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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

TIL one of the "A"s in the long variants of LGBTQ+ is "ally"...which makes no sense to me
Straight cis people who support non-straight-cis people are still cis-straight-people and that's not who I, or presumably anyone else, use the acronym to describe
Well looks like I'm not getting out of here any time soon
That was unironically the first thing I got btw
@RydwolfPrograms coulda sworn you TIL that already :p
I think I did lol
Jan 18 at 3:28, by Rydwolf Programs
Wait why is one of the As in the long LGBTQ+ expansion "ally"
LGBTQ+ are the (social) minority genders/sexual orientations/a few other random things some people include and some don't. Allies, who are cis and straight, just aren't a social minority (and while it's debatable whether or not they're a numbers-minority, depending on where you draw the line between someone who isn't actively hateful and someone who's actively an ally, there's not really an aspect of discrimination/not being able to be yourself/etc.)
Is there an official definition of LGBTQ+? Does the official one include "ally"?
"Official" according to whom?
I don't think there's really anyone with the authority to make one official
I kinda assumed there was a committee out there standardizing acronyms and stuff
maybe a dictionary?
And given how much argument and discourse there is over whether things like intersex, asexual, etc. count, I don't think an official definition would be able to exist
If people don't think "asexual" should be part of it then ally certainly shouldn't lol
@RydwolfPrograms the Gay Agenda-makers, of course q:
2 hours later…
I should be able to vote
Wasn't "no taxation without representation" a founding principle of our country?
I pay taxes, I work, I drive on public roads
I attend public schools and in far less than the time period between two elections will be old enough to get drafted to fight in a war
The law affects me and I pay for it to be created and enforced
Patents should not exist
@RydwolfPrograms why tho?
We don't live in a world where a mad scientist or visionary genius can invent some brilliant breakthrough and drive their carriage down to the post office to ensure nobody steals it
Nowadays patents only protect anticompetitive business practices
@RydwolfPrograms we kinda still do?
And due to increasing globalization any patents that really do need protection, those rare simple and actually smart inventions that a single person or small team can come up with, will just get stolen by someone in some other country
@zoomlogo How
Name one thing from the last century that wasn't developed by a big team at a corporation or government
@RydwolfPrograms people still steal?
They should be allowed to
Because an idea is no longer one person's property
hmm but what about the people who want to be credited
It's the work of employees, and those who register the patents are profiting off of either government funding or anticompetitive business practices
@zoomlogo Patents have nothing to do with "credit"
And do you think the people working for tech companies get credited for things the companies patent?
Patents slow innovation
@RydwolfPrograms oh
Look at proprietary patented compression and media formats
what about them?
Look at all the pharmaceutical products that cost hundreds of times what they should because nobody can compete
Patents cost lives
ohh i am starting to see now
@zoomlogo They hold back how advanced our compression and media formats can get. And you see that all across tech
Someone/a team of people invents an algorithm or standard or something that improves on what currently existds
Then patents make a big mess of it
People can't use and improve on it
Pharma patents are especially bad, since the research is typically funded by the government, so the pharma companies basically get to develop drugs at no cost, then squeeze ridiculous sums out of sick and injured and suffering people for decades
Sure patents reward R&D, but they also hold back R&D on new things
And limit how society can benefit from inventions
And since competition is like, the whole reason the free market is supposed to work, taking it away completely breaks it
R&D can be sponsored by government grants, and the company that gets there first has the advantage of...getting there first. They have a jump start on the infrastructure and stuff
That's all that's necessary
There are a few cases where patents actually are nice to have, but those are mostly abuses of how patents work
E.g., requiring anything that has a Rydwolf Serial Bus port to implement a bunch of other rigorous stuff in order to get the patent licensed to them
So I can ensure compatibility is maintained
Which IIRC is a tactic the USB-IF uses to keep at least one part of USB sane
In Accelerando, the first protagonist makes a bunch of these meta-patents and then gives them away for free so anything covered by them can be used by everyone
Don't think that'd work in real life but still amusing to think about
@RydwolfPrograms (But that can already be partially accomplished through trademarks)
(Like how HDMI does it)
@RydwolfPrograms I thought that was because big pharma controls the prices
And because of lobbying
Well they control the prices because nobody can compete
That's not because of patents though
If they didn't have patents I could open a company that manufacturers the same drug and charges half as much, still making a ridiculous profit, and cutting off their profit almost completely. We'd race to the bottom and settle on the fairest price. Invisible hand.
