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Moring All
@RоryMcCune sets fire to...
@Flyk good, it's fracking freezing in Scotland at the moment!
your fault for living that far north
@Flyk well I prefer the cold to being too hot...
but I don't expect 10C in August!
that's why air conditioning was invented
saying that I want some monsoon type rain so I can get a good night's sleep
or day...
@Flyk we've got some of that too! was the local "gala" day on saturday and they got a touch damp
I have an app on my phone which plays the sound of rain to me while I sleep
the problem is my brain knows when the loop starts and that's enough to prevent it from working
@Flyk so you need a longer loop, I guess... or better mixing :)
can't really complain for free
@Flyk yeah I'm amazed when I see people complain about free mobile apps....
I imagine a 10 minute loop is long enough for most people
@RоryMcCune well they're not really free, are they?
"free in exchange for access to your device + showing you ads"
@Flyk well some are, I don't count the spawn of the devil with inapp purchases
meh, doesn't even need IAP
@Flyk yeah ads can be annoying, and any app that wants access to my device data better actually need it to function or it's on a one-way trip to nopesville
"Monsoon type rain" Hot, humid and wet?
@JourneymanGeek loud enough to drown out the brain noise generated by being awake
also, all rain is wet
@JourneymanGeek AFAIK all rain is wet.
details details.
Could be a rain of fire.
that's only rain by the virtues of the simple human mind drawing comparisons between droplets of water pulled to the surface by gravity and balls of fire flying towards the surface by gravity
I'd assume a rain of fire would be distributed by means of some burning liquid, that would still be wet.
hydrocarbons wouldn't be wet
@JourneymanGeek besides, I've already got the hot and humid, so... let's just add some rain
oh, it's raining
not quite the downfall I was hoping for
maybe I can replicate the steps I have taken this morning to see if I can summon rain on demand
what we need is Precipitation As A Service.
that would be quite awesome
I need to sleep, dialup a thunder storm
I wonder if you could make a track just using dialup modem sounds
maybe I've even started this particular experiment before
@Flyk bit of NerdCore, why not!
it's hardly any different than overlaying your bass with white noise
and I do that... far too frequently
when a news article reporting on a study of electric cars starts with "believe it or not", I go with not
you're supposed to be reporting news, if you can't believe it why should I even read it!?
@Flyk all you need then is a suitably nerdy name and it'll be a hit with the geek set :)
@RоryMcCune SYN-ACK - dialing up
@Flyk nice! only problem is now you can't release the track anywhere apart from here or it'll ruin your OpSec :op
you under estimate me
@Flyk mm?
@Flyk well if you've got a pseudonym to burn sure, that'd work :) now all you need to do is lay-down the track..
well it's not like there is a finite number of random names available
@Flyk true true "flyk" + rand(10) should work just fine :)
why limit it to rand(10)
guids would be more suitable
"superstar');drop table artists; - a message from the future"
@Flyk might not make for the most memorable of names tho... "hey have you checked out the new track by 2e2feeb7-118f-41cf-aa44-cc3f51cdf25a"
@RоryMcCune maybe the focus is on the music and not on the artist?
maybe sometimes it's entirely about the music and the person who created it isn't even part of the picture
@Flyk yeah I could see that from an artistic point of view, would make it a touch tricky to build a fan-base ....
I wouldn't want people who use four dots as an ellipsis in my fan base anyway
@Flyk :op
producing for other people is where it's at
it means I regain my excessive sleeping pattern over the weekends
I wish I could petition to turn Friday and Saturday into Tuesday and Wednesday
so I could have the psychological effect of not waking up on Saturday mornings for like the entire day
I have to say though, I do prefer humanity during the hours of 3am to 5am
all of the normal ones are asleep and it's just the rest of us still awake
peaceful anyway... around here the only people you'd encounter at that time might be farmers
yeah, nothing like sitting in silence after ordering coffee at some service station only to have a group of really loud people from the club you were just at wander in
so I should really get a team working on a cloak of invisibility
because that would just be cool
@Flyk hoody + dark glasses, that's the way to go :)
I am normally in a hoody at such times
it's more like a comfort blanket though
still can't afford my own plane unfortunately
the fraction of my future plane that I have in savings is getting close to 1/<four digits>, though
@Flyk \o/ soon you'll be flying around in luxury.. although are there not intermediate steps where you hire a more-private plane
keep you away from the hoi-polloi?
I had to google that to see what I was being accused of
@RоryMcCune sure but right now it would totally be a waste except for ego stroking
far too sensible to waste money like that
@Flyk good plan
if I rent a plane now for travelling between two adjacent cities, what am I going to do when I'm 10% short of the list price on my spaceship?
also, renting would mean I can't paint it pink
that would be frustrating, I'm sure
indeed, what a careless waste of resources with no consideration for future requirements
it's still possible to be the first person to drop dubstep in low earth orbit
@Flyk that would be cool.. I wonder if anyone's done that while in freefall
I'm also pretty sure that nobody has written an original track in orbit yet as well
IIRC you can get trips that give you the Zero-G aspect without actually hitting LEO
@RоryMcCune sure, rapid descent in a plane
@Flyk so you could buy one of those as a test/training thing and do Dubstep freefall
welp, I have finished absorbing all of the bad will from the various mainstream news sites I stumbled upon
@Flyk yeah reading the Mainstream media is rarely an experience likely to give you warm fuzzy feelings...
better than some of the other bonkers I've been told recently
what is this about the american government having an artificial intelligence in control of their military?
