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What is the meaning of "cyclic conjugate" of elements of a set?
Perhaps something I am studying about the "Coset Enumeration", though probably "cyclic conjugate" in group theory seems to be a much general term.
In particular I want to find the "cyclic conjugate" of a set of union of relators and their inverses of a finitely presented group.
Seems like nobody in the room right now. Ping me if anyone can help me with the definition of this.
@gxyd Is this really about elements of a set and not about words (finite strings formed from elements of a given sets)?
Yes, this is about "words" precisely, to repeat I meant: the elements of set are "words" in generators and their inverses.
When I tried Google and Google Books, most results seem to be about words.
May be the definition for a set of "words" is something similar to that of definition for individual "words".
"Given a word $w=a_1a_2\cdots a_n$ on a set $\Sigma$ (may or may not be finite), a cyclic conjugate of $w$ is a word $v$ derived from $w$ based on a cyclic permutation. In other words, $v=\pi(a_1)\pi(a_2)\cdots \pi(a_n)$ for some cyclic permutation $\pi$ on $\lbrace a_1,\ldots, a_n\rbrace$. Equivalently, $v$ and $w$ are cyclic conjugates of one another iff $w=st$ and $v=ts$ for some words $s,t$."
This is written on PlanetMath: planetmath.org/cyclicpermutation
So if I understand it correctly, the cyclic conjugates of $abca$ would be $abca$, $bcaa$, $caab$ and $aabc$.
Similar example is given on PlanetMath: For example, the cyclic conjugates of the word $ababa$ over $\lbrace a,b\rbrace$ are $$baba^2,\quad aba^2b,\quad ba^2ba,\quad a^2bab,\quad\mbox{and itself}.$$
It seems quite intuitive.
So for the set would be the union of cyclic conjugates of all elements.
Thank you very @MartinSleziak especially for the link.
Not much to thank for - I simply tried whether I can find something relevant using google.
To be true, I didn't thought it to find in something for permutations. But after you sent me the link, I thought the term "cyclic" should have made me to look for it, even in the permutations related search results.
13 hours later…
hi there, can someone help me oh this stuff? math.stackexchange.com/questions/851669/…

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