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Not going to post it as a P.SE puzzle because the event is still going on (and I had to emergency steal a puzzle from my previous collection because I am bad at language), but here are the puzzles from the minihunt I did for PAX Online
Q: Domatic lights puzzle - Easy

Joshua TaylorRules: Each white hex must contain either a red, green or blue light bulb. Light bulbs of the same color cannot be in neighboring hexes. Each white hex must be lit by all three colors of light (including those that already have light bulbs in them). Light travels away from light bulbs in six ray...

5 hours later…
Q: There is a poem hidden in this puzzle. Can you solve it?

GalacticГӓд ӓв aӱӑ фɑҙӑз, нӑӱн ӓв ӑӱлд, Лӧд ӑӱвӑр aӱӑ фɑфләң хйuмӑн рёс, Бӥнiҫ хuз iтɜнл лӧ в̈i хӑӱлд Дӑмӥнйӑн ӑӱвӑ ләнд әнд спёс - Лӧд гӓд ӓв нёшӑнз, йuнaӥт әс йɛт, Бaӥ ҙaӥ лӧ, ҙi ессене мӓрӑл ёбiсi ӓв ҙӑ фрi Лɛст в̈i фӑгɛт - лɛст в̈i фӑгɛт! Фɑ-кӧлд aӱӑ нёвiз мɛлт ӑв̈ё, Ӓн дйuн әнд хɛдл...

11 hours later…
@GarethMcCaughan (national oceanography centre)*
1 hour later…
Q: puzzle regarding bulbs and wires

sukeshThere are N light bulbs in a row, numbered 1 through N from left to right. Each bulb can be in one of the states "on" or "off". Initially, all the bulbs are "off". Each bulb is also connected to its (at most two) adjacent bulbs by wires. You should reach a state described by a given a binary stri...

@jafe Yup!
CCCC: Cyberspace wants resistance, in principle (5)
Q: No Numbers Sudoku: The Ball of Queens

user3303504 Those are all of the numbers you need. No, I did not forget any. Normal sudoku rules apply. All numbers, except for 1's and 9's, are queens with respect to themselves. E.g. 2's have the queen's constraint against other 2's but not against 3's. All numbers must be rotationally symmetric with ...

2 hours later…
@jafe inTErNET
explain wordplay?
@msh210 that is correct
@bobble INTERNET wants (lacks) R (resistance) and IN = TENET (principle)
CCCC: Dana Dodd! (6)
immediate reaction: whaaaaat?
(I'm not particularly proud of this clue. The best I can say for it is that it's valid. Or at least that it's valid IMO.)
1 hour later…
Q: Domatic lights - with Xs

Joshua Taylor You must add red, green and blue light bulbs to the grid to satisfy these rules. Each white hex must contain either a red, green or blue light bulb, or an X. You can't add Xs yourself. Light bulbs of the same color cannot be in neighboring hexes. Each white hex must be lit by all three colors of...

Q: My prefix cooks, suffix tastes, infix steals, whole keeps your food

risky mysteries My prefix cooks your food. My suffix tastes your food. My infix steals your food. My whole keeps your food.

@msh210 vic + tim &lit. = victim
Are you allowed to use a specific case to refer to a general group without an indicator? I thought those required a ", say" or ", perhaps".

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