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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

@RoryAlsop Jeez you've been everywhere haven't you? Wasn't the old Rainbow Warrior decommissioned by French operatives somewhere in New Zealand? I believe I watched a movie about it... were you in it too? :)
The Rainbow Warrior, sometimes called The Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior, is a 1993 television film starring Sam Neill and Jon Voight. Plot summary Film is based on the true story of the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior, which was bombed in Auckland harbour on 10 July 1985, when it was preparing for a Pacific voyage to protest French nuclear testing. The film chronicles the police investigation to discover what happened to the ship and who was responsible. Cast * Jon Voight as Peter Willcox * Sam Neill as Allan Galbraith * Bruno Lawrence * Kerry Fox as Andrea Joyce * John Callen * Stacey...
3 hours later…
I see another rep train happened when I was asleep grrrrr.
@ScottPack Was that what they called you in school?
Q: Who's in charge? I want to fart on some authority figures to speak truth to power

LessPop_MoreFizzWorking on rounding out my accumulation of achievements, it seems that I may have been insufficiently diligent in my quest to fart on everyone in South Park. I say this because I've finished the game, but have not earned the Truth to Power achievement. I'm not sure who I'm supposed to fart on fo...

@TerryChia Nothing so kind, no.
2 hours later…
Hello Tech Support? Can you send me teh codez plz?
Q: MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 max key allow?

Surya Tanamasmaximun key for MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 ? mcrypt_encrypt( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, <<==hash_hmac using sha512==>>, $text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv ) Warning: mcrypt_encrypt(): Size of key is too large for this algorithm in C:\xampp\htdocs\natabuana.com\cpanel\encryption.php on line 18

2 hours later…
Q: Is there any way to restrict multiple access to my server at the same time using one client certificate?

S.R.K AkashMy Server is Windows 2008. I need a help from you. Let me explain briefly: let My client is Mr. X. My client is accessing my server using Mr. X's certificate. In that time an outsider also trying to access my server using Mr. X's certificate(somehow he got it). is it possible to disable multip...

Two months from now the question will be: "How can I allow an user to log in again if I have restricted only one login per certificate?
And later: "How can I prevent an user from disconnecting if someone uses his stolen certificate after him"?
@kiBytes I think I remember seeing a question like "how can I safely use a certificate if someone has stolen the private key"
someone who didn't want to take no for an answer
@Til - decommissioned possibly doesn't do it justice...
Phew, finally installed my SSD. I think I made a mess of the cabling though. :(
mornin' all
@RоryMcCune morning
@TerryChia rip everything out, start over. Structured cabling is important.
Is there somebody that can help me with snort? thanks
@LucasKauffman Nah, it's not that bad. I just have pretty high standards but suck at doing ti myself. :P
Airflow isn't impeded or anything.
@TerryChia it starts that way and before you know it your case will look like this:
What a fantastic morning!
@radicetrentasei Sorry, we don't condone the use of drugs here.
It's a pity... I think I'm facing a really stupid problem, I can't find a comprehensive resource online.
Maaan.. this is so sweet! youtube.com/watch?v=IpbDHxCV29A (and NSFW)
@Dogeatcatworld 'sup?
@Dogeatcatworld I am for animal-animal violence, so I support the notion of your username. Hello.
@TerryChia Like I said, Arqade has THE best questions.
When I saw the title, I actually assumed this was a misplaced MSO rant.
Damn it! That video sucks. It made me miss first kisses. I haven't had a first kiss in several months.
But I did fart on him. He made some dumb joke in 'Eastern Canadian' that I couldn't understand. — LessPop_MoreFizz 23 hours ago
@Adnan poor adnan
@Adnan when you find the right one, you will hope you will never have a first kiss again
@LucasKauffman isnt there a popular song now, about being the last first kiss?
@AviD I don't know
@AviD When you say "popular song now" I'm assuming you are referring to a song from the 80s?
@Adnan curious if the same-gender couples were all same-gender-oriented, or they did that just to make them uncomfortable.
@TerryChia no, really not. I'm referring to songs on my kids' playlist.
time to bake my eggs
@LucasKauffman Heeey! Those two events are unrelated. You can have the right person with whom want to be, but still you can miss other things.
@LucasKauffman Is that a euphemism?
@TerryChia of course it is.
@AviD The two dudes definitely beeped my gaydar.
That sounds like a euphemism
@Adnan you have a gaydar? I dont have a gaydar.
@LucasKauffman Yup
@TerryChia yes Terry, I'm heating a pan and I will start by baking some bellpeppers after which I break my testicles into the pan and scramble them around.
there was also a grannykisser in there.
What on Earth ... ?
whoa, big close vote queueueue today.
@FEichinger Weird day in The DMZ huh?
@TerryChia {insert comment about how everyday is a weird day at the DMZ}
In case anybody has any idea
Q: What's the English equivalent of "Drilling one's head"?

