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@tylerl Python with speed-critical code written with C extensions is pretty damn fast though.
@TerryChia Yes, the C acceleration helps. And if it wasn't for the GIL, I'd have no reservations
@tylerl Does cython suffer from the same problem? I heard good things about it although I have not tried it out personally yet.
My biggest complaint with python is the state of the packaging infrastructure really.
@TerryChia cython still uses python (the standard python interpreter) but allows you to write extensions in C. It's the counterpart to ctypes
used to be pyrex, hence the "pyx" names
Python can "natively" be extended in C using the built-in API (which is what they use to implement most of the native standard lib) but cython makes it simpler
@tylerl But cython is compiled right? Won't that offer a significant boost over interpreted python just by itself?
--not too sure about this-- i have not personally faced the need for speed critical python code yet.
@TerryChia cython takes python-like code and translates it into C
@tylerl I see.
2 hours later…
@RoryAlsop Hey Rory, I submitted a blog post for review about the recent SQRL question that has already been posted on my own personal blog. Mind taking a look at it?
It can either be a QOTW or a standalone blog post if you like. :)
Q: I accidently zipped my whole server

DexirianAlright if anyone wants to play god and work miracles i'm down. So, i was given the task of making a script that found files that are older than 6 months, zipped them and then deleted them. On my way in making tihs script i ran this : find / -type f -mtime -400 ! -mtime -180 | xargs gzip blabl...

3 hours later…
@AviD @Griffin ruby is great (IMO) for developer productivity in scripting and web apps. Good set of libraries, lots of stuff in the community. I wouldn't recommend it for somewhere that the speed of execution is paramount. Also I have my reservations on how well it works with really large teams. It seems that the language mutability features (gets called monkey patching in the community) are cool and useful but a recipe for disaster in large teams...
@RoryMcCune That description can apply to python as well. It really comes down to which syntax you prefer imo.
@TerryChia sure python/ruby is a toss-up really on whether you prefer monty python jokes or chunky bacon!
Ruby is too "magical" for me. I prefer python's more explicit way of writing code.
@RoryMcCune Hmm, tough choice...
@TerryChia well you can easily write explicit ruby code, it's just that a part of the community likes fancy stuff. Rails on the other hand has the fancy stuff baked in
which is great while you're on the happy path
@RoryMcCune Yes, you can write explicit code, but the idiomatic way to do Ruby is to ride the magic. Idiomatic Python is explicit and pedantically consistent. Rubyists may prefer how little typing you have to do, but pythonists in turn prefer the absolute clarity that the idiom demands.
'sup guys
another python vs ruby discussion?
Ruby is, first and foremost, an evolution of Perl
@LucasKauffman Someone's still trying to decide what lang to use for his webapp
@LucasKauffman I know right, it's like we have this same one every 3 weeks.
Python python python python
what do we want?
@LucasKauffman I just saw that forbes article you linked. nc and bash is considered hacking now?
when do we want it?
@TerryChia a bit like hacking with ramzy
@tylerl but a much nicer evolution of perl
@RoryMcCune Much much nicer. /cc @ScottPack
@Terry - will take a look shortly
@RoryAlsop Cheers :)
anyone else see this square.com/cash and just think massive fraud target...
@RoryMcCune Give it a try! :P
@TerryChia well an interesting research target to be sure, but there's no way in hell I'd put my main debit card anywhere near it :)
@RoryMcCune Oh sure, I was actually suggesting you be the fraudster instead of the dummy. :)
@TerryChia heh
Brilliant, and confirmed as true.
best part is, as one of the comments there noted - pay attention to what kind of ship/captain each is talking about....
@AviD That's awesome
@AviD - GoT still means nothing to me. Not seen more than about 5 seconds of it yet.
@RoryAlsop for shame.
@RoryAlsop And you call yourself a DMZ regular. -_-
okay then maybe that version will get you more interested.
@RoryAlsop You disgust me.
> Game of Bones
> Winter is Cumming
It's pr0n...
