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09:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

1 more day
Tomorrow 0:00?
I assume sometime in the afternoon
Well, timezone matters.
Someone has to manually do it, I don't think it's automated
so probably in US afternoon
My new programming language is going to feature equality comparison on functions.
How is it going to compare them? On source code? Will whitespace matter?
@mousetail Mathematically; would see whether they have the same output on the same input. This is possible when the domain is compact and the codomain is discrete.
Relevant post:
Q: When is the compact-open topology discrete?

Dannyu NDosI tried to find a necessary-and-sufficient condition for the function space $\mathcal{C}(X,Y)$ equipped with the compact-open topology to be discrete. Here's my effort so far: Theorem 1. If $X$ is nonempty and $\mathcal{C}(X,Y)$ is discrete, then $Y$ is discrete. Proof by contrapositive: Let $y$ ...

What if the function doesn't halt?
compare their addresses in memory :^)
That's gonna be a problem D:
I think it would be very useful if you could check equality on closures if the bind the same variables, but only if the function they wrap is literally the same
I'm finding a sufficient condition for a function to halt anyway.
Dang it, halting problem.
imo if you've got a normalizer going and want to have some kind of syntactic/definitional equality, I feel like fun x -> x + 1 and fun x -> 1 + x should be "equal" just as well. But, it should probably not be equal to fun x -> sleep(5000s); x + 1, at least if you care about computational cost. You may get away with all of this by considering an ultrafinitist logic and compare cost measures as well
It's really hard to prove anything about turing machines. It's undecidable if they are equal even in discrete topology
@NaCl sleep is an IO action, or a Karmic action as a term in my language.
And \x -> x + 1 doesn't have compact domain.
@DannyuNDos replace the sleep with a recursive call to a function that does nothing but return () after X computational steps
Anyways, my comments are likely not helpful at all, so sorry about rambling along. I'll shut up
No, you have a point.
Not Int -> Int, but Bool -> Int. That's equality comparable.
As functions are compared only mathematically, a no-op like sleep won't matter.
Sidenote: My language is gonna have an exotic definition of Integer.
So the "proofs" (=programs) are irrelevant to the type they inhabit
newtype Integer = Integer {nth_digit :: OmegaC -> Bool}
data OmegaC = Zero | Succ OmegaC
So Integer is defined in terms of OmegaC which is also a type of integer?
The fixpoint of OmegaC, which is fix Succ, can be fed on Integer.
That decides the signature of an Integer.
I don't understand. Where is the sign?
cf. two's complement
~~Is the def like coℕ?~~ nevermind, understood the definition now
Glad people understand topology :D
Gonna be painful to implement Schönhage-Strassen tho
1 hour later…
2 hours ago, by mousetail
1 more day
The Soon™️
tick tock
Ideally we'd post a question and answer as fast as possible, just to flex
For anyone who thinks 1 more day is too long I have came to say thats:
I hear it's only a day away
Do we want a poll for the chat room name or is "Garbage Collector" ok?
even if garbage collector wins by a landslide which it probably will, it's best to have democracy
What are the suggested names?
Just "Garbage Collector" I think
that's the thing - there's no other contenders right now
But in a poll people can suggest more options
There would a deadline to submit answers, then voting
we might get a better name we never thought of
Probably after private beta
@lyxal ^^
I dub the name of... "C++ Killers".
...not as catchy
not catchy in the slightest
i'm sorry
it is a good meme but i feel like it could also kinda devalue the site's image
What about Z+++++++++
Or Zb#+++++
Odd number of +s?
Or PyZb#+++++Script 2
I feel like "Garbage Collector" works for the general discussion, and "<language> Killers" would work for those who want to replace the <language>.
hard code the room name straight into chat servers to be a different single word randomly chosen every time
ooh yeah that could honestly be a good strategy for long term spin-off rooms lmao
maybe not actually dedicated to specific languages but let one be sort of the exemplar
like you could have prolog killers for people developing new whatever-prolog-is languages :P
Dunno, "No Coffee" for Java?
"Stainless Steel" for Rust
"Indiana Jones" for Python
And "Doesn't-Have-Kell" for Haskell
"Removing the car from carpet" for Javascript
I'm semi-joking, but we should consult Puzzling SE. They'll provide cryptic clues.
"Another Raku" for Perl?
"Please Hospitalize PHP" for PHP
"Sapphire" for Ruby
"Glasses" for C#
