I work at an IBM lab and there are some security policies that I do not understand the point of. When I ask why we do them my boss simply says it's policy and avoids answering the question.
We must keep empty drawers locked
When we leave work we must lock up writeable media
We must lock any not...
@AviD Meta it. That's the standard procedure. Propose a preliminary list of tags to be burninated, and as the community comments, you can add/remove tags as necessary. After a while, ping a comm team member
@ManishEarth not necessarily.... sure, they should be reviewed, especially if they are by relatively new users, but a lot of the new tags are good, or potentially good.
even single-use tags arent necessarily bad. it's their potential that matters - single use from this month, might get used a lot more - single use from last year, unlikely.
> deep fruit tones of currants and berries, an essence of grapefruit and a penetrating complexity of flavor that reveals itself slowly from first sip to last.
@RoryAlsop lol
@LucasKauffman its funny, I find these descriptions to be very hoity toity, like wine snobs sommelliers, but drinking it a lot of times it really does make sense.
it is a lot brighter than some other coffees, not quite honey but relatively in that direction. vaguely fruity/berry-ish. not as dark and heavy as say, columbian.
When I used to run a wine cellar, I just used to ask the customer what wines they liked, and then suggest wines they would probably also like. None of that snobby 'hint of badgers sett, with floaty Tarmac overtones' stuff
he has a 5000$ machine, and if its set to the wrong bean, soaks the grinds a few seconds too long or puts the water with the wrong pressure, he can really tell the difference.
tbf, if you drink whisky in a wine glass, or at the wrong temperature, or you didnt let the wine breath long enough - you would know from the taste, wouldnt you?
@TildalWave its one part sensitivity to differences from perfection, from experience, and one part cognitive awareness and understanding of the process.
@RoryAlsop oh yes absolutely. unfortunately its too damn hot to open the windows here right now.
@RoryAlsop have you read some short story (would be in sci-fi stuff prolly) where the guy was interviewing God, asking him why he stays on our planet? Might have even been called Interview with God, but I honestly don't remember the title... anyway, God replied he just loves the concept of enjoying foods and drinks, and is something that even him, as a creator, hit him by surprise
Mostly focusing on CRISC, CISM, CISSP, PRINCE2 as these are applicable certs across industry (remember I have a risk focus in this new role, not purely security)
Funny thing about DNS wildcards, if you have *.example.com, www.foo.example.com will work, but if you also add foo.example.com, www.foo.example.com stops working.
@Adnan Actually, after looking into it a little more in detail, it appears you might be right. There's a bit of a gap in the spec over it.
essentially it looks like the control packets are broadcast
but the data packets aren't, by default at least
however there's nothing to stop a device from transmitting broadcast data packets
so I'd guess what was happening is one device would select itself as master, the host would send unicast data to that device, and the device would re-broadcast the data to the other (slave) device.
@Polynomial Hmmm.. that would make sense. I'm currently trying to contact the guy to ask to give me the presentation. Hopefully there would be more info there
@Polynomial Do you have any specific complaints as of now? Have not been keeping up with Kali's progress recently. (Been doing a little bit too much coding for my taste).
> I mean, it has ponies *and* massive security holes! What's not to like?
In all seriousness I accept the fact that the OS isn't meant to be secure in any way and I have essentially wasted 24 hours of my life horsing around with it.
If one of the common uses of XSS is to steal cookies which will be sent to the attacker's server, isn't it so easy to identify the attacker?
This is not like a SQLi for example which you can exploit using VPNs and proxy chains. In this case you have to provide a URL that you can control for retr...
@TerryChia Yep. I could also install Chromium OS: The Internet is what I really need, but the crosh prompt is annoying. And I can't set it up in my room, there's no way to set static IPs during that period
I was using Fedora as a linux desktop. I never had any driver issues, though. I've never liked how Ubuntu's general theme is so much, "It's cool, we got this. You go facebook with your grandkids."
@TerryChia I run Fedora on a daily basis. It's okay. I've got some DVD playback issues at the moment, but that's not Fedora's area (the packages to do it are from rpmfusion).
According to this .jsp file, all you have to do, is encode your domain name, your username, and preface is all with "NTLM" in the Authorization HTTP header. And you're done!
the cryptographic protocols are really just fluff, anyway.