@lyxal It is for things like insulin in the US. Do you have any counterexamples?
The rest of the world
That's my counter example
Y'all don't quite have the issue we do, for insulin at least :p
Which is proof that patents can be a major cause of this, if not the only one
Do patents apply only to the country of issue?
Ah well that explains it then
And presumably the weird legal tricks pharma companies use to keep their century-old patent in the US don't work elsewhere
But isn't it also insurance companies being silly with prices?
Insurance doesn't affect the cost of the drug itself, right?
They just pay some of that cost
I don't know, I'm just trying to remember the reasons y'all's healthcare is so expensive
Ridiculous inefficiency and complexity due to a large degree of privatization
But even if there weren't patents, I think that without regulation, big pharma would still find a way to squash competition
If I gave you even a cursory overview of our healthcare system you'd think I was satirizing it :p
I know shit is so fricked over there that I'd believe you lol
@lyxal They could try, but at least what they'd be doing would be legally questionable, laws could be made to target it, and competitors would have a chance
Patents totally legitimize the monopolies that currently exist
You say that but taxation lobbying exists and no one challenges that
Lobbying's pretty complex
No doubt corporations with interests in keeping profits would figure out that complexity for their benefit
Greed is a surprisingly strong motivator
The current US tax code is longer than the whole Harry Potter series. The average bill is longer than a novel
I'm talking about how tax could be free and easy for everyone but there's that one company that makes it so that only their shitty software can be used for free and you have to go to an accountant otherwise
And due to the inefficiencies in our government and limited number of staffers, lobbyists are basically necessary just to understand and help write these ridiculously complex bills
It's not possible to just get rid of lobbying, our whole legislative system would fall apart
And it's also hard to write laws restricting the people who make a living convincing legislators what laws to (not) write :p
That sort of stuff
Medical companies could do that
Yeah but tax law is pretty far from what's keeping pharma companies from having competition
Lobbying's great at stopping things from being done, or adding tiny little exceptions that marginally benefit one party, but not at actually getting new things done
I think my point is more skepticism that things can change easily in regards to healthcare for y'all
I gotta go for now though
Oh yeah no way will it change in my lifetime unless there's a war or something
The US is so bad at doing anything at all that it's going to take something truly historical to cause lasting change. WWIII sorta stuff
The main problem is that when it's conservatives vs. progressives, and your government system is so slow and complex that doing anything at all is hard, conserving the status quo is easy and progress is hard. It's a system naturally biased against change, and we are long overdue for change in practically every aspect of our government and society over here.
You're born. You have no government ID so you're assigned an insecure social security number which has been kludged into a sort of national ID system.
You're a small child. Your parents can't spend time with you because work and childcare is ridiculously stupidly expensive.
You're old enough to start going to school. School kinda sucks in a ton of ways and also there's a teacher shortage.
You're old enough to start working and paying taxes. Have fun earning $7/hour and navigating the ridiculous complexity of our tax system.
Honestly I'm kinda waiting for some huge awful thing to happen
A medium scale nuclear war. A capital invasion part II that actually works and leads to a small skirmish killing a thousand rioters and government employees. A pandemic with a 25% mortality rate. Waves of increasingly violent protests and clashes that ultimately escalate to small battles.
Only way change is gonna happen
I'm a fan of fixing things from within the system but the system does not work. Also not enough comrades for a social revolution. Only option is to wait around for some fireworks and drive a wedge into the crack it forms.
@RydwolfPrograms reddit users are nerds by normal standards; se users are nerds by reddit standards :P
Looking forward to the 2024 election and hoping Trump wins and doesn't hold back this time
I want chaos and I want it now
Anyway, 'night comrades o/
i forget when i got voter registered but i'm pretty sure i did unironically vote trump for exactly that reason in the latest presidential election
(I'm not a commie btw, democratic socialism ftw)
@UnrelatedString lol nice. Texas has open primaries so you can bet where I'll be on super tuesday :p
1 hour later…
@RydwolfPrograms Remind me to never vote for you
6 hours later…
@RydwolfPrograms If a friend of yours says he's not a communist, he might be a communist.