^ ???
"Db" would work more likely
on that note,
@DannyuNDos "Before Swine"
^ Love this one
Plz explain...?
"Pearls before swine" is a saying
Oh, I'm not familiar with English idioms.
"Failed to be T-3½" for regex in general?
)))))) for lisp
Wait, that's sarcastic
fun fact, it's coincidentally also been calqued into japanese
i think it's something biblical
"Achieving Tychonoff" would work
"Stop" for Go
@UnrelatedString It does appear in the bible yes
@DannyuNDos how about "The Pumping Room" because regex/regular languages need to satisfy the pumping lemma :p
"Prequel" for SQL
"Extinction" for Deno
"Edge" for Node
"A PL" for APL?
"Pear" for APL
Jason for BASH, and Bourne for JSON
"Auditory Acidic" for Visual Basic
@mousetail maybe "Facade" for shells in general
"Target" for Dart
@UnrelatedString Or Nautulus
@DannyuNDos "Textual Advanced"
though i actually like yours slightly more
Maybe "Acidic Audio" for VB
"Itch" for Scratch
I love that one
"Err..." for R?
"Newton" for Pascal
struggling to think of a good one for julia
"Julius" for Julia?
that's one option :P
@UnrelatedString April? Another female name that is also a month
If there was to be 6 month difference, "Januara"?
Strangely I know nobody named that
And "Subjective-C" for Obj-C
Subjective Ocean
"D:" for D
"Vecto" for Scala
"Gb" for F#?
"Sloth" for swift
"Grothendieck's Curse" for Scheme?
And "Gloomy" for Groovy
"Epilog" for Prolog
"Poison" for Elixyr
"Freddy" for Elm?
"Crack" for Hack
"Antivirus" for Hack
ManualColdKey for AutoHotKey
Bigshout for Smalltalk
Just "Shout" would probably work better
or "Dispense with Pleasantries"
Even better
Hi @Adám , wanna share ideas for names for chatrooms for PLDI?
28 mins ago, by Dannyu NDos
Dunno, "No Coffee" for Java?
@DannyuNDos I didn't have anything in particular in mind.
The Factory Floor?
Are PLDI questions on-topic here?
Yeah, of course.
So, will this become the main chat room, or is it just an A51 room for hashing out details?
No, we'll get a proper chat room I think
Don't think it's possible to move a room to a different site
Right, hence my question if PLDI questions are on topic. Seemingly, only meta-PLDI questions would be.
We don't really have strict rules about what is on or off topic, but what is definitive is that a good amount of people with knowledge of programing language design frequent here
Tomorrow we'll get a real room though
if your question can wait until then
@mousetail How do you know?
Actually not 100% sure but I think you can make chatrooms under beta sites too. I have no reason to think not
"the week of May 16th" doesn't necessarily include the 16th.
I understood it as "sometime during that week".
Oh right
@Adám They do usually launch on Tuesdays
But why did they use a Tuesday to indicate a week‽ Usually, people use Sundays or Mondays.
Time travel
I suppose we'll have [praclang] and [esolang] tags.
I'm basing the Tuesdays thing on this message: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/140719?m=63394446#63394446 Not sure what their source is
@Adám esolang for sure, I would assume most languages there are practlangs so the tag wouldn't be that useful.
But it isn't easy to filter for not-[esolang] is it?
The concept of a pract lang is purely from the code golf world right? In any other context you'd assume the tools you want are at least intended to be useful
I think so
Ah, -[esolang] works.
Which spaces should a praclang support? By experimentation, I've found the following:
Only tab and space: Bash, C, D, Dart, Go, Java, Lua, OCaml, Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, Rust, Scala, Zig
Tab, space, nbsp: Common Lisp, Erlang, Wolfram Language
All Unicode whitespace: C#, Haskell, JavaScript, Julia, PowerShell, R, Raku
Dyalog APL currently falls in the first group, but some suggest being more inclusive.
I think only ASCII 0x20 space.
I think python supports any character that normalizes into a space or tab
Pretty sure Swift falls into the “all unicode whitespace” category? But I might be misremembering
Even tabs are hard to parse
TSPL should have the answer
@lyxal I actually prefer “The Garbage Collector”
@Adám For indentation, if that's important, only tab and space. For just seperating tokens any unicode spacing character except 0-width spaces
> The following characters are considered whitespace: space (U+0020), line feed (U+000A), carriage return (U+000D), horizontal tab (U+0009), vertical tab (U+000B), form feed (U+000C) and null (U+0000).
So Swift considers all ASCII whitespace but not all Unicode whitespace
Null is a whitespace there!?
@DannyuNDos …kinda. You can’t include it in a string literal or a block comment
I guess that allows you to just concatenate C-style strings and they would be seperated properly
@DannyuNDos Sol for Lua
A: Find an Illegal String

