@n_palum What's funny is that I would think an American the least likely to make that mistake, because of your odd and confusing custom of writing dates as MM/DD/YYYY. You're used to putting the month first.
This is probably one of the places online where I see the lowest percentage of Americans overall. It really seems to represent a wide swath of the world.
Right. But did you set the language to Hindi first? That's where I got confused. It seems to think it is valid Hindi, but the translation is completely different than the Hebrew.
I note of course that while my puzzle contains four Caesar-shift clues, those are apparently nonexistent anywhere else (even though you seem to have had little trouble realizing that they were that).
I'm a bit embarrassed that I didn't see that everything was a crossword grid, despite the cryptic clues, the answers being only down and across, the grid being symmetrical and having 15 by 15 cells. Anyway, good puzzle.
(Hell, that's one of the main reasons why the Backwords app isn't one I'd recommend. Not only are all the entries on alternate lines, they couldn't even be bothered to fill in the remainder with stuff that wasn't immediately obviously garbage.)
Thing is, because there's been other puzzles somewhat like this, I was "sure" from the beginning that this was going to be a case where the unused letters in the wordsearch were going to get used for something, so I was strictly in word-search mode for most of it. By the time I realized it was more crossword than word search, I was too far along to feel like redoing the image. fortunately @MOehm did that, and better than I would have
Maybe next time I'll make each cryptic have two answers, and have one set of answers go into one grid and another set of answers go into another grid hidden via imgur...
As I said, "This puzzle ought to provide a good distraction and nothing more. No, this flavourtext really shouldn't give you any hints as to the puzzle's solving path or answer.".
Try to figure out the answers from the 2 patterns below. Rotate if necessary.
A: What is the missing number? [?] [10] [11] [9] [11]
B- What is the missing number? [?] [ 3] [ 7] [ 2] [ 8]
and the international airports in Canada and Brazil are in Toronto and Sao Paulo, which forces me to take at least 2 stops (and a 30 hour trip in total) to get back to BH
west-to-east coast is just 5 hours, right? that's a lot more reasonable