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maybe that should be prevening
@David well, it's 12am. so morning.
@ScottPack Only came here to star that.
flees with his fleas
@TerryChia it is 9:05am, sir
@David I have several time-telling devices around me as well as the sky that would disagree. ;)
It's 1206 hours and I'm hungry.
@ScottPack I usually eat every 5-6 waking hours. Going 1206 hours might explain your famine ;)
@Polynomial heh.
sounds about right, i snack way too often.
I ate breakfast at 0730 and then a slice of bread with almond based Nutella like substance at 1100
@TerryChia As do I!
Don't you know, the P in PDT and PST stands for PREMIER
@David Let's just settle for Happy diurnal isomorphism.
it overrules all
@David I thought it was "Petty"
West Coast is also better than all
@David I always thought it was Penis Sucking Time
what do you have that west coast doesnt have and do better?
@Polynomial That's only for you. And maybe @Adnan.
I operate on GentleManly Time (GMT)
We don't have West Coastians. That's definitely a bonus.
@ScottPack I always thought the west coast lot were pretty progressive about things, even if they are a bit up themselves about it.
@Polynomial Meh. I get that here. This town was overrun by a bunch of hippies in the 70s and they never left.
@ScottPack incorrect
@ScottPack Ah. SF or Cali?
@Polynomial Ohio.
It's a few thousand miles to the right.
I always thought Ohio was a redstate.
lack of hippies and what not
compared to SF, which is basically hippie heaven
@Polynomial red as in redneck or communist? ;)
@TerryChia never ever ask that question in a red state, haha
you'll have the RNC on your back in no time
@Polynomial Ohio is midwestern. Generally middle of the road. The urban areas tend blue, but the rural tend red.
@ScottPack furry muff
@Polynomial This town, however, is a bastion of liberal thinking.
When we have parades it's always funny to see the parties.
good good
Democrats will have several vehicles overflowing with a full platoon walking in flanking positions. The Republicans show up with a handful of old stodgy people and some college students.
oh :/
see, that's not so good.
oh, wait
yeah that's good
sorry, got demo/repub mixed up
No worries.
hard to keep up with US political nomenclature.
It's funny. Usually college students are the liberal ones, but here our student run newspaper is exceptionally conservative.
It's almost as if in order to rebel they've forced to become conservative.
hmm, maybe they're still in the parental influence stage
oh, and I'm pretty sure I found a memory corruption 0day in ATI's video drivers today.
so that's always fun
or at least an infoleak
@Polynomial Hell, our local Kroger (a national grocery store) carries organic fair trade goods manufactured here in town. We buy our milk there. It comes from a dairy farm 21 miles from my house and usually came from the cow a day or two before it hits the store shelves.
@Polynomial that's nice. severe enough to warrant a nice cash reward from ZDI? :)
@TerryChia if it's just an infoleak, it might leak the current screen data
so it might allow someone running a terminal session to snoop an active local user's screen
Ah, that doesn't sound so bad.
if it's a memory corruption bug, potential local kernel code exec
@Polynomial Oooh that would be sweet.
this.username.substr(0, 9) == TheBear.username.substr(0, 9) evaluates to true :O
or modification of the local user's screen
either way, still silly.
easily fixed too.
gonna dig into it tomorrow, methinks
and potentially crash my box horribly! :D
@Polynomial So the 90 Mile Meal is the new hotness amongst the NPR sect. That is, every thing from the meal was sourced from within 90 miles. Down here we figured that was too traditional and went with 30.
@ScottPack fair enough. I couldn't give a toss about food sourcing personally - if it's tasty I'll eat it - but I understand the ethos regardless.
@ScottPack If we tried that here in Singapore, we would have an island full of starving people.
On another note, I think I just found my powerpoint replacement.
Cloud ftw.
righty ho
off 'ome
@Polynomial I like the community feeling of it. That I've shaken the hand that raises the pork I eat, can ask the guy who made my pizza about his kids, had a beer with the person who baked my bread, or know the guy who brewed the beer I drank with the baker.
I like this ^
Include go hunting with the guy who shoots my dinner :-)
Yeah, it's pretty nice.
I think this is pretty neat. One of the farmers is an audiologist in town and her husband is a brewer, they grow grains and sell puffed wheat out of their market stall. Her sister owns a bakery and her husband is also a brewer.
