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Was just doing the conflict resolution.
Lemme try building.
@this Is that upstream next or comintern next?
you just resolved it
89 errors in total.
6:08 PM
Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error		Custom tool PublicResXFileCodeGenerator failed to produce an output for input file 'CodeExplorer\CodeExplorerUI.de.resx' but did not log a specific error.	Rubberduck.Resources	C:\Users\cpaustell\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.Resources\CodeExplorer\CodeExplorerUI.de.resx	1
Error	MC4003	Cannot resolve the Style Property 'FixScrolling'. Verify that the owning type is the Style's TargetType, or use Class.Property syntax to specify the Property. Line 49 Position 25.	Rubberduck.Core	C:\Users\cpaustell\Source\Repos\Rubberduc
don't care about error list.
should have been specific. I meant build output
13>Done building project "Rubberduck.Core.csproj" -- FAILED. is the first fail. Want the entire output?
woudln't hurt. I can just ctrl + f
1>------ Build started: Project: RubberduckCodeAnalysis, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
1>C:\Users\cpaustell\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\RubberduckBaseProject.csproj : warning MSB4011: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\Sdk\Sdk.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Users\cpaustell\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\RubberduckCodeAnalysis\RubberduckCodeAnalysis.csproj". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
Still with the XAML errors.
6:15 PM
this pR doesn't have the sunburst.
are you able to build comintern\next?
Not able to build with that one either.
even now?
Wasn't able to last night. Checking.
has the ticker gone to sleep? Been a while since a new error 1004/91/gimme teh codz has popped up...
@this Still failed even with pulling from comintern next to make sure it's up to date.
1>------ Build started: Project: RubberduckCodeAnalysis, Configuration: Release Any CPU ------
1>C:\Users\cpaustell\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\RubberduckBaseProject.csproj : warning MSB4011: "C:\Users\cpaustell\.nuget\packages\sunburst.net.sdk.wpf\1.0.47\Sdk\Sdk.props" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at "C:\Users\cpaustell\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\RubberduckCodeAnalysis\RubberduckCodeAnalysis.csproj". This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ignored.
^ Output.
XAML strikes again.
6:24 PM
there is one that looks distinctive.
> 13>C:\Users\cpaustell\Source\Repos\Rubberduck\Rubberduck.Core\UI\Settings\AutoCo‌​mpleteSettings.xaml(49,25): error MC4003: Cannot resolve the Style Property 'FixScrolling'. Verify that the owning type is the Style's TargetType, or use Class.Property syntax to specify the Property. Line 49 Position 25.
that's the only error of its kind. That might be something to fix, but what do I know RE: WPF.
I swear the people who wrote this were incompetent.
I do see that the Dependencies all have yellow triangles. Didn't have that before, if so I didn't notice.
@Hosch250 Too bad I don't come with a lifetime warranty guarantee.
@IvenBach I think that's how it is if build fails.
Collapse folders would be nice for VS.
are the earlier projects yellow, too?
6:29 PM
I'm pretty confident they weren't but can't guarantee.
did you try clean + build?
It failed as well.
RE FixScrolling is a DependencyProperty that is found in ScrollViewerCorrector
public static readonly DependencyProperty FixScrolling =
    DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("FixScrolling", typeof(bool), typeof(ScrollViewerCorrector), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, OnFixScrollingPropertyChanged));
While that may be a new instance of this error I think the root cause is still the underlying xaml issue.
Again, I know nothing about WPF. I only point that out because it's only error of its kind and last night Mat/Com was talking about a missing DP of something
wew! fallout 76 released early
@ticker, you're awake!
6:38 PM
"Programming is being ten minutes away from being done for the rest of your life." - Jon Maddox (@maddox)
@TweetingDuck ain't that the truth!
Property, not field...
The more I work with RD the less I like what's being done in these spreadsheets at work.
@IvenBach OK, so maybe this is my own ignorance of WPF showing here, but doesn't ScrollViewerCorrector need an instance property for FixScrolling to bind to?
I'm also forgetting that I was able to build Iven's PR.
Only had to fix the missing } and then it builds.
