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@kalina Google drive might do limited versioning for you. I know dropbox keeps 30 days of history. I can see why google wouldn't.
if it does, I don't cater for it
This literally blows my mind. How you can possibly do actual music by piping character output from a simple FOR loop to your speakers is beyond crazy. Sound Generator
Drive does contain version information.
I know because I have rolled back a few essays to previous versions
That's a more complex version. Or you can try something simple like (t*5&t>>7)|(t*3&t>>10)
@tylerl that one cheats, it uses js string functions
@MMavipc true. But the string is pretty damn short
it's still algorithmic
just the whole concept is ...
@DavidFreitag Look on the bright side. You were given the prime opportunity to test your backup restore procedure!
remember the demoscene from the 90? That's what it's like to me.
@DavidFreitag Yeah... what convinced you to run that, by the way?
chmod 000 isn't typically something you're told to do
(unless trolled)
the demoscene? the demoscene isn't dead
@MMavipc yes, but in the 90s they were doing it on what today woudn't even be a calculator
@tylerl if I could be bothered to work out all the stuff in the for loop I'd tell you
but I'm suffering with lack of care atm
Real-time ray tracing, stuff like that. You run these demos and it's show you stuff your computer normally coudn't even do.
@tylerl Nothing, i was just curious
@DavidFreitag literally laughed out loud
So, I deleted Windows/system32 yesterday. Just curious to see what would happen.
It was an ubuntu 10.04 server install. It took literally two minutes to install
Here's a fun game: get a server up and running, rm -rf /lib, and then see if you can recover it.
@tylerl I was still in the stages of learning how chmod / chown work. Besides, it's always nice to know what not to do based on experience.
hell, just see if you can get a file listing
heh, 2 minutes. I can get one up in 30s. AWS is nice
If you know bash really well, and you have a lot of time on your hands, you might be able to get things restored
Heck, i might go home and setup an ubuntu VM just to run rm -rf /
@MMavipc Two minutes on a pentium 4 i should have said.
And which brings us to the most epic Github issue report EVAR
I know enough bash to completely destroy my OS, that's enough, right?
there we go. fixed link
how... do you accidentally run something...
this one has the snarky commentary
Yeah, and the code that blows everything up
4 hours later…
Thanks for the help @tylerl, i successfully got bugzilla setup at home. now all i have to do is replicate this setup at work in the morning.
Holy WTF?
A: Is Teredo in my router a back door?

Amber DaleAnother thing that can spread bs through your network is ex girls with mental disorders. If you watch your porn carefully, the actual sex is done by the same pussy over and over again. She's a fake bitch and so is anything she tells you. The psycho won't ever go away totally, it's like a bad case...

This takes spam to a whole new level
Clearly it has to be flagged, but I kinda want to preserve it for posterity.
It's the perfect combination of offensive, confusing, and drug-induced.
why is the DMZ so boring this time of night?
It's only like 10:30 in california
should be LOADS of people online
It's pretty much always boring at this time of night. Must mean all the fun people are on the other side of the puddle.
@DavidFreitag boo
@tylerl By the way, do you know anything about setting up a postfix smtp server on debian?
@DavidFreitag apt-get install postfix
linux is mostly just like that
Yes, I've done that, apart from some configs sendmail keeps timing out.
ask me how to install perl
Ask me about my wiener!
"apart from some configs sendmail keeps timing out" -- explain that sentence
What i mean is that i assume i haven't configured something properly.
I keep getting (connect to alt4.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[]:25: Connection timed out) in my log /var/log/mail.info
ah. just for kicks:
dpkg -l sendmail postfix
just to make sure you don't have BOTH installed
No packages found matching sendmail.
roger that.
so, your linux server is at your house
well, yes
connecting through your normal ISP
I'm assuming that's it..
and, as a rule, all residential ISPs block outbound port 25
ISP must be blocking emails..
they all do
unless it's a business package
I remember reading that now. So how do i get around this? Or is it even possible..?
reasoning: if a home computer is connecting out on p 25 it's because they're sending spam
Oh god, i probably just got our IP put on some list at the ISP head office :|
you could "smart host" it through an outside server
not likely. they just firewall it off
so, outbound mail is allowed as long as its not port 25. Which means 587 and 465 totally allowed
Yeah, but knowing AT&T it will come up.