AdnanIn Arabic (Specifically, north-western Levantine), there's a saying that goes like He drilled my head about/with that lunch meeting (بخشلي راسي باجتماع الغدا) Which means something along the lines of He kept insisting on/talking about/remind me of/bringing up that lunch meeting It can...

A: What's the English equivalent of "Drilling one's head"?

AviDColloquially, you could use: Chewed my ear off.

@AviD a +1 for you. Sounds close to what I'm looking for
for the record, in Hebrew slang we have somehting similar to yours. Although it is a bit more... DMZ-worthy.
@AviD Please tell me it's not "drilled my ass"
@Adnan no no, it's still head-oriented.
Because we have it as well. I just chose the classy version
Just using a different meaning for "drilled".
@AviD fucked your head?
@LucasKauffman bingo.
@AviD God damn it! We have that what as well.
well, brain, actually.
@AviD Does it involve any variation of "naak"/"niik"?
@Adnan or "nook"
no... but "naknik" is often used in combination with that, in a derogatory sense.
we have niknaks
@AviD uggghhh
That's pretty much the most vulgar word for "fuck"
I even cannot say it out loud
@LucasKauffman Yummmy
hehehe. In hebrew is it is simply "sausage".
@AviD on a random tangent have you ever tried programming in brainfuck?
@RоryMcCune only trivially, to see how much of a brainf*ck brainfuck is.
@RоryMcCune I installed the interpreter, read the tutorial, printed "Hello world!" and that's it. Thank you bye bye
@RоryMcCune That's the language that revolves entirely around stack manipulation isn't it?
@TerryChia I believe so, I just know it from seeing people claim that a big long line of punctuation characters is code.
@RоryMcCune also similar to Ook!.
Arguably, whitespace is one of the worst offenders in the brainfuck category.
Hello world!
(from Wikipedia)
@Adnan I have a theory that brainfuck was created by perlies who got tired about people complaining about how unreadable perl is.
Hmm, this is interesting. According to wikipedia, brainfuck was created by the inventor of Urban Dictionary. Apparently.
@TerryChia Or PHPers
@TerryChia sounds right, eh @ScottPack
@Adnan Nono, PHP is readable.
It makes me want to vomit when reading it, but it's readable.
@TerryChia more likely, they were just trying to optimize perl.
@AviD Hahaha!
hmm, why isnt ook there?
Challenge: Implement MD5 in brainfuck.
I'm curious if Whitespace supports the full range of Unicode points. There must be many more whitespace-equivalent codepoints in other planes... do these compile as well? Do they mean something different?
@TerryChia Sounds about right, yes.
anyone here familiar with GruntJS? /cc @Adnan
I'm having trouble grokking a very simple issue, I haven't really found anything that explains this simply enough for me to really understand.
what THE FRACK is the point of it?
@AviD Yup. I'm a grunter
Is this simply instead of using a proper IDE and build tool?
@AviD That looks something like Gradle?
@AviD Nope.
Or tox in python.
@TerryChia never heard of it, but it might be.
@Adnan then what?
@TerryChia It's more like Tox, indeed.
@AviD I don't know about gruntjs, but if it's like tox it's very handy to integrate it with things like CI servers etc.
One configuration to run a whole set of tests etc both locally and on a build system.
so, gruntjs is basically a build tool?
built on Node.JS, of course.
@AviD With each weekly release, I have to run unit test and if successful, I have to put all of my .js and .css in one file for each, minify, move to the build directory, and integrate in the release.
For example, the project I am working on uses tox to run tests automatically against python 2.6,2.7,3.3 and 3.4 as well as building documentation and a linter.
So it's handy to have a single command do all that.
@AviD You can loosely call it a build/pre-build tool.
@Adnan okay, sounds like a normal build tool. So why would someone want to do this in a pile of node.js-hosted javascript files?
Instead of a real build tool.
@AviD I'm guessing it has a level of integration with all the JS frameworks and libraries?
@Adnan "pre-build" is also built in to real build tools.
@TerryChia ...
@AviD If you already use NodeJS tools like Endr and others, it's easy to just run the npm and install it and have it ready to use.
okay, I think I see what I'm missing here. But I'm going to say this just once more, and I'm going to be explicit for all future generations.
@AviD If you have something else that works for you, then, by all means, use it. I just liked Grunt because it was easy to plug into my already existing workflow
Why anyone would voluntarily use JavaScript as the primary programming language is beyond me.
Or maybe I just don't get javascripters.
JavaScript is even bad at what it's supposed to be used for.
So bad in fact, jQuery exists just to make it bearable.