Where I grew up was like that
There's a woman who makes maple syrup on a 100 acre tree farm that's about 10 miles from my front door. A few months ago my dad was visiting and had trouble conceptualizing the fact that she harvested the sap and made the syrup right here.
@Adnan Sorry, not one of mine.
@ThomasPornin Yeah, I thought so. But I don't like that it's so similar to your name. I'd really hate it if he used a bear's avatar.
@ScottPack that's really cool if you can do all of that stuff
2 hours later…
@TerryChia (or anyone else with experience overclocking a K series...) does ramping up the clock ratio (on said K series) automatically up the voltage as required? Or should I do that seperately?
I've reach the max stable ratio, before I mess with other "messy" factors thought maybe the voltage might help, but on the other hand I dont want to fry anything.
any overclockers in here....?
@AviD sorry I seem to be the only one around and I'm not really an overclocker.. out of curiousity when do you find the CPU the bottleneck (or is this just for fun?)
@RoryMcCune mostly fun, yeah :D
so actually before I built the machine, I was of the same thought - with CPUs being as fast as they are, when would that be the bottleneck?
@AviD heh yeah I remember a very senior guy in infosec at a bank telling me how he'd spent the weekend overclocking a Q6600 and I was thinking "on the amount you make, that must just be for fun :) "
@AviD for me only on password cracking. everything else is disk I/O or maybe graphics for games...
or network I/O of course
But with the K series, its not much more than flicking a switch to easily get 33% more performance. And, since I do tend to max out whatever hardware I'm using - especially since I plan on running several active VMs in parallel - I figured it won't hurt.
Now, gosh darn it, I've jumped down that rabbit hole, and want MOAR MOAR MOAR PERFORMANCE.
@AviD dunno if you saw the stuff earlier on SSDs but they're getting cheaper... and are always a good jump..
@RoryMcCune yeah, I tabbed it - havent read the details yet.
have a pretty fast ssd, but MUCH smaller.
short version is not quite as performant as Samsung 840 Pro but by far the cheapest 1TB SSD available
when it comes to non-trivial overclocking, I'm pretty much a n00b, and this can do some real damage if done wrong. So I wanna bounce it off someone before I go too far...
@RoryMcCune hmm... so perhaps I wouldnt bother.
for large storage, I have a slow spinny disk. for fast storage, I want it super fast.
got an OCX Vertex 4. think its one of the fastest mainstream drives.
yeah in a desktop no real point samsung 840 pro is nice and isn't too expensive for 256GB
yeah it's pretty good, of course what you really want is engadget.com/2013/04/07/fusion-io-iofx-1-6tb-announces-hp
gotta be crazy expensive
but I bet it's quick :)
yeah that's quite fast 1.4GB/s
about 3x the 840Pro
@RoryMcCune I don't know about that model, but last time I found a price on the 5TB ioDrive Octals they were running about $100K a piece.
@Xander well aparrently the 420GB version is now "only" $1995
They also have a 10TB version.
lol that must be crazy money
@RoryMcCune LOL! Is that all? I do remember when those were running $15K though, so that is quite a drop, I guess.
@RoryMcCune yeah, faster'n mine. :(
@RoryMcCune No doubt!
@AviD me too, TBH I don't do much that strains my current machine, so no pressing need for an upgrade (well untill haswell comes out anyway :op )
yeah. If I was upgrading, Id probably wait, but I built from nothing, so I needed it now...
I have a customer who built a fusion-IO box earlier this year to offload tempdb for a SQL Server. It's definitely fast gear. It made a big difference for them.
@RoryMcCune Did you notice that Shodan question hit the top of the super collider?
hmm, I guess that usage actually makes sense.
the funny thing is, I'm actually answering some SU questions now, while looking for my answers...
definitely a fun experience, if not something I would do very often.
As they say, Every Jedi must build his own Lightsaber.
@Xander do you overclock?
heh, that sounds like the "do you even lift?"
Do you even clock?
I see you have a Thinkpad. Do you even dock?
@AviD When you overclock a lightsaber, it turns purple ?
@ThomasPornin oh yes. That can finally explain Windu. He's just an extreme overclocker.
@ScottPack I see you have an SE profile. Do you even sock?
