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Q: Who broke your window?

Cotton Headed NinnymugginsOne snowy night, you were sitting in your house sitting near a nice cozy fire. All of a sudden, a snowball came crashing through the window, destroying it. You hear voices of laughter and sounds of running and quickly look out your window to see 4 neighborhood kids who were all brothers running a...

Q: Color Crossword

qwertyu63Okay, I made this puzzle months ago. I remember the rules, but not the answer. Each row is a word and each box holds one letter. Boxes of the same color are the same letter as well; as there are only 7 colors, the whole puzzle uses only 7 letters. The goal is just figuring out what all 9 words ar...

Q: A robot making increasing steps

Dmitry KamenetskyA robot starts on a cell in an infinite grid. On the first turn he can move 1 cell horizontally or vertically. On the $n$-th turn ($n>1$) he can move $n$ cells horizontally or vertically, but he cannot revisit cells. Is the robot able to come back to his starting cell?

@bobble Ah yeah. Fond memories. Those were some of the first CCs I ever solved, and it was in a language I didn't even know
Gareth did most of the heavy lifting. I piggy-backed off of him :P
That was hella fun though
Can someone clarify a conceptual question for physics?
"Which is greater, the force exerted by the Earth on the Sun, or the force exerted by the Sun on the Earth? Why?"
I think it might be a trick question because isn't the force exerted equal? Like because of Newton's Third Law? Otherwise ik it's the Sun on the Earth because the Sun's mass is much greater
But Idk. I think it's equal, especially because the equation for gravitational attraction both masses are being multiplied. The force is equal, but the Earth moves towards the sun because of like inertia?
Q: Using pi and tau

Anonymus25Only using /pi and /tau (2pi), make as many numbers as you can from 1 to n, where n is a whole number. Restrictions: You can use basic operations such as +,-,*,and /. You can also use operations such as ! and sqrt. You can not introduce any new digits. For example, cube roots are not allowed...

@NorthLæraðr Yes, equal.
Okay, double-checking thank you
Q: An eye for style

GraylockeMy colour-blind friend and I play in the same Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Our party had just died in a horrendously managed battle against a dracolisk (seriously, don't ask!) and so we were back to rolling up new characters before the next session. After much internal debate, I finally decide...

@Anonymus25, I'm available for a bit if you want to discuss how to get better-received puzzles and answers.
Is the force of gravitational (Fg) the same as Force of weight (Fw)?
it's F_grav = mg
Okay. Because I'm getting slightly different answers between when I use the equation for the universal law of gravitational attraction vs F_grav=mg
Well ig 699.3 and 703. aren't that big of a difference
Prib sig figs and stuff
F_grav = mg is only valid when you're near enough to Earth's surface.
Yeah. The question was actually "How much would a 189.0-kg person weigh on Mercury?"
I used the universal gravitational law bc I didn't want to have to do two steps
@bobble, How do I create puzzles that have a unique solution?
And, @bobble, how do I answer questions without overlapping with another answer?
Well, you may need to make different kinds of puzzles
If you can't solve the puzzles that you're making, that's a problem
Solving them yourself is the only real way to make sure that your puzzle has a unique solution
For your second question: you have to read the other answers
If an unbiased observer wouldn't see any added value in your answer, don't post it.
You could also try solving new puzzles, without answers or without any complete answers
Try browsing the questions/answers under [puzzle-creation] for help on creating good puzzles: puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/puzzle-creation
Q: How can I prove there exits a Hamilton path from a vertaix to the other

Iii猫一I know a Hamilton path on the 4 × 4 (n * n)grid that can starts at the top-left corner and ends at the top-right corner, but how can i prove it in word or math ?not program

My next Around-the-Bend is ready to post and will go out in the middle of my day tomorrow (approximately 14 hours from now)
Wait... when it asks "Calculate the exact spot between the Sun and the Earth where the forces cancel each other." is it asking for 1?
Like 1=(m_1)(m_2)(G)/(r)^2?
I've never done problems with the gravity formula, so I'm no help here
Well, in general though, if they're asking for the units to cancel each other out, I would be solving for 1?
like where the value of r^2 is equal to that above portion
"where the forces cancel each other"
Ugh Why does this make no sense
Again, I'm not sure what any of those numbers mean.
and I have to go now :( bye!
I got my physics question answered, if anyone was curious
That took way more algebra than I expected
I just.. what
I got bamboozled by my physics teacher
1 hour later…
Q: Is it to early to think about Christmas?

Deepthinker101I received an odd present today in a shiny red wrap. I was a little surprised as it was no where near Christmas yet but excited at the same time. I tried to tear the present open but was unable to do so. I looked at the back of the present and I found a letter attached to it. I managed to open th...

Q: a winged superhero riddle, i need the answer as soon as possible

trampuleenthe riddle/puzzle: The winged superhero who privately vacuumed with the help of the mutants. Need the answer as soon as possible, thanks a ton

@NorthLæraðr Sounds like you already figured it out. But: they want to know where the gravitational forces on another body exerted by the earth and by the sun cancel out. So (1) if they cancel, what does that say about the directions they act in, and how does that restrict where the place is? (2) Now write down formulae for those two forces, put an equals sign between them, cancel things that cancel, and solve the resulting equation.
Q: Who was my uncle?

KeelhaulI had an uncle, he was a Major in the Air Force. He became a well-known baseball player, and then a videogame character! Finally, he finished his life as a brilliant physicist (for real this time). Who was my uncle ?