Bbrk24Swift,  4  3 bytes There's control characters in here, so I'll just give their ASCII values: 0A 22 00. Most of the ways that other C-family languages do this don't work in Swift, because Swift allows nested block comments. The null character always generates at least a warning. However, if it's i...

@mousetail It bothers me that 2+ 3 would give 5.
Whoa holy frick that is a full user list
@Adám Swift doesn’t let you put space on only one side of a binary operator. You have to do both or neither
@mousetail *The
Also, the compiler could always issue warnings for things like that
@Bbrk24 OK, but ` 10+10` giving 20 is equally startling.
Heh, Markdown…
But yeah I think everyone who's seen "The Garbage Collector" has liked it lol
It's really a great name
Doing a poll for the form is just good form
If everyone likes garbage collector it will win easily
@RydwolfPrograms the anticipation is growing
@Adám For chat it's 3 backticks.
Is it? this works fine with only one
@mousetail ...all flowers die, tapped the last good vein don't know how to shut it off
@HenryWHHackv3.0 Uh, no: ``` 10+10```
testing testing 123 (It works for this.)
I guess the unicode broke it
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
You can't begin inline code with a space.
And   is a space, which I wouldn't want as a valid space in code.
Minus sign:
@RydwolfPrograms this might be the most confusing-without-what-it's-replying-to chat message i've ever seen
U+2212 works
at least for long-distance replies
@UnrelatedString That song's literally the only time I've ever heard that expression :p
If we had a room with that name I'd have Paramore stuck in my head for hours every time I saw it in the rooms list :p
(Figure 8 is also such a good song, best song on This Is Why for sure)
@RydwolfPrograms I think it’s a variation on a verse from the bible
i've definitely heard it plenty
not, like, often often
but definitely multiple times in multiple places
@mousetail It's in a lot of meta post. (Although sometimes it maybe on Mondays or Wednesdays, but Tuesdays are just the most common.)
I have been in many private betas before. (Well only around 30.) You well get to learn some patterns after a while.
and only one of those places was an anachronistic pig-themed yakuza maid cafe
Judge[a] not, that you be not judged. 2 For with what [b]judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. 3 And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me remove the speck from your eye’; and look, a plank is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.
The sermon on the mount is just a really good speech, I highly recomend reading it even if you are not really into christinanity
i haven't read the whole thing yet but yeah there's some really good stuff in there
blessed are the cheesemakers
> “You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. 40 If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have your cloak also. 41 And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. 42 Give to him who asks you, and from him who wants to borrow from you do not turn away.
I like how the site doesn't even exist yet and we're already several tangents deep into off-topic territory. We've truly got CGCC's DNA :p
86.3% of the people here are from there so
that'll do it :P
This room is now for Religious Design and Implementation?
Hey guys I've designed a new religion but having trouble implementing it
@HenryWHHackv3.0 this is now world-building
Should we have tags for practical religions vs esoteric religions?
What would a esoteric religion even look like
consider designing your polytheism to not require dynamic dispatch
Dunno, the religion I'm making?
'Cause the gods I believe in form a proper class.
Dunno what the morphisms are tho.
All gods are just instances of a single global god class
1. They worship copy paper
2. The thinner and cheaper the paper, the holier
3. All their religious texts keep falling apart because the paper is really cheap
4. Putting ink on paper is considered defiling it so they only write through watermarking
5. When you die, you are resurrected by being extruded from a copier as a thin sheet and slowly inflating back into three dimensions like a mail-order mattress
Are you still made out of copper after being resurrected though?
Actually inventing esoteric religions is pretty fun we need a site for this
that's just worldbuilding
Oh, my dear Hausdorff...
@UnrelatedString The implementation aspect would be off topic there though, we might need a new site for that
I was thinking about it the other day and I could legit make a totally awesome religion
All the existing ones have all that historical stuff, mine would get straight to the point
remember, turing complete omnipotence can't always be statically analyzed
that was such a bad joke
i need sleep
Biblically accurate angels.
I feel like all recent religions are just conspiracy theory cults
So how do pro-tem mods work right now. Are they still appointed or do we have voting now?
and just normal cults
the conspiracy theory ones are just easier to see
Q: I'm a new polytheist. What does it mean for me to believe in a god?