@Flyk Nah, if it was true they would be making better decisions.
so what is Jade2 and Jade Helm 15 then?
yes, I know, it's amazing where the hunt for samples goes
one minute I'm watching a video on assassination conspiracies and the next I'm watching my little pony
@Flyk only thing I've seen recently along those lines was an open letter from a lot of prominent techies telling governments generally not to create autonomous AI style weapons
sounded like very sensible advice to me
@RоryMcCune But but but... I want Skynet. :(
@RоryMcCune well depending on who you believe and what you read, Jade2 is apparently some system for mapping human behavior using information available in the social domain to build battle plans
@TerryChia do you.... do you really...
@Flyk sounds plausible..
@RоryMcCune it flags people who don't do what the 99% does
in theory
I was thinking the other day. Downside of biometric auth on phones + next gen location services, means that (apart from fake biometrics which aren't common) data owners will be able to say exactly where a specific person was at a specific point in time (i.e. not just someone who had the pin code for the device, but somone who had the fingerprint for the device)
@Flyk hmm will be interesting to see where that gets use..
from a site called "chemtrailsplanet" (lol)
it says:
JADE” is an A.I. quantum computing technology that produces holographic battlefield simulations and has the ability to use vast amounts of data being collected on the human domain to generate human terrain systems in geographic population centric locations to identify and eliminate targets, insurgents, rebels or whatever labels that can be flagged as targets in a Global Information Grid for Network Centric Warfare environments.

The JADE II battle field system is cognitive and intuitive. It can examine prior executed battle plans and and devise ‘new and better’ strategies to increase the ‘k
that basically sounds like what I remember from Wargames
@Flyk sounds like @TerryChia gets his skynet after all...
@RоryMcCune yeah
it just makes you wonder whether all of the high profile individuals who came out with the AI warnings all at the same time a few months back knew something we didn't
that would make sense
we'll find out soon enough, anyway
you reckon discussing this means we'll be getting black helicopter visits soon..?
well it goes one of two ways I think
if we're right, surely the AI would just suppress the information and then cease deeming us as a threat because we weren't shouting, or singing about it
and if we're wrong, then the US would probably like the fact we're wrong because it's just another theory that they can hide what they're really upto behind
neither of us live in the US
I suppose they could randomly black bag us but that means travelling to Scotland in your case, and nobody wants to do that
and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't get away with a random firefight where I'm at without causing an international incident
@Flyk although we do have a large military base right next door, so they could just hand off to their local lot.
@Flyk vatican city?
@RоryMcCune ahahaha like the vatican city would allow me anywhere near
@Flyk well on the list of places where firefights cause diplomatic incidents, it seemed quite high
sure but that's literally top on the list
there are quite a few further down the list
like Monaco, for example, where you can get arrested for dressing incorrectly!
@Flyk probably the same in Singapore as well, they seem quite strict about that kind of thing
@RоryMcCune Nah.
I wish instead of making artificial intelligence they'd concentrate on something useful, like inertial dampening
I'm so glad that @LucasKauffman didn't get a diamond
oh hai, @LucasKauffman
@Flyk We'll have a new chance in 5 years
I just hope I won't need a new T-Shirt in the meantime
@M'vy that's optimistic
sitting down and doing nothing makes me feel bored
I haven't felt bored in months
and it's far more unsettling than it used to feel
@Flyk I wasn't even seriously considering getting one :p
I don't have time for it to do it properly I think
@LucasKauffman so what would you have done if you had won?
Bit late for second thoughts...
I suppose it's a similar level of commitment to most of the rest of the moderator team, though
ie: all the power, none of the work
ahh I see a familiar avatar.. hey @paj28 you going to B-Sides Manchester this month?
@Flyk I guess I'd feel obliged then as it would mean that they want me to do the job
@LucasKauffman hardly, politics is always about the best smile in a sticky situation, nobody cares if you can do the job, they just don't want the other guys in
@Flyk Well, yeah. 1 y. 3 y. for the previous ones, so I infered 5 y. for the next one.
yes but, what if it's every other value from the fibonacci sequence?
the next one would be in 8 y!
I don't know anything and i should be quiet
@Flyk No, that's @Simon.
Everybody knows Simon is more intelligent than I am
@Flyk pls
Donut donut donut
dentist kills a lion, world goes fucking crazy
60% of the world's population eats meat, nobody cares
*60% is a random completely fictional number I made up
I just called insert into tblwebsitemenu values (null) ten times to fix a migration issue.
I tried being completely vegan but I like cheese
I have no idea how that worked, but it did.