@ScottPack Is that an alternative account for swedish Pauska?
....Kind of.
You see. Pauska made the unfortunate mistake of doing this.
in The Comms Room, Jan 26 '11 at 17:41, by pauska
Today, I came home to find a sock I previously used to whack off on my bed with googly eyes and a mouth drawn on it with a note that read "Because you can't find a real girl, I made your current one prettier, Love Mom." FML
He alleges that he was quoting from a site called FML.
After a while he decided to roll with it.
Q: Trying to heat my room with my PC, what can I do to make it as hot as possible?

JamesIt's cold. I'm trying to make my room warmer by making my computer hotter. My computer is a desktop, 64 bit AMD athlon II processor 2.8 ghz with 4 GB ram, 3 SATA hardrives and a nvidia 8800 GT video card. I'm thinking that a long running bench marking program would get the job done. I'd appreci...

I'm using prime95
so yeah, it seemed stable for a while, but after a while the torture test started heating up the CPU a bit more than I am comfortable with, on a regular basis.
I can crank up the fans to cool it off, and probably clock it up a bit more, but I'd rather give up a few hundred MhZ and keep it quiet.
I might look into setting up a seperate uefi profile, cranked up to the max, for heavy gaming sessions....
You know how I solve those problems/
Pee all over it?
I just use a Mac. If it cranks all the way up it'll run whatever and I don't need to dick around with any of that nonsense.
@AviD No, he does that to mark his territory, not to solve problems -- only to make them his problems.
@ThomasPornin well, it would cool it off. Once the smoke clears.
It's what we call "the boyscouts' fire extinguisher".
@ScottPack yeah and I got out karma-trained by a LOTR quote :o/
@RoryMcCune No kidding.
Those views have been ramping up pretty good
The votes/view ratio is pretty low, though.
@ScottPack what do you expect, the whole SE community team and PR engine are probably pushing it hard ;-)
Not that hard. The views are that high.
well shodan was top of news.YC yesterday as well so I guess a lot of traffic from SO will be likely
@RoryMcCune It could have been worse: a story featuring apes.
@RoryMcCune If only we had someone who could see site stats and get an idea...
@ThomasPornin true true. Really I'm just in awe of the train-master!
@ScottPack well, they probably have a manual autocollider setting for their own questions. Right, @Aarthi?
@RoryMcCune Be honest. It wasn't the quote, it was the bear.
@AviD good point.
@ScottPack stats are usually delayed at least 24 hours.
So... Odyssey 2001 for apes and also for don't be a Dave meme :)
Hmm, I'm torn. I need me an overclocker. @TerryChia! hey @TerryChia!
@ThomasPornin Take it further and it'll be invisible (ultraviolet)!
@Iszi Oh, great. The blade can sever limbs and give skin cancer at the same time.
@ThomasPornin I'd be more worried about the nagging wonder of "Is this thing on-AAAAHHHHH!!!!".
@AviD Nope, sorry. CPU speed has never been a bottleneck for me, so I've never bothered.
I do very little video encoding, and not much else that requires CPU speed. I can't bring myself to buy high-end graphics cards, so that's always my bottleneck for gaming.
@Xander Get something that used to be a hot card some years ago. GeForce 560 TI can be had for $150 and it plays games damn fine for me.
Cracks 10 digit WPA2 passwords in about 3 days too.
@JeffFerland Yeah, that's good advice. I have a Radeon 5850 now which could use some updating, but I really need a whole system refresh.
@JeffFerland Nice!
@AviD what mobo, CPU, memory, cooler?
@TildalWave GA-Z77-D3H, i7 3770K, 16GB (2x8) Corsair Vengeance, Scythe Mugen
Do you even clock?
@AviD LOL... but aye
@TildalWave cool, so I'll have a few q's for you - after dinner...
@ScottPack Wow
I'm not too much of a fan of Gigabyte mobos tho
@ScottPack fecking awwww sammmm!
@AntonyVennard inorite?
I want one!
I've just learnt the mantis shrimp is my new favourite animal too!
@ScottPack I wonder if you can train them to be guard-shrimp?
@Xander Sat them outside my house with tiny little helmets full of water?
@ScottPack Yup. Or build a moat around the house, and let them patrol there.
I wonder if there's a city code regarding moats....
