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@TildalWave i'm googling research studies
1 hour later…
I feel like 1/3 the people in SF are delivering things to another 1/3 of people in SF. The other 1/3 are poor.
1 hour later…
@TerryChia surprisingly accurate.
4 hours later…
Q: debugging zeus botnet in visual studio 2010

user10012I am a newbie in the area of botnets and visual studio. I am building zeus botnet in Visual studio 2010. Build is successful without issues,however when i try to use "start debuggging the project" option in visual studio , i get an error saying "Visual studio cannot find the builder program in th...

It continues
12 hours later…
@RoryAlsop what you think of my article?
Oh, yes - I had trouble editing last night (combination of connectivity issues and beer)
I think it works - I have made very minor grammar edits
Happy to publish whenever. What's your preference? Now?
@Lucas ^
It was an essay I wrote for security management
I thought I might as well publish it on here
@RоryMcCune I'll pop up an answer once home tomorrow night. Ping me if I forget
@LucasKauffman OK. I'll publish now then :-)
lucaskauffman on August 02, 2015

A Business Continuity Programme (BCP) is primarily concerned with those business functions and operations that are critically important to achieve the organization’s operational objectives. It seeks to reduce the impact of a disaster condition before the condition occurs. Buy-in from top level management is required as a review is required of each function defined in the business as to ensure all key-personnel is identified. Why would a business require a BCP?

The BCP ensures the business can continue in case of (un)foreseen circumstances. To motivate top-level management to support the B …

I feel like about 90% of the website will consider it to be dull :p
@StackExchange now that's a killer title with immense sex appeal there
@LucasKauffman ;-)
but its okay though, you have a dilbert cartoon
@AviD did it get your panties wet?
@LucasKauffman havent managed to get past the title yet
but that just makes me want to burn my panties
to be fair, I did make an effort to get past the first 2 words. Wasn't easy.
on the other hand, there's this:
Q: Whiskey in US movies out of plain glass decanters. A movie or culture thing?

P.R.I noticed since some time that whiskey offered in offices of bosses in US movies or series often tend to be poured from anonymous glass bottles/decanters. I saw this often happen in House of Cards for example. I remember Frank saying once something about a blend in an early episode. Is keeping ...

@AviD I thought it was relevant and not too dry
@RoryAlsop hehe, havent actually read it yet
I'm just giving him grief over the title
and the subject matter ;-)
I'm going to do ISO 22301 in september
Never mind - you'll probably get better again :-)
@LucasKauffman that, I'm not so sure you can recover from
that's the only things I can combine with my master's degree, otherwise I'd do OSCE
it's possible, but not easy
Nagging clients they should implement Bell Lapadula
oh god!
@LucasKauffman why would you do that??
Are you talking to clients drunk again?
@LucasKauffman THAT'S NO EXCUSE
I really hate the part where they ask "what fire extinguisher should you use in case A" as if there are 3 types of fire extinguishers stacked next to eachother of different types if you encounter a fire
yeah I found the whole HVAC CBK to be a little... off topic.
@DavidFreitag oi why you gone and pinged ME on that??
what exactly are you saying?
oh hey our first blog post in 2015!
grats @Lucas
eeerh @Avid @RoryAlsop I think this guy's nickname is not so appropriate, and might be offensive, especially to @Avid security.stackexchange.com/questions/95735/…
@LucasKauffman yes. Also @Thomas should really change his name.
uhh is that question in english?
and the edit is not better
dammit man! somebody just ninjapproved it.
Soheil is a name... can't say if this one is just taking a piss or couldn't be bothered with caps tho
for a bit of context it's an iranian name
it's highly unlikely that he'll know about a largely english-speaking identifer
mods plz feex
is there a way to delete comments under blog posts?
@TildalWave yes, for admins
@Ohnana feexed many
@RoryAlsop feex many?!
@RoryAlsop I still see 4 spam comments, or is this excessive caching?
@Gilles It's always caching. Even when it's not.
I'll go back in but guessing caching. I deleted spam and crud
this one is subtle spam
the other two are general platitudes, and one looks like a callback from reposting
@AviD except when it's localization
and of course it can be both
@Gilles darn whats the link for that site that give the answer to "is caching the problem?"
its not "iscachingtheproblem.com"
ahhh "blame" thats why I couldnt find it. thanks.
Ah, a rare gem of a completely non-sexist man simply trying to fight to protect his men against the terrible female wiles.
Q: How to deal with a coworker who uses sensuality and attractiveness to get favors and other things done at work?

aRarerErrorI work at a fast-growing tech startup where most employees are between 25 and 35, so the culture is very young and casual. A department that works closely with my team recently hired an intern. She is very attractive and sensual (almost flirty) when communicates with other male coworkers. She ge...

