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So... I saw this question on the site, and I thought I'd just ask that question again.
Q: How to make my internet activity anonymous

AOEOI know there is a lot of questions like this, but most are dated and I wanted fresh answers. I have read Whats the best way to make my internet traffic anonymous? (I know, not a lot of research, but the Shnatsel posted a very informative comment.) Based on the couple of paragraphs the shnatsel...

Because I know the question is already out there, but I'd like to ask it again anyway.
What's going on here? How come I picked up 3 passive upvotes on that High-Freq Noise Deterrents question in one day? Was there any related rep train?
@LucasKauffman Ah cool. I liked the content of his mXSS talk and he's a good speaker.
@Adnan What happened to you this month? Struck by the high-rep lethargy? :P
@TerryChia I'm just looking, he's only made 1/3 of what you did this month ... :O
Tho you only did 1/4 of what The Bear did with his Ursa Minor and Ursa Major :) And me... well I'm still on the first page with about 1/30 of The Bear's rep LOL
@TildalWave Yeah, he completely blew past me last month.
@TildalWave That's to be expected. :P
That jerk @LucasKauffman only got such a high rep due to his "canonical" question. :(
@TerryChia Hehe yes, I just wanted to also reply with something that we can hold on to and take for granted. If he disappeared into the rainforest for a few years to test psychotropic effects of some exotic plants, he'd still be getting more passive rep than I would all of it combined :)
@TerryChia Yes, but it's a good one, and who's stopping you to post another one? :P
@JeffFerland So's your face.
Hey @Scott what's new?
@TildalWave Not a lot. Just got back from crashing an ISC2 meeting and drinking beer on a corporate dime. Good fun, surprisingly.
(not related to your reply to @JeffF BTW LOL)
@ScottPack Local meet?
@TildalWave Yeah. The local chapter holds a monthly social meetup that, from what I can tell, doubles as their chapter meetings.
None of it here :( closest ones are in Germany and Italy, and there's one in Amsterdam in a week
@TildalWave What about ISSA or OWASP? Are they active nearby?
@ScottPack Well in Austria, which is pretty close
Vienna is rather far, but Salzburg is not too difficult to drive to for example, I just turn right at the first ramp that's 200m away and drive straight on the AB until I hit it :)
Hey guys
Sup @D3C4FF (decaff)?
@TildalWave Usual. On-site doing a pen-test
@TildalWave whats new with you?
Nice. How's the winter in Oz this year?
Q: Can i compare linux user permissions without root access?

D3C4FFI've compromised two Linux user accounts on a RHEL machine (neither of which have root permissions) and I want to determine which account is more 'useful' to me in terms of access and privileges. Is there any way I can quickly and easily compare permissions/access between those two accounts?

@D3C4FF Moderating space LOL
@TildalWave Varied between 5-30 degree's C
And debugging... was getting headaches yesterday for not seeing something that I solved in 5 minutes today after I slept some
@TildalWave Ack, VMWare was giving me headaches yesterday.... Fucking VM crashed and corrupted itself -_-
@TildalWave So...30 minutes drive? I'm just kind of spitballing here
That's still OK, it's not your fault ... I was going through dozens of pages of ASM code that had concurrency issues, and the worst thing about it - it was my own code that I wrote 2 years ago and never touched since
Holy Crap! So I'm going through my DVDs and making sure they're all space shifted.
My copy of Seven is on two sides. Literally two sides. The first half the movie is on side A and the second half on B.
I have to flip the goddamn thing like it was a Laserdisc!
@ScottPack No, more... but there are a few other cities in Austria closer by, about a good half an hour drive and also host some events every now and then. But the landscape is pretty picturesque and I honestly don't even know how long till Salzburg, I rather enjoy the drive :)
My satnav says 2 hours 12 minutes
Ah, that's a long drive for a meetup.
It takes me about 1:45 to do my weekly commute to the office and that's fine for once a week.
But, wow, so yeah. This movie came out in 1997. I can totally believe buying the DVD in '97 or '98.
