> In April 1941, Pedersen moved to Aalborg, forming the Churchill Club there. This was a very brave act and got lots of respect.
Someone doesn't know how to Wikipedia lol
@user Other common formats being "maybe my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner is a weird person", "I said a thing without thinking it through", and "you'll never guess what I did with my bodily fluids"
Although I guess it's better than my old school in India, where you could only borrow one book once a week (there was a Library class where we went and read for the whole class, then borrowed a book at the end of the class)
Occasionally, the librarian would decide we were being too noisy or whatever and straight up not let us borrow books for that week. I'm 90% sure it was mainly because she was lazy
She also restricted us to borrowing books from certain sections of the library (a different section every time, according to the librarian's whims) and during the Library class, we were again only allowed to read books from specific sections (a few times it was sections with only textbooks lol)
I hated that librarian so much
Books were all I had for entertainment at that time and the one book a week thing was like giving someone coke one day a month
My parents got me a membership at a proper library at some point thankfully
@RydwolfPrograms Reddit has taught me that if something exists, people will have used it to mess with their genitals somehow
- A red Porsche 944 with license plate "RUBY 944" - An electric vehicle with license plate "PLUG IN" - A sports car with license plate "NO AUTO" - A Margaritaville-themed license plate that said "5 OCLOCK"
Okay are these reporters or coconspirators in an assassination attempt lol
"Trump is alone in a black car turning left on XYZ Street in exactly six minutes. There appears to be a weakness in the bullet shielding in the top left part of the roof, which you should be able to take advantage of using your Wz. 35 anti-tank rifle"