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also yes i do aspire to be a linguist ... one of these days
linguistics is fun!
@Deusovi yeah especially learning all those fancy symbols and IPA and allophones and grammar and tenses and cases and syntax... the list goes on
mentioned this before, but I'm a big fan of linguistics-based puzzles
what's one of your favorites in that category?
@Deusovi Oh, one of my favorite puzzles of all times was that alien recipe puzzle from the Galactic Puzzle Hunt
the Linguistics Olympiad puzzles are great - ioling.org/problems/samples
Ooh that looks cool
first one confuses my brain so much:
one of my favorites there is the Aymara problem. it's a neat combination of linguistics and logic puzzle
Danggg that looks fun
(word of warning: the PDF is currently incorrect. one of the small fish in (d) should be moved to (f).)
aaand the last page is toki pona. i have nothing against it but it just seems too easy for a linguistic olympiad
@merrybot do you speak toki pona? if not, have you tried the puzzle?
@Deusovi no, and not yet
@merrybot It might be the easiest language to learn, but doesn't make it easy
i can definitely tell that jan Powi = Boris
it has a small vocabulary, but the point of these puzzles isn't to learn the entire language. the puzzle is definitely challenging
And this is my time to dip (whooshy whoosh)
oh, one thing before you go
another good linguistics puzzle thing is the 2019 Galactic Puzzle Hunt round 2
ooh ok i'll look into it
where in addition to the regular puzzles, you got "artifacts" that were entirely written in an alien language (that was actually very loosely based on the cooking puzzle you mentioned)
one of my favorite hunts I've done, both the mainline puzzles and the conlang deciphering
@deus also i have a special interest in collation
(aka "alphabetical order" for the normies)
hm, what about it interests you?
just like the rules for different languages and stuff
ahh - yeah, the way different languages tackle that problem is interesting
in some of my recent Wikipedia dives, I've been looking into how Chinese radicals work! it's a pretty neat system
like Kiowa... vowels come first, then stop consonants, then the affricates, fricatives, liquids, and nasals.
> A, AU, E, I, O, U, B, F, P, V, D, J, T, TH, G, C, K, Q, CH, X, S, Z, L, Y, W, H, M, N
huh, neat
i almost wanna make a conlang with a similar principle
i just have to decide on the actual phonemes first
unfortunately this isn't the linguistics chat (which isn't very active anyway)
I don't think alphabetical order is generally a prominent factor in conlangs (or languages in general)
well yeah but surely if you're making a vocabulary for it you have to have some consistent order
for your own notes, it's probably helpful, but not necessarily for anything else
i'm legit thinking abt making a conworld populated by intelligent friendly bears
probably sounds boring though
hey @deusovi lets see if you can solve the cccc in 15 minutes :P
it's already been solved - we're waiting for jafe to post the next one
self facepalm
3 hours later…
Q: 10 dummies play a game of Among Us

RickoleThis puzzle is based on Among Us; however, knowledge of the game is not required for this puzzle. 10 dummies are on a spaceship, in which there are 3 impostors and 7 crewmates. For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that the dummies will do nothing but calling Emergency Meetings one after anot...

Q: How do I make an Around the Bend crossword?

bobble This post is not a puzzle. There is nothing puzzly hidden inside it or the self-answer, posted at the same time. What exactly is an Around the Bend crossword, and how do I make one?

@msh210 thanks :)
4 hours later…
Q: Hero Wars RPG - The Sudoku!

happystarIn the popular online action RPG game Hero Wars, the player has to solve some simple but fun puzzles to win loot such as weapons and cash – assuming the incessant ads I’ve seen on Facebook are all legit. The left image shows 4 purple question marks embedded in a grid (a5/d4/e4/d1 in algebraic che...

3 hours later…
CCCC: Acceptable to be a bit feverish among others gathering? (11)
sorry about the delay
3 hours later…
Q: An odd looking Sudoku

JensSomewhat in the spirit of Stiv's This new puzzle type needs a name, can you solve this odd looking Sudoku and give it a name?

2 hours later…
@Sphinx @bobble Nice self-post
Q: But wait! We skipped a day!

