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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@GarethMcCaughan ?
Okay, I can't solve the last of the Cryptic Clue Chat Chains, so I'm just posting one half joke independent Chat Cryptic Clue (I tried with the last one for 3 hours straight, and 1 hour more loosely, and didn't found anything sane)
Yeah, I haven't been able to solve it either.
Repost CCC: Left angle, ! Angle upside down are. (5)
Oh! Apparently several have been posted since last time I checked.
...What? That doesn't grammatically make sense.
I mean, I guess it doesn't have to but typically cryptic clues use tricky "surface readings".
Yeah, for some reasons, and there is a very hilarious (but previously used) red herring.
Solution to the last one (Blasphemous tattoo merger is going down): SINK (Blasphemous = sin, tattoo = ink, merged, def: going down)
(Gareth had solved it, and pointed out some of the grammatical issues, but didn't post the solution because he wanted the "chain" to continue, rather than it turning into "tennis")
Oh, I was looking at the wrong one. Oh well.
Oh SINK. So trivial :(
Did Gareth post another one?
(see my edit) :)
Ah, alright. Mind if I pick it back up then?
Or are you gonna make another?
I suppose Alconja should make one.
Wasn't going to right now, so you can take the ball
Alright! Here's one of my two favorite clues I've written:
CCCC: 7 - (6 - 9) = 10, maybe (4)
(you need to prefix with CCCC so it's easier to find)
Zero :P
@ArbitraryKangaroo: Your cryptic clue is valid according to the rules of cryptics, right?
@Deusovi Yeah, I guess so. What's the rule ?
You... guess so?
Do you know how cryptic clues work?
Yeah, solved a few, now I think it don't fits. Okay, here's a hint: It's a Brush total r CCC
I never did get a ruling on my "Inner monologue is bothering you. (7)" Was that one acceptable?
I never saw the solution to that one.
STALKER. monologue=talk (def); bothering you=stalker (def); inner:__(TALK)__
yeah that.
@ArbitraryKangaroo: STOP.
@Deusovi Rubio posted exactly that, didn't he ?
But no, that's definitely not a valid cryptic clue. The wordplay doesn't give you the entire answer.
You found the answer ? Yeah, now I am sure it's not a CC.
It should be possible to reach the answer from both the wordplay and the definition independently.
Okay, the answer is LIAR, and the word anagrams to "Short Brutal‌​".
hmm. ok, I guess I don't fully understand them then.
You can divide every cryptic clue into two parts: the definition part and the wordplay part.
Sometimes there will be a connector word like "is" or "of".
One side will be a definition of the word, acceptable in a regular crossword.
@Deusovi BTW, When you are posting up the CM ?
The other side will be the wordplay part, where the word is clued differently, usually with anagrams, initials, homophones, or some other form of wordplay.
(When the others would post the pre-meta puzzles ?)
Got it. I think. :) In fairness, I did want to pass my turn hehe
Then I felt bad for dropping the chain
@Deusovi ...but pure wordplay like your current CCCC are ok, if you "?"/"maybe"/etc them, yeah?
The wordplay part has "instruction words" in it in most cases - for instance, "broken" clues anagramming, or "at first" clues initial letters. (It could also be an alternate definition - for instance, "Scooter was blue" for "MOPED" would be a valid double-definition clue.)
@Alconja Who said my current one was pure wordplay?
Just saying "Hi", I don't want to interrupt you guys
Hey LoD!
:) OK. So, your current one aside, when/how is it acceptable to "break" the rules you stated above?
@Deusovi This and This ?
Who said I broke any of those rules? c;

Typically though, breaking those rules isn't allowed unless the clue is still fair. Ideally, the clue should still have two paths to the solution, and one of those should be the definition. Basically, don't break them unless you know what you're doing.
I've only broken them for one clue before - the "trip in bar room" clue for Chess Fortnight. I figured that was still fair, even though it was a nonstandard clue type.
@ArbitraryKangaroo The puzzles are nearly done. One person hasn't responded, so I'm making a substitute puzzle for them.
