Democrats will have several vehicles overflowing with a full platoon walking in flanking positions. The Republicans show up with a handful of old stodgy people and some college students.
@Polynomial Hell, our local Kroger (a national grocery store) carries organic fair trade goods manufactured here in town. We buy our milk there. It comes from a dairy farm 21 miles from my house and usually came from the cow a day or two before it hits the store shelves.
@Polynomial So the 90 Mile Meal is the new hotness amongst the NPR sect. That is, every thing from the meal was sourced from within 90 miles. Down here we figured that was too traditional and went with 30.
@Polynomial I like the community feeling of it. That I've shaken the hand that raises the pork I eat, can ask the guy who made my pizza about his kids, had a beer with the person who baked my bread, or know the guy who brewed the beer I drank with the baker.
I think this is pretty neat. One of the farmers is an audiologist in town and her husband is a brewer, they grow grains and sell puffed wheat out of their market stall. Her sister owns a bakery and her husband is also a brewer.
There's a woman who makes maple syrup on a 100 acre tree farm that's about 10 miles from my front door. A few months ago my dad was visiting and had trouble conceptualizing the fact that she harvested the sap and made the syrup right here.
@TerryChia (or anyone else with experience overclocking a K series...) does ramping up the clock ratio (on said K series) automatically up the voltage as required? Or should I do that seperately?
I've reach the max stable ratio, before I mess with other "messy" factors thought maybe the voltage might help, but on the other hand I dont want to fry anything.
@AviD sorry I seem to be the only one around and I'm not really an overclocker.. out of curiousity when do you find the CPU the bottleneck (or is this just for fun?)
@AviD heh yeah I remember a very senior guy in infosec at a bank telling me how he'd spent the weekend overclocking a Q6600 and I was thinking "on the amount you make, that must just be for fun :) "
@AviD for me only on password cracking. everything else is disk I/O or maybe graphics for games...
But with the K series, its not much more than flicking a switch to easily get 33% more performance. And, since I do tend to max out whatever hardware I'm using - especially since I plan on running several active VMs in parallel - I figured it won't hurt.
Now, gosh darn it, I've jumped down that rabbit hole, and want MOAR MOAR MOAR PERFORMANCE.
when it comes to non-trivial overclocking, I'm pretty much a n00b, and this can do some real damage if done wrong. So I wanna bounce it off someone before I go too far...
@RoryMcCune hmm... so perhaps I wouldnt bother.
for large storage, I have a slow spinny disk. for fast storage, I want it super fast.
got an OCX Vertex 4. think its one of the fastest mainstream drives.
I have a customer who built a fusion-IO box earlier this year to offload tempdb for a SQL Server. It's definitely fast gear. It made a big difference for them.
Today, I came home to find a sock I previously used to whack off on my bed with googly eyes and a mouth drawn on it with a note that read "Because you can't find a real girl, I made your current one prettier, Love Mom." FML
He alleges that he was quoting from a site called FML.
It's cold. I'm trying to make my room warmer by making my computer hotter. My computer is a desktop, 64 bit AMD athlon II processor 2.8 ghz with 4 GB ram, 3 SATA hardrives and a nvidia 8800 GT video card.
I'm thinking that a long running bench marking program would get the job done. I'd appreci...
so yeah, it seemed stable for a while, but after a while the torture test started heating up the CPU a bit more than I am comfortable with, on a regular basis.
I can crank up the fans to cool it off, and probably clock it up a bit more, but I'd rather give up a few hundred MhZ and keep it quiet.
I might look into setting up a seperate uefi profile, cranked up to the max, for heavy gaming sessions....
@AviD Nope, sorry. CPU speed has never been a bottleneck for me, so I've never bothered.
I do very little video encoding, and not much else that requires CPU speed. I can't bring myself to buy high-end graphics cards, so that's always my bottleneck for gaming.
@AviD this is nearly identical setup... it depends too much on mobos and I use Asus so some stuff will be different. What frequency are you reaching now?
@lucas - reviewed. Edits were all minor spelling issues. Very happy with that one - some good info I didn't have yet. Scheduled for publication Friday.
@TildalWave well, it had some pretty good reviews, and was a whole bunch cheaper than equivalent boards from e.g. asus. In truth, I dont need much from it - not many (non-standard) features I need, and I wasnt even planning on doing much more than the basic overclocking.
anyway I couldnt find a local source for any of the options on my shortlist, so I had the shop recommend one. They came up with the Mugen, checked and it seemed decent enough.
There's been a lot of buzz around this recent CNN article about Shodan, a search engine that can find and allow access to unsecured internet-connected devices.
Shodan runs 24/7 and collects information on about 500 million connected devices and services each month.
It's stunning what ca...
@AviD I would leave memory it's not worth it IMO, you can gain maybe 1-2% but lower life expectancy a great deal with it. For CPU it's all here in the comments: (it's for your mobo and cpu)
@AviD I try to find balance between power consumption (heat), noise levels and performance... but I'm probably not the best to ask about extreme OC... and I doubt you have any dry ice
@AviD then I suggest you settle at some frequency you're fine with (4.4-4.5 sounds mighty fine to me) and start playing with your hardware... I probably have around 20 different fans that I try, because they give different acoustics in different rigs... play with your air flow... start smoking if it helps :))
@TildalWave pretty happy with the rest of my hardware. I went for the corsair graphite 600 case, 2x200mm case fans, I replaced the rear 120mm with a scythe 140, all 3 attached to the case's manual fan controller.
overall I'm not really UNhappy with the mugen, since I dont really know what to expect from this chip in the way of OC, other than what I read on reviews.
I would have liked to see much lower temps, but I guess it is what it is.
@AviD I've seen 4.9GHz on air but that was one loud rig I wouldn't want near me... but majority goes for somewhere between 4.4 and 4.6GHz, depending on the individual chip and mobo support
@AviD Mine is on 4.3 actually, because I noticed a big dip in temperature going from 4.4 to 4.3 but that's the case with my chip... I'm fine with it there too :)
@TildalWave yeah, I dont think I need that, it's still stable (apparently, run some tests but not full torture suite) even at 4.7, but runs too hot for my taste. More voltage would likely make that worse, not better.
@AviD I bet... it starts throttling down on 102C on its own so you don't want to be even close to that... worst is when you're task heavy and it starts hanging
What are the different ways for a program to detect that it executes inside a virtualized environment. And, how to detect what detection procedure is used and to fool the program anyway ?