Voldemort's WrathToday is October 4th and tomorrow will be October 6th. Explain! Note: I just thought of this one day and decided to post it here. Please don't leave too many downvotes. :(

@NorthLæraðr Thanks! Hopefully it inspires someone else to make one of them... Around the Bends seem cool to solve, but I'm the only one setting them 'round here.
@bobble do you still insist on calling diaereses "dotties"?
of course. I can't pronounce, or spell, the "proper" way
"die air a sis" /daɪˈɛrəsɪs/
hello there, @xnero :)
1 hour later…
@jafe The answer to this question is NO.
@merrybot Hi!
I haven't seen you 'round the chatroom before
I haven't been or posted here a while, but my first post here was a while ago (I changed my display name).
May 9 at 4:29, by Daniil
@Sphinx Can someone give me feedback on my first puzzle please?
Proof: Look at the logo and click on the user's chat profile
any reason to change?
Part of many changes to increase my internet security and to reduce traces of PII online (Personally Identifiable Information).
Q: My infix and suffix are given, but my prefix is not

AnonymousMy prefix is not known, Rather it has some meaning or some mark, But my suffix has magic powers, And my infix depends on smart remark. My whole is about choice, has a meaning or two. Can you guess what I am? I will add hints as time goes :) .

For the record, this puzzle had a hint posted 1 year ago
i don't think anybody's worked on it since then
Q: My God, it's full of stars!

paramesisAn entry in Fortnightly Topic Challenge #32: Grid Deduction Hybrids My dear friend, unknown to us, may have relocated again. He sent me imagery and constellation maps indicating that a distant red spiraling galaxy was at his zenith, and nearly collinear with the largest local galactic cores. ...

Ooh I miss those fortnightly topic challenges
grrrrrr I've now been "sir"ed twice recently, I think by the same person (same writing style), when I was telling them to edit in attribution
That's very common in Indian English, I'm afraid
They're big on the honorifics
What's funny (ish) is they did it on the two most recent days when I would've cared. There have been quite a few days this past week where I wouldn't have minded, for various reasons.
Q: Pigpen cipher makes no sense

Dray1994My father in law made a pig pen cipher. Gave me a coding matrix and I know the message is spelled backwards but I still can’t figure it out. Can someone help?

Q: row and column palindrome

Bindu KumariA matrix of size n×m is called nice, if all rows and columns of the matrix are palindromes. A sequence of integers (a1,a2,…,ak) is a palindrome, if for any integer i (1≤i≤k) the equality ai=ak−i+1 holds. Given a matrix a of size n×m. In one operation he can increase or decrease any number in the ...

@Mithical I think bobble's issue is not so much "they're using too many honorifics at me" but "they're using wrong honorifics at me".
Yeah, I got that. But the default assumption is male - especially in India - and since they tend to use the (gendered) honorifics a lot more than, say, Americans or Brits, it winds up that "Sir" gets used a lot... for everybody.
The issue would be avoided by simply not using the honorifics, but... culture clash.
@bobble You’d prefer ma’am?
That sounds really weird over chat ngl
I'd prefer nothing, to be honest
There's a running joke with one of my friends where I call them "Honorable Justice". It was the first gender-neutral honorific I could think of on the fly.
@jafe This looks suspiciously like centripetal (gathering) = cen (acceptable) trip (to be a bit feverish) et al (among others). But I don't see how cen = acceptable.
@bobble Can I call you Your Holiness?
@msh210 If you wish
@Mithical you said that forthrightly
should we bring them back?
Hmmm I don't seem to have the code for the automation anymore, but I hereby sacrifice myself to do it again if we decide to bring them back.
@bobble Your Holiness, may I beseech you to uh
I don't know
@Mithical Yes comrade
Note to self: "It's 2020, and 3 years ago was 2017. Why would you 1) delete anything at all and 2) not backup anything anywhere 3) not use clouds. I've been telling you this for you're entire life, what is wrong with you?"
@msh210 @jafe Maybe C (acceptable, as a school grade) en (to, as in "en garde") trip (be a bit feverish) and the rest as before?
@bobble hopefully no one calls you "your nothingness" ... you would probably grrrrrr them away though
i'm going to start actually grrrrrr-ing things now
@Deusovi Confirmed, lingustic puzzles are my favorite types of puzzles :P
I solved the Japanese Braille problem fairly quickly, but that was bc I'm familiar with how Japanese vowelization works, and that one was supposed to be easy
Still super cool though
I want to make one, but I'm not sure how
Someone downvoted the Q of my Q+A, and I have no idea as to why
anyone else have an explanation?
@bobble Sure. Some people are jerks and downvote everything for no reason
They probably unwittingly thought that it belonged in meta
First time I got a question downvote :(
Yeah, they probably thought it belong in meta. Don't worry about it, we all get random downvotes here and there for no explanation
In Literature SE for three straight days in a row my all my posts got downvoted once for seemingly no reason
I just thought that everyone else got random downvotes. Not, you know, everyone.
Happens to everyone except me
@bobble You should check out linguistics puzzles. I think you'd enjoy them, considering you like ciphers
... I don't like ciphers
Oh. Hm who was it that liked ciphers then?
Sep 1 at 20:55, by bobble
I just don't even try for any [enigmatic-puzzle] or [riddle] or [cipher]. My brain does not work that way :)
Oh it was LukasRotter
Sep 3 at 21:14, by Lukas Rotter
- sees new questions with [cipher] tag - gets excited - hopes its not "heres a code. can you crack it" - it is
But Bobble was in that conversation :p
Q: They are all names of Movies ; aren't they?