Yup but with nothing going on here in the InfoSec arena ... and the city is pretty nice too, I like to chill there
You should totally move
@ScottPack I know. I'm keeping my eyes peeled actually.
Your English is good, how are you with Linux?
Dunno, prolly not too good, just a bit more advanced user I'd say
@D3C4FF AFAIK, no. "Useful" is very subjective anyway.
I'm really more of a developer anyway, at least according to my work experience. Tho I've done all kinds of crazy shit in my times (I mean work related), everything from GIS to Demo scene to your run of the mill business suites
@TerryChia I was thinking more in terms of file access throughout the system
@D3C4FF I think you can string together a complex find command to determine the files you have permissions to read/write/execute.
@TildalWave I had a guy guilt me into python. Dude said, and I quote, "Your beard isn't nearly long enough for perl."
@TerryChia My linux-fu is not that good :P
@ScottPack How long of a beard do you have? I have an overgrown goatee... I prolly look like Abe ATM :))
@D3C4FF Look into the -user, -perm and -group flags.
That should do nicely for starters.
But it's pretty tedious I guess.
@ScottPack Python is awesome.
@TildalWave Look at my profile picture.
:11151179 (re deleted post) Perhaps ... tho frankly I wouldn't mind making a bit of distance from all this developing business. I'm supposed to be trained in management and economy well enough to maybe start looking in those directions on top of staying in the IT of course.
@TildalWave So... boring stuff? :P
@ScottPack Yup, quite similar if I'd tidy it a bit, I'm now more like some sub evacuee that didn't see a razor in a few months :)
@TildalWave I can certainly get behind moving in another direction, but I'd say start with what you enjoy and then move onto what you can enjoy being good at. :)
@TildalWave I try not to go more than 10 days without trimming.
@TerryChia Not at all. There's one position available here for an "idea manager". It sounds a lot different than it actually is, I think it'd be a nice enough position. But sadly, it's in the banking sector and I wouldn't appreciate the atmosphere, not really.
@ScottPack Oh I'm too old to change too much... and too young to hit the middle age crisis. I wouldn't completely change everything, but I wouldn't mind going back to managing teams like I used to. You end up doing everything anyway, but that might just be exactly what I enjoy the most. Variety. ;)
@TildalWave Hehe. Maybe it's cus I'm still young, but I can't imagine myself doing anything non-technical.
@TildalWave Silly boy, you're never too old to change unless you think you are.
@TerryChia It would be technical, I forgot to mention that the position was for their dev team
@TildalWave Ah. But "manager" gives the impression that you won't be doing the actual technical work...
@ScottPack I meant a somewhat balanced change, not a radical one. I don't feel "old", I just have some expectations and responsibilities that I didn't when I was 20, that's all I meant. ;)
@TildalWave I can certainly relate to that.
It's scary to think about what my expectations and hopes are now than when I was 21.
@TerryChia That depends a lot on the team size, but the offer I mentioned was for a team of no more than 50-60 that are already non-technically managed. Basically, what the position is about is doing feasibility studies, but also security related stuff, like product certification e.t.c.
@TildalWave Ahh, that does sound interesting.
It's not too bad, I've had similar jobs before... you sit through lots of conferences, fairs, whatnot... if you're any good, you're on occasion invited for a speaker at some, e.t.c. It's also a lot of pitching "under the table", if you know what I mean. ;)
@TildalWave That sounds like a pretty big team to me.
@ScottPack It's in three countries, roughly 20 per country. What's holding me back is it's the banking sector. I tend to avoid those, oh and the advertisers.
@TildalWave Cmon, you can be DMZ's second PHB after @RoryAlsop!
@TerryChia Pointy-Haired Boss?
@TildalWave Yep. :P
@TildalWave Banking is a bitch, though I think I would rather do that than healthcare.
@TerryChia I had an irokese once, in my band years already. I do have rather long hair tho, so all I need is a bad shampoo LOL
@TildalWave In the US they're approximately equivalent in terms of regulation, but in banking the regs are actually defined.
@TildalWave So you end up with much stronger enforcement, but the measurements are known in advance.
