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Does anyone else find it mildly irritating that BugZilla displays your e-mail address to all logged-in users?
@nealmcb Channel your inner Italian mother and you'll do great.
3 hours later…
@ScottPack It isn't that I don't have the skills. I'm just working to unlearn them - always a challenge...
6 hours later…
@nealmcb I can completely relate to that sentiment.
2 hours later…
@AviD That database question looks like a few all rolled up into one. I'm seeing hardening, access management, and vulnerability management.
Morning @ThomasPornin
1 hour later…
There is an app for that, actually. Let me ask our resident iphoneassholes
what, for automatic business card import?
Oh sure you betcha.
Take a picture of it, magic happens, and out comes a vcard or some such.
It's a Mechanical Turk approach
Looks like they went free.
CardMunch has been bought by LinkedIn.
My guess is that LinkedIn pays themselves by using the munched cards to know who makes business with who.
@ThomasPornin Could be. I remember my boss being real excited about it a while ago, but I haven't heard anything lately, and certainly nothing since the purchase.
@ThomasPornin it looks like what LinkedIn get is they make it easier for you to connect on LinkedIn
so yeah, they're after expanding their knowledge of your social network
Prior to the purchase I believe they used Amazon's mechanical turk service.
As I've said before, I have little trouble trusting LinkedIn. I just find their service useless for anything other than being contacted by recruiters who haven't read my profile.
@RoryAlsop Seems to me that Lulzsec is rather different than Anonymous, so I wonder about your edit. See the answers and comments.
Q: Why is it difficult to catch "Anonymous" or "Lulzsec" (groups) ?

clawsI'm not security literate, and if I was, I probably wouldn't be asking this question. As a regular tech news follower, I'm really surprised by the outrage of Anonymous (hacker group), but as a critical thinker, I'm unable to control my curiosity to dig out how exactly they are doing this? Frankly...

BTW @ThomasPornin if you're still around, I'd appreciate it if you could pass an eye over my answer here. I think it's correct, but I'm definitely the sort of person who stops trusting myself where crypto is involved :)
A: Encryption strategies for multi users access in production systems

Graham LeeA common way of working for multiple-user access to encrypted data is this, which is a simplified description of a full-disk encryption scenario (a real system might have more levels than described here). The data itself is encrypted with a content key, Kc. Kc is stored on the computer n separa...

@GrahamLee Lemme see...
vote to close:
Q: Database security?

Ambar BatistaHow do manage database security for SQL and DB2? How do you detect and manage vulnerabilities on databases. I know that this is becoming more and more of an issue in the security world. I know many shops have more and more databases that have sensitive information. To be more specific on securi...

@GrahamLee It looks fine to me. I will just add a minor comment.
Thanks @ThomasPornin
@nealmcb it's a bad question, but let's assume it takes longer than 1 min for the asker to react to your request for improvement ;-)
hopefully that and @AviD's comment above yours could lead to a more useful question
@GrahamLee Could be. But given that the question already has a downvote from someone, I just have this feeling that it might be better to start over. But perhaps I'm being a little too emboldened at closing based on Jeffs recent blog post.
If bad ones aren't closed quickly, lots of people waste some time.
So I'm not sure what our approach should be.
Personally I think a beta site needs to tread a line: yes we want good quality content, but we also want to attract users. I think we need to help anyone who wants to join to give good contributions, rather than turning away people who don't get it right first time.
That's just me though.
@GrahamLee Yup - that's important too. We might want some boilerplate "welcome" messages for this sort of stuff
2 hours later…
I despise poison ivy with the fire of a thousand suns.
1 hour later…
@nealmcb They seem to be very similar, and possibly have some of the same members, also the real membership may be dynamic, untraceable. The key difference seems to be only in motivation.
And 'good evening all' :-)
@ScottPack oh, oh - don't touch that stuff!
How bad is it? Never experienced it myself.
I've got a quince hedge that borders the back of the property. Two summers ago while performing a deep extermination was my first reaction. Not fun.
So now, I've sprayed it down with killer, and will rip it out in a few weeks after it's had a chance to die off.
Hopefully I didn't end up with too much collateral damage. I like the hedge, and want to keep it healthy.
3 hours later…
@RoryAlsop As is clear from the name, and as the wikipedia entry documents, lots of people glom on to "anonymous" for reasons that are quite different from a clear identity like Lulzsec, which even has a public bank account (in the form of a bitcoin address).
So I suggest e.g. posting your view as an answer, rather than assuming the original poster would agree.

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