No, wasn't implying you were breaking rules here, just wanted to clarify if/when/how it was acceptable, generally.. Or should they 99% of time be that normal straight+wordplay style?
@Deusovi When ?
99% of the time, they should be straight+wordplay.
(Order doesn't matter, of course.)
@ArbitraryKangaroo They should be done soon. We're hoping to post them this weekend.
Ok, you can pretty much scratch my last question, just fully re-read your last comment, which pretty much answers it
(To jog your memory, the answer to the "Trip in bar room (5)" clue was "SPACE". It's a triple definition - "spacing out", the space bar, and space to move around. I was hesitant to post that one.)
Hmm.. weird... getting some lag in my messages there.. so my last few comments feel very out of order. :)
But yeah. Don't break those rules unless you really know what you're doing and you're 100% sure that it's a fair clue. Ideally you shouldn't break them at all with standalone clues.
Is it a bug or lot of users has empty profil pic ?
@Lordofdark: I think that's an issue on your end. It's fine for me.
Nah, I'm pretty sure it's a new hidden puzzle
It's so hard to earn rep since I don't come often : I can't first answer an easy/medium puzzle and I don't have time to spend in very long puzzle...
So I just enjoy solving puzzles without thinking about rep...
@Deusovi So, the term "maybe" in cryptic clues, based on my googling, just implies that there's an additional layer of lateral thinking involved, not that it necessary breaks the "core" rules??
@Alconja It could either be part of the wordplay or the definition. If part of the definition, it means "this is one example". For instance, "Dachshund, maybe" could clue "DOG" (in a straight crossword, or as part of the definition of a cryptic).
Or if part of the wordplay, it could be any number of things.
Hmmm, ok.
Wait... is it EVEN?
Yep, that's it!
(def: 10, maybe; SEVEN - (SIX - NINE) => SEVEN - (SX) => EVEN)
:) very cool
Hm, not quite.
You missed one thing.
(Correct answer, partially incorrect reasoning.)
VI - IX ?
Too far, @JonathanAllan.
SIX - IX is just S
Ahh. ofc
then SEVEN minus that is EVEN
heh I had tried with RN :/
Guess that means i need to come up with another... unless you wanted to take the ball @JonathanAllan?
I have nothing prepared :p
Then prepare something! :D
Ok, how about this one:
CCCC: "Strange interjection and a split millennial (3)"
Possibly needs a "?" on the end... not 100% with cryptic rules yet...
well is it "and literally so"?
or is there a straight definition?
(Question marks are used to indicate strange definitions - like "Mechanical puzzle caused mental block?" for "RUBIK'S CUBE")
Has a straight and a wordplay, is not strange, so no ? then
(though still not 100% sure it doesn't break some rule, so i'll be interested in feedback post solving)
it's not MOM is it
Nah, no definition there
Is it "ODD" def: strange. Interjection O half a millennium is 500 which is D
Your mum isn't strange?
Ooh, that's definitely it. I like it!
@JonathanAllan winner! :)
Maybe not entirely kosher, but certainly still fair - I don't see any problem with it!
will be a couple of mn...
Thought it'd drop quickly after EVEN :P
well. DD is the millenium split
so yeah that's it
I like it
Oh, one thing - indirect anagrams are not allowed in cryptics. By that I mean something like "Unusually tough monster (5)" cluing HYDRA, by anagram of HARDY (tough). Anything to be anagrammed must be verbatim. (Reversal clues or other similar ones are fair game though.)
Ok, good to know
CCCC: Accumulates 10 second adjustments (4)
@Deusovi English newspapers do sometime have the odd indirect anagram, but their indirectness is usually alluded to.
Yeah, I do see occasional publishers that allow them. I highly recommend against it though - they're not fun to solve unless they're really clever.
yeah, those writers are pretty good at it
@GentlePurpleRain Why is your comment on the Koffka words a comment?
Please make it an answer :)
@JonathanAllan perhaps NETS (anagram of TEN S)? though that's awkwardly close to being ... an indirect anagram.
Yeah, not a fan of that one.