I missed episode 1, so wasn't much point
And I don't do online television
@RoryAlsop what, you were afraid you missed all the best killings?
or television at all, really
@AviD I didn't get it
57 secs ago, by AviD
It's pr0n...
@ManishEarth the netflix guy was captain of a ship == boat. the customer assumed captain of ship == spaceship.
captain started with pirates, Lt. went to star trek.
Everyone just toldme that I needed the plot setup from episode 1 or else none of it would make sense. So I figured - fair enough.
@RoryAlsop Read the books.
Then you can just skip over the parts in the TV show without violence or boobs.
s/books/imdb summary/
@RoryAlsop My roommate is reading the books and then watching random good parts from the episodes. It seems to work.
@TerryChia there are parts like that?
Which is basically the first 5 minutes of every episode.
@AviD s/avid/blockhead/
@AviD ^
gotta love going after spam campaigns on Twitter
seems now everyone forwards me the tweets so I can go after them :P
most recent one is a campaign that uses goo.gl to forward to a subdomain of a Russian financial services site, which has been popped and is now serving up spam / ads / scams
so now Twitter, Google, and the Russian company have been alerted. booyeah!
it reminds me of that kiddie game in arcades, where you have to bop the gophers on the head as they pop up? And the more you hit them, the faster they pop.
You can never win.
unless you decide to use that foam hammer to bop the kids on the head, instead.
@Terry - are the books good?
ermahgehhrd! dem berks are geeerrddd!!
ah - errrrrkeerrrrr therrrrrn
will get them bekindled later today
okay, I didnt actually read them, but I have been told by many that they are at least as good as the show - and if they were even half as good, they would be fantastic.
better than breaking bad! better than arrested development! Neither of which have I seen!
oh, hang on - these books all say they are by George RRRRRR Martin - isn't he a complete @@@@@@@ of a writer?
(that is all I have heard about him)
happy to click on 'buy box set' if you guys reckon it is worth it
£33 for Kindle or £35 for paperback for all 7 books...tempted by paper...
@RoryAlsop he is a complete @@@@ of a person.
dont take my word, as I said I never actually read the books, but the show is one of the best things on in a long time.
@AviD I can't win, but I can give spammers a headache, and that provides me with endless joy.
"I wont be able to keep my spam service live for very long, but I can give the whitehats a headache, and that provides me with endless joy."
not sure that's how it works
some do....
I think it's more along the lines of "the longer my campaign works, the more $$$ I get."
certainly doesn't give me a headache :P
not all of them are in it for profit, some are just into chaos.
Some men just want to see the world burned.
@RoryAlsop he likes killing people
most of the chaos lot are writing RATs and other shitty malware instead ;]
I took artistic license.
major problem with hiring hipsters? they're trend followers, not setters.
as soon as the next thing comes out, they abandon the last thing. tech doesn't work that way.
@RoryAlsop Very
It's a well written story imo.
@Polynomial exactly.
curious how it would work - "oh you should work in X. I used to like that."
yaaaaaaaaawn sexism in infosec flaring up on Twitter again
it died down?
for a long time, yeah
sexism, or complaints about sexism?
or rather one person complaining that women weren't specifically invited to submit to ruxcon
@Polynomial What? That's just stupid.
were they excluded?
anyone could submit
and all talks were selected on merit
so they're looking for corrective prejudice.
and, as usual, I pointed out that affirmative action is equality for people who think that promotion is the same thing as equality.
its like that group called "White People Against Racism".
it's funny actually, because 44con had three female speakers this year and they were excellent, and none of that came about because of any positive bias towards women in marketing or talk selection
the reason they were excellent was because they were selected on merit.
same with OWASPIL.
I admit that I did try a bit to get specific women to submit, but then I did that with some men too.
there you go then
I was bothered at first, and would have been, if it was all male.
the women we selected were, as you say, on merit.
