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so If you put some money into a 2 years loan
@kiBytes So, just like a CD but with a better rate.
you will have to wait 2 years to get the full benefit
You could see it in that way
the problem is that you don't put all your money at once
It will take you 1 to 6 months to lend all the money you would like
And if you want the full 11% benefit you have to reinvest the money you earn into another loan
@kiBytes How's the risk?
so it is like a cycle when you just earn some euros each months and you can decide to keep them or reinvest them
The risks are higher than in a CD of course
you are lending money to unknown people, but if you diversify well enough it doesn't really matter
The 11% I gave you has the "failed loans" included
failed loans are the ones that are not being paid
so you maybe lend 50€ and you only recieve 5€
Yeah the company i work for does the same thing. They have an opt-in program where employees can invest some of their wages to be matched by the company up to 4%.
The best is to have a lot of 20-50€ loans
@kiBytes Hmmm a CD is much safer and requires zero attention/work.
Then at the end of the year we all sit back and light our cigars with hundred dollar bills.
@Adnan You can automate the loans you would like to invest in, it is built in in the platform
so I basically have the money there and I forget about it
@Adnan There are companies that will do all of the leg work. Some will even diversify your portfolio for you.
@DavidFreitag Is your company called Crane, Poole & Schmid?
@Adnan Nah.
The company we work with basically takes the money we give them and adds it to a large pool of cash. Then they do everything from money markets to CD's to trading gold with it (based on what you want)
At the end of the year we get a lengthy report of what we gained and lost.
@DavidFreitag Sounds like an interesting perk
@DavidFreitag That is super cool
I would love my company to do the same
The best part is, the company matches what we put in up to 4% of our wages.
Because the more money overall that you put in the more you can get back out.
@DavidFreitag that is great
The company I work with used to offer us a retirement deposit
And we could do the same as you but a total amount of 2.5%
Never more :(
@kiBytes Yeah it's pretty sweet. We can go online and check the numbers whenever we want too. Usually around June/July gold's value has skyrocketed, but by December it tanks again.
@DavidFreitag Sell in june, buy in december xD
@kiBytes Yeah but we can't touch the money we gave the company until the end of the year
When we get the report in december is when we can either withdraw money or rearrange our portfolio
And which interest do you usually get?
I have been lately thinking about the eToro platform
It is a way to copycat other investors automatically
so you put the money and rest
The last few years it has been steadily increasing. Usually a total of about 10-18% in gains. But it depends on how you are structured. If most of your money is in safe places like bonds or money markets you won't make much. But if you take the risk with gold you might make a ton
But trading makes me nervous
Since I'm so young i have 60% high risk, 30% medium risk and 10% in bonds and money market
We have a 401k program through the same company that works about the same. The only difference is that the 401k is post-tax and we can't touch it without hefty penalties.
You should put all your money in the 401 first
I was reading once about investing for USA workers
and that seemed to be the best option.
With my current 401k it's projected that i will retire at 48.
Volume level when watching porn.
One of the few times I had the guts to post an answer on a crypto question. Please comment or criticize security.stackexchange.com/a/54286/396
> The improvement over OTP is where they make a small seed (a key) and use an expander called a PRNG to expand that key into what is essentially an OTP.
That's not "essentially" an OTP. That's a stream cipher.
Yea, I wasn't sure about that. Fixed.
@makerofthings7 looks fine to me, one minor nitpicking tho re "must be equal in length", that it can of course also be larger ;)
perhaps "at least the size of"?
@makerofthings7 Added an answer which takes a different angle:
A: Are there any systems out there that use a one-time pad?

tylerl How would they pass they key? This gets to the root of where OTPs came from, and indeed how they got that name. This is for correspondence during wartime with ships or other similar clients. When the ship leaves port, they head out with a pad of random data. When they receive an encrypted c...

> Added an answer which takes the correct angle:
I find the downvotes entertaining. People expressing their anger with the gall of such a question.
@tylerl As much as I love to downvote, I couldn't get myself to downvote that one.
@DavidFreitag 10k views in 2 days -- has it not been on the collider?
@tylerl I hadn't seen it on there until just now, hence the delete.
@DavidFreitag I still don't see it there.
but oddly enough. I do see this one:
Q: What should I care if a site uses encryption or not if I'm not exchanging any sensitive data?

user1306322Lots of sites these days, that don't deal with sensitive data, enable encryption. I think it's mostly to make (paranoid?) users feel safer. In cases where there is a user's account being logged in, their personal data accessed, I see how it can be useful. But what if I'm just reading a news site...