@ScottPack I did work a bit with healthcare, wasn't too bad. Tho as a dev on some fairly interesting software, so that helped a lot
@TildalWave I can believe that. Most of the healthcare regs are around patient data protection, whereas in banking it's quite a bit more holistic.
@ScottPack Yup that sums it up good enough. And that's the bitchy thing about it, you better not feel particularly productive, if you wanna keep any of your hair on
I'm still having an open mind about my future tho. Job offers are here and at this point in time (crisis after joining the Euro zone, we were doing just fine before actually) rather scarce to say the least. I do have my own business to weather the storm, but you know... no place for complacency.
Understood. I wish I had more involvement in developery stuff that I could pass along contract information.
I'll look myself more, but I need to get rid of the current project first. I mean... to finish it, not to can it. Missus already kinda pointed out she's fine with moving countries (again, we just did 2 years ago). So that means more opportunities, and I'm kinda fed up with the non-productive environment here anyway, so ... yeah. We'll see.
I presume you literally mean countries, not continents.
So where were you before Slovenia?
@ScottPack This is my birth place, but I lived before in Romania for 3 years (animal shelters and volunteering "business", on top of projects I brought with me, mostly from home), and Germany and UK for a while before that.
@TildalWave At least you have the option of moving if needed. That should make things easier.
@ScottPack Meh it's all a global village now, isn't it?
@TerryChia That's my reasoning too, yes.
On that overwhelmingly positive note, I'm going to bed. It's past my bedtime.
Good night @Scott, cheers for the chat!
@ScottPack Sweet dreams.
2 hours later…
@Tildal do you ever sleep :p?
@LucasKauffman Morning! Not so much last few weeks no... but I'm fond of sleeping otherwise :)
I wonder if @Thomas will hibernate during winter
Pop quiz: Who here thinks that XSS and CSRF are the same thing?
Show of hands, please.
oh nevermind, your names are permanently on the close of shame. ;-)
@AviD XSS and CSRF the same?
@LucasKauffman no, of course not.
@AviD I don't see any names.
@LucasKauffman I DID
ah yes
but where are the names avid, the NAMES?
@AviD 404
That's a mod thingy I guess.
ahh, permission thing.... and close/reopen events dont show in the history by themselves...
anyway, they know who they are.
I mean, I don't expect @ScottPack to know any better - this is an....applications shudder thing.
Name 'em and Shame 'em!
Q: What do the dots and pluses mean when OpenSSL generates keys?

Evan CarrollWhen OpenSSL generates keys you'll always see a series of periods/dots (.) and pluses (+). openssl dhparam -text -noout -outform PEM -5 2048 ............+........+................................................................................................................................

@AviD WTB is "the close of shame"?
oh snap, its evan. @ScottPack, quick do something, its evan!
@AviD yea we know
@AviD And I resent you even asking that :P
@AviD I didn't risk down voting him, oh noes
@TildalWave as in, you should be ashamed you closed that. ;-)
8 mins ago, by AviD
Pop quiz: Who here thinks that XSS and CSRF are the same thing?
@TildalWave and yet, you closed them as dupes.... :-o
@AviD I still don't get it... close what? You have a quiz bot here?
@TildalWave the 2 questions I linked.
@TildalWave You closed XSS as a dupe of CSRF
XSS in REST, was closed as dupe of CSRF in REST.
@AviD OK I'm really really tired, sorry should've got that
@TildalWave but it wasnt just you. There were 3 others. and Scott.
Well.. they're not the same, but I assumed whoever answered the first one killed both flies with a single swing :P
@TildalWave and hence the question... ;-)
@TildalWave naw, very different solutions. Same answerer, though - both good answers.
@AviD Well... yeah. You're right. But you just woke up, it's easy to be smart if your brain actually functions :P
@TildalWave oh I'm the opposite. It takes a good few hours till my brain functions.
it's only been 2.5 ....
I'm on my n-th coffee cup and it's not even helping any more
however, and this must be said - I am saying it everwhere: I love my daughter's school.
we were at a school meeting last night, and I am so jealous of her.
a school for girls?
