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@kalina hahahaha
and I would never get realm first level cap for my class
@RoryAlsop Don't get me wrong, I hate WoW. It's just so addictive.
@RoryAlsop wow, I step back in the room to see this, right after chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/15749033#15749033
nor would I do every available daily quest every day for a few weeks
@RoryAlsop and how would you know, if you'd never played? ;-)
when I am famous, I will deny ever using Stack Exchange
which as far as I'm concerned is basically a huge text based MMO with voting
and a community of...
meh, not gonna finish that sentence
@kalina Is that kinda like how IRC is just multiplayer Notepad?
@AviD I have seen video footage
and heard people talk about it
@Iszi yes
meh, im gonna go home
@kalina really? You could probably use SE to make you famous.
gonna ride my bicycle through the rain...yay...
@RoryAlsop we're still talking about WoW, right...? ;-)
@AviD wow, what an achievement
@AviD I have a feeling she will be famous without needing SE. I just hope that fame is not from setting fire to me
@AviD pffft
have a nice day
@Lighty seeya
my day was already ruined by your presence
@AviD That ... is not a good idea.
@kalina Now, now, no need for this hostility.
love you too @kalina
Heh. it really depends on how you define "fame".
this isn't hostility
do you want hostility?
@kalina THIS is hostility :=P
@AviD international superstar
@RoryAlsop You watched a video about feet?
@DavidFreitag ... no ... not recently
@DavidFreitag And I will watch this one later - at home
@AviD reminds me of a fun Pantera song
@RoryAlsop It's a bit slow.
@RoryAlsop a few good men....
@kalina so like, @RoryAlsop-level fame?
@AviD er, no
yeah, you're right, cant get your hopes up that high.
and I was going to ask rory to sing at some point in the future
but it's no problem
hey @LucasKauffman @Adnan when are you two going to step up your question answering game and consign @AviD to row 3?
I actually need a male vocalist who can sing like... blues
@RоryMcCune aaaaaggghhhh
@kalina can't really sing for long these days, out of practice, thanks for the offer tho'
I have them shut down on threat of dismemberment, but fear only goes so far.
@RоryMcCune We just need to give them each a 100 rep bounty.
@kalina you're thinking about the dotto song again aren't you.
@RоryMcCune no
I'm thinking about a trance masterpiece that would end up in the charts
@AviD well it'll space out the mods, one per row, now @jeffferland is on row 4
the dotdotdot song is going to be called "the first breach"
and it has a sample from adnan
I just haven't written it yet
@kalina Ahh - my singing is more in the Crash Test Dummies vocal range. I can do baritone in the choir, or exceedingly low stuff, but can't sing the music I like
@kalina might somewhat blow your cover if that comes out now..
@kalina If @Adnan is involved, shouldn't it be named "Do the creep"?
I wasn't going to release it
more upload it for free under a pseudonym
@RoryAlsop I used to have a good voice, was in a choir and everything, then my voice broke :o/
@RоryMcCune I sang in musicals at school...but then my voice broke
"Information Security is SRS BIZNIZ - The First Breach"
@kalina you'll have to see if you can get more views than the only other Infosec themed song I'm aware of
@DavidFreitag they are all bundled in the base package now
for like $20
(NSFW if anyone didn't see it the last time around)
this is more just messing around
it will have so many dysfunctional elements that don't really go
@kalina if you watch that video, I think you'll see so were they (I hope!)
or periodically on sale for $5 to $10
@AJHenderson You may end up playing WoW with a fellow Sec.SE member then... :[
how I'm going to sample google translate speaking dot dot dot dot dot and adnan's sample + the other ideas I wanted to use and make something coherent out of it is beyond me
the most recent expansion is normally $40 on top of that. So starting a full account is only $60 normally, or if you wait for a sale, it ends up being like $30
I have an American WoW account
and three European WoW accounts
and Diablo 3 twice
Hopefully it doesn't rain today so I can go swimming and forget that the internet even exists.
not quite sure how that happened
@kalina You had too much time and an addiction for watching numbers grow.
I wonder how well a kayak will fit into the Mazda...