Dannyu NDosPlease pardon me about that I'm concealing my religious background to prevent a flame-war. Though I've never lost my faith, the faith has been changing for recent times. For now, I seem to be believing in multiple gods. Infinitely many, in fact. An apeirotheist if I were to coin a term. Who are t...

If y'all would support me being a mod, I'm hoping it'd be possible to make some sort of arrangement where I'd be added in four months when I turn 18
@RydwolfPrograms elections now
@HenryWHHackv3.0 how far into beta do they happen?
@lyxal At the end of the private beta. Another one is held after site graduation.
Oh at the end? How long is private beta?
2 weeks right?
@RydwolfPrograms 3 weeks more or less
The election is very important.
I'll vote for Smokey
I have to make this more accurate:
11 mins ago, by Henry WH Hack v3.0
@lyxal At the end of the private beta. Another one is held after site graduation.
It's held sometime after the end of the private beta.
Someone said I was too pedantic I think it's because of things like that.^
Can it be approx. 3.5 months after the end of private beta? :p
@RydwolfPrograms NOOO! It's too much for my pedantic mind!
Should I run for mod?
PLD is literally in my title at work.
Yea you are literally the most qualified for the job
I also appreciate getting a adult instead of a teenager
Im just a teenager that aged.
aren't we all
Not the teens.
darn, you got me there
@mousetail Well not necessarily most, over a third of our users are academics or professionals in the field
@mousetail Doing the site subject professionally doesn't make me a good community handler.
Well your job for APL is in part community manager
@mousetail FWIW teenagers proposed and advertised this site and turned it into a community
That's the type of job teenagers are good at yes
Speaking as a slightly older teenager myself
And they're not good at modding chat rooms?
Disagree with that one
Disagree as in they are good or aren't good at modding
You'd be a good mod but having Adam on the team too would be better for sanity I think
I leave for an hour and yall invent a new religion smh my head
It'll be interesting to see how many people not from here nominate
I think it would greatly benefit us to have one mod not from CGSE
Why's that?
Because right now it looks like there'll be 2 mod noms from cg
To make it it's own community
And not just a extension
I don't think who our mods are is really going to affect that :p
committers active in
44.7% Stack Overflow
20.8% Code Golf
19.5% Meta Stack Exchange
19.0% Mathematics
13.3% Super User
12.4% Code Review
Whether it's a CGCC user or not who handles comment flags doesn't really make much of a difference
@RydwolfPrograms Mods have a great deal of influence especially when the community is new
@mousetail Only coincidentally
Since they also tend to be the most influential users already
@mousetail what's your source for this?
also ^^
Just seeing mods. When they participate in meta it's viewed with a lot more weight
Well, for moderation-specific things they get more weight yeah, but that's not really what defines a community right :p
@mousetail it shouldn't be like that
Ooh nice my AP test is two days later than I thought
@lyxal It is though unfortunatly
So I get extra PLDI time :p
@mousetail people are still free to rebel against the mods
People only generally do that for gross misconduct, not because they mildly disagree
People downvote mods' answers and upvote non-mods' answers all the time :p
@mousetail I mildly disagreed with not letting code golf meta allow pldi ads despite the mods saying no
Mods might be more likely for their meta answers to be upvoted, but that doesn't mean they don't get their propositions struck down from time to time
For sure
The most influence from a mod is community guidelines, not culture
But often there are many answers on meta saying mostly the same thing and the mod one gets to choose all the specifics
A non-mod can still post an answer with specifics
They won't get as many votes
09:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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