I bet you do
I might be willing to go back to school for a few years for that...
@TildalWave ha!
well, as opposed to most schools I've seen, and every school I've been in (including university), this school is actually about - get this - education.
It's crazy, I know, but its true.
It's not crazy at all, actually. We're maybe also not the best audience for that statement. If we didn't like learning all the time, I don't think any of us would be here :P
no, I meant crazy that a school actually cares more about the education than the grades.
Or other arbitrary, education-less factor, like the way they dress.
And they stand behind that, too - they dont even give grades.
What do you mean? Students pick their own grades they think they deserved?
or rather, they give non-numerical grades, taking into account all the aspects of education, such as effort, improvement, acquiring, knowledge, skill, etc.
@AviD What sort of forward thinking candyland is that????
@AviD oh dear... websec 101 all round :op
The principal even discussed how they relate to the different forms of intelligence.
@TerryChia I know, right??
@TildalWave no, they make it very clear - grades don't matter. Only what you've learned, or THAT you've learned at all.
and HOW you learned.
imagine - a school that is all about LEARNING!!
To be fair, this is 7th grade. by the end of 9th grade, they are getting (standard numerical) grades in some subjects, those that they have the mandatory matriculation tests in the next year.
but thats just to prepare them for the prehistoric grading structure enforced by the government.
@TerryChia oh, and its not just grades - they are willing to replace standard tests with alternate projects.
they actually refer to the science of education.
Educators! Educating! Based on science!
It blows my mind!
@AviD Well we had that discussion in a few schools I attended like over and over again, but it was actually often us students that defended the "grades matter" side, because you kinda need them to apply to later schools, don't you? But yeah, I've had my own fair share of hippie teachers too LOL
I'm not saying they were crap teachers tho, quite the opposite in most cases
@AviD That sounds wonderful...
@TildalWave well, like I said, they do get into standard grades towards the end, because they have to. But it's not a hippie type of thing - its a scientific form of education. Even for the non-scientific subjects.
Anyone wants the opportunity to rip apart some crappy crypto I wrote? :P
@TerryChia naw, I'm in too good a mood.
@AviD We started getting normal grades in 5th grade... and stars and bees and such stuff before that :)
@TildalWave hehe
but that's still the same thing, on a different scale.
@AviD Not kidding either... they might still use those, I'd have to check
or was it birds and bees?
@TildalWave thing is, they really seem to have "fixed" everything that I've been complaining about the non-education schools for so many years.
We'd get 5-7 different "descriptive grades", similar to what you describe. Problem is, I thought you meant that is used with later years, that's what made it seem rather odd to me. But yup, I've obviously forgot how old your kids are :|
and as far as grades go, the matriculation test scores are far above the national average, so it doesnt actually hurt that.
@TildalWave haha, yes I have kids in high school. Cue the oldie jabs....
@AviD My generation was still advancing schools by the old method of grade average and admission / matriculation tests, but we were the last generation, they changed to graduation tests the next year of course. We did however still do a test run for those, and I came out surprisingly good on those. Plus they actually lowered standards a bit for the real ones, since they were considered way too demanding. But that IMO says rather little of how good you'll do in high school and college later.
@TildalWave you're old :o
@LucasKauffman maybe, but I age well :P
@TildalWave like a wine
@LucasKauffman Is it time to start upvoting the question?
@TerryChia NO
you evil bastard
@LucasKauffman :P
@LucasKauffman like anything a woman of taste could easily appreciate ;)
@TildalWave and both high school and college says very little of how you'll do in life or at a job.
extremely little.
though it can effectively cause damage....
@LucasKauffman like milk.
@AviD It's what I tell myself every day.
true, but I must say I did learn quite a lot too, even tho I was a rascal
@TerryChia its what I told my father for years... and still, when he asks about my (lack of) college degree.... :-)
@TildalWave really? I learned next to nothing.
@AviD Sadly, I have to go to University. Scholarship terms and all. :(
and nothing I couldn't have taught myself better, in less time.