6:49 PM
I think some cleaning might be in order.
Could be. @IvenBach you said you did clean + build. This time, delete all from obj folders.
(and probably bin, too)
I wish I'd seen that during Hacktoberfest...
I had plenty of 00-eggling fixes available.
hmm, someone's crawling my SO profile...
@this obj and bin deleted along with Clean followed by Build and errors still remain.
6:57 PM
@MathieuGuindon Lots of random upvotes?
@MathieuGuindon that just sounds ... bad...
@Comintern yeah
@FreeMan Nah, it happens. Sometimes with a serial voting rollback.
well, 5... so I'm guessing it's a higher-rep user that knows how to circumvent the serial voting rollback
yeah, but still... shower time!
6:59 PM
I've been trying to figure out why this answer on History all of a sudden went hot.
AFAIUI no need to make an instance with the static method.
Although... all of them are static that means the class could be static itself.
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 40cf9f0a on unknown branch: AppVeyor build failed
@Duga huh?
pulls from Iven's branch again, building
@Duga That's cold. Kicking a duck while he's down.
build time limit exceeded
7:08 PM
The brutality is real.
it didn't really get beyond installing nuget packages...
so I assume that nuget just took ages to load the stuff
I kicked AV to build that again
@Vogel612 at least it'd have said "Build time exceeded"
7:11 PM
ah, not obvious.
I was looking at console
@Vogel612 wut
how... wtf happened, how did we go from 15-20 minutes to >60?
probably nuget restore just nearly timing out
Built Iven's branch....
somebody stop me, I'm going to rewrite the whole VBA manual on MSDocs...
stands aside
7:13 PM
That's a rabbit hole I don't want to go down...
@MathieuGuindon Write your book instead.
I won't read VBA docs. I will read your book.
cleaning Iven's build
@comintern Probably because of the new movie First Man.
7:17 PM
Ahhhh!!! That makes sense. I was thinking it was some random college history class or something.
Clean + Build works still... Now to try rebuild
to see if i can irreversibly screw it up
Even after screwing it up with a rebuild, I was able to unscrew it with clean last night.
If this is a project that you're just starting, do yourself a huge favor and use a real database instead of Excel for this. — Comintern 7 secs ago
If this can get his VS to build I'll feel left out and derpy.
Yes, I was able to build after rebuild last night
just trying to see if there's a magical sequence of action that results in permanent screw-up
Not sure "magical" would be the right word for that.
How about "cataclysmic"?
7:26 PM
@MathieuGuindon FTR buildtime jumped a bit since AV is also running code analysis on the solution now
@Vogel612 but certainly not to the point of an hour
welp, I built.
that particular build is now running tests after 15 minutes
annoyingly, i still have 96 "errors"
7:27 PM
You know what? I'm getting pissed.
metafile missing file mainly
interestingly, the filter and error count don't match.
Not at you, or at work this time.
@Hosch250 with wpf?
No, with businesses who won't let people use the right tools for the job.
Its as big a problem as incompetent IT.
FWIW, it might even be the source of incompetent IT.
7:30 PM
meh. those two are related, but definitively different issues
incompetent IT could be fixed with training
incompetent bosses, not so much
I mean, if businesses encouraged people to use the right tool, it might help people learn instead of just sticking with what they are told to use and always doing it wrong.
hmm. even after a clean + build, i still have bogus "errors".
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 40cf9f0a on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
@Duga 663 warnings.
I think more companies need to outsource IT to the pros instead of doing it in-house.
It might start happening more now that cloud-hosting is bigger.
7:33 PM
ok, I think I understand what's going w/ the filter. It's showing all counts for both errors and warning.
@Hosch250 it's economically viable to hire properly trained folks for IT pretty quickly
If you're in three digits for headcount, you can most likely hire someone full time to work only on IT
If the client just gets the results instead of the whole system and everything that implies, it could be done right by the real experts for cheaper.
whether that's setting up machines and the local network and generally being there for the everyday mess
@Hosch250 you don't get to ignore the hardware here
@Hosch250 You apparently don't have the same experience I do with outsourced IT. Most of it is absolutely horrific.