1 hour later…
My favorite contraction in the English language (that I have actually heard people use) is "you all would have done" -> "y'all'd've'd"
and yes it's pronounced exactly like it's spelled
1 hour later…
I've never seen 'd for "done"
So I am doubtful of your contraction
"doubtful contractions" would be a good name for a band
"Not sure about this baby I'm in the middle of having"
well I guess we're screwed /j
I knew something was wrong when we made it to March without any worldwide disasters
Seriously what's up with 2023
2020 has COVID, 2021 had the capitol riot/winter storm, 2022 had Russia, this year's running late which concerns me
Top 3 Anime Villains:
2. Trump supporters
3. Russia
In other news a guy just walked into my class, stated loudly "Gentlemen, I have just teleported bread", and sat down
Now he has gone up to the teacher and asked "if [she] would like a whiff of [his] sourdough"
I guess the ladies and nonbinaries do not get to smell his bread
@Ginger ratio lmao
I don't think we'll see a nuclear explosion in any case lol
I don't forsee a situation where someone's like "yeah lemme use one nuke, that's it, I'm good"
Altho that headline's so vague it could be interpreted as referring to a nuclear test
Which isn't unlikely
North Korea's gone a while without trying to be edgy
@user I don't need your votes. You can just go out and buy tanks. Why would I need votes?
One tank is equal to like, several hundred votes I reckon
4 hours later…
Senitrolang time
so; it’s kinda hard to use the default opencv function to detect heads
finding the body is going to be more difficult
I think you should try to find bodies first, then check for head-like and limb-like objects
me after lyxal happens
Finding hat-wearing characters might be hard
Maybe looking for a semicircular arc, a jawline let's call it, would be easier
You'd have to beware of Adám's beard but no hats to beware of
@RydwolfPrograms hmm fair point
although, I could try out the edge-detecting method.
Idea: detect edges, if edges > 10, then find the connected contours
@RydwolfPrograms ಠ______ಠ
The Democrats aren't really able to or willing to fix anything
Whether they're progressive in ideology or not, they're effectively conservative in action
i guess your tanks would fix that
Once the static friction is overcome, things can be done more easily, and nothing gives a sharp push like having a president who's a complete idiot and who decides to abuse their power
Btw, are you considering ever bringing tanks back? It was quite fun, and I'd been working on a thing to use it on phones
It's like how mass shootings lead to efforts to add gun control laws, but then once people are talking about guns, it gives the conservatives an opportunity to pass gun "rights" laws
@user Maaaaybe ;-|
@RydwolfPrograms Republicans would still stay pretty loyal to their party unless Trump goes completely insane
And a complete idiot of a President could veto stuff even if people wanted it passed
Congress could veto that veto but that'd need more unity across party lines than we have
Sure but if the options are "nothing gets done" or "nothing gets done and the US gets really chaotic" I'd rather the latter
if I had an option between what I have now and something worse, I'd pick what I have now, no matter my current condition
There's three groups on the "change" axis: Progressives, conservatives, and reactionaries. The first and last both want change, and of them, there are many more progressives. But since conservatives are probably either a plurality or close to it, and the progressives and reactionaries more or less cancel each other out, nothing gets done.
If change is going to happen, conservatives are out of the picture
@RydwolfPrograms Do you happen to have the server side code anywhere? So that one of us with more free time could recreate it?
And progressives have the advantage
Chaos means change
Change means progress
No it doesn't
Change can be good or bad or useless
The people who want good change outnumber the people who want bad change.
Roe v Wade getting struck down was change. It certainly wasn't progress
Tbh you're probably right but at least chaos would feel like something at all is happening
And change in the wrong direction gives us things to be angry about
@RydwolfPrograms It's not just numbers, it's power. Putting a crazy person in one of the most powerful positions in the US isn't going to help the good guys
@RydwolfPrograms You'd need a lot of it for a revoltion to happen, though
We need someone who will be the villain and show just how shittily our government was designed
Y'know how Trump started doing some shady pardons and stuff near the end of his presidency?
I want four years of that
Might cost a lot now, but it's an investment in future change
@user This
Nah, I want to see just how bad it can get
I don't want to blow up the world, I live there
Way more people will live here than live here now
I'd rather peel off the band-aid now than leave it rotting for the next generations
15 hours ago, by user
@RydwolfPrograms Remind me to never vote for you
On the other hand, chances are if Biden gets reelected he dies a week in and we get the first female president
@RydwolfPrograms As long as you're okay with the possibility of getting shot and left to die slowly in a ditch when things get bad, that's a coherent position to take. Personally, I disagree.