@TildalWave My school's "Ethical Hacking" module sucked. The reverse engineering component of the lab test was literally change this jmp instruction to point to this memory address.
@TerryChia sadly you have to go to university?
@LucasKauffman Hehe. Tbh I'd rather get a job after getting my diploma.
@TerryChia dont you have a job?
I mean, sure, it's at Red Hat, but still.
@TerryChia well I really liked my time in college, the only problem was I never had any money. Now I have a job, I got money, but no time to spend it :(
@AviD It's an internship that is part of my diploma.
@LucasKauffman It's called VACATION.
@LucasKauffman Easy, give the money to me and I'll help you spend it. :P
Or, work-life balance, if you werent at the Big4... ;-)
@AviD I took 7 weeks of leave in total this year, they did comment me on that
@AviD and technically I still have so much overtime left I can still take another 2 weeks
whoa. that's a lot.
@AviD that's pure overtime
I thought overtime was built in, expected of you?
@AviD yea the overtime is built in, but they either pay it out or you take it as leave
but considering the tax constructions in Belgium is cheaper to just take it in leave
so I took 134 hours of overtime in leave
@AviD The Big4 can't be that bad. I mean.... @RoryAlsop used to work there and he has time to be in a freaking band.
never said it was bad. I said it was different.
Which could be bad for some people, and awesome for others.
and I still have another 100 hours left which I will get paid out
but hey I enjoy the job so I don't care ^^
@LucasKauffman see? thats great.
speaking of which, I have to do some work.
I'll just leave this here: cracked.com/quick-fixes/…. Enjoy.
@TerryChia yeah he also has a weird metabolism that means he's cool with 4 hours of sleep a night...
@LucasKauffman I always reckon that big4 is a great place to get some experience and also well paid, but unless you're shooting for partner, it's probably 3-4 years tops before you move on
@RoryMcCune yea indeed, currently I'd prefer getting on the CISO/CIO track rather than the partner track
I'm re-evaluating when I get to Senior III
and if I promote to manager or not
@RoryMcCune it does seem to me to be like those big law firms on tv shows...
1 hour later…
@LucasKauffman You got overtime pay????
@AviD yup
@RoryAlsop yeah?? With all the drama, sex, and incredibly witty retorts?
@AviD almost exactly :-)
except for the witty retorts
@RoryAlsop Interesting. What is the average percentage of female coworkers...? ;-)
@AviD depends on team....we had a much higher percentage than average :-)
@RoryAlsop yea
@RoryAlsop all non-executives have overtime pay
@RoryAlsop hehe. Okay, I assumed it was like most places - i.e. close to none. Still not as high as the ratio in tv law firms...
@AviD For a while we were 50/50
in our team
so everybody just paired up?
or did you have one of those complicated schemes with multiple partners?
Boston Legal had some of their best episodes around that...
@AviD must have missed that series
The only problem I have with women is that sometimes they tend to hold grudges between eachother for a very long time
@TerryChia Dude, it's been crazy up in here.
Shitload of new projects and I can't scratch my head!!
Plus, the OSCP thing.. damn you, @Lucas
I hope I don't lose the 3rd place for this year in leagues
@RoryAlsop interestingly, the perpetrators discovered each other by strategic use of a blacklight.
@AviD hahahahahahaha
..I mean..oh, how does that work exactly :-P
As a band, we use a lot of blacklighting - you do see some interesting things in the crowd
@RoryAlsop you should try that in your next team meeting.
@RoryAlsop how long did that big field last then? was pretty epic in size..
@RoryMcCune The main Scottish bit lasted till 9am
@RoryAlsop I had a look at intel but it crashed the chrome tab...
This was the main activity from start to midnight
@RoryMcCune It was under major load!
@RoryAlsop nice
If you check on G+ under #redemption, it gives a lot of info on the op plus major ops globally under the same tag
@RoryAlsop whilst being on their server/scaling team must be interesting, it would also be a hell of a job!