I'm a big fan of moats. There's aren't nearly enough of them around these days.
@RoryA submitted for review :)
@AviD forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18485801 this is nearly identical setup... it depends too much on mobos and I use Asus so some stuff will be different. What frequency are you reaching now?
@lucas -reviewing
I need to make a handful of edits, but need to do them on something other than this iPad. Will pop them in shortly.
48 bits of password entropy isn't all that much. After all, "abcdefghij" is worth ~50. — Scott Pack 37 mins ago
@ScottPack who told you you can use "tildal wave" for rough estimates?!
@TildalWave perl
I could change it to =~ if you prefer
@ScottPack no, cbos I'm not 50!
@lucas - reviewed. Edits were all minor spelling issues. Very happy with that one - some good info I didn't have yet. Scheduled for publication Friday.
@RoryAlsop link please
Oh that's on blog.SE? I guess I'll have to wait till Friday then :(
I need to come up with another good post.
Or rather, another good topic to turn into an awesome post.
@ScottPack How about how not to calculate rough entropy estimates using perl? :P
@TildalWave I would have to learn how to do it first
Oh yeah. Glass of wine. Sausages on the stove, mac boiling, cheese sause ready, broccoli ready for steaming? That's right. Dinner of champions.
@ScottPack Yum.
And the ladies just got home. Perfect timing. Dinner should be ready in about 8 minutes.
@ScottPack I don't even wanna know what you plan with broccoli! Enjoy! ;)
Broccoli? That's just wrong.
yeah should be celery and a whisk!
@TildalWave well, it had some pretty good reviews, and was a whole bunch cheaper than equivalent boards from e.g. asus. In truth, I dont need much from it - not many (non-standard) features I need, and I wasnt even planning on doing much more than the basic overclocking.
@TildalWave true dat.
@AviD oh I'm not mocking it, just wanted to tell you that I'm not too familiar with their mobos... and OC highly depends on them
I pushed it up to 4.6, seemed stable but hot, backed off to 4.4, now I'm back on 4.5.
so far thats just the ratio, havent played at all with the BCLCK or voltages.
Can't make up my mind how hard I want to push it - originally I planned on just taking the "free" cycles, but as I said my goals have changed :)
@AviD then it sounds like you're doing pretty good already. you could probably knock that temp down a bit and reach stable 4.6
Whoa my question made it to the top of the multicollider.
@ScottPack enjoying the rep cap? :P
still want it a) very stable b) quiet, and therefore cool .
@TildalWave okay, how knock it down?
it all seems pretty nice and cool in there, only the northbridge (or is it southbridge? I keep getting them mixed up) is a bit warm to the touch.
@AviD you have C states enabled? Might help a bit
'course, cpu-z dont lie...
@TildalWave I... think so. I'll double check on next boot.
@AviD south ;)
@TildalWave right, they're NOT aligned with compass...
@AviD it's always warmer south :P
given that it wont typically be running at capacity for long time, my goal is to keep it under 90C at stress. Sensible?
@AviD Anyway 4.5 sounds quite reasonable to me with scythe mugen, if I remember correctly
@TildalWave I admit, while it seems like a decent cooler, I'm not thrilled about it.
attaching it was a bit more of a pain than I would have hoped, and it seems not to handle the OC real great.
then again, it may just be that I flubbed the TIM....
@AviD mine suffered rather poorly polished contact surface and I swapped for that Asus... hmm what's its name... the new one... orange
@TildalWave C3/C6 states set to Auto. should I force it into Enabled?
@AviD yup
silent square, that's it
ugly as f*
yeah, I think that one was on list. pretty pricey, if I recall.
@AviD swapped with a friend for the scythe mugen :))) he didn't mind the noise with 4 blowers on it
anyway I couldnt find a local source for any of the options on my shortlist, so I had the shop recommend one. They came up with the Mugen, checked and it seemed decent enough.
@TildalWave C1E too?
@AviD It's pretty decent, but you have to be a bit lucky too... I think they hand check the samples they ship for testing
I wouldnt be surprised if I misapplied the thermal paste.
@AviD all C states ON
I'm quite disappointed by the answers to today's rep train
Q: How can I protect my internet-connected devices from discovery by Shodan?