I'd say it's ok to ask some people specifically if you know they have good material, or have a talk you know would be good for the con
well, in one case thats not 100% true - but her gender was not the non-merit part.
fair enough
for example Travis Goodspeed was specifically asked to talk at 44con because he had done some really cool work on anti-forensics hard disks, and it was a cool selling point for the con
she was an unknown, and turned out to merit it after all. But we guessed on her.
giving someone a chance is part of merit too
I would say that if the entire conference IS only men, then there is something else wrong.
"this person seems to have some good stuff going on, but hasn't done any talks. let's invite them!"
that's fine
@Polynomial I think I'm with you on this. Yes, I'm sure there are people who cause problems, but at this point it's hard to know where what problems might actually be.
@Polynomial yeah, but there were others that we didnt. in this case, the topic was interesting, but the fact that she was government (very unusual for OWASP) was a non-negligible factor too.
@ScottPack exactly. and it's made EVEN MORE difficult when there are people going around stirring the pot, and turning everything into an "us vs. them" battle.
@AviD oh absolutely, that's a definite plus point to go for
@Polynomial Precisely.
@Polynomial it IS an us vs. them. but not men vs. women.
it's all of us vs. douchebags.
@Simon hahah, yes, @Simon, we are all against you.
I feel a bit grumpy this morning so I'll act like an old man who hates everyone.
@Simon like me....? :D
@Polynomial I rather approved of Finix's approval of your statement regarding issues.
Nah, you're not that bad.
@Polynomial This is not a problem with InfoSec. This is a problem with life. And some people are determined to be unhappy about the perceived injustice of life, and target arbitrary subjects as the "cause" because they've mistaken correlation for causation. (And not sexism, specifically, but the impression of unfairness in general.)
anyway, my point is that if all proposed talks are male, there is probably something weird. If all selected talks are male, there is DEFINITELY something wrong, probably because of said douchebags.
@ScottPack I was somewhat surprised by it, but he's a surprisingly level headed guy sometimes.
It's so hard to go to bed at night, there's so much stuff to learn/see/do.
@Xander +1000 on that.
@Simon thats why I go to bed closer to morning.
@Polynomial I've only ever seem him on zer twitters, and for all the spouting he may do it seems like he really is pretty level headed. at the core of it.
@Xander Agreed. That said there are quite a lot of sexist douchebags out there. Because there is a relatvely low ratio of women in IT, there is a perception that the sexist douchebags are the rule, not the exception.
@ScottPack I've met him in real life a fair few times. He's a little erratic sometimes but yeah at the core he's on pretty level ground. Just depends what mood you catch him in.
@TerryChia Did they get rid of curlies? Then you're probably wrong.
For sexism specifically, so far this week I've seen complains about sexism in InfoSec, sexism at Ruby conferences, and sexism on at the board/executive level of tech in general.
@ScottPack He has issues, some of which he hasn't dealt with optimally, but then that's not really entirely his fault.
@Polynomial So....he's British?
@ScottPack Scottish
@AviD Yup. Agreed.
@Polynomial I accused him of that but he informed me that he was raised English, then moved to Scotland.
@ScottPack Scottish accent, Scottish attitude, Scottish name ;]
@Polynomial He does have the accent? Asshole! That was the entire basis of my accusation!
Also, since IT and infosec in particular tend to party hard, and seem to be a bit childish, some poor behavior does tend to come forth often. This room case in point.
Whoa, pulling the big F.
@AviD Indeed.
So, when you say Scottish attitude do you mean that he's a skinflint or that he wants all those people south of the Wall to go away?
@ScottPack Drink hard, quick tempered, no bullshit.
@AviD If that is the prevailing culture then I would expect it to be a) non discriminatory, and b) shared in roughly equal parts across the range of people.
@Polynomial Ah, floppy upper lip?
@ScottPack I think this is mostly the case (with the exeption of said douchebags).
that said, not everyone is comfortable with that culture.
@AviD Granted. Although I think we've discussed in the past that the general fix for all of society's social problems would be to fix the douchebag problem.
so, nuke the NJ beach?
@AviD That's fine, I wouldn't expect everyone, in any professional/hobby group to be comfortable with whatever their culture is.
