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That's like being in an ice cooler
Yes, I have great temperature tolerance
the high over here is quickly googles 57
and the low is 35
I have no final answer, let alone a provable one. All moves are counted. (the title may be a bit misleading, but the description counts: white moves not white-king moves.) — Retudin 11 mins ago
another optimization problem with no known solution
how wonderful /s
i have an unfinished manifesto on the problem with optimization questions without known answers, and why they're almost always bad puzzles
why not finish the manifesto?
Q: Chess solitaire: The Kings longest walk

RetudinChallenge: maximize the number of moves white needs for its king to reach a square of your choosing, adhering to the following rules: Black does not move Like normal: The king may not be in a check position (after a white move, it is allowed at start) The starting pieces do not exceed the normal...

Q: Ad Hoc University -- Class Integration

Voldemort's WrathWelcome back to the Ad Hoc University where, you may remember, I am a professor of Awesomeness. Last week, the dean of the school told me I had to integrate the class I teach (see previous link for info on that) with another class, Bountiful MC. To make my class interesting, I made the rules for ...

He keeps having to re-optimize it
i love that one avi :)
but like seriously
because that would take effort, and i had a lot of backlash when i tried to argue against optimization questions before
@Deusovi Try it again? I agree with you
me too
I was playing (albeit terrible) devil's advocate as well as Rubio (who was actually being a good devil's advocate)
But both of us agreed that optimization puzzles were problematic
honestly i would very much like there to be a close reason for unknown optimization questions - i think they're not puzzles, because they're not designed to have a solution
(and they aren't just "bad puzzles" like iq test questions, where the path to the solution is underclued -- they're specifically not puzzles)
Q: The end of open-ended puzzles

Brandon_JConsensus has been reached. I say this on Rubio's authority - the contents of this post are considered to be a part of the definition of this site's scope. So, I posted this open-ended puzzle a while ago, looking forward to all the fun around it and the upvotes that would pour in. Nope. Tha...

Q: About NON-open-ended puzzles with multiple answers working towards an optimum

Rand al'ThorA while ago, consensus was reached that open-ended puzzles are no longer welcome on our site. That means, if a question has no absolute "best possible" answer, so that any answer could conceivably be outdone in the future, then we're supposed to close it as too open-ended to work well here: there...