How many people die from awful healthcare, how many live in constant pain from lack of access to medicine or treatment they need, how many people will grow up surrounded by hate and misinformation, die from gun violence, etc.
The cost of continuing on our current trajectory is a lotta bullets and a lotta ditches
Half a million deaths to end gun violence would pay for itself in terms of human life in a decade
Lack of health insurance kills just as many as gun violence
And that ignores the fact that proper healthcare and the public health initiatives that go along with it and the better access to healthy food and exercise and stuff would probably save more than that
Cars kill a whole lot of people
Public transit means a lot less cars
I don't see why you think that chaos now would solve things, and that it's the only way to solve things
Has this been shown by history or something?
Even if you ignore quality of life, change would save stupid large amounts of human life
It's worth a bit of a down payment
As far as I know, when someone starts doing crazy things and there's something like a coup, things stay crazy for a while
@user I don't know if it is. But I know what we're doing now isn't gonna do a thing.
@RydwolfPrograms I don't believe any amount of violence is going to end gun violence.
@RydwolfPrograms The down payment here isn't a bit of money, it's people's lives
As I said, a finite amount of lives now in exchange for twice that within a few decades is still net lives saved
Our system may make it hard to get new laws passed, but not prohibitively so
Why not just stick with that?
I'm the sort to spend hours writing a script to automate something that takes ten seconds a day
I'd always prefer a single known cost over a potentially indefinite repeated cost over time
And I'm disillusioned with the US's politics and its government
I'm not necessarily advocating for like, a violent revolution here
But trying to play centrist in between nazis and people who don't really want to do anything isn't the move
so, uh, what's your plan to cause chaos
And add straws to any camels that wander by
look, if Trump gets re-elected and I get shot by a crazed gun-wielding maniac for not licking his boots I'm blaming you /hj
This is the US you get shot anyway
time to move to Canada and die in real life
/srs maybe I should move to Canada, I hear they have 50% fewer gun-wielding maniacs
I dunno if chaos is going to do anything, but Trump is a bit too extreme IMO
The gun wielding maniacs aren't really the main concern. There's not many of them. The suicides and routine homicides are the big issue
or maybe Britain
@RydwolfPrograms I get the disillusionment. And maybe I'd be more on board with "tear it down and start over" (in theory; in practice, my own life is too comfortable to want big changes; I realize that's a bit selfish of me) if I had any confidence that the result would be better than what we have now. I just don't have that kind of confidence. Chaos leads to more violence which leads to harder, less empathetic people, which doesn't improve society.
I'm already worried about how far we've gone in that direction. I don't want to go farther (if it can be helped).
Is chaos the only reasonable way to make progress, though?
Maybe not
But it sure is easy to build sustainable mixed-use development and public transit infrastructure on top of a crater
the problem with this plan is that most humans, including me, don't want to die (even for later gains) because we, and most likely our children, won't be around to see any of those gains
♬ Everybody wants to change the world, everybody wants to change the world, but noone, noone wants to die ♬
- not the 1800s
@RydwolfPrograms you're also betting on the US existing long enough for Trump to be re-elected
@RydwolfPrograms I don't know much about America, but the things I've heard about South Dakota make me think America does need public transport.
We spend a trillion dollars a year on military we're not going anywhere
@mathscat South Dakota?
That's oddly specific, why South Dakota?
well don't people usually drive to high school there?
They drive to high school everywhere lol
Legal driving age is 16, so pretty much all upperclassmen are assumed to drive to school
... Have I been living on a rock all this time?
America is incredibly car-centric
We still have school buses, but you only take the bus if for some reason you're like, financially or legally incapable of driving a car
@RydwolfPrograms Except some big cities (I've heard that New York City is a major exception to car culture)
Yeah I mean big cities are kinda too dense for everyone to own a car
But sooo much of America (population-wise not necessarily land-area-wise) is awful American-style suburbs
@mathscat Yes
@mathscat Part of the problem is size. South Dakota is over half the size of Germany, but it's got less population than Estonia. So public transit would require a large investment from a very small tax base.
huh, under a million?
Most of America has a super low population density
@mathscat 909,824 according to Wikipedia
I had some trouble finding a European country with a comparable population: "Oh, Belgium seems small, let me try that one--nope, it's got 11 million" :P
You could give everyone in South Dakota 20 hectares of land
(how big is a hectare?)