456 = SMTP over SSL. 587 = mail "submission" port. Typically requires login. and if the service is any good (e.g. gmail) also requires tls
I'm assuming that if i want to use SMTP over SSL i will need a valid SSL cert
No, you're clean. (a) you'd have to top many thousands per hour before they'd flag you, if they were flagging at all. LOTS of people try to push mail out on 25 from outlook et. al.
so it's totally common
and I forgot to add a (b).
but it's there somewhere
I'm not worried about what logs i get myself put on in some obscure AT&T database.
@DavidFreitag jesus. quit panicking
seriously, the isp blocks 25 so they don't have to watch 25.
@tylerl No, I already put my tin-foil body armor on.
they just add an outbound drop rule and never think about it again
@DavidFreitag pics or it didn't happen
@tylerl I'll have to get back to you on that.
Goddamn ' button.
Anyway, what is the easiest (fastest?) way to get around the port 25 outbound block?
whats your ultimate goal?
Be able to send emails with my bugzilla.
are you hosting it from your house?
or is this just for testing?
will this be hosted from your house in production?
why not get a dedicated VPN ?
will anyone not at your house be tracking bugs using the installation located at your house?
I'm hosting at my house. I had typed 'Yes' and just before i was able to hit enter you had to pop in that second comment.
@LucasKauffman Because I'm either too cheap or too lazy to do that.
@DavidFreitag dude, why don't you just buy a VPS :P
el cheapo
my point is this: if you're just testing locally, then use local mail delivery. send to your local user, pick it up from your local mailbox
no smtp involved
18 secs ago, by David Freitag
@LucasKauffman Because I'm either too cheap or too lazy to do that.
no configuration necessary either
use gmail then
If you NEED mail to go out over the interwebs, then push it through a smart-host configuration over gmail
smart-host = postfix just send EVERYTHING to gmail, and lets gmail sort it out
@tylerl Ideally, no nobody will be local but me. But if this is more hassle then i think it's going to be then i can just give up.
@DavidFreitag QUITER
local mail deliver = no configuration necessary
just use your local username "e.g. dave" as the email address and it should be delivered to /var/spool/mail/dave
@LucasKauffman Well, lets be honest here. The likelihood that anyone but me will ever use it is extremely unlikely.
which you can pick up using a local mail program such as evolution, or just the command line "mail"
But then that raises the point that if it's only me, then mail is just pointless.
that's besides the point
Presumably you're doing this to test setting up bugzilla
@DavidFreitag as an IT person you should be interested in getting it to work because it's a cool feature! Regardless if you will use it or not.
in which case the whole damn thing is pointless from a practical standpoint, you're just doing it to learn how to do it
@LucasKauffman That's mainly why i want to do it. That and future use.
@ManishEarth mah man!
mah woman!
@tylerl Yes, in part, i am configuring bugzilla at my house to understand how to put it into use at work, BUT i will be using it, not just setting it up and sitting back and going, "oh, cool."
@LucasKauffman sup?
@ManishEarth nm nm urself?
@DavidFreitag You'll be filing bug reports which only you'll be using?
waiting for someone so that I can have lunch
@tylerl Ideally? No not only me. But in all likelihood it will only be me.
I'm just saying, it would be nice to have. Just in case.
@DavidFreitag lets just follow this to its logical conclusion. Your behind a residental ISP. Not only are you restricted from sending outbound mail, but I'll bet you dollars to donuts that you are also not able to run a webserver on port 80
@tylerl It's also fun to have a software you can play God with
@ManishEarth We call that "Ida Pro"
I have a DMZ (teehee) setup.
@tylerl wait, why not? Unless you're talking about allocated portable IPs, which isn't a big issue. You can run the server, others just have a hard time finding it
@DavidFreitag impressed. Didn't think your cable company would allow it
@ManishEarth typicaly the fw it off
@tylerl The router/modem they sent us has DMZ capabilities, once i found that out i setup apache and started fiddling.
mostly just to be obstinate.
@tylerl I used to have a couple of MediaWiki instances. One was filled with a bunch of physics articles (using the category export tool) for offline reading. One was where I played God and tweaked the software for kicks
@tylerl that's stupid
Even if i have a dynamic ip, i'm using the dyndns automatic update tool
@ManishEarth /agree
yeah that's a great tool/site/thing
Yep, and i got a great discount when i signed up with my .edu email.
