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@AncientSwordRage I've always pronounced the e as the one in "set", but apparently Wiktionary says both of them are valid pronunciations. But it also says that the standard British pronunciation is "set" and the American is "seat", so I guess we swapped dialects for a moment :p
Oh I'm blind... it also says you do the "seat" pronunciation too, interesting
Don't know how I didn't see that
1 hour later…
I can't find a famous Bill Ness....
1 hour later…
@msh210 Okay, that took a while ... Apparently, someone was asleep.
2 hours later…
@msh210 Ah, you got it. Apparently bill = promontory = ness
oh, TIL
so it's ness + undo + rma*?
no wonder my search for xxxxxx march was a dead end
@Jafe Yeah. Nicely found as well, that was definitely not the first thing I was going to look for. I was looking for common nouns first...
@oAlt well, you got it. I get credited with an assist.
@MOehm heheh
Okay, so the clue is solved... but who wants to go next?!
@msh210 I still think you should go next. Like I said, very little chance I would have found that song at all (and hence I wouldn't have thought of disentangle = undo either)
@oAlt nah, you put the final pieces together. Plus, anyway, I don't have one ready to go.
Understood, I'll go next then
CCCC: Tip or peak, primarily! (3)
@oAlt Surely that's T_ O_ P_, &lit
@MOehm Yep!
CCCC: Being fat, I sit between two Bills (11)
2 hours later…
Surely there's a -ness at the end
yeah something like weight+i+ness would work if bill meant weight
yeah that's one of the few if not the only one I found too, with the right enumeration
butteriness is another one but again bill <> butter
same with paunchiness
But Billy the Kid might be a butter-to-be ...
(The answer to this one is probably a bit obscure, owed to a translation blunder, but the wordplay constituents are nothing special in crosswordland.)
Maybe paunchiness? Paunch/bill/ness are things that stick out. I'm not sure "bill" means "paunch", but maybe.
Oh, wait, I see Jafe already mentioned paunchiness.
@oAlt as an american I pronounce that word like "a-seat-a-men-o-fin"
Lol part 2 of me not noticing
Wikipedia and Wiktionary both say that's the one commonly used in Canada and US
@MOehm apparently adiposeness is a thing, and that's I pose between ad and ness
@oAlt Yes, it is.
(It's in several "dictionaries" on Onelook, some of which are really just word lists. The medical condition obesity is called Adipositas here. No-one else seems to call it that, though. Perhaps I can get away with claiming that "being fat" could mean "being like fat".)
CCCC: Guess what's at second square that's part of only one entry (5)
@MOehm ooh nice
@oAlt if you were to guess what's at second, you would be correct
this is _h_ + unch
@Jafe correct!
(On a related note, if I remember correctly I first saw it in one of Deusovi's answers)
CCCC: Two Johns, with coat on, keeping low in Sydney suburb (13)
winging it again since the backlog's empty
@Jafe WOOLLOOMOOLOO (Sydney suburb) = WOOL (coat) + LOO (John #1) + MOO (low) + LOO (John #2)
@Jafe wool loo (moo) loo
I swear that was less than a second!
photo finish here at the c4
viewers at home will have been screaming at the screen like "forget the links and formatting, he's right behind you!"
Ha! I even paused to re-read what I'd written and make sure I'd got it all. Oh, the tension!
For even more tension, we could introduce that thing booking.com likes to do: "2 other persons typing right now!"
CCCC: Snakes' advocate wears suit (12)
@Stiv diamond(back)s
@oAlt Exactly right
CCCC: Short distance over a long time to get to Korean city (7)
inch + eon
inch + eon
the fact that we wrote them exactly the same too
Hahaha - I actually held back posting by a second too!
Could have been three!
anyway in case @oAlt hasn't seen this yet
Hahahah not again
@juicifer you're up next :)
CCCC: Expected large island to be seen west of Korean city (6)
@juicifer LIKELY = L (large) + I (island) + K (Korean) + ELY (city)
@Stiv definitely :)
Funny. Once I thought it might be LIKELY, I was like "is there a Korean city called KELY?" for significantly longer than I should have been...
CCCC: Gift shipped from overseas is damaged - so I eat butterfly... (6,2,7)
(Talk about a disproportionate response...)
@Stiv This is (STATUE OF LIBERTY)*
@GentlePurpleRain That it is :)
CCCC: A sailing ship carrying fruit, says the Reverend, is destined for a castle at the mouth of the Great River. (4 7)
@DanielS That is correct.
I realized, after I posted, that googling "castle at the mouth of the Great River" will give you Cair Paravel as the first result...
@GentlePurpleRain I think that it's tricky to come up with a def that doesn't give the game away.
CCCC: Overseas gift: a band of glamorous metal. (6)
poison ddef? (gift = poison in swedish and probably other germanic languages as well)
the other def being the glam metal band
@Jafe Indeed (Gift overseas might have been better as it then adds German, but the Danes and the Dutch add coverage).
wasn't expecting my high school swedish to be useful for the chat game here tbh
Lol I was about to ask if poison is a gift you can get from abroad
@Jafe I think "false friends" are excellent cryptic fodder, but restrict audiences.
1 hour later…
Q: Numerical sequence 942, 138, 424,?

Fraternal9274Homemade number sequence puzzle, quite easy. Sequence: 942, 138, 424, ?

1 hour later…
Q: The Room Of Tiles

3-1-4-One-FiveYou are stuck in a room with 100 floor tiles, and a magic button. There are three types of tiles: real, fake and nopey. There are at most 49 fake tiles, and there is at least one real tile. To give a clue on the types of some tiles, you can stand on one tile and press the magic button, then stand...

2 hours later…
CCCC: Jim Caviezel role in Cannes, I suspect alongside Jackie C's costar (5,6)
2 hours later…
@Jafe JESUS CHRIST (Jim Caviezel role) = JE (in Cannes, I) + SUS (suspect) + CHRIS T(ucker)
For a while I was trying to use CHRIST to make CHRIS TUCKER, until I realised I had it all backwards!

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