(one acquaintance of mine used to sing a slightly modified version, which goes "Zombie shoulders, knees and toes / Zombie shoulders, knees and toes / Eyes and ears and mouth and BRAAAAAIIIINNNNSSSSSSS ...")
And I don't think schools are in the habit of teaching children of any age "Heads and shoulders, knees and toes".
@Techidiot Well, the vowel sounds are more or less the same
and I think the (not very plausible) principle behind the question is that the child has remembered the vowels and some of the consonants and then guessed in a rather implausible fashion at the words.
For example in 2014, in India's prime ministerial elections, predictions were that there would be a coalition Government. Ultimately, the favourite won by a landslide.
I dropped back in to say that I'm in 39th place, my favorite number :D
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Note: This puzzle cannot be solved on the computer. Draw it out on paper and then solve...
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It must be coincidence, but the 3rd-last letters of "oPen lorrIes unmanNed wrecKed countlEss rust-laDen" spell out PINKED. I can't see any possible way that PINKED means "tragic", or how that would be clued.
it feels like that's the right idea, though I'm not at all happy with that actual word - unfortunately after a lot of digging I've not found a better fit that can be pulled out of those words. And it would be soooooo open ended if that's the construction that happening on the right solution is going to take a ton of plodding determination or utter serendipity, methihks, so I actually hope this is not at all right.
Anyway I'll leave that there and see what @Sconibulus has to say about it :)
I can see "rust" giving Fe₂O₃ and thus "countless rust" being FEO. "wrecked" may anagram it. but I can't find any useful word for either Tragic or Laden that has (FEO)* in it.
and if "Western" isn't an indicator then either "Open" is a (probably sketchy) one, or there's entirely too much here to reduce to 6 letters in any way I can see.
I've already set one skeleton Sudoku. Here's a rather harder one. (Nonetheless, it should be within the realms of what can be done by hand; I solved it manually myself to verify that there was only one solution. Actually, I got pretty good at solving these, because it took me something like 5 or ...