So, again, i ask: What is the most painless way to setup an smtp server behind a residential ISP port 25 blockade?
@tylerl oh, that I know
Even better is editing stuff into random pages. Set up an ARP spoof with Wireshark, block random responses, and tweak 'em to scare
heh, that's a fun prank to play on someone
@DavidFreitag updated link
stupid copy-paste
@tylerl Thank you sir. Did i mention i owe you a case of beer?
yes, yes you did
Here's a fun fact: mount --bind will mount a duplicate of the filesystem without duplicating any mount points below it. So you can mount --bind / ~/foo/ and then you can access directories that are hidden by other mounts
@tylerl Exactly where do you set up the upsidedownternet though?
Good thing @Adnan isn't watching; he'd be stuck on the fact that I keep using the word "mount"
Last I checked, most routers have no easy way to access their linux
@ManishEarth doesn't matter. You set up your router to transparently proxy the traffic to whatever machine is doing the upside-downing
@tylerl how does that work?
I'm a noob when it coems to complicated network stuff
just DNAT all port 80 traffic
well, you can't nat or you lose your destination IP
The mechanism they suggest is setting up the processing server as teh default gateway
@tylerl ah
so, its any machine runnnig on the broadcast network. It then decides what to do w/ the traffic
transparent proxying is a solved problem. So just use the canned config for that type of thing
and of course rewrite traffic as desired
Here's the rules: If you control the DHCP server, then you decide which machine the traffic goes to.
If you control the gateway (whether or not it was set by a rogue dhcp) then you control what happens to traffic as it exits the network
@tylerl so the transparent proxying gets you to switch dhcp servers, and from there you basically rule everything
No, the transparent proxying is a HTTP thing. It's how you MITM the web request
@tylerl So routers have an option to say "send DHCP traffic to this dude"?
DHCP is a broadcast network thing. DHCP requests get broadcasted out to EVERYONE on your local network. The first to respond gets to set the user's (victim's) network config
Assuming your broadcast network infrastructure will handle DHCP frames without modification or filtering, you can screw with ANY broadcast network
e.g. starbucks wifi
@tylerl oh nice. So we basically arp the dhcp. Or some such.
Basically you run a DHCP server and respond FASTER than the one that's already provided
ARP spoofing is ANOTHER technique
yeah, but similar in spirit I guess
in ARP spoofing you FGITW the ARP request
similar idea, except what you're doing is telling your local network that the IP of the gateway (e.g. belongs to YOUR mac address
here you FGITW the DCHP
thats the idea
What I don't get is why this works with wifi networks. Shouldn't the router be the first to respond?
Router's running a linux with a fairly slow cpu, while the wifi bridging happens in hardware
so typically the router will respond first. it's in the best position to.
but if you can get on it quick enough, there's the chance you'll win
@tylerl ah
@tylerl as the owner of a router is there a way to make it not respond so that I can get at it first?
Maybe turning dhcp off?
you can filter inbound DHCP responses through your ebtables (not iptables)
but this is a pretty rare problem.
remember that the attacker has to be physically present on your network
and if your wifi is encrypted, then you gave your attacker the password. you know who he is
its more a problem for public wifi than home
@tylerl No, if I want to run upside down on a network I control
so that rogues get pranked
oh. ok
In that case I need to tell the router to not use DHCP and then capture the requests myself, no?
yeah. the dhcp configuration is part of it. so either you alter the DHCP config on your router, or you turns your router's dhcp off and serve dhcp from another machine
either way. It really helps to understand how these services work, though.
otherwise you don't know what you're suposed to be torubleshooting
@tylerl I sort of understand how dhcp works. I just thought that the settings he gave were for the router, which is confusing.
yeah. well if your router is advanced enough, you can do the whole thing on that one box
The single best thing about Queen is Freddie's mustache.
Hmm. I just realized something. I have two-step verification enabled on my gmail. I don't know that TLS auth will work for that account...
@DavidFreitag applications-specific-passwords
feature added specifically for this purpose
@tylerl So how did you want that case of beer delivered?
@DavidFreitag i'll get back to you
@tylerl you do that ;]
So what are we rambling on about today?
@TerryChia Me, being a linux novice.
@TerryChia we've reached a general consensus that I'm pretty much the bomb
at least, that's the discussion going on in my head
not sure what you're talking about
@tylerl So we should get Homeland Security down to your house ASAP?
