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@DavidFreitag He probably left his lights on.
@JohnP I was going to say something along the lines of "You either have a dead battery or a faulty alternator."
@DavidFreitag could be an aneurism.
@DavidFreitag Most likely. Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
@AviD I doubt it, otherwise I've had several aneurysms in my life.
@JohnP Yeah.. uh... something something latin something something
I was going to look up the location of the fuel pump (There are some Honda models that have the fuel pump near the rear seat), but then I realized I don't really care that some dudes 17 year old ant infested car won't start.
@DavidFreitag Heh. Logical fallacy "After the fact, therefore because of the fact". i.e. Sprayed for ants + car won't start = ant spray killed car.
@JohnP I was going to suggest he try charging the battery or bringing it to an auto parts store to check the health. Sound good to you?
@DavidFreitag or a pet shop. Yknow, for the ants.
@AviD There is a really awesome clear neck tie that has an ant farm in it.
also, somebody has to link him this
@DavidFreitag Yep. Easy peasy.
A: Car won't start, possibly due to ants in batteries

David FreitagAnts are unlikely to be the source of your issue. Your battery is filled with sulfuric acid, and that is sufficiently strong enough to completely dissolve any ants that made their way into your battery. Above that, your battery should be completely sealed. Also, even if the ants did manage to get...

Hopefully I didn't put my foot into my mouth.
@DavidFreitag if you dissolve enough ants using acid, can you use that to feed your Mr.Fusion device to power your DeLorean?
@AviD No, liquid ant alone is not sufficient, you must also gather the tears of four small children.
@JohnP oh snap, post that as an answer
Liquid Ants, TM will not work. you need Liquid Gerbal or higher
@JohnP What is a good way to avoid sore muscles after exercising?
avoid exercising?
Sure, but that causes a few problems of its own though
pfft, nothing that won't go away on it's own, eventually
@DavidFreitag Start slower.
@AviD True, I suppose death cures all illnesses.
But @AviD is right, DOMS fades after a few days.
@JohnP I did fifteen pushups, 45 crunches, and 30 squats any my entire body hates me. I don't think you can go slower than that.
What type of exercise?
Sure. Do 5, 10 and 5.
Well, that and 5 minutes of high-knees and jumping jacks
The entire goal of exercise is to get healthier. You can't do that if DOMS keeps you out of the game for a few days.
@DavidFreitag ::facepalm::
@JohnP Is it a bad idea to continue working through the pain?
Nah, a lot of people find it can help.
Unless it's just debilitating.
Nope, I'm just being a pansy
@JohnP Is there something wrong with high knees and jumping jacks?
But seriously, if you go along for years and don't do anything, who cares if one day you do 2 pushups, 10 situps and a few squats? Nobody but you. Then the next day do 3 or 4 pushups, etc.
@DavidFreitag Not by themselves, no. But for someone overweight that is not used to exercise, those are both high intensity, and to do them for 5 minutes your first time out is asking for it. :)
no no, the first couple days just stand up and stretch. That's already a big gain.
And if by high knees, you mean jogging in place, that's not too bad. If you mean jumping so both knees come up, that is very stressful if you don't know how to land lightly.
@JohnP Well I worked up a decent sweat and my lungs didn't abort on me like usual.
@JohnP ... and in addition to the crunches and etc
@DavidFreitag That's awesome! o/
@DavidFreitag asthma?
@JukEboX yes, and I don't have an inhaler
I really should go see a doctor
The last time I went to the gym my lips started turning blue
I started doing power yoga a while ago. I had thought it was just some pleasant stretching and maybe some aromatherapy... sooo not! best workout I'd had in years, and was great for me to go from sedentary to healthy.
@AviD I'm just imaging you doing "power yoga" and I can't stop laughing.
the stretching, balancing, etc were there, and are great, but still a workout for all muscle groups, including aerobic...
@AviD Try hot yoga sometime. I'm decently fit, and that destroyed me.
@DavidFreitag you don't know me
but yeah, you're not wrong
@AviD No, but I know what you look like.
@JohnP yeah the power yoga includes hot yoga
she does change it up sometimes, so its not always hot yoga.
I'm probably the most inflexible human in existence
and yeah, thats the destroyed I'm talking about...
@DavidFreitag you think you know me?
@AviD I know the person that you have chosen to let me know.
hmm, my tone isnt getting across. I'm just coming off prickly.
imagine me saying that in the Godfather's voice.
Or Dirty Harry.
I actually started back into the gym last week as well.
@AviD In this case, yes I am feeling lucky.
So...PM Cameron popped his todger in a dead pigs gob...
Hahaha hahaha - and there was us being all coy using hashtags like #baeofpigs #hameron and #piggate
@RoryAlsop please, you think any non-brits have a clue what he just said?
<--- Is a non Brit.
@AviD - Security at the expense of usability comes at the expense of security. - That is 18 different kinds of awesome.
@JohnP thank you muchly :D
sometimes I shorten it to: "unusable security isn't."
@AviD I'm imaging you saying that in deadpool's voice. I lol'd.
@DavidFreitag oh yeah, that's the right one.
@JohnP Uhhh... what?
@DavidFreitag Just google cameron pig and all will be explained.
> I did not have sexual relations with that pig.
@DavidFreitag define the word have
@Gilles Verb: to experience, undergo, or endure
@DavidFreitag Why would he say "that pig"? He had with others, just not that one?
ah sorry, you only just read about it yourself
@TildalWave Hey, what a man does in the privacy of his own kitchen...
I heard of it before but didn't read anything more on it
It's a sea of blue in here.
@DavidFreitag It wasn't in his kitchen. It was with an entire social group, presumably.
@DavidFreitag ah lol I thought you meant police lights and someone robbed your local shop again
Is it very blue? Just the usual suspects I think
OK, apparently I can't connect the dots any more
@TildalWave Just sharpen your pencil and you'll be fine again :P
@DavidFreitag was that an euphemism? :))
@RoryAlsop pish. scifi had 8 mods, 3 cms a dev and a Shog.
really? what happened?
@TildalWave This is the DMZ, everything is a euphemism.
@TildalWave Science fiction, presumably.
sounds more like pulp fiction
@JohnP exactly my point
@DavidFreitag they are great fun
@RoryAlsop Google music removed that album from their library D:
@JohnP that's all I need to know ... I need not know
It really is almost grounds for me to boycott gmusic.
@JohnP Creepy...?
@AviD I'm sure it has something to do with this
I meant, aren't we used to mods being creepy?
The only mod I am used to being a creeper is you.
@JohnP wut
@AviD Dammiut, then be more clear with your "uhmmm" references.
I thought you were making a statement about me referencing another mod.
@JohnP hahaha
well yes, but one of the local ones.
Am I the only one who is seriously confused?
::facedesk:: ::facedesk:: ::facedesk::
Facedesk? is that the new facebook or something?
@DavidFreitag No. It's an escalated form of facepalm indicating higher levels of exasperation.
Looks like more white belts are getting free sparring lessons this week. :p
@JohnP Yes I know :P
I quit.
@JohnP TWSS.
@Simon Mmmm honeycrisp apple tea mmmmmm
@DavidFreitag yummeh
Ok so it turns out a bathtub full of icy hot is going to be too expensive to be practical.

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