@GentlePurpleRain I was going to give a +25 bounty if two people split the answering on that one. I'll let you and @Deusovi figure out where to put it, and I'm sure neither of you care a whit about the rep, but fair's fair.
(If that's the answer of course.)
@GarethMcCaughan correct - it is not indirect it has an indicator
adjustments indicates anagram.
Anagrams are always indicated.
10s = tens is certainly less indirect that RN
By "indirect" I mean "word or phrase being anagrammed is not directly in the clue".
damn, I suppose I have to make up another one now
Oh, roman numerals. That one wasn't an anagram though.
yeah, it's kind of like bits & pieces to go from 10 to ten though, hardly that far fetched :p
Sure, and it would be fine if it were just bits and pieces.
OK, I'm going to hell for this, but:
But for anagrams, you have to include the phrase verbatim.
Oh no.
CCCC: One who might grab model's ass (5)
oh my.
Like: Confused Southern pots halts (5)...??
Yeah, that wouldn't be allowed.
u think that's fine but not 10 seconds
That kind of thing appears all the time!
Not within anagrams! If it said "flipped" instead of "confused" then it would be a reversal clue, and it would be fine.
Well I've seen it enough
Really? I've never seen it in a good cryptic, and I've done a lot of them.
Not so often in the broadsheets maybe
Hm? Broadsheets?
upmarket higherbrow newspapers: Times, Guardian, Independent
(oh, and the Telegraph)
Times / Guardian / Observer / Independent / Financial Times (non tabloid)
as distinct from (1) tabloid newspapers and (2) other places where you might find cryptic crosswords
Ooops Torygraph :p
Ah, alright - I'm not British.
amusing that we both somehow forgot to list the Telegraph among the broadsheet newspapers :-)
I didn't forget the FT - which is probably the most broadsheet :)
yeah, clearly my brow is too low, or something
and their crosswords are HARD
Source on the ban of indirect anagrams.
sure but ten is not a not a synonym for 10 it is just 10 spelled out
if I'd used 12 for "DOZEN" then...
it's starting to be a bit too far
may I gently suggest that very little enlightenment is likely to come from arguing at length over whether it's legitimate to use "10" to indicate "TEN" as part of an anagram?
No, let's make this an epic debate like what was going on in the castle bars puzzle between people who have solved it and people who wildly assert it's not solvable.
Sure, maybe (although I still find that a little sketchy - typically the exact letters should be in the clue). But "second" is also an issue. It'd work in a bits-and-pieces clue, but not in an anagram clue. And in your clue, "S" was part of the anagram fodder.
the usual mutually face-saving thing it to say something like "arguably not strictly Ximenean" and get on with life
like, I dunno, solving my stupid CCCC clue or something
I'm still trying to think of anything cryptic that fits Gareth's clue
@Deusovi From @Rubio's insistence that it be in an answer, I suspect it is correct. Why don't you just add it to your answer. No point in having 2 partial answers.
Yeah, I'm thinking about it.
already trying :p
@GentlePurpleRain Alright, sounds good!
I can think of a few that fit but aren't at all cryptic hehe
@Rubio it is entirely possible that one of the ones you have thought of is in fact more cryptic than you think
Got it!
(model) T + RUMP.
Very cheeky, Gareth. (pun definitely intended)
I was trying to twist CHAIR into something that fit, having abandoned TRUMP
Nicely done
CCCC: Trained to weave stiff footwear (8)
@Deusovi yup, that's right. (So, going to hell for three reasons. Rude clue, gratuitous politics, and around these parts I suspect "model" -> "T" isn 't too familiar.)
Yep! "Weaved" together.
CCCC: Featured in wooden impish jeans (5)
(easy peasy)
I was already typing easy peasy as I knew someone would get it quickly :)
If I'm using a "maybe" hint to indicate "an example of", I assume it needs to go next to the straight?
Yep. At the end of the definition.
I.e. "<wordplay> + <example>, maybe" is ok, but "<example> + <wordplay>, maybe" is not
more precisely, it needs to go next to whatever it is that you're giving (or referring to) an example of
cool. thought so...
Thanks @GentlePurpleRain and @Deusovi for finishing that Koffka one up - I enjoyed creating it and I hope it was fun to solve.
