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time to put some camembert in the oven
or on the gril
mmm what to choose
@LucasKauffman Went to France, see the family and eat real food worth that name.
@ThomasPornin Are they still French or have they recovered?
@ScottPack Being French cannot be cured.
@ThomasPornin escargots?
I really like escargots de Bourgogne
@LucasKauffman In that case, it was rillauds and crêmet d'Anjou. No snail this time.
So which one felt like going home now? France or Canadia?
@ThomasPornin mmmmmmmm
"eat real food worth that name." < Hehe
@ThomasPornin nice
@ScottPack Home is where my cat rules with an iron paw. So Canada.
@ThomasPornin I'd like to meet the cat that can tane a bear.
okay - it's not iron, but still...
mmm I broke my grill
@LucasKauffman The camembert defeated the grill ?
Now that is power cheese.
@RoryAlsop That is one attractive feline.
@ThomasPornin not sure short circuit I think
How does one short circuit smoldering charcoal?
@ScottPack 't was the electric grill
not going to bother preparing a BBQ when all I need to do is grill a single camembert :p
waits for bear magic
@ton.yeung If you use the stored bcrypt hash has the HMAC key, then what the server stores is sufficient to fool the server. This allows an attacker to escalate a read-only breach (e.g. stolen backup tape) into a read-write access. That's not necessarily a good thing.
what are you trying to achieve ?
I mean, what security property are you after ?
You use HMAC to prove... what exactly ?
@ton.yeung Anyway, regardless of how you do the authentication part, you need to make sure that the requests sent by the client are not surrepticiously altered by some evildoer.
So the authentication and the requests must go through some sort of armored transport mechanism
which means, basically, SSL
There he is, the fellow QCer Thomas :)
Once you have SSL, you may as well use it fully, and let it handle all this HMAC business.
@ton.yeung SSL uses HMAC to make sure that transmitted data is not altered.
When you have a SSL session and have performed some sort of authentication within that session (e.g. client showed the proper password), then SSL guarantees you that all subsequent data sent through that session comes from the authenticated client. You don't have to recompute some extra HMAC for every message from the client; SSL already does that for you.
A: How does SSL work?

Thomas PorninSince the general concept of SSL has already been covered into some other questions (e.g. this one and that one), this time I will go for details. Details are important. This answer is going to be somewhat verbose. History SSL is a protocol with a long history and several versions. First protot...

@ThomasPornin Are you aware if there's any institution in QC that specializes in offering education security-wise? Perhaps a certificate or something like that?
@Simon QC as in Québec, not as in Quantum Computing ?
Apparently, there are courses on cryptography at McGill: crypto.cs.mcgill.ca/~crepeau/COMP647
@ThomasPornin As in Québec, yes. Haha.
crypto is only one part of security, of course
Yeah, I'd rather study something a bit more general.
"Participants are expected to have a good background of cryptography"
@LucasKauffman oh yer I remember the guy from about a year ago... his scouser accent is great, has he recorded any new ones?
@ton.yeung With IIS, the normal way of doing things is to configure only SSL for your application, so everything which reaches your application has necessarily gone through SSL. And you let IIS handle the authentication anyway.
@ton.yeung I don't watch videos from this machine (bandwidth goes through a 3G phone, it is expensive)
It is probably the same in every country
Nah, not bad in India
it is very hard to maintain honest competition with no monopoly effect for anything which requires huge infrastructures.
However, Indian Internet speeds suck compared to the US
In France they have a very French thing for that: nosy regulation authorities.
It does not prevent market seizure, but at least it gives names and titles to the officials who have to be bribed for that.
@ton.yeung But you still want auth, no ?
And there is no auth which is more basic than basic auth
"basic auth" is just the standard HTTP way of "showing the password"
Satisfy any require valid-user FTW!
of course, this is kind of insecure unless played within SSL (i.e. HTTPS)
I must go now.
You might want to post a question on sec.SE, stating clearly the context and usage scenario
don't assume possible solutions, but first write down the overall goals
Yey the bear is back! :)
@ton.yeung hehe no no that's not the bear, that's just meant to represent us trying to fill in while he was away, thus the costume :)
@ton.yeung that was the idea ;) how bizarre huh?
Now I know how the Christians must have felt when their Messiah fshowed up for the first time.
Fuzzing, fuzzing and I hope you like fuzzing too
OK, so this has me confused: Adnan edited a post of mine simply to add a single space to the end of the answer:
@LucasKauffman you fuzzed youtube just now? the song skipped :O
@TildalWave yes I h4X0r3d the utube
all the google servers are belong to me
if only T_T
@tylerl probably opened, accidentally pressed space and then exited
let me check
@tylerl I did a rollback
@ton.yeung Linked it for you -- have a look yourself.
@LucasKauffman why? that's one more needless revision LOL
Q: How reliable is ASP.NET's Request Validation feature?