here's the previous discussion, where i thought things were satisfied, and then the followup question, where "open-ended" was redefined much more narrowly than i had originally intended
I mean, this isn't code golf
@Deusovi heh, I started reading that line "because that would take effort, and i had a lot of backlash when i" and expected it to finish ~"have taken effort"
ha! that's even better, wish i said that instead
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I'm gofling on the floor laughing
yes yes I know but it's a recursive abbreviation
ah yes gofl
i am golfing on the laughing floor
@Avi Ugh stop lol
dunno what you call those (e.g., The TTC Company)
A recursive acronym is an acronym that refers to itself. The term was first used in print in 1979 in Douglas Hofstadter's book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, in which Hofstadter invents the acronym GOD, meaning "GOD Over Djinn", to help explain infinite series, and describes it as a recursive acronym. Other references followed, however the concept was used as early as 1968 in John Brunner's science fiction novel Stand on Zanzibar. In the story, the acronym EPT (Education for Particular Task) later morphed into "Eptification for Particular Task". Recursive acronyms typically form...
ahhhh The TTP Project
@msh210 Correct! Yes, I'm afraid ARRIS is a fairly obscure word.
CCCC: Tween, for example, waves: generally cooler. ("Thanks"? Not!) (10)
I'm on #7 of the fillomino pack; these are fun!
@msh210 Don't tell me this is going to stay for a week too
Nah, these tween waves tend to die down fast
@PrinceNorthLæraðr It's possible.
I hope not.
hey mick!!
Hello!! :D
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I was going to make a "meanwhile, in Michigan" joke but I think you saw it coming :p
I will say off the bat that somewhere I'm using a word not according to any of its dictionary definitions. But the word is used that way.
how's poofy?
Poofy is being a wonderful office buddy, as usual
haha nice
@Sciborg Would it be helpful to you if we're careful, in chat, to spell things correctly? For example, does your screenreader have trouble with the word "wrod", so we should be careful to spell it "word"?
Hm, thanks? Not! could be UNGRATEFUL
13 hours ago, by bobble
@Sciborg, out of curiosity: what was the invalid deduction you made?
@msh210 It does have trouble with misspellings, but usually I know what was intended, so no worries :)
@Sciborg Screen reader?
The invalid deduction I made was the top piece, I had it placed wrong the entire time and it goofed me up.
@Sciborg Okay. So I'll try, but won't beat myself up if I slip up.
What does it think of ":)"?
"Smiley face"
it knows
It doesn't know stuff like :D though, which is a bummer
what about "(:"?
"Smiley face" hey it gets that one too!
Oh, yeah, that was the other thing I wanted to ask you. Does it handle FOO* + BAR< better than FOO* + BAR< ?
Anything preformatted/code-style makes it just stop reading
It is a bummer :(
so how does it read FOO* + BAR< ?
"Foo star plus bar less"
Makes sense.
mmm :/
But when you placed it in a preformatted block, it gets confused and just stops parsing
unfortunately screen readers are not advanced enough to give "an anagram of FOO, concatenated with a reversal of BAR"
I'd think it would read preformatted text letter for letter: "eff oh oh..."
Screen reader for what?
22 hours ago, by bobble
something else for your plugin!
@PrinceNorthLæraðr reading the screen
@PrinceNorthLæraðr Mild visual impairment, I have started learning to use it as a reading aid :)
yesterday, by Sciborg
I ask because I've finally started looking into them recently, and I was wondering if there were particular ones you would recommend I try out.
I don't really badly need it, but it is nice
nothing wrong with using it even if it's not completely necessary - whatever makes things more convenient for you
my econ teacher is late to class, I think he's in the wrong Google Meet (perhaps the one for next period?)
dun dun dun
I can manage pretty okay without it, but learning to use it has made browsing the web especially much nicer - i.e. reading small fonts
makes sense
how does it handle fancy words in e.g. wikipedia?
It usually is pretty good about pronouncing long words, but sometimes it trips up pretty hilariously
have you named it?
prince north LRAR
Yup, it cannot parse your name :p
"Prince North LRRARRRARR???rE"
Ooh, if you name it it'd be hard to uninstall if you want to
Maybe don't do that
True, I don't want to get too attached :p
Oh, dang, I just realized - it can't parse Wikipedia links? It just stops...
that's dumb
Like on the Picardy, France page, it stops at "former" and can't figure out the "administrative region" link
23 hours ago, by bobble
something else for your plugin!
That is... a massive bummer
huh weird
also, Picardy
Weird, the things it gets snagged on.
I'm beginning to understand how frustrating it must be for people who really need these to see and have glitches like that happen constantly.
I'm sure some of it is because you're using a free one, and some of it is because sites aren't built for screen readers
any SHIELD update?
My favorite misparsing is still that it can't figure out Gareth's name, so it goes like "Gareth McCoughin' "
Gareth, he coughs a lot I guess?
How does it say Deusovi?
Apparently so :p
Deusovi is my FAVORITE, it's hysterical
How do you pronounce it, @GarethMcCaughan? I've been assuming "mc caw in".
@bobble we watched Episode 2 of Shield :)
. . . and I've been assuming "day oos oh vee". How do you pronounce it, @Deusovi?
@Sciborg Any notable parts that you remember?
I switch between day oos oh vee and doy so vee
@Ankoganit Ah, German-style. Didn't think of that.
that's one way to pronounce it - i've heard /e.u/, /e.ə/, /u/, and /oɪ/
24 hours ago, by bobble
I pronounced it "dew sew vee"
yeah i pronounce deusovi /du.so.vi/ or sometimes /deu.so.vi/
@bobble I really enjoyed the setting of Peru, they got a lot of really pretty landscape shots and it was a fun travel episode.
(Just want to vent: I've completed the fill of a cryptic, and all but three of the clues, and can't think of anything for those three. And really don't want to start changing the fill.)
you could always ask someone else to help you with clues
I can make legal-but-bad ones!
i'm fine with any of them, though usually mentally i use the /u/ (well, it's more like the english diphthong-ized version of /u/ but you get it)
oh Mick - how does screen reader read "msh210"?
ah yeah i know that feeling - not a fun time
@bobble That, I can do.
@matt "m s h two hundred and ten"