@Arperum The rules of the universe state that because you took the easy ride this time you'll pay for it soon
@Flyk Dentist kills named lion.
That part is important.
@Arperum not to any individual capable of thinking for theirselves
@Flyk Those individuals are generally not busy with going mad at that specific dentist. It's the brainless masses that are being stupid again.
@Flyk The amusing part is the people asking swift and full justice from... Robert Mugabe.
"justice"... hehe
@ThomasPornin I'm sure they can figure something out assuming enough money changes owner.
I think that everybody directly or indirectly responsible for a death of any animal should be killed... hey wait, where did the population of earth go?
@Flyk That would long term solve every issue humanity has ever caused.
so would fire
@RоryMcCune - hey fellar! Yep, I'll be there. Think I'm doing a secure coding workshop and have submitted a talk on static analysis. U?
@paj28 woo, sounds like something I'll need to get along to. I'm down for it, as is the missus, probably not presenting (I offered to be a back-up speaker as I've got some decks I can present if needed, but nothing that's not been already presented elsewhere)
@RоryMcCune - cool, hope to see you there. The workshop would be very basic for you, but I think you'd like my talk :)
@paj28 is secure coding where you only do development within a faraday cage within a locked room?
while armed
@Flyk - sadly not, although that would make it far more interesting :) It's just basic anti-XSS, anti-SQL injection
@Flyk the amount of programmers carrying guns is hilarious
@paj28 I didn't realize those were still problems, has programming not moved on in the last decade?
as long as they arn't carrying screwdrivers
Dentist is a dumbass who trusts native guides who are smartasses and kills a tourist attraction
@Flyk - I see XSS in most pen tests and SQL injection in at least one in ten, maybe one in five
@Flyk lets just say the OWASP top 10 lost a grand total of one issue from 2003 - > 2013
Information Security industry must spend too long fear mongering and banging drums while selling cheap fixes that don't actually solve the problem, like the global warming committees did before realizing it was part of the natural lifecycle of the planet.
I get it, it's self preservation, you can't be an information security specialist if there is nothing to secure
@Flyk "natural lifecycle of the planet"...
@Flyk - you got it! Now shhh don't tell anyone
@Flyk not really, companies generally don't want to hear the truth about InfoSec
@ThomasPornin ;)
@Flyk Nope.
do everything really quickly and cheaply while making use of tonnes of unaudited 3rd party code is not a recipe for good security but that does not stop people doing it.
@TerryChia yeah his ideas are a bit ..... odd ... in places
but he has some good points
@RоryMcCune He mostly makes sense.
@RоryMcCune Short sentences, vulgar vocabulary and some name-pointing. This is a rhetoric trick designed to make him sound interesting.
Your brain is instinctively seeing through it and thus raises some warning flags.
@ThomasPornin well "the mythical art of hacking" rhetoric isn't one I've ever been a fan of, and that post uses it a lot
His point about the unreliability of mercenaries is a good point, but it is an old one; Sun Zi already said the same thing.
The best solution is to always ignore all advise people give you and just do your own thing
like muffins
I just eat the tops, as they're the best part
@Flyk you should not do this :)
it's where the muffin just breaks free from the pan and is like "my way..."
"I am going to do these things!"
"but one of those involves genocide"
obviously not talking to me
@Flyk I thought you were into hardcore not an emo
are you talking about music?
or sex?
or what?
or wot
you wut mate
@RоryMcCune Llamas are the reason why we can't have nice things.
@Simon indeed... well apart from severed hands
Also, what kind of word starts with 2 l's?
@RоryMcCune Meh, it's good business selling them. Not much customers, but the money is fine.
@Simon Spanish words apparently.
Simon is from the wrong side of the planet to know that Spain exists
Yeah like wot is Spain lads?
@Simon the place that pays @Flyk a lot of money to play dance music
By dance music you mean stuff like la cucaracha?
@Simon ...
soz, did you mean the pls dance then?
@Flyk The planet has sides ? I believed it was, ya know, kind of round.
yes the planet has sides
its roundness is an optical illusion
it's actually flat with a teleportation zone at all edges
the water in the atmosphere when viewing the planet from a distance bends light and makes it look round
@Flyk I knew water was a treacherous matter !
I know, the evil overlords
every time I try and tan it ruins my day
every time I try and sleep it goes silent
o I killed chat
@Flyk Nah, it just turns around and commits ritual seppuku from time to time. Totally normal here.
shut top oszi
@Iszi I'm not sure what turning would be involved
@Flyk Aside from of the sword, the chat first turns its back on us in shame.
Not really because of anything we've done. Just 'cause it's depressed and melodramatic like that.
I guess you could say our chat is kinda bipolar.
I still wonder who has flagged stuff here on Friday.
> // Dispose stuff automagically
I love seeing things like this in code.
@AviD You were the one who wanted to make a meme out of me sleeping like the dead. I just wanted to keep you updated.
If that's your meme, I wonder what the meme for my sleeping requirements is

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