7:35 PM
Development, hosting, maintenance, updates, security, etc.
@Comintern Oh, definitely.
you completely missed the following areas:
@Vogel612 I'm not thinking in-house computer maintenance, I'm thinking DB systems, websites, etc.
The key is "real experts" though.
tech-support, device maintenance, internal training, phone infrastructure, software subscription handling
IT is more than applications
so much more
7:36 PM
So, more application development and confidential external hosting/owning is what I'm thinking of.
sure if it's only applications: outsource everything that's not your core business
Basically, instead of the business owning the app, the outsourcer is the product owner, with the agreement that the client gets everything back if they go under.
I think the root of the problem is companies not wanted to spend any money on IT.
but you want internal support to keep response times low and have someone who's job it is to know the kinks of your network
@Hosch250 thanks, now that puts me out of a job!
7:38 PM
@MathieuGuindon Exactly. What you do is exactly what I'm thinking of.
Except--now you have a job with the systems development specialist company.
but... suits...
I think the world has enough purple velvet suits to last us for a while.
I'm not into suits, really. I inherited working-class shoulders, so they look weird on me.
I should get some green haircoloring and makeup
7:39 PM
@this Still need 1 more for Mug.
The kind where I look like I lift at the gym, when I never touched a weight.
@Hosch250 depends on how the suit is cut, usually
Note to self: Use CLI for git. Must master it to not be dependent on VS.
Agreed. If you're buying off the rack, you better be built like a mannequin.
@MathieuGuindon so which part of the VBA docs did you fix now?
7:41 PM
@Hosch250 I bet we could make you the perfect cut =)
@IvenBach glances at his tortoise. says nothing
@Vogel612 the two links I put up
@IvenBach I just use VS.
Huh, and that when noone stopped you from rewriting the whole docs :)
@Hosch250 I'm a glutton for pedantry punishment. Why I like the pond so much.
7:43 PM
Knowing the commandline will never hurt. I know bits of it, and I can read the docs if I need more.
how in the world is there not a git gud meme with git in it
@MathieuGuindon Probably.
@Vogel612 eh, I'm at work.. I'll see what else I can fix later =)
I was just going to make some joke about "git some", but apparently somebody thought of it already...
Another fun fact: # of errors reported in Build Only + # of errors reports in Intellisense Only ≠ # of errors in Build + Intellisense
I so enjoy Microsoft Math
7:51 PM
Must. Not. Snark. At. Work.
Must get something positive accomplished at work. It's driving me nuts not being productive.
I'd rather "add a little bit of complexity" than see the follow up question about why looping over an array gives an extra iteration. If explaining how to properly size an array is "difficult for a new user", then how do you explain that one? Or the "complexity" of writing type safe code? It's never too early to learn fundamentals. — Comintern 6 secs ago
I f'n hate that attitude toward dumbing things down. What a paternalistic POS.
8:06 PM
<humor>Could always cut him a little slack. He's already one harassed dad.</humor>
Probably because explaining to his kids how not to harass people is "too complex" for them.
They're beginners, remember?
If fundamentals can't be learned in the dead of winter, what chance has the snowball have of lasting once summer hits.
A snowball's chance?
8:21 PM
TFW you tested in Dev then it broke in Prod. :/
8:33 PM
I wonder how @Jelly is doing.
8:53 PM
@Comintern now i know where those comments about redim came from
@KySoto Coincidence. We were discussing it yesterday. ;-)
Duck check: In XAML as part of the UserControl attributes where xmlns:foo="clr-namespace:Rubberduck.Bar.Duk" what are the valid things that can be used? Is it just .cs files?
docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/framework/wpf/advanced/… has some examples but I can't figure out what type of file they are.
@IvenBach A namespace isn't a file - it's more like an organizational pattern for an assembly. It's whatever follows namespace at the top of the file.
What is the correct pedantic term for the thing that follows the namespace?
@Comintern yeah i saw it, i wasnt sure where that came up
but yeah
9:02 PM
For example, in Configuration.cs, the Configuration class belongs to the Rubberduck.Settings namespace.