2 hours later…
@GarethMcCaughan If "a good man" could somehow clue LESS — which I don't see — then we'd have "captain (lead) LESS [with] JOB" = retired.
I don't see it either, I'm afraid :-).
Q: Robot's Step, Step, Sent Back!

TroyDSo there is this robot. Its origin is at (0, 0), index 0. Each pair of coordinates will have same numbers for x and y. How the robot moves is this: (0, 0) index 0, (1, 1) index 1, (1, 1) index 2, (2, 2) index 3, (3, 3) index 4, (5, 5) index 5, .... However, there is a world border that sends it b...

Q: An invitation to tapas for you, plus one

Jeremy DoverAlas, this is not an invitation to a tasty meal for you and your sweetie, but rather an invitation for you to try out these two Tapa puzzles. And the plus one? That's how the puzzles are related: if a cell in one grid is shaded and there is a clue in the corresponding cell of the other grid, you ...

PICARD is a captain (maybe retired?), good man probably has a Y chromosome, and the french region of PICARDY must be extremely righteous - it all makes sense :P
2 hours later…
Q: Express numbers 1 - 100 using only 1, 2, 3, 4

Kento HarmelThe least number that cannot be written using the numbers 1, 2, and 3, each exactly once, and any combination of standard arithmetic operations (including factorials) is 41. What is the least such number if the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 are allowed? Allowed operations are addition, subtraction, mult...

2 hours later…
@jafe yess another trekkie
@matt Nah Star Wars
I worked in a lab once with one trekker (his preferred term) and one Star Wars nerd (again, self-described). They used to name machines to annoy the other...no lie, we had a starwarsisbetter.lab. The root password was "youknowitis".
Only Trek I've seen is Trouble with Tribbles, and I also read one of my dad's novels. Same dad has dragged the whole family to every one of the new Star Wars movies every opening weekend. So.. I guess I land on the SW side of things here
Q: is this 4x4 cube solvable?

eugen Everything is in position except these two corners, but I can't seem to find a solution.

1 hour later…
@bobble hm
I personally have seen SW 4, 5, 6, 1, and half of 2.
was thinking abt doing a cryptic clue / crossword in klingon
but it's romanization is just stupid
hey avi!
@matt Vulcan is not too bad. Not saying...just saying.
Q: The clock with a note

rybo111I bought a regular analog clock, and it came with a note saying: Take yourself a picture Around a special time And though you will not hear my tick You'll see it just fine How can this be?

Strangely enough, "mission" doesn't seem to be part of the etymology for admission
@matt oh, hi
If Pachelbel were reckless enough, I supposed he'd be a Loose Canon?
1 hour later…
Around-the-Bend is up - I got distracted and forgot to post earlier. Sorry :P
Q: Alphabetized Around: an Around-the-Bend

bobbleThis is a variety crossword type called Around-the-Bend Rules Each word goes from left to right on its numbered line, and then continues from right to left on the next line #20 wraps back around to #1 Example: If #1 was "DEPARTS", then #2 must start with "STRA" and #20 must end with "PED". #1 w...

Earth's, escaping catastrophic event, hosts metal and men! (11)
hopefully &lit unless deusovi says no
so the wordplay is "Earth's" -> "Earth is", because Earth(E) is removed from ("escaping") the anagram of event
but the surface is that "Earth's environment, escaping catastrophic event, hosts metal and men"
also, who gave Deusovi the right to rule over cryptics' legality? WHO MADE HIM KING?
catastrophic event being total destruction of the Earth that might've happened anytime before hosting metal and men
e.g., something bigger than moon-forming event
ideally such a thing would not happen, and it didn't
@bobble idk you're the crown
Yes, but I'm not Deus's crown.
I wouldn't say he's king, but he's definitely a great resource to pull on for validity
I just noticed that my rep is a round-ish number right now: 2600. A multiple of 100! Next up/down vote will change that.
thanks for finding the typo, gerbil!
Im just trying to solve it now and spotted it when copying the clues :)
I hope you like it. The jig-saw aspect, I think, works very nicely with the "wrapping" in an AtB.
Also, I have to leave for ~1hr. Hopefully it's answered by the time I get back :)
I'm trying to solve as many clues as I can before looking how they fit
Made some decent progress its just whether I can solve before I have to go to bed :P
Q: My prefix starts with blood, My whole is the sight of blood

risky mysteries My prefix starts with blood. My suffix gives you permission. My infix goes really fast. My whole is the sight of blood.

Q: A Collatz Conjecture for a Classic Conundrum

Dr XorileThere is a famous puzzle that asks for the next line (and the rule) for the following pattern: 1 11 21 1211 111221 ... The solution to this puzzle is: Now, the question is: Is there a starting point, which would come back to itself? In other words, can you find a starting point and then run t...

Nvm gareth got it :P
@bobble I was going to ruin that perfect round number with an upvote, but someone already beat me to it
@bobble I mean... he is the God of eggs.
@Deusovi A bit of a late question, but exactly is your profile picture?
For those who tried my latest crossword: did you like the out-of-order clues gimmick? I thought fitting the words into the grid would be fun, but I can't test-solve my own puzzles.
Also, which words were your starting point in? I tried to sprinkle in a few easier clues - don't know if they were easier, though.
I thought it was fun. There were points at which I thought it was obviously impossible, which is probably a good sign that the difficulty was about right. I think the first thing I spotted was NEVILLE/ELLIPSE, and the next was DELILAH/HALIBUT/TUBMAN.
I'm curious: why is thinking that it's "obviously impossible" a good thing?
Well, it means it wasn't too easy :-). And the fact that I did manage to solve it means that it wasn't too difficult either.
Thanks for the feedback!

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