SimonASP.NET offers an extra layer to protect your application from XSS attacks and injection in general which is called Request validation. On their official topic, they mention that: Even if you're using request validation, you should HTML-encode text that you get from users before you display ...

@tylerl maybe to remove up/down vote? dunno, don't remember that thread being too controversial
If anyone knows anything about this, please share.
I just wanna add another reason to my list of "why you cannot trust MS features"
@Simon whats it supposed to do?
@tylerl The request validation feature?
... and how?
@Simon Yes
basically, it protects your application from xss/injection
.... on the request not the response?
"Request validation is a feature in ASP.NET that examines an HTTP request and determines whether it contains potentially dangerous content."
@Simon That's theoretically valuable, but only if you know what it's doing and what it's not doing. It certainly couldn't be considered protection against anything.
Kind of like the "data firewall" idea Rasmus Lerdorf has been trying to push. A general inspection of input data simply doesn't cut it for an output-related attack. It can't be made to work as a general solution, but might protect against very specific attacks.
Why does it exist then?
@TildalWave I'm revising regardless
that space was just not right
@Simon Didn't read what it's supposed to do but I doubt it has anything to do with MS features ... if anything, then rather lack of them. If you don't HTML-encode output then chances are greater input that properly escapes sanitizer will still be malicious (there's literally gazillion of ways to achieve that). Problem is, MS prolly thought they can't possibly protect from all types of exploits and not cause it to be only usable in rare few cases, so they add the notice to it.
@LucasKauffman The space is something of an insult. An affront to civilized discourse.
anyway in general the aproach is just to tear open the ASP.NET framework and see how they are sanitizing everything
Mhm, I'll read the link, thanks.
@tylerl It's disgrace and I shall not stand for it!
Is it me or your answers dissapeared?
@Simon what answers?
Wait, I'm too tired. I was viewing another thread.
@Simon How can you be too tired at 5 pm? Aren't you supposed to be young and all that? And you're here so I'm pretty sure you didn't have too much sex either :O
@TildalWave They call me the Road Runner.
I haven't missing a lot of sleep time lately, that might be why.
@LucasKauffman The link you've sent me is interesting because it seems that they still haven't fixed this.
Nor plan to according to the source.
@Simon I imagine the function exists because it was useful for some internal team, but they don't intend to update it because they know doing so would be a battle they can't win.
@Simon that's request validation... you can't validate all on input and not expect it to cause other problems, that's why you have to have certain output validation in place also, that's where HTML-encoding comes in play (or possibly other ways, depending on what you need the output for). I wouldn't consider it a bug personally, imagine all the problems you'd have to parse user input if it came in your parser already HTML-encoded
And don't forget the cardinal rule for understanding these issues: Everything Microsoft does can be explained by internal politics.
You both have valid points. Now, I'd like some concrete examples like @LucasKauffman showed me :D
@Simon well he doesn't like space, so let's take that as an example - "Welcome Simon&nbsp;The&nbsp;Road&nbsp;Runner!"
or URL-encoded: "Simon+The+Road+Runner"
chances are, you don't really wanna deal with HTML/URL-encoded strings in your code... but they do solve the problem that was described in that link... but on output.
@TildalWave Haha. What about SQL injection?
@Simon Have you found any problems with the request validation for that? I honestly don't wanna go dig into its documentation what all it's supposed to prevent, I have limited interests in .net and it's also rather late here :P
Nah, I've simply hit the error code caused by this feature while testing injection a few times.
@Simon which error code?
This means that you've hit the filter.
@Simon that looks like a proper response to me
So, I was being curious what I could try to inject to not trigger the filter.
Meh, looks like this question is pretty much the same: security.stackexchange.com/questions/23433/…
I have no idea if event validation is the same thing though, hence why I didn't find it when I tried to search for request validation.
@Simon oh so you're wearing black hat not white hat, sorry I thought you wanna protect something not the other way around LOL ... dunno, run some vulnerability scanner on it
@TildalWave Haha, yes I'm being the evil one :P
@Simon meh that's why they're called hats, easy to change... a practice that's been in some folklores for centuries (including ours, we have some hat changing dance / drinking activity) and even Beckett's play doesn't make it any less absurd LOL
@TildalWave Hahaha
Not sure if I should run a scanner on a website that's not mine, hehe.
I no longer have access to an IIS server.

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