AarthiThere's been a lot of buzz around this recent CNN article about Shodan, a search engine that can find and allow access to unsecured internet-connected devices. Shodan runs 24/7 and collects information on about 500 million connected devices and services each month. It's stunning what ca...

they all say “secure everything” as if it was easy
@Gilles sure it is!
so what else you think for lowering temps?
before I get to memory and gpu clocking... :D
@AviD tell them to kneel under the table instead of lie over it?
Oh, wait, not this kind of temp
@Gilles lol
underclocking tends to work well
switching them off, even better
@Gilles heh, still wrong. That would kinda work counter to the goal of overclocking.
@AviD I would leave memory it's not worth it IMO, you can gain maybe 1-2% but lower life expectancy a great deal with it. For CPU it's all here in the comments: forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18485801 (it's for your mobo and cpu)
yeah, nothing else new there for me.
you're probably right about the memory. Will just make sure I'm getting the most rated out of it.
@AviD what tasks you expect to run on the rig?
I'll probably skip the BCLCK too, would only get a similar (maybe 3-4) increase, and it would mess with other parts too.
@TildalWave besides the OVERCLOCKING?
at this point, it doesnt matter, I don't NEED the extra %ages, I'm doing this mostly for fun.
Also because I have to.
I am compelled.
The Bear is now in line to pass the highest reputation that ServerFault has, and I'm pretty sure their site is busier.
@AviD I try to find balance between power consumption (heat), noise levels and performance... but I'm probably not the best to ask about extreme OC... and I doubt you have any dry ice
@TildalWave no, not looking at extreme levels. That is exactly the balance that I am looking for.
I could easily push the cpu for another few cycles, but I dont like it heating up too much, and then I have to crank up the fans, etc.
@AviD then I suggest you settle at some frequency you're fine with (4.4-4.5 sounds mighty fine to me) and start playing with your hardware... I probably have around 20 different fans that I try, because they give different acoustics in different rigs... play with your air flow... start smoking if it helps :))
@JeffFerland That's nuts. And yes, it sure seems to be a lot busier.
@JeffFerland it's busier, but they never vote
@AviD btw what case you're using?
I don't know how much older it is, but they have 9,800 pages of questions, and we have 265.
@TildalWave pretty happy with the rest of my hardware. I went for the corsair graphite 600 case, 2x200mm case fans, I replaced the rear 120mm with a scythe 140, all 3 attached to the case's manual fan controller.
@Gilles damn sysadmins.
As of a few months ago, Server Fault had an average of 1.75 votes per non-deleted posts (1.64 up, 0.11 down)
Stack Overflow had 2.07 = 1.98 + 0.09
Super User had 2.12 = 1.99 + 0.13
overall I'm not really UNhappy with the mugen, since I dont really know what to expect from this chip in the way of OC, other than what I read on reviews.
I would have liked to see much lower temps, but I guess it is what it is.
IT Security had 4.61 = 4.41 + 0.20
TeX - LaTeX (top-voting technical site) had 5.33 = 5.30 + 0.03
@Gilles yay us!
Yay us!
Skeptics (top-voting graduated site) had 11.70 = 10.53 + 1.17
@RoryAlsop sock.
@AviD what @Gilles said LOL... just add GHz at the end... 1st ones for air, second ones for liquid
@Gilles have break down answer votes vs question votes?
@Gilles dang, those are some opinionated fellers.
All from data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/78561/… . If someone knows how to fix it (it no longer runs, I've just been posting data I'd saved in a file), be my guest
@TildalWave huh what?
@AviD I do, but only average score
sec.se: q=4.21 a=5.02
@AviD I just wanted to give almost exactly the same numbers for air cooled 3770K than what Gilles later posted... if you add GHz to those numbers ;)
skeptics.se: q=10.76 a=8.28
tex: q=5.33 a=5.20
@RoryAlsop heh yeah, @ScottPack posted that earlier.
Heh, yep, that's why I thought is do it again :-) like a sock
Stack Overflow: q=1.49 a=1.85
Super User: q=1.62 a=1.71
@TildalWave ymean the 4.61...?
