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@ScottPack Further proof that SCOTUS is really nothing but a bunch of politicians. Only politicians could have figured a way to grant federal benefits to gay married couples without actually weighing in on whether or not gay marriage should be legal in general.
Didn't they also overturn the Californian ban as well? It's hard to find proper information about the whole ordeal.
@ScottPack No. As I understand it, they declined to comment - the issue was not "properly brought before" them.
Ok, correction: Their declination to hear the case, by default, did allow Prop. 8 to be struck down.
Has anyone ever done a research on how to bypass ASP's RequestValidate?
@Iszi Yeah, that makes sense. The state courts struck it down, but it was appealed up.
The status of DOMA is still a bit unclear to me. Media seems to be saying it's struck down wholesale. I'm not sure the ruling is quite so broad. However, I haven't read the whole thing either. There's this thing called "work" that society says I should probably be doing instead right now.
From CBSNews
> In a 5-4 ruling in United States v. Windsor, the court struck down a provision of the 17-year-old Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) that denies federal benefits -- like Social Security benefits or the ability to file joint tax returns -- to same-sex couples legally married.
Maybe I'll dig into it when I get home. Kristin has a point, here:
.@transzorp I know the headline, I like to know all the legal reasoning as to why. A good decision for bad reasons can be awful long-term.
That implies that only part of it was struck down.
I like how they managed to strike down a state law without actually setting precedent for other states.
That's just it - SCOTUS didn't "strike down" the law at all. They just said they're staying out of the fight for now, per a technicality.
For all practical purposes. Can the case be rebrought to the court?
@ScottPack I don't see why not.
I would assume so, but I don't know how that stuff works.
The whole thing's messy.
Also tricksome.
Where's RoryA when I need him?
@Simon roaming the Scottish highlands
@ton.yeung The decision reeks of compromise and cowardice.
@ScottPack And it's a split decision, no less.
So they did two things that were kind of interesting. By striking down the provision that denied federal spousal rights to same sex couples they made a declaration that denying same-sex couples the right to marry is unconstitutional.
@ScottPack Not quite so.
Refusing to hear the Prop8 case means that they deferred to the lower courts decision, which was to strike it down ( selectively so in some situations apparently).
Strictly speaking, they just said allowing the federal government to treat certain marriages, as recognized by the states, differently than others is unconstitutional.
Those two things combined make a statement that same-sex marriage should be allowed. However, they managed to completely avoid actually saying it.
@ScottPack Again, strictly speaking, this is not the case. They refused to hear it because it wasn't brought to them correctly, not because they thought the lower court was or wasn't correct in their ruling.
It makes me wonder if the 5th vote was on the fence and the combo punch was to bring it over. Allowing one group of judges to keep their social justice cred whilest allowing the other judges to keep their conservative cred.
@Iszi Semantics.
@ScottPack Law & Politics.
@LucasKauffman wrong @rory it's me that's in the highlands (well more costal north than actual highlands but still...)
@ton.yeung Exactly. It's pretty easy to find a way to ignore the things you want to ignore.
@RoryMcCune in my imagination you are all roaming the scottish highlands in a kilt. Except that RoryA is wearing that mask :p
@ton.yeung SCOTUS' decision enforces federal benefits for married gay couples. Legalizing or banning gay marriage itself is still up to the states at this point.
@Iszi But yes, definitely politics in this situation. The entire set of rulings smells much more political than legal.
@Iszi that looks to be the gist of it, yes.
still a good thing though
I don't understand why people are against gay marriage
@LucasKauffman Religion
when 99% of the time it is not against the tenets of their religion, but against their interpretation of what their religious text says.
I can understand that some people are skeptical to allow gay couples to adopt children (I don't mind that either) but marriage is not something which involves anyone else
@LucasKauffman Morals & ethics - mostly based on religion. What those people fail to realize is the U.S. is a democracy, not a theocracy.
@LucasKauffman if I could get a civil partnership with my fiancee I would.
marriage is both a religious and a governmental construct
@Iszi Republic
I'd rather have just the latter.
civil partnerships for all would be nice.
Which is exactly why my wife and I had our ceremony presided over by a judge.
@ton.yeung most countries are a theocracy.
you can blame our monarchy for that.
@ScottPack Regardless, the point is that the founding fathers - regardless of their own religious beliefs - specifically built a secular government.
the Queen is a figurehead that represents the embodiment of "God", which in this case is a Judeo-Christian deity.
hence we're a theocracy.
@Iszi I wonder how long it actually lasted.
@ton.yeung About 2-3 years later we got parties :)
I was actually pretty freaked out when we first moved to Ohio. Just 8 months after we were married, and moved to a new state, we got to vote on a state DOMA. The original text of that amendment could easily have been interpreted to invalidate our marriage, since it was not performed by a religious official.
@ton.yeung have to agree there. though a little more so/com mixed in with our corporatocracy would be nice.
Then it passed.
@ton.yeung Disagree with which bit? That we live in a corporatocracy, or that a bit more socialism / communism mixed in with it would be good?
@ton.yeung I'm not talking about the core tenets as such, but more the philosophy.
making sure that everyone has enough
spreading the wealth so there's not such a divide
cutting back on needless and frivolous spending
welfare state is a problem, agreed.
but there are other ways of spreading the wealth. doesn't have to be fiscal wealth, either.
I also don't like oligarchy.
I'd much prefer a country run by the people, for the people.
infeasible in the extreme, but getting out of the 2 party system would be nice.
you might think it's bad in the USA, but it's worse in the UK
So... Windows 8.1 allows you to accept incoming Skype calls from the lock screen. Anyone else wondering if there might be an exploitable hole there somewhere?
@Iszi If?