Or was it the FBI that handles bomb cases?
@DavidFreitag man End of story. :P
@TerryChia ATF. Trust me, i know these things.
Yeah, I've got them on hold. I was helping them out with some issues with their surveillance configuration.
@TerryChia man will only get me so far. It's nice to have 'da bomb' around.
@DavidFreitag If man and the docs can't get me where I need. I ping @Gilles.
He's our resident linux guru.
@TerryChia I would have, but i haven't seen him in weeks.
Probably because i haven't pinged him..
Once you drink some Bawls, you never go back.
Seriously though, it's probably the best tasting drink i've ever had.
@DavidFreitag You can make some cool lamps with the empty bottles
it makes your house look like you're in college, though
...which is fine if you are
@DavidFreitag where?
@tylerl Manchester Community College mcc.commnet.edu
By the end of next year I'll be at UCONN though.
@DavidFreitag cool
Most important advice I can give: Find your local Linux Users Group or Unix Users Group
@tylerl Hopefully with a Comp Sci / EE dual major...
Yep, found it. I'm the resident soldering guru.
cause in many cases, that's the most valuable resource you'll find
This is kinda cute actually.
soo ghetto
explains Google's sudden decision a few months back to encrypt all their internal traffic
A pretty clear and unmistakable F-U to the NSA
Oh, @tylerl, incase i forgot to mention it's working and i can send mail. I'm so excited i could just pass out right here in my chair.
@tylerl Meh. I'm still surprised that people are shocked at what the NSA is doing.
A spy agency that spies on things. Wow.
but da CIA is da spai agency, not the nsa
@TerryChia i think the surprise wasn't that they would try, but rather that they had the access
I saw some documentary on Netflix forever ago about some guy who knew about a secret room at some AT&T facility where all of the internet traffic gets branched into.
it's kinda cheating when they can threaten management with prison time to coerce companies to comply with unusal orders
The theory of the moment was "The NSA has control of the room and views all traffic flowing through here"
@DavidFreitag yeah, the telcos make no claim that they're not totally complicit.
@tylerl The general comments section on sites like arstechnica are basically whining about how the NSA sniffing traffic is illegal, unconstitutional blah blah blah.
@TerryChia not incorrect
but not much to be done by pissing about it
@tylerl Well, they didn't release the information in an official standpoint, it was just some worker. His face was blurred and his voice was mangled for the whole film
@DavidFreitag yeah. bet he's been "disappeared" since then
@tylerl Or even more to the point, they have the power to sift all the data in a reasonable manner.
@DavidFreitag well, that bit hasn't been discussed. There's evidence that they're somewhat inept about it, which is problematic for privacy. But presuamably they get better every year
@tylerl Yeah, the documentary went over this pretty lightly. I think mostly because it was all conjecture at the time. I imagine they must just log the data and only have a basic 'keyword' system in place. Once they identify a risk they can just search the logs
I'll see if i can find it again.
@tylerl - why do you assume they get better at it every year? My assumption is that they have more data available every year, but that they seem to make more mistakes every year...
in Ham Shack, 9 hours ago, by Amber
antimatter condensers are still more efficient than grandmas, though
erm - wut?
@RoryAlsop different definition of "better". I meant "better techniques", you meant "better results"
I ought to write up a post on how to do virtualization at a datacenter whose networking configuration explicitly does not support it. It's kinda wild.
that would be pretty interesting
@RoryAlsop you a HAM, then?
@tylerl - no. I've been meaning to go through it for about 30 years now and never had the time/money. As a teenager in the Falklands everything was done over 2 metre set, even schooling
@RoryAlsop The test here in the US has been simplified from my understanding
the more I see over on ham.SE, the more I think, "that's a hell of a lot to know"
I have a friend who's pressuring me to get my HAM license; he's visiting here in 3 weeks and he's gonna haul my butt to wherever it is to take the test. He sent me the test bank Qs and As, and looking over it, it's mostly stuff I already know
The electronics part from futzing around with electronics, and the legal part cause there's a lot of overlap with the radio part of the pilot's license
I found the comms the most difficult part of studying for my pilot's licence. The flying is easy, it's all the comms protocols which annoyed me
how so?
you mean what to say and when?
I found Fuggin NDB approaches the most annoying.
My degree in electronics means I don't have too much of a problem with that end of things.