@DavidFreitag which mazda
cause if it's a 2 or 3, good luck
@FEichinger actually I think I committed to Blizzard's D3 for free offer twice on different accounts
@kalina that's one common case, or people that bought the collectors edition after doing the free deal
I didn't buy D3
I bought the expansion though
played it for a week
haven't played it since
sounds about like what I did
money well spent imo
that piece of money spent just there killed my love of gaming
I was supposed to be playing WatchDogs already
it got released and I didn't even notice
ESO came along and pulled me away from D3
I beta tested ESO
and then friends came along and pulled me back in to casual flex raiding and pulled me away from ESO
it's a simple player game with other people running around stealing your loot
yeah, the multiplayer needs work
it was fun if you play with someone all the time
I very nearly ended up back in WoW
I say very nearly
I was actively playing for 2-3 weeks
@DavidFreitag Great music, not so great vocal
and basically decided I either quit and work on what I want to achieve
@AJHenderson I had various of my friends try to drag me into Day-Z. I resisted
or play WoW and wake up again in 3-5 years wondering wtf happened
my wife and I just leave are wow sub active, even when we aren't playing it actively because we end up dropping back in for a few weeks every couple months atleast, even in our "off time". The only game that seriously took us away for a while was SWTOR
lol swtor
swtor - so much promise and so much fail
last year, when I cared about gaming
I spent £200 or whatever getting into the alphas for elite:dangerous and the same again for er
whatever the other one is called
starcitizen or w/e
the RSI one
and then I played elite:dangerous through alpha 1 and 2 and then haven't played it since
apparently they've got pretty much most of the game up and running now
I just cba
sadly, E:D isn't an MMO
@kalina yeah, my wife and I play it casually now, not all the time. Basically, if nothing else is going on, we'll play, but otherwise we don't
don't they make a pill for ED
I'm confused
@AJHenderson Pretty sure they do.
In fact I think Bob Dole was the poster boy for that, no?
@AviD I wouldn't know, I haven't had any need to watch their ads
so if you had that pill, you'd be playing less?
old people talking about old things
@AviD or more
depending on how you look at it
are you not still talking about WoW.
I'm not really here, just passing through....
@AviD well, what do you think getting on the flying "mount" is about?
... These conversations.
@AJHenderson didnt read that far back, but I can make a few wild guesses.
flying mount is where your lover and you jump out of a plane and mount in mid air
before face splatting on the ground
@AJHenderson 6
geeks jump out of a plane
ssh to their box
@Adnan Yeah that's melodic metal in a nutshell
@kalina only if you don't finish up fast enough to pull your chute
maybe it's WoW related
@kalina No, I think that's what people refer to as a "flying fuck" - which many refuse to give.
@Iszi only crude people
@kalina I suppose that's the third version of the "mile high club" ...
@DavidFreitag Nooope. Heard lots of good melodic metal. Check, Moonosorrow, for example.
@Iszi Sadly they went extinct about 43 years ago.
@FEichinger terminal velocity club
@DavidFreitag ah, my wife and I both have skyactiv 3s
@kalina Yep, that's better.
@AJHenderson I have a 2014 6 sport and i freaking love it to death.
terminal velocity sounds like a good name for a speedcore track
a dance track with a doubled up beat
maybe a running bassline
make it sound much faster than it is
@DavidFreitag yeah, I got my 3 first, loved it so much that when my wife needed a car we got another of them
I could turn it into a touring minus the leather interior (yuck) for $5k, which is about $7k short of the price gap between touring and sport.
psh, mazdas
at the time, it was the only option with skyactiv
50mpg highway and 155hp
@AJHenderson I went from a 50bhp ford exploder to the Mazda.
my next car is going to be a ford focus st3, I think
@AJHenderson 40mpg highway 190hp :D
drive that for a year and then throw it into a ditch
@DavidFreitag nice, guess they've pushed it even further
granted, the 6 is a lot heavier too right?
@AJHenderson in comparison to a 3, sure
@AJHenderson Not by much. The 2014 is packed with all kinds of weight saving stuff. I can open and close my doors with one finger
it's like twice the car
the hulk can crush planes with one finger
your analogy is flawed
@DavidFreitag just trying to figure out the actual power per pound
since some of that 190hp is going to moving the thing
sounds like it probably has a little more power per pound though
2799 lbs. for the 3 3183 lbs. for the 6
yeah, I'd probably go with the 6 now
@DavidFreitag whats wrong with leather interior?
wasn't an option for the 2012s though
@kalina Not a fan
@DavidFreitag my current car has cream leather interior
@AJHenderson Weirdly the 3 only has 155hp. I thought the 3 and the 6 had the same engine.
@kalina I prefer cloth. Though that'll change when i have kids
@DavidFreitag I prefer leather because I don't wear skirts or shorts (well, very rarely)
Or remain a Nazi when it comes to food in the car.
also leather heated seats are so epic
@kalina I have an abnormally high body temperature. I don't need them.
@DavidFreitag oh, guess I was wrong when I said 136hp
@DavidFreitag <insert comment about me being cold blooded>
@AJHenderson I quoted the 2014 model though. Also, it may be 136bhp
I just checeked
@kalina Nah, i have noticed chicks just run colder.
