So for newjob I was given a 15" early 2013 MBP i7 Retina. It's a beautiful laptop, I'm quite happy using it. But jesus fucking christ does the battery life blow.
The Big Idea
Create a page on the network that summarizes who I am as a developer, and lets me show off the stuff I am most proud of. Some of this information is only available by creating a Careers profile, but we want to open it up to everybody, even if you don’t have one.
Background: The Pro...
So ... they're bastardizing a language that is inherently chaos ... for the sake of adding fixed types and compatibility with their crappy pseudo-compiler-interpreter-VM-menagerie.
@DavidFreitag Because there's no reason to. We have a lot of great PHP devs who know how much the language can do, and know full well why it's the mess it is
@DavidFreitag So the idea that every script is actually an HTML file with embedded code -- You've got PHP, ASP, and to a certain degree ASP.NET. And by then people realized that maybe that's not a good starting point for high-quality sites.
So no frameworks after that used that same paradigm
It was a good idea when PHP was 10% of the site and HTML 90% ... Now that that's changed, embedding isn't the smartest idea. (Which is why almost all PHP nowadays is only embedded by syntax, not in execution.)
@FEichinger And there's no small amount of irony to the fact that things like Smarty templates and frameworks like CI and cake and symphony have become the "proper" way to do site development
Since PHP is, itself, a web framework.
The very existence of other frameworks is something like a vote of no-confidence from the people who use it.
@DavidFreitag Javascript is something of a different story. There has to be hooks in the HTML page because the HTML page is what the browser fetches from the server.
and honestly the original JS spec was a bit .... hurried.
They're not too dissimilar really, they're both highly abstract high-level scripting languages with some OOP-like feel to it, but you won't really write anything on the hardware level with them, you need controllable interface that can be scripted with any of the two first, and those will be written in ... something else. Good part is they're both simple and that's what their main objective really is. I still write in VBA and JS on occasion, for what they do they're good enough.
@TerryChia It's a point of particular frustration for me that the only real option here for low level stuff is C. I mean, why hasn't technology progressed beyond that? (And don't say C++, 'cause that's not an improvement).
@strugee well I don't have to, if I want my JS code to use, say, my SmartCard reader, I'll fire up my compiler and let it build a nice little interface for it first, then load it into memory and wait for my JS interpreter's input
A third-generation programming language (3GL) is a refinement of a second-generation programming language. The second generation of programming languages brought logical structure to software. The third generation brought refinements to make the languages more programmer-friendly. This includes features like improved support for aggregate data types, and expressing concepts in a way that favors the programmer, not the computer (e.g. no longer needing to state the length of multi-character (string) literals in Fortran). A third generation language improves over a second generation language ...
@strugee Different generation programming languages or low and high level programming languages aren't directly comparable. It's like saying a chainsaw and swiss army knife are the same thing, because they both can cut.
tho there are always some C programmers that will try and cut themselves a steak with a chainsaw, and some JS programmers that will try and butcher a cow with a swiss army knife ;)
@kiBytes Technically a HSM has any value only because of its physical shielding, which a random "Linux machine" does not feature. I suppose that what you want is not a "HSM" but some sort of key server (not the same kind of beast).
@TerryChia Yeps, probably, because maybe what I really need is an HSM and not the key server, I will have to ask again the guy for the specifications =)
it was a quick chat in the halls and I want to have a quick look to the options
@RoryAlsop interestingly, that is not the same everywhere.
@RoryAlsop @Adnan here at least, it is a normal loan, or almost. First of all, it is much longer term; second of all the scope of the loan is subject to certain requirements (e.g. relative to a percentage of the verified value of the house, your current paycheck, etc); and thirdly the house itself is put up as collateral. Which has a fourth effect, of in turn requiring "special" mortgage insurance signed over to the bank.
Also interesetingly, mortgages here have a much larger range of types - it is more like an investment portfolio.
E.g. my mortgage has 6 or 7 sub-loans, each running at a different rate with different conditions.
but the thing is, it really is a long term investment - 20-30 years is most common here. And if you just link the whole thing to the current interest rate, you might get rightly screwed.
so you branch out. Maybe take a fixed interest, so you know that won't change the whole time.
but that tends to be relatively expensive. so you take some linked to the USD.
or renewable monthly.
or linked to the standard of living index. (which most of them are here, anyway).