@ton.yeung there are plenty of political idealists that have tried, but the system is too ingrained.
@ScottPack Oh, right. We are talking about a Microsoft product.
@Polynomial why can't you get civil partnership with your fiancee?
@LucasKauffman civil partnerships aren't offered to heterosexual couples in England.
@Polynomial O.O
@ton.yeung throwing first past the post voting away would be a start.
@ton.yeung You need to watch some C.G.P. Grey.
Hang on, I'll dig up a playlist.
@ton.yeung "first past the post" voting is where you count up the votes and the one with the most wins
it promotes a two-party system due to voter mindset, and is generally unfair (someone with <50% of the votes can win)
Here's a YouTube playlist of all C.G.P. Grey's videos on elections. 10 videos, 48 minutes. Start now. youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEcHCTVM79BMISVn4AV5EXSglGDzRgwgG
and agreed, C.G.P Grey explains FPTP and alternative voting systems exceedingly well.
in the UK we generally have the Labour party running things most of the time, then occasionally flick over to the Conservatives every 30 years or so when the Labour guys fuck up hard (e.g. continuing to spend ludicrously after the recession hit) and once every 70 years or so we elect or minority-elect (see: current coalition with Con / Lib-Dem) some 3rd party.
so we're barely even 2-party.
we're 1 party for the good times and 1 party for the bad times
and a third party most people don't listen to, but only get in when both parties fuck up royally.
@Iszi I'll be watching them (again!) on my phone on the way home.
@ton.yeung essentially the alternative vote is statistically fairer, and helps smaller parties gain traction
I disagree.
the current systems are favourable to the powerful and wealthy because the powerful and wealthy are in charge of maintaining the system.
everyone in power wants to maintain the power they have, and get more power.
everyone with money wants to maintain the income they have, and get more money.
@ton.yeung if he's doing it for informed reasons, then he is a wise man.
though many people just don't vote out of ignorance for politics.
Then you have the electoral system which means the winner could have, what is it @Iszi, 12% of the popular vote and the loser having 78%.
the douche and turd argument is a major issue
I think it's your duty to vote when you are in a democracy
@ScottPack I think that's about right. That's much later in the playlist though.
@LucasKauffman what if you're only given the illusion of democracy?
well you are legally obliged to vote here anywway :p
@Iszi That one was probably the most enlightening and scary to me.
@Polynomial example :p?
Does the new close reason seem correct?
@LucasKauffman two party system.
> Questions asking us to break the security of a specific system for you are off-topic unless they demonstrate an understanding of the concepts involved and clearly identify a specific problem.
@LucasKauffman both parties are polar extremes in terms of world view (conservative vs. liberal) and therefore don't really have to make any important policies.
@ton.yeung that's a new custom off topic close reason
@Polynomial well they don't have to make them, but they can make them
@LucasKauffman decided voters load the bases, and the rest just pick based on the bullshit they spew during campaigns.
@ton.yeung Well, if it's a good one
@LucasKauffman sure, but when was the last time you saw a REALLY out-there policy during elections? it's all "more money on education" and "a better tomorrow" and all the shiny unicorn farts and stock pictures of clouds they can come up with.
@ton.yeung it's a new close-vote option for when we VtC on questions that are poor quality
@ton.yeung "Is this custom off topic reason a good one? Does it accurately represent what is off topic or does it apply to on topic things, too?"
@Polynomial ehm, I did last elections and the same will happen with the upcoming ones. Why do you think we didn't have a government for more than 500 days :p
when you click Close on the question, it gives you a bunch of options (e.g. off topic, not a real question)
He does
anyway this has been fun, but hometime!
@ton.yeung I do
@LucasKauffman Did that hurt or help?
@ton.yeung I have a better phrasing in mind
@ScottPack the 500 days without government?
"[...]demonstrate a desire to gain an understanding [..]"
nope because it got really complex, the main party involved in Flanders was a moderate nationalist party who wants to prevent money transfers from Flanders to Wallonia and on the long term move to a confederate system rather than being one country. BUT they only had 28.5% (which is huge since most parties only got like 8-10%)
Flanders from the Simpsons?
@Simon He's the quintessential Belgian.
@ScottPack now here's the funny bit, in Wallonia they had a socialist party who did exactly the same thing who were completely opposite of the flemish nationalist party. But they to had a large portion of votes in Wallonia (Flanders and Wallonia have different parties) normally after the elections you need to form an alliance with enough parties to have most of the votes on your side
@ScottPack Is he actually Belgian?
but because both of the parties were so opposed to eachother they needed to make alliances which smaller parties
which made it even more difficult
in the end a few flemish parties went together with the socialist party and the nationalist party went into opposition
results are now that they expect the nationalist party to get even more votes than last time. And they might even get so much votes they will control 40% of the parliament on their own
The good part about the 500 days without government was that they couldn't pass any expenses which needed to be done by the government. So we ended up spending almost no money, which lowered our national deficit substantially
if you haven't seen this yet:
the best part was that even without government, the country functioned as it normally would
For @ScottPack & @ton.yeung:
The percentage of popular vote required to become POTUS, under certain conditions, can be as low as 22% due to the way the Electoral College works.
@ton.yeung But without changing the election process from what it is today, the citizens have little chance to change the people in the system.
And the people in the system are the ones who are able to change it.
It's pretty circular. The system needs to change because it's too self-serving. However the only people that are able to change the system are the ones benefiting from it.
this guy is awesome
One of the problems of a representative democracy. The citizenship doesn't have direct power.
I'm too cynical to believe that SOPA is really much more than an aberration.
@ton.yeung That much is obvious.
pissed myself
Q: Can this close reason be improved?