@DavidFreitag Dude, a question with 41 upvotes... of course it reached the SuperCollider
Haha, there's nothing quite as pointless as nested try/catch blocks.
Both of which are catch (Exception e).
@DavidFreitag Exceptions are, themselves, pointless.
@Adnan Why do you say that?
Excuse me, what are you using here? goto? No no no no, that's wrong. Here's something else that does the exact same thing but it has a different name.
Okay, perhaps I used the wrong word. Not pointless, but ridiculous.
So you consider a StackOverflowException the same as a goto? Heh, that's inventive.
@DavidFreitag Oh, maaan! That argument again? Sure wanna dive in this one?
@DavidFreitag The way you phrased your last message makes me think this is gonna be long and hard battle.
@Adnan Not really. There's just a fundamental difference in our programming style. We could argue for a millenia and not get anywhere.
@Adnan I always like them long and hard.
@DavidFreitag It's not just style. It's fundamental concept of Exception.
@Adnan At some point it's necessary to work with Exceptions. If you do nothing but perl, php, javascript, etc. then you never have to deal with them.
@DavidFreitag Dude, my job is basically 40% C#. I work with exceptions everyday.
That doesn't mean I like the idea.
Plus, I'm not intelligent enough to create my own programming language.
Q: Network security question

jaySuppose you wrote a nonmalicious virus, just to see if you could do it; it only displays a box on the screen saying it has been installed successfully, and then deletes itself. Is that ethical behavior? Justify your answer with principles of ethics, not just your own opinions. Now suppose that to...

nice, they run out of questions and are resorting to copying them from elsewhere... we answered them all :)
@Adnan Exceptions are much more powerful than goto, because they can go up several stack frame. They are more like C's longjmp().
At one time I used longjmp() to make my own exception framework in C (with the one needed property of exceptions in C: automatic release of memory blocks).
One way to say it is that return -1; is a kind of exception, but the bona fide exceptions range farther.
@ThomasPornin and they tightly carry some case-specific information (you can load them with information about how and why this exception happened).
Yes, exception do have a usage, but they have pretty much the same downsides as goto
Until some IDE becomes fully exception-aware (highly unlikely), I'm still not gonna like them.
@Adnan Well, they are more well-mannered because they always jump to an outside block. The most dangerous goto are those which jump into a sub-block, and exceptions cannot do that.
Which is why I compare them with a return, not with a goto
And I don't like IDE anyway. What matters is that the developer understands what is going on.
When IDE become fully exception-aware, I simply fire the developers and hire chimps instead.
@ThomasPornin Of course, because the only thing developers do is exception handling.
@ThomasPornin Also, you're making the assumption that said software is developed by one developer, and one developer only.
Exception awareness as an IDE feature should at least tell me "Hey, scumbag dev. X added catch somewhere up the call chain of this method, so your global exception handler cannot handle the exception possibly thrown here".
@Adnan Actually you would get that with Java, but Microsoft removed it from C#.
In Java, the exceptions which do not derive from RuntimeException are under a strict declaration and propagation rule, and the compiler refuses to compile if you try to catch exceptions which cannot happen, or if you don't catch or declare exceptions which may happen.
@ThomasPornin Oho! That I didn't know. Any clue why it was removed from C#?
@Adnan Java's method can be irksome. e.g. with String.getBytes(charset); you can have an IOException in case charset is not a recognized charset name. But you know that "UTF-8" is always supported (it is part of the spec).
So you have to put a spurious try/catch block for an IOException which cannot actually happen.
Basically, Java is stricter but a bit too strict at times.
C# unchecked exceptions more matches the sloppy programming methodology that leads to Python or PHP.
I guess I'm more inclined towards a stricter approach when it comes to exceptions.
NSFW, I guess: nude-yoga.com
Anyone can join to classes
@kiBytes Oh, finally. I've been eager to record myself naked in my room while stretching and stream it live to the whole world.
@kiBytes hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
@Adnan not really a surprise :op
2 hours later…
Sigh...Beer.SE is not going to make it. This was somewhat foreseeable, but disappoints me none-the-less.
I think I may be a bad omen for beta sites. I've been relatively active in two of them, Firearms, which was shut down, and now Beer, which will be, because I don't see it pulling out of the disastrously low activity funk that it's in.
what brought about the demise of firearms? (curious)
@pacifist Same reason. Not enough activity.
@pacifist Thus it was re-born is a wider proposal for "weapons" and that didn't get enough interest to even make it to beta.
interesting. I would guess it's a lack of advertising really... you need a certain critical mass to retain users because there's activity, and if you don't get that critical mass because people are on existing arms forums and don't know about SE...
@pacifist That certainly could be. I've been involved in a ton of extremely active firearms focused forums over the years. That said, the Q&A format is singularly restrictive as well. It puts a burden on SE sites to have a focus that forums don't.
I'm currently following/committed to three proposals, Locksmithing, Accounting, and Coffee, and of the three, I only expect Accounting to have the ability to generate enough questions and activity to become a fully-fledged SE site. If it can get the audience, which is the marketing problem again.
@Xander yeah, I'm on Beer, Amateur Radio, and Moderators
all a bit slow
I expect Ham Radio to survive - maybe
@Xander I don't imagine locksmithing gaining a lot of traction, with an industry that thinks pin tumblers are still super-secret.
@RoryAlsop yeah I'm on amateur radio.. I've only gotten into it recently but bejeezus most of the stuff on there goes over my head
@FalconMomot lol
@pacifist yeah - I know the basics, and some of the electromagnetic theory, but it's above me
ham radio is hard!
@FalconMomot agreed, which is a pity - as I'm very into it
@FalconMomot the basics are easy...
@RoryAlsop if you don't mind me asking, what geographical region are you in?
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