It's fully qualified name would be Rubberduck.Settings.Configuration
I guess my question should have been. Can a file other than .cs be used?
@KySoto There are (were?) a couple open issues surrounding ReDim.
@IvenBach To define a namespace? I'm not sure I follow.
xmlns:converters="clr-namespace:Rubberduck.UI.Settings.Converters" is defined at the top of the xaml file github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/blob/next/Rubberduck.Core/…
From what I understand it's pointing to the converters directory so you can explicitly specify what it's pointing to.
You specify which namespace it's coming from converters and the class BindingModeToTextConverter. Thereafter within the XAML file you refer to it by the key BindingModeToText.
That's basically just the xaml equivalent to a using statement.
:+1: yep.
Can a non .cs file be used in that same way?
9:09 PM
Again, I'm not sure I follow. Anything that defines a class belongs to a namespace.
Cockatoo? You put my country bird to shame @Hosch250. We have plenty here and they are wild around summer.
I'm getting a lot of errors about the name "FooBar" does not exist in namespace, or tag does not exist in XML namespace.
@PeterMTaylor I bet they scream their heads off.
We had one in our neighborhood.
It would climb to the very top of a large tree, and you could hear it scream for nearly half a mile.
@PeterMTaylor you mean kiwis, right? :p
@IvenBach Did they successfully build?
9:11 PM
Nope. And I'm just grasping at straws at this point.
A lot of the time, messages like that are red herrings.
Basically anything after the first build failure can pretty much be ignored.
It's frustrating that you and this can get clean builds and I can't.
When did you drop your last orbital nuke?
Hrm... 2 weeks ago?
I was just thinking about trying that again.
Committing my changes and hoping it works.
Keep in mind that both of us started perfectly clean - no telling what intermediate build products are messing with you.
9:15 PM
Coders log:
Checking out a different branch is causing VS to barf-n-crash.
Symptoms are worsening.
Preparing for the inevitable nuclear winter that's approaching.
Hoarding supplies for now.
Close VS before branch changes.
At least until you get the branches on the new project format.
git status
I took my VS down last night by building with a designer window open.
9:21 PM
@Hosch250 they have there moment now and then
@this wrong country it’s the neighbor country NZ having these wingless bird.
Time for work. :)
@Duga Wait wut? Did you push to branch?
@PeterMTaylor hence the ";)"
@Comintern Those were the fixes from your branch.
9:24 PM
@PeterMTaylor Wingless or flightless?
Also, meeting time!
@IvenBach Right, but that added commits to #4501.
That should have been to my branch...
I never set upstream to something else.
At least not intentionally/maliciously.
That should merge clean, but I'm a bit confused as to how you're synchronizing on a PR you didn't submit.
It seems my git CLI skills far surpass anything I expected.
I think you may have crossed the streams somewhere and have something in your repo depending on an unmerged part of my commit tree.
9:29 PM
I thought I'd made sure to commit any changes prior to switching branches.
Sorry for crossing the streams. Learning to git via CLI wasn't intended to bother others.
Right, but when you sync your branch, it's trying to sync something that isn't committed yet. Curious what that looks like in a branch visualization...
9:41 PM
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit 308a97e8 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
Hello @AntonGrizunov
Nuked from orbit. Brand new directory with git clone ... branch. Open VS and watch dependencies go from yellow triangles to good as NuGet restored them via automagic. Attempt to build has an instant failure.
@AntonGrizunov Welcome to the pond.
@IvenBach What did you clone?
Wait, so you can't even build rd/next?
completely clean?
9:46 PM
I can build any Rubberduck branch. At all, period.
What version of MSBuild do you have installed?
Where do I find that?
It'll be in your VS install directory.
Am I looking for a config file?
No, MSBuild.exe I don't have VS2017 installed here so I can't be more specific. Just do a file search in your VS install dir.
9:51 PM
stackoverflow.com/questions/32157494/… leads me into `C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\15.0`
I'm guessing its version 15.0.
Right click on it and go to details for the minor revision. It should be something like 15.8.###
I'm not seeing anything like that. Right clicking on the folder just gives standard properties.
There should be an executable somewhere in the folder.