ManishearthOne of our custom off topic close reasons is the following: Questions asking us to break the security of a specific system for you are off-topic unless they demonstrate an understanding of the concepts involved and clearly identify a specific problem. However, isn't the purpose of this site...

@ManishEarth I'll have a think - I reckon it can be.
Also, what does the community think of this? Needed?:
Q: I want to create the browser-extensions tag. Is that OK?

Rob WThere are quite a lot of extensions about browser extensions and add-ons. However, there's no tag dedicated to them. I want to create and add the browser-extensions tag to the relevant questions. However, since I don't have free edit privileges yet, this is going to put some load on the reviewer...

@RoryAlsop, the man I wanted to see!
@Simon oooo - ello, what have I let myself in for?
Would you buy a 2.5 RS with a japanese motor in it?
I have no idea if the wiring is different with a jdm engine.
A: Can this close reason be improved?

Lucas KauffmanWhatabout: Questions asking us to break the security of a specific system without demonstrating an understanding of the concepts involved and without clearly identifying a specific problem, are considered off-topic.

@LucasKauffman Doesn't it have the same issue as the current one?
> However, isn't the purpose of this site to gain understanding?
@ManishEarth not really
I think
we could just make an additional reason can't we?
@Simon definitely. In fact the 2.5l engine in mine is a japanese one
I don't know about different wiring though, sorry
@RoryAlsop Oh, sweet. The only reason why I wanna know about the wiring is because I've never heard of the shop who has replaced the engine. If the wiring job sucks, I'm gonna hate it.
@RoryAlsop what's the consensus anyway, are black hat questions allowed?
also how can we identify black hat questions?
Anyway, I'll probably go see the car tonight, if it feels right I'll get it expected somewhere they know their shit.
@ton.yeung Montreal.
If I change "I want to hack" to "During a pentest" it would be on topic I guess
Also, when you're talking about the break-in, the engine was brand new or what?
That's the ad for the 2.5 RS
Looks clean, the hood is ugly though, I'd replace that immediately.
@ton.yeung Oh yeah, that's silly.
@LucasKauffman the consensus was that if it is a good question, it shouldn't matter. We still get to kill the "GIVEMETEHKAODZ" questions anyway
@ton.yeung not true. Limited slip diffs can cope with a small amount of disparity in tyre size
@RoryAlsop But what defines a good question?
@ton.yeung Probably not even carbon. I'd just like the color to be uniform.
@RoryAlsop Really? That's what I thought too.
@ManishEarth then the current close reason is good I guess
I typically change 2 at a time, just because I eat rears much faster than fronts
@RoryAlsop How come?
@RoryAlsop Kinky.
The main problem is that if the difference is too great, the diff effectively has to absorb the difference
Jeez guys - 3 stars already???
@ton.yeung See the tag in the corner?
@ScottPack We're having a serious conversation here, please.
But the difference between a brand new tyre and one half done is about the same as the difference between one at 38psi and one at 28psi
@Simon Suuurrree....
@ScottPack might have known you would be watching
@Simon trumps any serious conversation in this room. That list of topics in the top-right is in order of priority, left to right.
always there
waiting for the topic #1
Did you guys not understand I was being sarcastic? Dayum.
so if I blow out a brand new tyre, replacing it on its own is fine
I'm impressed that actually made it to the #1 topic
@ton.yeung :-)
You guys made me excited about the jdm 2.5 RS now. I'm gonna be pissed if it was badly done.
That can result in hemorrhoids.