@Deusovi as an example Sunday Times had "Fish gone rotten in baskets (6,4)" which definitely breaks the synonym anagram rule
What's the answer to that one?
Conger Eels
as Rolf Harris might have said "Can you see what it is yet?!"
That one's acceptable.
It's not an indirect anagram.
way more convoluted
The only anagram happening is "gone --> onge".
Sure, but the issue isn't the convolutedness. The issue is the unfairness. Indirect anagrams are almost always unfair.
I didn't know the word "creel" before, but that clue doesn't anagram "creels" so it's fine.
It's not a word. It's just being inserted into "CREELS".
there is a space too
I would say anagram
Sure, and? Spaces are ignored.
(After all, you're not actually entering a space into a box.)
Okay, how is adding a space an anagram?
two words creels and gone become two words conger and eels - it's an anagram, but yes it is "in"
No, "creels" is not an anagram. An insertion is different from an anagram - the clue says "in baskets", and grammatically the only anagram fodder is "gone".
You do realize that anagram clues hint at what exactly needs to be anagrammed, right?
^ """but yes it is "in""""
Also, is everything okay? You seem a lot different today.
yeah, I am on painkillers from an op could be affecting me...
Ah, alright. Hope you feel better soon.
Codine might not agree with me a bit ??
am I being weird?
hope I'm not being offensive!
No, not at all!
You just seemed a bit different from usual, and I couldn't quite pinpoint what it was.
probably these blasted drugs
but was dental surgery so pain is pretty horrid
...and the drugs are strong
Ouch, that sounds awful. You should really get some rest - maybe watch TV or something?
was just browsing for films actually!
any recommendations?
Hm, I don't watch many movies. If you want something lighthearted, Airplane is always funny.
Not sure if this is breaking rules... but I think it's ok:
CCCC: Discard arrangement excludes "Sun God 101", maybe (6)
heh "Jive-ass dude don't got no brains anyhow!"
(sorry for the delay, was in a meeting)
If you don't mind cartoons, I recommend Gravity Falls. It's surprisingly good, even though it's on Disney Channel. The basic premise is that two twins are sent away from home over the summer to live with their great uncle who runs a cheesy tourist trap. Then they notice actual supernatural things happening...
Yeah I like cartoons, animation & family films
not free on my subscription though :(
Aw :c
Steven Universe is also good
£1.89 per episode and people say only half of each series is up (10 not 20)
Also not included...
2 hours later…
Would using the expression "I don't have to take this crap" in a riddle be seen as offensive?
not to me, but I can only speak for myself.
@Deusovi As a bonus, there are also ciphers in the end where the names show.
Yeah, I don't think that's offensive either (assuming it's actual riddle "content" as opposed to being directed at a particular user)
OK, I'll give it a try then. Look forward to it :P
Lets hope there are no downvote trigger happy folks on today. >.>
I've been getting downvoted all day today on stuff, for no reason.
In the last half hour someone just downvoted my answer on puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/45677/…
it's the accepted answer, there's not a thing wrong with it. actually that entire puzzle's voting makes little sense to me, but whatever - everyone is giving votes to the dude who basically said "yeah, there's an accepted answer already, but I wanted to show this image".
it's gotten almost 4x the votes as my answer, and ... like I said .. someone just downvoted mine out of the blue. hehe
people. are. weird.
oh yeah. and puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/45506/… hasn't been active in 3 days. someone chose this morning to downvote my question. not a clue.
oh someone put an image! nice, I really wanted to see it yesterday... err I mean. sorry XD I didn't upvote him I swear >.>
there's 3 good images out there now. (OP supplied one, which I put in my answer, but it was bad. I think i lost votes to the other dude because of it)
the ones by N. Owad are really cool
darn it, why does my riddles always turn out so suggestive lol.... If I name my riddle "I'm always horny but so lonely." I feel like I will get downvoted into the ground lol...
Title or no, it's still gonna be in my riddle though... I wish people would be more open minded and not so quick to judge.... it is a very clever hint, or so I would like to think it is.