Inside C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\15.0\FileTracker\1033\FileTracker64UI.dll it comes up as File Version: 15.0.28124.53.
I've found no executables in there.
MSBuild is bork? That seems weird...
10:02 PM
It shouldn't be in the MSBuild folder - it should be in a sub-directory of \Microsoft Visual Studio 15.0 somehwere
@IvenBach do this
(from vs developer prompt)
where msbuild.exe
locate the directory w/ VS in it
then in that directory, msbuild.exe -v
[rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck] build for commit f77e8683 on unknown branch: AppVeyor build succeeded
10:21 PM
@Duga and this branch/commit doesn't build on @IvenBach's machine?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\MSBuild\15.0\Bin\MSBuild.exe has Version:
my guess is that something went wrong with a git pull and/or conflict resolution, the wrong file was kept or discarded, and there's a merge commit in the tree somewhere that shouldn't be there
@DJVillareal welcome to the pond.
If that was what it was, then nuking the git repo should have fixed it.
10:32 PM
@MathieuGuindon extremely unlikely, IMO
But AIUI, IvenBach keeps getting it again even after a clean repo
and his build is apparently newer than mine.
my is 15.8 something
Nukes should eliminate all problems. Since they wipe everything.
I'm still stumped about how @IvenBach is synching my PR though.
10:33 PM
@Comintern when you make a PR there's a check at bottom
I did update today VS in the hope that it'd magically "just fix everything".
to allow other to edit it
by default, it's checked.
So we can push to your PR directly
Right, but he hasn't been pushing.
how would he push if he wasn't pushing?
He's pushing to his own repo.
Then it syncs both PRs.
10:34 PM
Oh I read it as a mistake, pushed to your thinking it was the upstream
that's not how git works.
we need to introduce Linus to Iven
Any error or mistakes were unintentional.
1 hour ago, by IvenBach
At least not intentionally/maliciously.
Oh, it's not that I worried about it - I'm more stumped by it.
Like this said, git doesn't work like that.
sanity check - git doesn't do double-upstreaming, right?
10:37 PM
> This isn't the upstream you think it is.
@this not that I know
thought so.
Def. need to introduce Linus to Iven.
poke @IvenBach could you tell me what the value of your push.default configuration value is?
AFAIK you can only push to one target anyway.
hey, you thought C++ sucks? Well, this kid shows that your git sucks! and watch the firework.
10:38 PM
I think it's github, not git that's screwy here.
hmm. Anyone else using community 2017?
@Comintern probably
@this 2017 pro :/
I can believe that but... how?
I'm using 2017 enterprise myself
^ same
@Vogel612 Is that in the config file?
10:39 PM
just run git config push.default
If everyone else is using the enterprise/pro, that does make Iven the odd one out
Isn't Hosch using community?
need to test w/ 2017 community .... @Hosch250 ?
@Vogel612 I didn't see any output
10:40 PM
git config --global push.default
no output
Was half expecting it to be something like .\*
okay. that's going to be simple behaviour then ...
so it pushes to a matching upstream branch or creates a matching branch on the remote...
that's... assuming you pushed.
I'm trying to read the manual but the verbosity is stumping me.
I'm still confused how Comintern's remote advanced, though...
10:44 PM
The only thing I can think of is I branched from cominterns next` and had that set up as default remote tracking.
That was kind of my thought - your branch now has a dependency on mine. Neither of them are in rd/next, so github is confused as hell.
You merged from rd/next, comintern/next, and ivenbach/feature, right?
That sounds about right.
I know I synced with rd/next and comintern/next.
Yeah github is just on crack I think.
man... these last 45 minutes a draaaaggginnn
I'm just a poor little duckling that's trying to contribute a few feathers. Why's git gotta go nuts and make me learn all this mallard knowledge?
10:49 PM
So you don't get goosed?
At this point I get goosed no matter what I do.
@Comintern github.com/rubberduck-vba/Rubberduck/pull/4501 shows I added commits last week as well.
I saw that. I didn't notice it before. Those ones ended up flattened away too.
I use community VS2017 and I have no problem to build at all.

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