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Agreed. Let me put that up on comments on his answer.
OK. I was going to answer here but I'll do so there instead.
"Comments are not for extended discussion" - the election chat room is probably better, @sid
What is this answer :-/ I don't get a bit of it
There's a children's rhyme that begins "Heads and shoulders, knees and toes".
Accompanied by appropriate actions.
Mostly used with extremely young children.
The idea is that the child here has misheard (or is being misheard by the parent).
That was my first thought, but the entire middle of the child's "poem" is in no way a match for that rhyme
I think it fits OK.
Oh. I've never heard about it. Thanks.
unless there's some big chunk of the rhyme I've never heard, which is admittedly possible
"Eyes and ears / and mouth and nose"
(one acquaintance of mine used to sing a slightly modified version, which goes "Zombie shoulders, knees and toes / Zombie shoulders, knees and toes / Eyes and ears and mouth and BRAAAAAIIIINNNNSSSSSSS ...")
oh well. my first instinct was right then.
I am not able to connect it somehow..
Peas on toast
Fleas on rose
actually now that I look at it again what threw me off was the parenthetical. which shouldn't have. alas.
With what are these two lines related?
Peas on toast & fleas on rose both = knees and toes
I have to say I don't think much of the puzzle. Children's mishearings don't usually end up much like that.
And I don't think schools are in the habit of teaching children of any age "Heads and shoulders, knees and toes".
@Techidiot Well, the vowel sounds are more or less the same
and I think the (not very plausible) principle behind the question is that the child has remembered the vowels and some of the consonants and then guessed in a rather implausible fashion at the words.
@GarethMcCaughan I'm pretty sure I learned that in school... in French
Interesting! Were you at school in France, or do you mean you were learning French and they used this as a teaching tool?
Hmm.. Quite difficult to understand even after knowing the answer. And impossible without knowing how the rhyme is sung :)
I was learning French, we learned a few children's songs as teaching tools
I expect that if you go to YouTube and type in "heads and shoulders knees and toes" you'll find how it's sung.
so plausibly a child in another country might learn English this way
@Sconibulus So, does it work in French? I'd have thought all the syllable counts would be wrong.
Though right now my brain is failing me and I am unable to think what most of the words would be in French.
I think knees doesn't work well
genoux, right?
tete, epaule, something, pieds (feet, rather than toes)
yeah, that sounds right
you can lose some of the "ands" and have it work, kinda, maybe
it's been a while, sorry, I'm very rusty
tetes, epaules, genoux et pieds ...
(apologies to any francophones who are doubtless cringing at the absence of accents)
of course the echo in the next line then has to go "-noux et pieds", which is a bit weird
francly, my dear, ...
~il s'a deservé, il s'a deservé, seulment lui blamer, si tu etait la, et tu as vu sa, je pense la meme chose que tu il fait~
sorry, that's the song I remember best for some reason :)
I wonder if anybody can guess the English version
It seems like it ought to have lines ending "else to blame" and "done the same", but googling for those doesn't turn up any children's songs.
it wasn't exactly a children's song
or even a little bit a children's song
doesn't turn up any non-children's songs either, I think
ah i see gareth and rubio nominated themselves.
Both on 30/40 interestingly
I have a feeling they are clear favourites
Pre-election polls haven't been too reliable lately, though.
Wasn't Macron projected to win though?
Well they have the highest score, so...
If people come to the site to vote, but don't know much about it they usually vote based on scores
@n_palum The polls were still off by 8 points
He was just projected to win by like 20, and won by almost 30 instead
Well it's better than Clinton projected to win and losing
yeah, the polls were really wrong on Macron / Le Pen, it's just no one notices because they didn't get the winner wrong
It wasn't just fully wrong
Yes, the margin was greater than predicted. But participation in the polls was rather low.
@n_palum She was projected to win by 3 I think, and won by 2 instead
Didn't like 80% vote?
Clinton and Trump and Brexit polls had it wrong because the projections were within error limits.
Better than the American turnout
American polls predicted the popular vote pretty well
the polls were also 10% wrong in the recent Brazilian presidential election
@ffao erred on the side of the winner?
About 75% voted, which is the worst participation for more than 40 years.
Better than US
For example in 2014, in India's prime ministerial elections, predictions were that there would be a coalition Government. Ultimately, the favourite won by a landslide.
Is there a poll for puzzling?
in the first vote they erred on the side of the winner, in the second for the loser
but the winner was predicted correctly in both cases, so people didn't make such a fuss about it
There's the primary, where the top 10 go on ahead
So our conclusion is that polls are globally getting elections terribly wrong
I would say one of the reasons is because of bias towards a certain personality or party.
Anyway, /me should be getting off now as I have to get up at around 5 in the morning :/
But feel free to ping me with any questions or stuff, I'll try to wiggle in some time tomorrow to respond.
@Mithrandir It's only 3 pm, you've got plenty of time :P
*mutters* Timezones...
hehe :P
This query is very helpful to find the top scores on site
although it is slightly inaccurate...
oooh, I'm a top-25 mod, apparently :)
so as soon as we get to 15-20, I'll self-nominate :)
rubio is getting 27/40 in all queries instead of 30/40. Maybe the need to update
Yeah if that were to happen
I'm very surprisingly fourth
I have a rather ominous 13.
I dropped back in to say that I'm in 39th place, my favorite number :D
> The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan. This is a rare event and only expected for extremely complex queries or queries that reference a very large number of tables or partitions. Please simplify the query. If you believe you have received this message in error, contact Customer Support Services for more information.
39 happens to be my Jersey#
I usually have #11 :P
@BeastlyGerbil My last 3 points were acquired in the last 24 hours (or fewer) of my nomination.
ah ok then
Just a bit behind
It's updated every Sunday
Bleh, I should be asleep
But is this a valid CC? 'Fish heads are cold and really putrid (4)'
I don't think so - "heads" is separated from what it acts on
but it reads acarp
I'll keep thinking
you could have 'Are fish heads cold and really putrid'
Because then 'are fish' is def
(would that be good @deus ?)
No, "are fish" isn't a definition
"fish" is, but "are fish" is not
Maybe "a fisher"
Fish - heads cold and really putrid.
That's fine.
I'll keep thinking, trying to figure these CCs out :P
You have a weird taste @Deusovi if you think that kind of food is fine
This room is fine?
Q: Don't give me that line