@FEichinger I work on a project that uses .net, Java, C++, and JavaScript. JS is essential to the project because we want analysis tools running on all devices without installing something special, a la browsers.
well, arguably, jQuery exists to let it do what it was NOT supposed to be used for.
We use jQuery and Dojo as our libraries/frameworks
@Adnan .NET and Java? That seems redundant.
If not for JavaScript, the whole project would have become a big Qt-Gtk-Somethingelse mess
@TerryChia .Net for the backend clientside. Mainly because of WPF.
"backend clientside"? That sounds contradictory.
Once you guys start working for gigantic customers, you'll see that the nice hip opinions we have on how programs should be really become meaningless. Everybody sells their soles at some point.
Been there, done that. I've already bought my soul back.
@AviD Weird terminology, I agree. The system is two parts, server and client. Completely separate and sold to different customers. Each part has it's own presentation (to the actual users) and a backend for configuration.
Never doing that again.
@AviD Remember the thing about years of experience, brilliance, luxury of being picky?
Yeah, pretty much nobody under 30 has that.
There are exceptions, but very few.
@Adnan Mostly involving rich parents.
I believe everyone should have the luxury of being picky enough not to sell their souls.
@TerryChia +1
Or their soles, for that matter.
unless they are a shoemaker.
@AviD Your beliefs and reality aren't in sync.
@TerryChia Meh. only reason I sold my soul was because I didn't know any better.
Like the people who chose these dumbass javascript frameworks.
@AviD I sold my soul, while knowing better, because I needed to eat and pay my rent.
@Adnan Perhaps not, but I am working towards that goal (or at least, trying).
@AviD Your experience hardly represents 1% of the IT community.
@Adnan @Adnan Then there are the masochistic people like @RoryAlsop who choose to work for soul crushing big corps.
Yet still finds the time to be in a band. /*scratches head*
Look, when I first started, I used to think "Oh, classes in JavaScript? Hah! That's not what JavaScript is really for". "Why is that method written here, here, here, and also here? Oooh, because of that. Well, to fix that, I need to fix that and that, but the customer won't pay for more hours".
You slowly change your whole mentality
@Adnan True. I am the 1%.
@AviD Should we start camping outside your house and protest?
@Adnan oh, I get that. I really do.
When you're 19, 20, 21, sitting home, working on open source projects, or with your friend's startup, it's easy to have delusional ideas about how the really world really is, and at the same time live happily.
If I adopt my own 20-year-old mentality, I'd be homeless in 3 months.
In fact I remember the point in my experience when I went from the nubious "code needs to be perfect!" to the much more mature "Code needs to work, and the rest depending whether we get paid / have time / etc."
But my point is that NOW I am at the even more mature, practically ancient perspective of saying "Sure, we won't fix it if it ain't broke - but it shouldn't be like that."
Living by yourself and having to families to feed at the same time leaves very stranded in the corner.
You have to do the shitty job.
It's the recognition of the damage that happened to our industry because of the 60% of programmers who really should NEVER have come near the profession, and would be more productive with two broken arms and an intubation tube.
Yeah. I'm definitely having some whiskey tonight.
@Adnan heh. Again, I'm not knocking that, I get it. What I'm saying is, those companies that are deluded into creating those crappy jobs, those are the ones that are the problems.
And don't tell me "well they have to do what the customer pays for", because the customer does not pay extra for extra crap.
Unless they specify PHP. ;-)
@AviD Fully agree, but there's nothing I can do about it.
I cannot leave my job in protest
@Adnan Perhaps not, at least not right now.
BUT if / when you are in a place where you have more options - like e.g. NYC, or when your experience/brilliance balance improves - then you can.
And / or when you are in the position to define the crappiness of the project and job.
In the meantime, you can still fart on authority figures speak truth to power.
@AviD Exactly. So, for the time being, I'm accepting the status quo, make delicious meals every evening, drink some fine wines, bang like there's no tomorrow in the night, and I'm extremely content.
ah hell, I am so going to use that line. I will be farting on authority from now on.
@AviD Hahahah!
@AviD Make sure your daughter doesn't learn that from you.
I don't really think it's a good fit on here.
done dat
Q: What happens if I fart on someone's balls?

