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surely this is north islander, an anagram of "not the one said" with... something... replacing... something (i haven't figured it out)
looks like we'd need to get rid of t,e,o and find two r's and an l somewhere... not looking good on second thought
1 hour later…
Q: Professor Rackbrane: Count the triangles

Will Octagon GibsonProfessor Rackbrane has just given me the following puzzle as an example of those that interested his party at Christmas. Draw a pentagon, and connect each point with every other point by straight lines, as in the diagram. How many different triangles are contained in this figure? To make it qui...

@Jafe cc: @msh210 North Islander (New Zealander) = nor (and not) this (the one said) + wander replacing W (success, win) with L (failure, loss)
Nice spot with the North Islander though, I didn't think of that
And nice construction in "and not the one said to wander"
1 hour later…
@oAlt thanks! your solution was indeed my intended one
2 hours later…
Sorry I got two more NZ clues
"Sorry"? That's great!
CCCC: Moving back up, decent new New Zealand bridge (4)
Huh. There's a new NZ bridge called Kāeo, which is A-OK (decent) with the back K moved up… except that it also has an E instead of the hyphen. So I guess that doesn't work.
when are they finally gonna build a bridge between old and new zealand
or hampshire
Do you think it would be fair to use "New Zealand bridge" to clue the letters WZ (since they're the ones that bridge the two words… sort of)?
Or maybe "South Haven bridge" to clue H?
not sure i'd like that, although i can kinda see how those letters are what bridges the gap
there's a kopu bridge in nz
which is up, ok backwards
in which case i don't get what the first "new" is doing, the bridge is from the 1920s
ah no wait i didn't read deep enough, apparently they're building/have buit? a replacement recently
@msh210 i wonder whether a tunnel would be more feasible... of course neither option is like super feasible
@Jafe yep, your turn
CCCC: New Zealand's broadcast Big & Small (4)
dang I should have made this a theme in a crossword... well no worries there's ~195 more options
@Jafe KIWI, key (big, important) wee (small) homophone
someone was gonna do it anyway
i see people scrubbing it off their clue backlogs
Though it was the very simple "New Zealander's fruit" so no harm in not using
I'll go somewhere else
CCCC: Capital city's band's hue-shift (8)
dushanbe = band's hue*
CCCC: Capital city is kinda not great, hehe (7)
@Jafe bish, kek
or b-ish, however you wanna spell it
ahhh I thought you were going for bish ("(British, slang, dated) A mistake."). B-ish makes more sense.
oh right
i actually checked that word in the dictionary first but couldn't think of how to make it work
@Jafe Funny surface I like it
CCCC: A capital city (Baku) is in a tizzy in anticipation of large commencement (5)
@msh210 kabu* l_
@oAlt yes indeed
CCCC: Be back in Central Asia (2)
CCCC: What's inside many a bird is desire to bang (8)
I… suppose that's true.
if i can't go one day without making some kind of innuendo clue i thought why make it subtle
Surely, many a bird eats iris-seed*. #GreatC4Solutions
so that's why they keep trying to peck people's eyeballs
that's only the Australian ones
2 hours later…
i got swooped by a magpie this summer, for the first time in 3 years here
which is good because if you apply for citizenship as a swooping virgin i assume they just immediately put it in the rejected pile
were you wearing something shiny?
i wasn't looking especially fabulous, i think i just went too close to wherever its nest was
i've had like a few "warning" swoops but that was the only time it actually made contact (with my biking helmet, so no eyeball damage)
1 hour later…
@Jafe wishbone = wish (desire) bone (to bang, in the context of intercourse)
CCCC: A path to China from Afghanistan with a king getting awful while carrying a cup of gold (6 8)
gotta continue the theme from earlier
this is surely the WAKHAN CORRIDOR from afghanistan to china... if cup can be c it could be W/ + A + K + H(AN + C)ORRID + OR
@Jafe That's correct!
almost had an alternative reading with king = khan and awful = 'orrid but it doesn't quite work :P
Yeah I noticed the khan connection too haha
Q: Hard Numeric Puzzle Sequence: What comes next? 2759, 4248, 1152,?

RichardHard Numeric Puzzle Sequence: What comes next? 2759, 4248, 1152, ? Does anyone has a solution or any idea how to solve this? What is the pattern Thanks Richard

CCCC: She parks by novel way to Pakistan from Afghanistan (6,4)
<- a sucker for geography themes
"she parks" must be ROSA
she do be parks
@Jafe KHYBER PASS = (she parks by)*
CCCC: Team circumcision at unusual locality (the Yorkshire, instead of the French). (7, 4)
is there a usual locality for a team circumcision
That's just the hospital ig
3 hours later…
@DanielS bris + (la→t')olcity*
Nice! I had the "la -> t" and the "city" part, but I hadn't figured out the rest.
2 hours later…
Q: Rubik's 4x4x4 Cube - Is there a "pair of moves" view of parity algorithms?

Dr XorileWhen figuring out Rubik's cubes, there are a number of intuitive approaches that help and are (at least for me) satisfying as an approach. One of the most powerful ideas especially towards the end of a solve is the idea of a pair of moves (I'm not sure I've seen this articulated, but I can't imag...

@msh210 That’s the one. Slightly ashamed that this was the first thing that came to mind after Jafe’s

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