So about 50 football fields
@RydwolfPrograms This line made me think of Calvin and Hobbes, lol
It'd only be around 2.5 hectares per person for Texas, mostly due to Dallas and Houston I'd bet
Population density of South Dakota: 4 people per square kilometer
Population density of Belgium: 376 people per square kilometer
mm yes my code is definitely in Danish
Where does it say anything about Danish
aw hell
wrong screenshot
that one
sorry lol
They're getting more accurate
Obama sounds less accurate but this is the best Trump one I've heard
@RydwolfPrograms I mean, I'd be fine if aliens were to come along and atomize the Earth, as long as it was done so none of us would feel anything
Wtf noooo
Leave me out of that
I would not be fine with only like half the world getting blown up though
Pain is the least bad part of dying
@RydwolfPrograms Your death's a sacrifice I'm willing to make :P
@RydwolfPrograms It's literally the only bad part of dying
The pain the dead person feels right before dying and the pain their family and friends feel
but if you die you're dead
and if you're dead you don't feel anything
Ever hear any corpses say "man, this sucks"? That's right :P
Pain's like the only part of dying that sounds cool. It's an opportunity to feel something you'd never ordinarily be able to safely experience
Are you ok
Do you actually want to feel pain
"safely" lmao
Well not more than once
Or are you just being funny
Aren't you curious tho?
I hate pain
Like I'd rather not be stabbed, but if I was, I'd want to know what it's really like
You could just Google and see what people have said about it
Or move to England
What are the consequences? You won't have any ability to reflect on the pain and that's what causes the damage
The scary part about dying is not existing
Well, not being able to think/be conscious
Because that's...me
If you don't exist, then nothing's going to harm you
Nothing scary about it
@user If I don't exist I have already been harmed completely and totally
It's life that's scary. All sorts of horrible things could happen to you or someone you care about at any time
Existence is meaningful
It's the only thing that's meaningful, almost tautologically
Nothing inherently has meaning. Living may be meaningful to you, sacrifice might be meaningful to someone else, pizza ismeaningful to me
Sacrifice is meaningful if you do it for something
Because then you create change, and you exist through that change
Leaving a legacy behind isn't the same as existing
Not a "legacy"
Nobody has to know or care that you existed, you just have to have made a change
I think we have different views of our underlying purposes that no amount of arguing will change :p
I guess, yeah
From what I can tell you're...pretty nihilistic
Whereas my goal is to create the most (positive) change possible
What I want is for no one to have to suffer
Negative utilitarianism-style :P
jeez kids, could you lighten up a little?
But that assumes the most happiness someone can feel is perfectly neutral
@Ginger Sir, that is racist
@RydwolfPrograms No?
As soon as people can feel above neutral, by terminating that you are causing a reduction in happiness, which is effectively the same as increasing suffering
I know people can feel absolutely ecstatic, and that's something to factor in, but reducing suffering is more important
Everyone feels pain and sadness and stuff. But that is or should be outweighed by happiness.
I'd rather feel nothing than feel sad sometimes and happiness sometimes
What about sad rarely and happy most of the time?
shame TNH is frozen, otherwise I'd ask yall to move it there
@RydwolfPrograms I'd weight sadness, anxiety, etc. far more than happiness
@RydwolfPrograms Depends on the intensity of the sadness
Sure, but taking weighting into account
Say for every unit of pain or sadness you feel, you get two units of happiness
If you're asking whether I would stub my toe so i could feel absolutely ecstatic the rest of the time, sure
But there's a limit to how much sadness I would take at a time
Those carets are confusing me
1 min ago, by Ginger
shame TNH is frozen, otherwise I'd ask yall to move it there
Ah lol
@user So you'd rather get small doses of sadness interspersed with a larger amount of small doses of happiness, rather than large doses of happiness, and all the pain at once?
Oh well, I'm off to get a small dose of happiness (gonna watch the Big Lebowski) :P
Personally I'd rather feel happy for long periods of time then get all the bad stuff out of the way in one intense burst
@RydwolfPrograms Yeah
I'm fine stubbing my toe every few hours, but not getting stabbed once a week and being normal for the rest of that week
Although one thing to consider is sensory adaptation or whatever it's called
Ok actually leaving now, bye. as yyou said before, we're probably not going to bridge our differences :(
If you feel happy twice as often as me, maybe you'd just adjust to feel equally happy and scale things
Like how if you eat lots of salt in your diet, things taste less salty
and you get high blood pressure
and you die
(for context I define "lots" as "two tons")
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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