@ScottPack right, and the the douchebagguettes (?) see this oft-childish culture as sexist, instead of what it is.
@AviD douchebagguettes is an epic word.
I'm pretty ok with that conjugation of douche.
thank you. We should try to get that into popular usage.
hashtag that crap.
I find it interesting that we're using a bastardization of a feminine hygiene product to pejoratively describe the creators of sexist fervor.
Which of those words are you getting lost on? Your Speak and Spell might not get all of them.
No I got it, it's just too early.
@Simon It's 8:30, and the sun is very nearly visible.
this might help.
I found that a couple of days ago. Fascinating.
is ratemypoo.com still around...?
And I thought I was fucked up.
This is pretty impressive.
what program is that?
MS Flight Simulator 11?
No, that's from an MD-83
looks cool. is it on Steam?
Alright, there's something you guys don't understand right now. I'm grumpy. WE TALK ABOUT WHAT I LIKE.
Avid, it's an IRL pic.
God damn it.
I don't understand.
That's from a 30 year old plane. A small plane at that.
Old people don't understand a thing.
FYI. That cockpit design is older than that album.
I could design something better on MS paint.
seriously, do you have a script running that always watches the transcript, and pops up a relevant image from your heavily indexed library?
I'm telling you man. Google images.
@AviD So @ScottPack is a bot? I suspected as much.
Man, it feels great to be an asshole, no wonders why people do it all the time.
@AviD In my 20s I got cranky like that if I didn't have sex in a long time as well.
@Simon Try harder.
@Simon that may be, but remember how its us vs. douchebags? Sometimes we might do this.
Did I just get kicked?
I thought you grumped out.
I think @kalina gave @AviD some ideas.
lulz. feels good to pick on assholes, I wonder why people dont do it more often.
I did?
I want to be a mod so I can kick @Simon too. :(
oh, more mods abusing the kick function
@TerryChia nah, one kick per day.
@AviD wuttttttttttttttt
unless he really deserves it.
@AviD It's @Simon...
@kalina nah, he deserved it. It was educational.
What if he starts to like it?
besides, @Simon knows we love him.
@ScottPack Oooooooooh, kick me.
@ScottPack heh, there's a scary thought.
Alright, let's go back to Simon normal (not so normal but still).
I'm a cultural relativist. So I always assume the word "normal" is fluid based on what is considered normal for said societal group.
Well yeah, I consider myself a normal little boi but people (especially here) seem to think that I'm weird.
@Simon You are delusional.
well, you ARE canadian, so....
You forgot to apologize before calling him Canadian.
You guys don't deserve me.
Hey @ScottPack, I already bought my VIP tickets:
@Simon reminds me of GnomeSlice
Are you coming?!?
Don't mind the weird language.
@kalina Who the heck is he?
If you don't know, it's probably for the best
@Simon That looks like a Final Fantasy game.
Ehhhhhh. If you say so.
Alright, maybe you're right.
Over saturated colors, background fade, people standing back to back, stylized font
And a weird language.
@Simon @ScottPack Final Fantasy was before his time.
I dislike Final Fantasy.
Me too.
I love playing Golden Sun though.
@Simon you hate everything older than you.
Like New Coke. Well, that is justified.
I just never really got into FF
plus I find a lot of those "random encounter" isometric RPG games a bit tedious
@Polynomial I used to enjoy them for a while, but the whole "family" thing and "no secret identity" was just a bit off. And the movies really ruined them.
Except for Jessica Alba.
@AviD You clearly missed the part where I said I hit on a MILF yesterday.
@Polynomial In some games I'm ok with it, some not so much. I'm not sure why for either.
@Simon yeah, sure, she was probably 22.
She was at least @ScottPack's age.
yesterday, by AviD
Ahem. If you are 23 years old, YOU ARE NOT A MILF. you are a little kid, just barely out of the child pornography section.
@AviD My grandmother's neighbor became a grandmother at 27.