@ton.yeung it really isn't much strain unless you are talking brand new tyre as opposed to 3 other completely worn ones
More like I'm gonna cry than be pissed.
@ton.yeung Yeah, I get between 8 and 10k out of a set - and a new set costs me £1k
bit expensive
Have you tried the PS1?
@Simon I upgraded my games to a PS3 a couple of years ago
Sweet :)
this one does feel to me a bit like a crypto one (thanks @Lucas) - vote if you guys want it movedd:
Q: How does partial key escrow work?

nitrlIt is being speculated that one of the ways that NSA leaker Edward Snowden may have created his "insurance policy"--distributing sensitive documents to various individuals with instructions to disseminate them should anything happen to him--is through the use of a partial key escrow. The concep...

@ScottPack Are we still friends?
@Simon i don't know you well enough for us to have been friends to begin with.
I am destroyed.
@LucasKauffman You can have scottpackfacts.com, I think it would be better if a friend of his would run it.
@Simon Don't take offense. I'm very stingy with that word. Hell, you should see my inbox on LinkedIn and Facebook.
I've never thought of stalking you over Facebook, that's a very good idea!
I keep meaning to go clean out my account but I keep forgetting.
@Simon It's 'kay
gently rubs @ScottPack's back
Sweet....sweet...human touch...
I need the rubbing more than he does...
Doubt it. I have a pre-schooler.
Fair point.
@RoryAlsop do you know within the EU legislation of people can be held liable at a personal level for "not adequately protecting personal information". For instance, someone decided to not have patch management, as a result tons of personal information was leaked due to a breach. Can this person be held liable for that?
@LucasKauffman That sounds awfully specific. What client are you working on now?
@ScottPack serverfault
@LucasKauffman As far as I know not yet (unless they are one of the approved persons for that function in their organisation) but it is proposed in the updated data protection legislation due out next year
Ignorance is usually not considered an acceptable excuse for negligence.
@ton.yeung What @Scott said
@RoryAlsop thanks :)
@LucasKauffman will try and find a link to the legistlation
@LucasKauffman Are you logging some of his quotes in a notepad yet?
@Simon maybe...
@ton.yeung not really, we try to avoid stuff like PRISM and having to share facebook account credentials with employers ;)
but as far as I know they are still having tons of trouble on getting it aligned with the anti-money laundering legislation
@ton.yeung same happened with europe after FATCA was voted in
@LucasKauffman heh - yeah AML and ABC are fun
Incidentally, this is an example that scrapes the starwalls and spits out commentary.
@ScottPack I wonder if there's a way to narrow that down to just one room?
On Mark's site, no. Sounds like a feature request.
@ScottPack that's nice
@ton.yeung that depends if it has been hashed before or not
where the hash is the bcrypt representation containing hash salt and cost?
@ton.yeung it sounds right to me but if I were you I'd ask this on crypto
no I just like this new feature
nah you should ask on crypto
normally I'd advice you to see the great bear wizard, but he has not shown up for many moons ago
@ton.yeung Yes
@ton.yeung if you see the great bear, tell him we anxiously await his return!
@LucasKauffman Ask and ye shall receive.
@ThomasPornin Oooh - hello stranger.
How's tricks
Back from holiday.
Holiday was true and complete : no Internet access.
@ThomasPornin we have missed you <3 hugz
@ThomasPornin excellent! Restful then?
@ThomasPornin where did you go?
@RoryAlsop Since it involved a transatlantic roundtrip, it was not completely restful, but it was good nonetheless.

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