C-dizzleDo you ever get the chance to fart on someone's balls? So far Cartman and Randy have told me "never fart on anyone's balls" but I have yet to find someone I can do this to. Ultimately, what happens if you do fart on someone's balls?

@Adnan perhaps you can answer this one:
Q: How much junk can a douchebag carry?

oKtosiTeHaving played just a few RPG's before (Diablo II, Oblivion, Skyrim, DoomRL), one thing I've learned is that you can generally only bring a certain amount of stuff with you. Is there any weight/size limit on douchebag's inventory in The Stick of Truth, or can I collect infinite amounts of pubes an...

@AviD Sorry, I don't know very well yet.
@Adnan oh cmon. Read the title.
I was subtly calling you a douchebag.... ;-)
seriously, the questions from this game are hysterical.
@AviD A browser is an OS. While it sucks (only supports a single high level language, WTF, even DOS is better than that), it's really popular. Probably because it's so easy to install sandboxed applications.
We need a similarly nice installer for proper code.
@AviD and I subtly called you a douchebag by implying that in order to answer the question, I need to know you (the douchbag) more. After knowing you more, I'll be able to tell how much junk you can carry.
It's safe to say my reply was much calassier than your message
hmm I think something got lost in translation.
I think you dropped a "you"
@CodesInChaos Chrome is an especially good example of this.
@CodesInChaos It really isn't. It is an application that renders HTML and executes javascript. While it is not really a document viewer anymore, it is at best an application platform.
@AviD "application platform". So, pretty much an OS for anybody who is not a computer scientist.
@Adnan ... or a software engineer.
which explains why the javascripters don't know the difference.
@AviD Ugghhh... again. Your old timey opinions of how things should be.
Dude, it's 2014. Your gazillion-year-old views are irrelevant now
It's not "old-timey". It's experience and brilliance, with an optimistic expectation that things could be better than they are. Or at least, not as crappy.
Oh... here we go
We need goto statements in chat.
In the last couple of projects I work on, the browser was treated as an OS in the sense of being an application platform. We produced brilliant stuff.
@TerryChia haha
We loved working on it. The customer loved it. The customer's clients loved it
So, just because you and a few others think "this is not how we did it in my days", that doesn't change anything.
@Terry - we have performed extensive testing. Either my sould is uncrushable, or I don't have one :-)
@Adnan I never said "this is not how we did it in my days". I said, "This is not how we should be doing it, now".
@AviD Because of your "in my days" attitude.
@Adnan not at all. in "my days" (or at least, my early days), we didnt have mature, optimized efficient tools and platforms like we do now.
I used to program for 40 miles, in snow up to here, uphill both ways.
no wait, that's Bill Cosby.
I used to do all the stuff that jquery does, but in raw javascript.
@RoryAlsop Are you ginger?
it was awful.
It's still just semantics guys
not worth arguing about
@deed02392 I agree with this, but it's not semantics. It's philosophy.
@deed02392 If we apply that to all our conversations, why is there even a chatroom?
@Terry - not even vaguely, why?
oh - I see
Is it bad that I thought jQuery was a joke instigated by Stack Exchange
@RoryAlsop No. Just age.
a joke instigated by age? weird.
@RoryAlsop No, it's just due to your age that you have never heard about jQuery.
@TerryChia Apply what?
@deed02392 that its not worth arguing about semantics.
He is implying that the majority of conversations here are naught but arguments about semantics.
Isn't that sad
or rather, everything in the DMZ is a discussion of topics not worth arguing about.
I.e null value.
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