ben-Nabiy DerushNote: This puzzle cannot be solved on the computer. Draw it out on paper and then solve... --------X---------------x------- | | | X X X | | | -----X------X------X------X----- | | | | X ...

It must be coincidence, but the 3rd-last letters of "oPen lorrIes unmanNed wrecKed countlEss rust-laDen" spell out PINKED. I can't see any possible way that PINKED means "tragic", or how that would be clued.
@GentlePurpleRain It can mean pierce or something similar
But I assume Western is how you deduced the 3rds
that's a very interesting observation
ERMEUS is taking the 3rd instead of the 3rd last XD
western Start Trucks Autonomous/automated Gutted Endless Decrepit → STAGED (tragic). that's the best I got so far.
Oh that's nice
it feels like that's the right idea, though I'm not at all happy with that actual word - unfortunately after a lot of digging I've not found a better fit that can be pulled out of those words. And it would be soooooo open ended if that's the construction that happening on the right solution is going to take a ton of plodding determination or utter serendipity, methihks, so I actually hope this is not at all right.
Anyway I'll leave that there and see what @Sconibulus has to say about it :)
I think Western is the way we should be getting the letters
That's actually a pretty good word, so I'll throw a hint
'Countless Rust' is an... atom for lack of a better word, it joins together to make one thing, which may or may not be operated on by other things
Well how was anyone supposed ta know thaat
I feel like every time I get a hint I'm even more confused
I mean, I imagine it would have been tried at some point, the hint should just narrow the possibility space a little
I'm confused now..
The punctuation looks deliberate but it confuses me more
step one, ignore punctuation and capitalization. (except when you shouldn't.) ;)
The punctuation is to make it read like scene directions
or at least, that's what I was going for
I can see "rust" giving Fe₂O₃ and thus "countless rust" being FEO. "wrecked" may anagram it. but I can't find any useful word for either Tragic or Laden that has (FEO)* in it.
and if "Western" isn't an indicator then either "Open" is a (probably sketchy) one, or there's entirely too much here to reduce to 6 letters in any way I can see.
^ like certain stuff is capitalized but not others
Q: Skeleton sudoku, the second

ais523I've already set one skeleton Sudoku. Here's a rather harder one. (Nonetheless, it should be within the realms of what can be done by hand; I solved it manually myself to verify that there was only one solution. Actually, I got pretty good at solving these, because it took me something like 5 or ...

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