Server Fault: q=1.31 a=1.62
hope I didn't make any transcription error
@AviD I've seen 4.9GHz on air but that was one loud rig I wouldn't want near me... but majority goes for somewhere between 4.4 and 4.6GHz, depending on the individual chip and mobo support
for some reason nobody votes on the CMS sites. Server Fault is #4 least-voting graduated sites, the bottom 3 are drupal, wordpress, and sharepoint
@TildalWave TR review showed an easy 4.8/4.9 on GA board.
might have been a (slightly) different model...
@AviD Mine is on 4.3 actually, because I noticed a big dip in temperature going from 4.4 to 4.3 but that's the case with my chip... I'm fine with it there too :)
@TildalWave what chip you have?
@AviD It's easy to OC there... I wouldn't find it silent enough tho
@TildalWave which is why I (arbitrarily) aimed for 4.6
@AviD 3770K of course ;)
ah. So that's interesting... maybe I'll check it at 4.3.
sfunny, thanks to turbo it reached up to 3.9 before I started overclocking. so not as much a difference.
@AviD yes but this is on all cores
and I think that for 4.9 you'd have to disable hyperthreading
@TildalWave not according to TR. but then I'm not trying to get there.
@AviD I hope TR stands for TechReport and not TrustedReviews?
@TildalWave haha, yesss.... techreport.com/review/22755/…
I think their trick was upping the voltage, which of course in turn makes everything hotter. So also noisier...
@AviD Do I remember correctly from a couple of weeks ago that you have an aversion to water cooling?
@AviD ah you see that I don't do... maybe a slight tap on vcore, but only if really needed for stability... I also don't have EasyTune installed
@Xander no aversion really, no. Just not quite ready to go for that yet.
@AviD Ah, ok,
@TildalWave yeah, I dont think I need that, it's still stable (apparently, run some tests but not full torture suite) even at 4.7, but runs too hot for my taste. More voltage would likely make that worse, not better.
@AviD what temps do you get?
@TildalWave anything past 90C I don't like.
'course when it gets that hot, I stop testing, so it might not be completely stable quite yet.
@AviD I bet... it starts throttling down on 102C on its own so you don't want to be even close to that... worst is when you're task heavy and it starts hanging
@TildalWave yeah. Also I wouldnt want to run it that hot for an extended period, anyway.
I dont mind if it hits 80's, even high 80's, at rare peak. but it looks like most of the time (when not on stress tests) it sticks to <40C.
@AviD mine goes up till 68C now... slightly over 70C when it's hot in the room
Now idles at 35-36C with not much running
sensor is a bit funny... or the software I use to read it... I just run it and it was showing over 40C then it dropped to 34C now
mobo stable at 28C
which mobo you using?
@AviD P8Z77 V deluxe
I wanted to get the Pro version of that, until I remembered I need to pay for it.
@AviD got it cheap second hand but never used
has some stuff on it I'll probably never use, such as wireless etc.
yeah, things like that is why I decided to go for the much cheaper GA basic board.
that, and @Jeff said so.
the orange cooler is really ugly on blue heatsinks mobo tho LOL... oh and it barely fit in it, I was cursing like hell
@AviD What'd I do?
I disagree with him about a lot of things, but he is such a freak about hardware you know you can trust him .
@JeffFerland heh, no, I meant Attwood.
@Jeff sorry for the ambiguous @Rory'ing!
How often should I dust my rig's innards? I think it's past due... some temp spikes I haven't noticed before
@TildalWave who cares how it looks?? I never got that about some of the "enthusiast" kit, I sure don't.
but fitting is a big problem. Fortunately, with the Graphite, that is not a problem at all.
@TildalWave depends how much dust it collects.
@AviD I guess more during winter... probably the dust is more charged due to heating?
@TildalWave is it? here its dustier in the summer. Or rather spring - windows open and all that.
rain also tends to prevent dust from flying around.
heh, just found this: overclock.net/t/1247413/…
I'll let you know if it has anything new there.
@AviD more green here... and you're next to the sea so more sand and salt I guess
Oh that's waaay too HC OC for me. ;) I'll do that before I scrap it LOL
yeah, I dont plan on doing ALL of it. pick and choose, get some ideas.
Q: How to detect a virtualized environment?

perrorWhat are the different ways for a program to detect that it executes inside a virtualized environment. And, how to detect what detection procedure is used and to fool the program anyway ?

I'm pretty sure I shouldnt bother with BCLK, but boy do I want to.

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