Oh well, I will just give it a go. My main objective is to make others have fun so, who cares about pixelated points....(ok... I do...)
"Most prefer with fruits, but others prefer my beverage." looks like it may be missing a word. is it intended to read that way?
it does feel kinda weird. I was trying to not give too much hint. but ended up like that.
Huh. I didn't actually expect that to be right, it felt like a stretch.
really? it all fit though.
Not all beetles are horned, by a long shot
I figured you were just going for all things beetles, with the Beatles and the dung beetles and whatever
so gave it a shot
AH! I forgot to add my Volkswagen hint.... oh well...
Lol. That would have been a pretty dead giveaway
Oh I forgot to randomly downvote you. Hang on . . .
Lately I have only been making riddles... Making math/logic one is more fun, but take so much work and always end up with loopholes or unexpected alternative answers...
I've done mainly word and number patterns. The last one I did, I added in a bit of a riddle for good measure; in looking for a non-obvious name for it, I found a great way to tie in the name I eventually used and make it an extra challenge beyond just finding the pattern. I really enjoyed putting that together.
I'm about halfway through creating my first pure riddle. I hope it doesn't suck.
Usually I make a riddle by thinking about 2 or 3 clever things that fit with the same word. Then I go find fillers on google by looking for expressions involving that word. Then somehow makes hints that unintentionally ends up being suggestive as hell.
1 hour later…
A little long, then? hehe
is it something like the atari? I cannot match most of the hints but I just can't shake that answer from my head lol
There's no shortage of hints, obviously ;) I'm pretty sure when you've got it, or at least got close enough to it, you'll know.
so.... I'm wrong? XD
ah, someone got it. makes sense. I still like my atari though XD
1 hour later…
I'm a bit lost
No I'm fine
Sorry for that bipolar moment
1 hour later…
@GarethMcCaughan So, that's your 3rd puzzle. :P
Someday, I am going to make a puzzle compiling all your chat puzzles..
@Deusovi Here?
4 hours later…
@Alenanno I'm here now. Why?
@Deusovi Oh I wanted to know if you wanted a list for those colored words before sending the edit, but I already did. :P
@IAmInPLS your wordplay is bugging me
I see that all the right words have the letters I and E,
but that's it
@Matt Sudden realization?
thanks for your help! :P
@Matt Haha you found it! I just added the wiki link
It was interesting seeing you solving it right here though ;-)
I was counting the locations of all the Es and Is
thinking about how weird it was that only the last 2 had E first.
Good job anyway! Are you an English native speaker? I'm just wondering if this grammar rule is 'famous'. In France, we don't learn it, it is something I was lucky to stumble across and make a puzzle out of it
I before E except after C is pretty well known in the US
@dcfyj Nice to know
Well, that's a new thing I learnt today.
@dcfyj But it fails for some weird words :P
yeah, I'm a native English speaker
@Ankoganit Like any rule :P
I learned it very early on in school
@Ankoganit Here you go :p en.wiktionary.org/wiki/…
anyone else looking at Missed Connections now?
half of those are covered by the "unless sounding like 'A'" corrolary
@Matt i think MMAdams has it
yeah, I was thinking about radio just before he answered
no one's got a name from all that though
Any progress on @Alconja 's CCCC? Hinty time, I think :o
which is?
13 hours ago, by Alconja
CCCC: Discard arrangement excludes "Sun God 101", maybe (6)
@Deusovi Are you still here?
Oops, sorry nvm
dunno what a discard arrangement could be
Yeah that "maybe" seems misplaced but who knows
I think we're going to have to anagram "arrangement".
but Sun God 101 probably refers to Ra, and 101 would be "introduction",
Maybe minus "RA" and something else.
minus R, I think
just the first letter of Ra
Or maybe just "God 101" for G, and "sun" is different?
"Discard arrangement" signals an anagramming, but I can't find any likely words that are 6 of Discard's 7 letters.
Discard is 7 letters, -R is 6, which matches the clue
i mean. I found 3, but none look like they'd be an answer.
so it's an anagram of DISCAD
Which makes me think of Disco
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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