@DavidFreitag "chicks"
@kalina Them things with that there vagina.
interestingly, looks like it is rated at 40mpg highway as well, but I've actually seen 50 irl
city driving tends to be more around 28 - 33
@AJHenderson I think the extra horsepower comes at a cost though. Fuel economy isn't as spectacular as i hoped it would be.
@DavidFreitag those are called women (above 18) and girls (below 18), the super classy ones are called ladies and working girls are called sluts
But that might be because i drive like a crazed person.
yeah, if you use the HP then your efficiency drops
the point is to have it when you need it though
I get 42mpg out of my current car
and it's quoted for 38
@kalina Interestingly enough i consider "Chick" to be the female version of a "Bro".
I won't drive a hybrid because they can't get out of trouble easily enough
@DavidFreitag would that not be "sis"?
@kalina No, a "Bro" as in one who wears a backwards upside-down visor with plaid shorts a polo t-shirt and flip-flops.
so you think I'm the female version of that?
Whose diet consists of sluts and beer, and whose vocabulary consists mainly of "duuuuuuuuude".
Just give up, @David.
suddenly I realise you were actually insulting me all along
It's not getting better from here on out.
@kalina Uh... I didn't mean to, but that works too.
there's no need to hate on me like that
it's not like I murdered your entire family and intravenously fed you their liquefied remains
@FEichinger Silly, you. I wasn't even trying in the first place.
although now that idea is out in the universe, somebody is going to do it eventually
@kalina Not yet, anyway.
@kalina Hopefully you can raise the dead. You'll need to if you ever hope of achieving that goal.
I'm an angel, of course I can raise the dead
@DavidFreitag I considered the 6 and the speed3 even without the efficiency back in 2012, but decided that the skyactiv was just too attractive
@DavidFreitag or if you ever have kids
@AJHenderson I saw my car in the cars.com page and instantly fell in love. After that efficiency, price, and even comfortability fell out of perspective.
doesn't have to be your parents and siblings
unfortunately I'm not going to be able to release a track called "No Angel", since Dido already did that
@kalina What's wrong with that? There's plenty of songs that share names out there.
@DavidFreitag I was kind of similar. I found out my old car was dead and had purchased my Mazda 3 within 6 hours
literally, I asked around, got some recommendations, looked at a few cars online, found skyactiv and it just blew away everything else. The power of the Speed3 and the comfort of the 6 were enough to make me look, but not enough to sway me.
The steering in my car is the best part. It's like i can feel the texture of the road through my hands. The steering is stiff at high speeds and smooth at low speeds.
but I did get a little sad when I saw they were introducing it in the 6s a couple years later
@DavidFreitag we both have the 6 speed manuals
and yeah, handling is beautiful. The 3s have very similar ability to feel road conditions clearly
And the sound it makes, for a 4-cylinder, is damn good.
@AJHenderson I'm a fat, lazy, American. I went with the automanual.
Your weekly dose of guilt, coming in 8 minutes!
Double clutch gearbox with a torque converter only for first gear.
I'm a fat, lazy, control freak american
I went with the 6 speed manual ;)
I can shift my car like it's a manual. Although the gearbox shifts down automatically at the right rev, so sometimes I'll shift from fourth into second and look like a bit of a spanner.
Once you know how to do manual, it is trivially easy to use
my sister's Mazda had the auto-manual
I tried it, but it still isn't as responsive as a manual in proper hands
only way I'd give up my manual transmission would be for a CVT
@AJHenderson Really? I've heard bad things about CVT gearboxes.
@DavidFreitag depends on the implementation
if they are built for efficiency, they won't accelerate
if they are built for acceleration, they are awesome
@Iszi because I dislike Dido
and if they can operate in both modes, they are even more awesome
@kalina Which is why you should totally put out your own "No Angel" track and make it so awesome that everyone forgets Dido's.
One of these days I want to buy a caterham with a manual gearbox
I'll build it myself with my own two hands. Then I'll drive it forever.
@TerryChia I must be missing what the problem is... ;)
seems perfectly clear to me
never mind the regex itself is a bit wonky
@TerryChia That's a bit ridiculous.
@DavidFreitag That's the point I think. :)
@TerryChia What service is that?
@DavidFreitag No clue, got the image from Twitter.
It's probably fake then
An event in DMZ?
No, the word you are searching for is guilt.
Is there a way to search what playlists a video is part of on YouTube?
@PsychOPhobiA Please elaborate :]
@DavidFreitag You asked a question so I say "Yeah"
@PsychOPhobiA It means, please explain how to find what playlists a video is in
@DavidFreitag Haha i thought so
@PsychOPhobiA :D
@DavidFreitag Okay just a minute

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