Exactly - things like NDB, or ATC handovers etc
away for a mo - need to pick up breakfast from the canteen
Betcha that if I my life depended on shooting an NDB aproach in IMC/wind, I'd end up in the trees hitting the runway at right angles
@AviD g'day, tigger
@tylerl gmorning, person
i may be a cartoon, but I'm a cartoon me.
so, have I missed anything in the past couple days?
@AviD lots and lots of the same
so, better off then.
@AviD The room's most recent composition and internal conflict continues
@tylerl @Simon and @Adnan competing for @kalina's attentions..?
Which is to say, there's still a female present, and several of the younger participants have been trying to court her with insults
which is kind of sweet
A bit like 7th grade
@tylerl kinda like 2nd grade hair pulling or 7th grade bra snapping.
...was gonna say
girls mature quicker in israel apparently
@DavidFreitag cant help you, never tried setting up bugzilla. but if I were to guess, it sounds like you didnt set up the perl interpreter right.
or maybe grades have different numbers
@AviD keep reading, he got it
@tylerl honestly dont remember those years - I was in an all boys school. :(
oh - you poor thing @AviD
@tylerl meh, not gonna read the whole transcript - just responded cuz he pinged me.
@AviD So, my favorite spam message so far, if you missed it:
@tylerl was I right then?
that's spam? It looks like a genuine message from @Simon.
apologies to all <10k'ers - I had to delete it
@AviD completely unrelated to the Q, but so specific you gotta think the author was trying to say something
it's a cry for something. Not help, but something
@RoryAlsop a cry for meds
@tylerl there are 4 sentences there, and each one has only a tenuous connection to the previous.
> The psycho won't ever go away totally, it's like a bad case of herpes.
do you think he was drawn to that question by mention of "back door"?
best line evar
Actually... actually. I think this is actually so poor clueless boy who just got dumped and wanted to vent about it.
> Another thing that can spread bs through your network is ex girls with mental disorders.
How the porn is related is beyond me,
but I think someone wanted people to read it.
@tylerl "ex girls with mental disorders"
Must be ex-girlfriend
But "If you watch your porn carefully..." -- I'm sure he's actually sat down and "watched his porn carefully" in response to this breakup. God knows how he came to that.
fairly certain it's not her with the mental disorder
there is a great line in there /cc @Scottpack:
> Q: What is the national language of the United States?
> A: Third-grade English.
@AviD Indeed, red hair is predicted to be gone from the world completely within the next few thousand years.
surely not - based on the exceedingly high percentage of gingers sitting around here
Of the maybe 200 folks I can see from my desk, there are 12 reds and 2 gingers
or is it a general threat to blow up Scotland and Ireland :-)
@RoryAlsop sure, but how many of those will be around in a few thousand years?
I mean, I'm sure you will be, but there can be only one.
btw whats the difference between "red" and "ginger"?
@AviD a kick in the nuts, usually
@AviD "Ginger" is what you call a cat. When used referencing a person, it's typically pejorative, though less so recently.
no, right. I assumed "Ginger" was the (mostly brit) pejorative term for redheads.
but @RoryAlsop said "12 reds and 2 gingers" meaning there is a difference.
@AviD ah
almost 2am
waiting for this stupid route change to get pushed through
@tylerl Nothing good ever happens after 2am.
okay, geography question:
lots of good things happen: sleep for one
anyone here from / familar with with Romania?
I can find it on a map
how familiar do you need?
Specifically Transylvania area, more specfically Cluj.
@tylerl well, I'm going there. More familiar than things I can find online myself...
native's tips :-)
@AviD like what?
best place to get a beer
non-touristy things worth seeing
@tylerl thats the whole point - if I knew, I could find it.
@AviD Well, there's Fabrica de Bere Ursus off E60
that's a pretty good place for a beer
@tylerl I'm guessing you just googled it?
4.1 stars!
not the same thing...
Ah, check out this review:
> Excelent atmosphere! Great music (clasical rock). Nice interior design! Chairs a bit unconfortable!
exactly what you're looking for ;-P
Of the 7 sentences in that review, 5 end in an exclamation point
Morning @Adnan
You've missed nothing
Except for a lot of using your name in vein
@AviD You know me, nothing like getting me some sweet blue pony attention.
@tylerl Morning!
@Adnan 9AM? She won't be awake for another 6 hours at least.
wow i'm tired

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