This literally blows my mind. How you can possibly do actual music by piping character output from a simple FOR loop to your speakers is beyond crazy. Sound Generator
Another thing that can spread bs through your network is ex girls with mental disorders. If you watch your porn carefully, the actual sex is done by the same pussy over and over again. She's a fake bitch and so is anything she tells you. The psycho won't ever go away totally, it's like a bad case...
This takes spam to a whole new level
Clearly it has to be flagged, but I kinda want to preserve it for posterity.
It's the perfect combination of offensive, confusing, and drug-induced.
No, you're clean. (a) you'd have to top many thousands per hour before they'd flag you, if they were flagging at all. LOTS of people try to push mail out on 25 from outlook et. al.
@tylerl Yes, in part, i am configuring bugzilla at my house to understand how to put it into use at work, BUT i will be using it, not just setting it up and sitting back and going, "oh, cool."
@DavidFreitag lets just follow this to its logical conclusion. Your behind a residental ISP. Not only are you restricted from sending outbound mail, but I'll bet you dollars to donuts that you are also not able to run a webserver on port 80
@tylerl wait, why not? Unless you're talking about allocated portable IPs, which isn't a big issue. You can run the server, others just have a hard time finding it
@tylerl I used to have a couple of MediaWiki instances. One was filled with a bunch of physics articles (using the category export tool) for offline reading. One was where I played God and tweaked the software for kicks
Here's a fun fact: mount --bind will mount a duplicate of the filesystem without duplicating any mount points below it. So you can mount --bind / ~/foo/ and then you can access directories that are hidden by other mounts
DHCP is a broadcast network thing. DHCP requests get broadcasted out to EVERYONE on your local network. The first to respond gets to set the user's (victim's) network config
Assuming your broadcast network infrastructure will handle DHCP frames without modification or filtering, you can screw with ANY broadcast network
yeah. the dhcp configuration is part of it. so either you alter the DHCP config on your router, or you turns your router's dhcp off and serve dhcp from another machine
either way. It really helps to understand how these services work, though.
otherwise you don't know what you're suposed to be torubleshooting
I saw some documentary on Netflix forever ago about some guy who knew about a secret room at some AT&T facility where all of the internet traffic gets branched into.
@tylerl The general comments section on sites like arstechnica are basically whining about how the NSA sniffing traffic is illegal, unconstitutional blah blah blah.
@tylerl Well, they didn't release the information in an official standpoint, it was just some worker. His face was blurred and his voice was mangled for the whole film
@DavidFreitag well, that bit hasn't been discussed. There's evidence that they're somewhat inept about it, which is problematic for privacy. But presuamably they get better every year
@tylerl Yeah, the documentary went over this pretty lightly. I think mostly because it was all conjecture at the time. I imagine they must just log the data and only have a basic 'keyword' system in place. Once they identify a risk they can just search the logs
@tylerl - why do you assume they get better at it every year? My assumption is that they have more data available every year, but that they seem to make more mistakes every year...
@tylerl - no. I've been meaning to go through it for about 30 years now and never had the time/money. As a teenager in the Falklands everything was done over 2 metre set, even schooling
I have a friend who's pressuring me to get my HAM license; he's visiting here in 3 weeks and he's gonna haul my butt to wherever it is to take the test. He sent me the test bank Qs and As, and looking over it, it's mostly stuff I already know
The electronics part from futzing around with electronics, and the legal part cause there's a lot of overlap with the radio part of the pilot's license
But "If you watch your porn carefully..." -- I'm sure he's actually sat down and "watched his porn carefully" in response to this breakup. God knows how he came to that.
fairly certain it's not her with the mental disorder