@AviD i mean this is a real problem
he doesn't sound sexist at all imho
you should read some of the comments...
he's approaching the problem backwards (trying to fix her behavior and not his team's) but i'm inclined to believe him
people will try all sorts of bullshit to get what they want, and the fact that her team's picked up on it leads me to believe that she's not a very honest person
he makes it very clear that he is bothered by her femininity
and that she is being rewarded for being uppity
didn't really get that
@Ohnana both good points. But his comments make it very very clear that that isnt his issue.
All conjectures wrong - the actual problem is I have a strong value/moral aversion against her type of behavior in the workplace (using sex or sexuality to get work done) and that it directly affects my team and the company I work in. — aRarerError yesterday
@AviD uuuuuh using your sex appeal isn't tied directly to femininity
and, this is probably why she keeps getting promoted - not because of the sexuality, but because she gets shit done.
@Ohnana tell him that
tbh I've seen male coworkers and peers pull this shit too and it's fucking annoying
oh, absolutely. I dont disagree at all.
but usually in those cases the problem isnt that she is getting stuff done, its that she isnt.
("she" simply because that was the basis of the question)
(as you said it could just as well be "he")
even if you imagine a dude being the offender they're all valid criticisms -- why are people bending over backwards for them, why are they acting like this, this is affecting me personally
(or, well, anything else...)
@Ohnana but are they?
perhaps she is just a damn effective manager and negotiator?
@AviD yeppers! if someone's snake charming your employees to get them to break policy that's 100% not okay
hell let's take sex out of this -- they're just a sweet talker
it's still fucking up everybody's workflow
back when I was at $BIG_CONSULTANCY and it was a very loose matrix management, part of my job as manager was to convince people to be working on my projects.
@Ohnana wow - "snake charming"? that was clearly his own bias.
@Ohnana except its not.
@AviD wat
those are my words, btw
"sweet talking" is a damn good thing to have in a manager, and on the team in general
@Ohnana its not messing up anything, except his own ego.
i believe he mentioned that they're on a fixed schedule and he has to approve diversions from it
shit gets done. no harm done to his project, he just doesnt like that they're helping her.
helping her == helping the company.
... if people are acting differently towards her because she is attractive then yes it is messing everything in the world up.
@Ohnana he also mentioned that they arent actually harming his schedule by helping her.
@AviD orly?
let me reread
@AviD It may not be a problem now but it could be later on.
@Simon replace "attractive" with "pleasant" and "good negotiator"
@Simon I would go further and say "it could always be a problem, in general"
I'm sure we've all seen it
but in THIS case, while it might be A problem, it is not THE problem bothering the guy.
i really think people are focusing on her gender too much
"omg feeeemale" is not a good lens to view anything from
@Ohnana exactly
and THAT is the OP's problem
which was my point
ay de me! we can't peek into this guy's brain, and until a dude starts flaunting himself we won't know how OP will react. this is inappropriate behavior in a professional environment from anyone! i'm not about to tar and feather the dude over being pissed
Maybe he should just do the pls dance.
@Ohnana true. but dont need to peek, he repeats himself on this point.
@Simon always a good resolution to any problem.
My dream is now to become an HR manager, so that any time employees come to me with a complaint I can resolve the problem by having them do the pls dance.
and donuts. They need to bring me donuts in supplication.
Donuts could become an issue if your employees are too fat and hit multiple keys at once on the keyboard.
@Simon So then they will get sent back to the HR manager. You can't win either way.
@AviD Ah, so you want to follow the @RoryAlsop career path?
@TerryChia @RoryAlsop is my spirit animal.
@AviD How hipster of you.
In today's episode of things you should definitely read: lists.immunityinc.com/pipermail/dailydave/2015-August/…
i think if i worked in hr i would troll the fuck out of everyone 9-5
@TerryChia "on his tweeter" oh my fuck is this RMS

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