking at your profile.
@ScottPack okay, way too much investigation. I'll just chalk him up to "unknown".
The more I look at his G+ picture the more I believe I may have seen him.
I did notice that he's connected to quite a few israeli security people. Looks like he's just trying to build up his network.
Oh bugger.
So I noticed that some of my comics weren't doing page order correctly on my tablet.
I just figured out why.
It's freaking asciibetic sorting.
@ScottPack He looks like Wil Wheaton.
So the compruter based comic book file format standards are CBZ and CBR. In truth all they are are zip or rar files where each comic page is an image (like a jpg) of the form "page1.jpg, page2.jpg, page3.jpg"
There's not even any metadata information. Just a zip of pictures.
Well, for whatever reason, these are being displayed as "page1.jpg, page10.jpg, page11.jpg....page2.jpg, page20.jpg"
@ScottPack oy that sucks. but makes perfect sense.
any solution? I remember futzing around with that a couple years ago...
back when I had time to read comics.... :-(
Not so far.
what are you using for reader?
I'm thinking I may have to rename them to be page001, page002, page003, etc.
Which means scripting it.
In truth it won't be terrible, but since I've got hundreds to fix...
@ScottPack Which is fairly easy.
I'm thinking a proper CBR reader could account for that automatically...
It is fairly easy, but I need to be very careful during development so I don't end up fucking them all up.
I've tried a few. PerfectViewer is slick but the controls were a big janky for me. SimpleComicReader is the one I've used the most. It's streamlined and easy.
@AviD Seriously? I wouldn't even modify the original files.
so there ya go
I just don't want to crank something out in 10 minutes, start it running, then check it tomorrow to figure out it all works.
Plus I've got a mix of formats so I'll need to do some checking and such
What's a good place to post a question about DNS architecture performance. Not a specific implementation, but rather the resolution path you need to follow for a given domain.

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