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Just reposting the above link as oneboxed - so that other users who look in this room see the "preview" of the question:
Q: Finding a basis and weight space for $L = \mathfrak{so}_6(\mathbb{C})= \{x \in \operatorname{End}(\mathbb{C}^6)\ |\ ^{\mathrm t}xS + Sx = 0 \}$

Relative0The question: Let $S = \left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & I_3 \\ I_3 & 0 \end{array}\right)$ and let $$L = \mathfrak{so}_6(\mathbb{C})= \{x \in \operatorname{End}(\mathbb{C}^6)\ |\ ^{\mathrm t}xS + Sx = 0 \}$$ 1) Find a basis for $L$ and prove that $\dim L =15$ (Hint: write $x = \left(\begin{array}{c...

7 hours later…
Some discussion on diagonalization of matrices in the main chatroom, starting here:
in Mathematics, 30 mins ago, by OneRaynyDay
I was wondering if anyone could help me with this problem: Find all a's such that the matrix is diagonalizable: $\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1\\ a & 1 \end{bmatrix}$
4 hours later…
A version of the question linked above by Mary is now asked on MO:
Q: How to find a basis of weight vectors?

MaryI have to following Lie Algebra $L=\{x\in End(\mathbb{C}^6)\colon x^tS+Sx=0\}$, where $S=[\begin{smallmatrix} 0&I_3 \\ I_3&0 \end{smallmatrix}]$, and the subalgebra $H$ given by the diagonal elements in $L$. I have found a basis of $L$ and $H$, which are, respectively: $B_L=\{e_{ij}-e_{i+3j+3},...

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