@AviD I dunno, I did kinda like the CGI one with all that stuff about Gaia
what was it, The Spirits Within?
@Polynomial The movie? Yeah.
I remember two CGI movies and one of them sucked, and the other was good
@Polynomial my kids enjoyed the animated series.
@Polynomial one of them sucked, the other sucked harder.
but then I guess I didn't really get into the games / backstory so I didn't see any "what the hell this doesn't fit at all" aspect
like watching World War Z without reading the book
heh, that would be a great set of action / pornos - "Suck Hard" and "Suck Harder".
Suck Hard With A Vengeance is a bit creepy
@Polynomial they made a game out of Fantastic Four....?
"Live Free or Suck Hard"
@AviD ?
I dunno
The Fantastic Four is a fictional superhero team appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The group debuted in The Fantastic Four #1 (cover dated Nov. 1961), which helped to usher in a new level of realism in the medium. The Fantastic Four was the first superhero team created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Jack Kirby, who developed a collaborative approach to creating comics with this title that they would use from then on. As the first superhero team title produced by Marvel Comics, it formed a cornerstone of the company's 1960s rise from a small division of ...
I know what Fantastic Four is :P
@Polynomial ohh are you still on Final Fantasy? Last time you said FF I thought you switched to the Four...
I just didn't get why you bought it up.
yeah I meant Final Fantasy
or the new one, FFIVXZQQPXSV
now I'm all confused about which parts of our conversation were about what.
I think you were the only one talking about Fantastic Four.
huh. So why did you bring them up?
@AviD You brought them up.
Was Jessica Alba in Final Fantasy movie?
who bought up Jessica Alba?
8 mins ago, by AviD
Except for Jessica Alba.
@Polynomial I'm interested to know this.
right, anyway, bbl
okay, nevermind. This was just one of those conversations where we talked past each other.
1 hour later…
Hello, my name is @AviD and my favorite activity is to kill the chat.
Sorry. I'm still plowing through a 800-18 document.
A 800-18 document, you say? That sounds amazing.
@ScottPack the transcript from today?
It's the NIST document that describes how to format a Security Plan for an information system with respect to 800-53 defined security controls.
oo, exciiiiiiting
Oh, the famous 800-53.
800-53 makes for a good framework for a security program, but it's rather dry.
And God knows how dry humping sucks.
@Simon Did you tell her that?
My non-existent her? Sure did.
I didn't mean to pull an @AviD, I'm sorry.
There we go. Finally Canadian. Eh.
You know how much of a prejudice this whole "aboot" thing is?
Nobody in the eastern part of Canaduh Lands say that.
Except for the podcasters I listen to who are from Montreal.
@Simon Let's go to the mall.
God damn it. They probably grew up in the west.
@Simon Are you afraid of the dark?
Funny how I got 2 quotes of HIMYM at the same time.
@Simon You mean the west side of the city?
@TerryChia Yo, don't even kid about that, the dark is so scary for Canadians.
@ScottPack noooooooooooooo
Because, based on his constant pimping of Chimera Games, I'm guessing he's eastenr.
Honestly, I never EVER heard that here.
However, when I watch Canadian shows, it happens quite a bit.
Oo, here we go. This is one of those guys.
@Simon My brother-in-law, who was born and raised in Ontario says it too.
Notice that around :23 he says "ootlet"
Then at :46 he says "aboot"
@Xander Sigh. Why have I never heard it IRL?
Really? That didn't sound like "aboot" to me at all.
@Simon You have, you just can't tell because you're a Canadian. Your ears are deaf to your own defects, essentially.
Fuck, you know what it means then...
Canada frozen icy wasteland.
@Xander Yep. Fuck.
Most people can't recognize the weirdnesses of their own accents.
Jim Carrey is Canadian? Jesus. That explains so much.
@Simon Is Tim Hortons really that good?
@TerryChia I really like it.
@TerryChia They make pretty good donuts yes.
@TerryChia Drive Through coffee that actually tastes good too.
It's even better at like 11 PM.
For whatever reason.

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