DrDHere is a simple list of some of my favorite movies. Please fill out the blank. I will even give you 4 choices! 1 The Sting 2 In the Heat of the Night 3 ? 4 Unforgiven 5 Braveheart 6 The Aviator The ? is either The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring The Bridge on the River Kwai Rifi...

@msh210 not the answer, i'm afraid
both wordplay and answer?
@bobble exact same here lol... i like making ciphers and things but i can't solve other people's
@NorthLæraðr a linguistics puzzle? or a japanese braille system? :P
Q: Across and down? Who needs those?

msh210 One you raise as your own U.S. damming org. Norwich area Tartan Aerial lift Paracetamol and emotional support, for example BSN, in some schools Vampire of film Written-works journal of JHU Borrow and get rid of Ireland Break down Vietnam neighbor Egglike Do away with Howdy! Space org. Unpolishe...

Will there ever be a crossword puzzle that Deusovi doesn't solve first? Related
How about the highest voted crossword?
Deus is in the comments but the three answers are all non-Deus
all of them
@LukasRotter There have been a few! I've only been first to about half of jafe's recent cryptic barrage.
even gareth
@GarethMcCaughan, are you a Deus sockpuppet?
everyone except me is. i dunno, capgras delusion, except it isn't really capgras delusion at all. Capdeus delusion - The delusion that the whole of PSE accounts have been taken over by Deusovi.
I'm not sure I'm qualified to be fake Deusovi
For some accounts he just has an AI running in the background simulating different levels of personality, activity, puzzle-solving skills, etc.
I guess it's a robot ekat
If we take that as true, he also has these bots tutoring each other, collaborating on puzzles, and idly chatting about school stuff.
It has to look realistic
how high up does this go?
they say jafe's the last human left
but that's probably just a rumor spread by Deusovi to trick you into trusting him
How about Rand?
Also, if we're all Deus bots, why did we have extended arguments about pickles?
@Randal'Thor What's the Great Puzzling War?
@bobble It was a highly codeword-based encryption cipher for concealing a discussion on new and improved puzzling strategies
makes sense, makes sense
also - if we're all Deus bots, why are we able to discuss the possibility of us being Deus bots?
AI becoming self-aware.
Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or a group covertly sows seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or group, making them question their own memory, perception, or judgment, often evoking in them cognitive dissonance and other changes, including low self-esteem. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and misinformation, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs. Instances can range from the denial by an abuser that previous abusive incidents occurred, to belittling the victim's emotions and feelings, to the...
Anyone else watch S.H.I.E.L.D?
There's this great scene in Season 4, episode "Self Control", where the star-crossed lovers try to prove to each other that they're not robots
also @ anyone else who knows, details on the Great Puzzling War would be greatly appreciated
and this conversation is reminding me of that
@Avi eesh
guten tag!
I wasn't around then, but IIRC it was the giant mess at the very beginning of the site
there were debates over whether the site should be about puzzles or for puzzles
as in... should puzzles themselves be on-topic, or should it be restricted to questions about puzzles
there were... strong opinions on both sides
Q: Is it time for us to disallow challenge-only questions?