@RoryAlsop cool..
good data they must get from ingress
the sitrep should be live soon
@RoryAlsop yeah that's my theory on why it's free.. the costs of running it must be getting pretty big, so it'll need to be producing enough valuable info for Google to justify that...
@RoryAlsop So wait. In Ingress you control portals. What are the triangles?
And how do you control portals? O_0
@ManishEarth the triangles are formed from linking portals
@RoryAlsop How?
you go to portals, add resonators to them (power ups) to claim and strengthen them. You get keys to the portals. You go to another portal and link to any you have a key for, that are within range
which depends on how powered up they are
And the opposing team are trying to blow up yours and claim them themselves
So that blue field went up 30 minutes before we were intendng to start, so we had to send folks to take down theirs, as you can't make a link across an existing link or in an existing field
Was a really got fun evening
180-odd folks involved in this op across 9 countries
Our main coordinator drove and flew 2300 miles in the previous 2 weeks
moving keys
@RoryAlsop wow
@ManishEarth - if you have an android phone you can play
I just look after a little bit of central scotland
Mine is an old android phone
@ManishEarth hmm - can work, but might not be fun
the OS will work, what's the hardware like
It runs on my wife's desire-S, but it is slow and laggy
on an S3 it is great. On an S4 or htc 1x it is awesome
@RoryAlsop probably not enough
So, once you've claimed these portals, can you do anything with them?
@RoryM - need to do something to help you level up a couple of notches before you move north
@ManishEarth Add shields, turrets, etc etc and farm them
which gives you more power ups, grenades etc etc
@RoryAlsop heh well ingress will be tough in lochgoilhead 3G is pretty much non existent 2G is patchy...
yep, and items
@RoryMcCune hmmmmm - a good place to suggest a portal then, and give keys to folks elsewhere to keep it charged
will be able to nominate some cool portals though where I can get coverage...
@RoryAlsop indeed!
You see that island out in the Forth with millions of links. It closes to visitors soon.
@RoryAlsop we just got our mortgage approval for the new house so it's all looking quite definite now...
@RoryMcCune Yay!
and boo, obviously
@RoryAlsop we were nervous about that bit as the provider are pretty picky
but apparently have the best rates going at the moment..
1 hour later…
A: Is there any point in using 'strong' passwords?

Terry Chia Brute-forcing even 'strong' passwords is becoming trivial when you have the password hash, and this situation will only get worse. This is not true. A highly random password is near impossible to bruteforce given that the web application in question is using a strong hashing algorithm like ...

Dafuk, that got 12 upvotes?
@TerryChia if you don't like the 13 upvotes, you could always delete it :-)
(Blimming complaining about riding the rep-train)
which apparently could be a rip off of this youtube.com/watch?v=cG4PY8BCtEQ which only @Adnan could explain...
hahahaha - it is a brilliant vid
@RoryM - if you want to level up reasonably quickly round here, making fields is your best bet. I might get some keys when I pick up the kids. Happy to drop off a couple to you if you want. We ideally want to connect Macarthur Glen, Symbiosis, Community, Almond View and Almond Park up to Dobbies;
Then Almond Park and Dobbies to Heriot Watt and Baberton :-)
@AviD What do you expect me to do? You're the freaking mod!
@RoryAlsop Hahahaha!
@RoryAlsop ahh I didn't realise making fields provided xp (d'oh) I've got quite a large set of keys so I should be able to start joining some stuff up :) Are there restrictions on max number of links per portal?
@RoryMcCune You can only make 8 outgoing, but incoming is unlimited - I think the current record is around 300
@RoryAlsop cool so fairly high limit so me making a couple shouldn't get in the way of more important links :)
If we do it in Livi, or to Bathgate, or to west edin, we're all good
only restriction is if you want to link in a field you can only do it from a vertex of that field in towards a portal within the field, not from the enclosed portal to another one
On 19th, if we plan it we could do a bit of levelling you up before/after OWASP event
Edin is a place to rapidly level up
@RoryAlsop I can't follow, what is this all about :p?
@LucasKauffman The future of mankind and the world.
Or a daft game between the blues and the greens
you decide

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