@Sciborg Not bad. I think of it as "em ess aitch two ten".
okay, class started finally
That's how I think of it too, apparently Windows disagrees :p
I see "two one oh"
@bobble (Nick Fury showing up was also really funny at the end)
He doesn't show up in many episodes, but every time is great
@msh210 (In fact, I may have done for some of the others.)
I'll have to see how ChromeVox pronounces all of this stuff, we could "compare notes"
(chromevox = native chrome os screen reader)
the Bus, it might not last until the show ends...
@matt Also available for Chrome browser.
I just loved how he was not even upset about damaging the 084, he was only mad about how they broke the bar on the plane
084, not 804
gasp how could you mix it up
numbers are hard
can numbers be soft?
i've disrespected the lore
When do chat avatars update to match main profile avatars?
usually after a few minutes to an hour
Takes about 30-ish minutes, i like your circle :D
yeah, that ^. sometimes you need to refresh too
I see, I see
@Avi welcome to the concentric-circles-in-avatar gang!
Welcome to the CIRCLE GANG
Ooh, the circle circle
*Circle Circle Gang
nah just the circle circle
Of course, how could I be so blind
*The Circular Circle of Circled Circles"
Circe will not be pleased
There are some who prefer 'circle circle gang' though, namely the circle circle gang gang
Don't forget their main rivals, the Anti-Pickle Gang
Almost forgot that used to be a thing
the NPG is like dead
Honestly it kinda got stale
Ouroboros gang
the NPG died of deadmemitis
May it rest in peace with Piano Cat.
piano bongo cat
Bong cat? I've never heard of that chess opening
Ooh your avatar just switched!
@Sciborg I had no idea what that is, googled and found this heresy
those circles are like too thin to see though
@Ankoganit that is... definitely not what i meant :p
maybe i should have said Keyboard Cat
Yeah I remember this now
The ancient memories are returning
@msh210 The "ug" is silent. M'ca-h'n. (That's how I pronounce it; off in the Glens of Antrim where the name originates they do something more guttural.)
so something like /m̩.kɑ.hn̩/?
@PrinceNorthLæraðr I was so sure that one of your groups was "capitals starting with B," but then I realized there were five of them that shared that property, not four. So I'm still a bit stuck :p
*B, oops
but yeah, I still don't know
You're close with capitals tho
It does have to do with capitals wink
it's possible that there are more than 4 that work and you're meant to use other groups to disambiguate
@Deusovi In this case, no
At least, I double checked to make sure that didn't happen for this one
@Sciborg what happened to the left arm
chat formatting happened i think
@matt Hey, he's imitating me!
Of course :P
@PrinceNorthLæraðr no i did not mean that, was referring to emoticon
@matt that's the joke in this case
except that from the emoticon's POV, that is their right arm
What matters is that the emoticon can kick ass almost as much as North can
I was going to ask too North, if one of the groups is capitals, does Switzerland technically have a capital? it's listed on Wikipedia as "de facto"
Doesn't matter wink
It matters a lot, but it doesn't
Ah they fixed the wiki page
so... Switzerland, Brazil and China are grouped some other way, presumably, besides "capitals start with B"
You could go with the de facto capital, i guess
Updated hint #1
Think herding dogs
For one of the categories
You're on the right track with the Switzerland one and capital
I just found my phone (to take pictures of classwork to turn in) after a minute of frantic searching... it was in my jacket pocket. Good job, bobble.
Oh, I do that all the time
well i mean at least you found it
(how cold is it there?)
a couple days ago i was calling my mom in the parking lot of my apartment complex, and i panicked thinking i forgot my phone at my apartment and said into the cell phone in my hand "oh my god i think i forgot my phone" and my mom was like "...mick?"
I like wearing the jacket even when it isn't cold because it has pockets
@Sciborg well uh that's something
hey, it's been a stressful week :p
Pockets are so much fun, also
Underrated clothing feature
yes, also spinny chairs
unfortunately i am not in one right now
i may or may not be swiveling in my spinny chair in my office
suspicious /s
I also have two jacket-related stims: adjusting the sleeves back and forth and rubbing my fingers against the fabric on the inside of the pockets
I'm one of those awkward people who just doesn't know where to put their hands, so i just put them in my pockets :p
yep same
and i have the grouping you intended now i think, north. i... i would have never gotten that without the hint, to be honest
North makes hard connect-walls, I make ones that get solved in under an hour... is there some middle ground here that we're missing?
anyways, I'm solving Fillominos until next class starts (since I finished work for econ early)
In-between puzzling is the best puzzling
I also solved Fillominos this morning while catching up on John Oliver... also great
John Oliver is a legend.
@Sciborg which one?
The capital or the dogs? I think the dog one might've been unfair
@PrinceNorthLæraðr the dog-related one
i... don't even
Yeah I think that might've been unfair
i had a bit of a "...*what*" moment, but i don't know if it was in a good way or not :p
I don't think it was great, in retrospect
current googling adventure:
is it a common search?
apparently not
sigh add turkey to that list
What kinds of stuff did you look up for my connect walls?
The country connect wall sent me on a small rabbit hole into flag designs, which was actually pretty fun to learn about :p
Uh... wikipedia?
a small rabbit hole? was it hard to squeeze into?
i'm getting a nice education in geography this week
It's switzerland, china, turkey, and Brazil
poofy was small enough to fit, thankfully
@bobble claustrophobia intensifies
you take Poofy on internet adventures?
Poofy is my Office Buddy, he has to come with me
@Sciborg I'd suggest pulling up all four country's Wikipedia pages
@matt I didn't know you could do that, that's super neat
I did say all relevant information is in the top first region
@matt Sick. But actually doesn't help all that much
It's very helpful to have the wikipedia pages
does anyone see what i'm missing? :/
i have the flag design grouping, but this one eludes me
Look under capital section again
in the info bar of the wikipedia page
@Sciborg What makes those four countries' capital section of the info bar different from every single other country?

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