user20While it is somewhat out of form to edit a question with these kinds of notes, this is designed to clear up potential confusion. status-declined's tag wiki reads: Indicates that a request (usually a feature request) has been considered, but will not be implemented. Generally speaking... / .....

that's the only puzzling war i'm aware of unless you count the riddle sandbox
In my humble estimation this site would be dead if the first one got implemented.
i happen to agree
The answer saying "keep the puzzles" is +66/-6
"we're not here to have fun." - LOL
we are here to learn, to some extent
if we find that fun, then who can stop us
Dec 11 '16 at 18:01, by Rand al'Thor
You young'uns weren't here for the Great Puzzling War.
alright alright I should probably vanish
and I'm older than Beastly!
What the **** am I doing there in that conversation from 2016 :o
I have a sneaking premonition that I've asked what the GPW was before, and already forgot
Any other major historical PSE events one should know about?
The Riddle Sandbox
it didn't go over well
oh I think I actually remember that
fun times
@bobble No. If I were, I'd be a little quicker at solving crosswords.
I've read a lot of meta posts in the hopes I could use them to sound smart
I've just given up on sounding smart. The best I can hope for is sounding snarky.
@GarethMcCaughan OR.... maybe Deus coded you to be only okay at crosswords, for plausible deniability
Well, I'm better than "okay".
Anyway, in that case I'd be a Deus bot not a Deus sock. Not the same thing.
only "great", but not "impossibly fast"?
I think the conspiracy theory switched from socks to bots at some point
@Mithical You do that well. Too well
y'all go through conspiracy theories like water around here
i made that switch because it seemed unrealistic that the entirety of PSE are Deusovi's socks. So making them bots makes this hypothesis much more realistic and not far-fetched at all
We can prove I'm not a sock of Deus in three logical statements:
1) If I was Deus's sock, that means I am Deus.
2) Deus is smart
3) I am not smart
4)Because I am stupid, I cannot be Deus's sock
5) Therefore I am not Deus
If you were a Deu?
That logical argument messed up in every possible place
I think, therefore I am Deus.
1) If I was Deus's sock, I would be smart
2) I am not smart
3) Therefore, I cannot be Deus's sock
Now there is a properly framed logical argument
Why would I believe 2)?
What's your proof for that
I'm a tree
when's the last time you met a tree that proved it was smart
in a book
fantasy trees
The Proving Tree. Famous children's book.
Taurnemornalome does not count
The child keeps demanding that the tree provide proofs of more and more difficult things, until eventually it proves that 1=0, which is a contradiction, and therefore ceases to exist.
Asking Deus for math help does not inherently mean I am stupid, but it shows I don't know what Deus does know
That's all just an act
@GarethMcCaughan Written by Shel Provenstein?
Ha, probably.
someone please summarize this discussion
@LukasRotter Are you inciting I am Deus's sock?
@GarethMcCaughan "Given:…"
> inciting
@Mithical That went straight over my head
@bobble "war, tree, smort, math, socks"
@NorthLæraðr possibly
ah yes, the msh210 tactical reload
@LukasRotter Sorry?
On my end I often get the "left the room", "joined the room" animation on your avatar consecutively
@LukasRotter Ah. I'll often join a room to say something and then leave. Generally when I lurk in a SE chatroom, I do so from outside the room.
I assume that's the order you meant?
nope. Your avatar fades out to the bottom and then instantly fades in from the top sometimes. I guess that might be a lucky consequence of the described behavior, since it takes some time for the chat to fade out a user who's left.
Or I am the only one who gets that? :(
I get that as well
@LukasRotter that's... what leaving and rejoining does
yes. what am i missing?
Q: Take a look at my aquarium

StivThis is intended as a gentle introduction to one of my current favourite grid-deduction puzzle types: Aquarium. The puzzle is played on a rectangular grid divided into regions called "aquariums" (delineated by thick black lines). Your aim is to "fill" each aquarium with water up to a certain leve...

@LukasRotter same
@Stiv, I don't have time to solve the Aquariums, but it occurs to me you could do a mashup of Aquarium + LITS, just based on how both are clued by small bounded regions.
(No idea how hard that would be to set up & solve, I just think it would be cool)
what's weird?

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