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@CinCout Yeah!
@Slate Kitsune : vote to reopen a question and answer it with a positive score once it is reopened.
Can you please confirm?
@yagmoth555 you can ping other staff to confirm too, if you see them in chat
@EkadhSingh-ReinstateMonica no. i just had a brain fart and completely misinterpreted what happened. i'm not even going to try to explain it. just move on, nothing to see here.
@CinCout Confirmed, congrats on the discovery!
@Wolgwang I got it after only that, or a edit to an old answer to redirect a link to webarchive
@Slate yayy thanks
@yagmoth555 It is related to edits 100%
@CinCout Add to hat list
Then it's edit to add a link to webarchive, the answer used to got two link, edited just one
I think this might be the least-awarded hat with a discovered trigger, Defender of the Unicorn aside - you were the 13th.
I guess two-buried penny is if I would edit the two links ?
Only suggested edits, it seems like?
@Slate LOL I just edited(suggestion) a bunch of questions which were inactive >6 months and got both hats.
i don't recognize any of the blue names any more. it sort of feels like going to a bar now that i used to be a regular at back in college, and not knowing the bartenders.
@Wolgwang done
welp; have fun with your hats all! \o
@Wolgwang Oh, I meant Kitsune
@Slate Do API calls count towards hats? I have a bot that automatically edits old questions with my account every day and don't want to miss out in case there's some trigger :P
Probably, yeah. Again, not the implementer, but as far as I know most of the triggers just query for relevant states on the site.
@Slate it's the same trigger as of last year
@Slate to confirm, One-burried penny is to edit a answer to remove a bad link to add a webarchive link ?
@RafaelTavares Feel free to do it, I won't have time for it now...
@CinCout Not exactly, iirc - this year's requires the answer to have a positive score. But yes, it's one of the few hats this year to make a recurring appearance.
@yagmoth555 No.......
@Slate yeah, with that little difference
@Slate one of the few, eh?
Anyone know when this happened?
Well, there's nothing original under the sun ;)
@Wolgwang well, on SO my activity list is minimal, I just have one edit done, and maybe 4 upvote from yesterday.
@Slate are you referring to Sun Wukong by any chance? :D
Oh, that's a hat, LOL. I had to look it up. That would've been good, but alas, no
@yagmoth555 What you have done in the edit doesn't matter.Time period and inactivity of the post matters IMO
@Wolgwang it took two day to approve the edit too, if it matter (as I am there under 2k)
I was like, what on earth does Sun Wukong have to do with Winter Bash? But of course, it was a hat.
@Slate Can we know the exact time period when did we get a hat?
@Slate you said sun, so I thought maybe that's a hint for other recurring hats this year lol
It's a good thought, but you can tell when I think I'm being clever because I get very proud of myself.
I was just testing and got the hat
@Slate ha ha
you can still give a hint for other recurring ones ;)
@Wolgwang Like, to the second? I don't know, I don't think the WB interface has a way of doing that. Not sure what the timings are on when hats are awarded.
Even to the hour ;_;
@Wolgwang yeah, the only thing like me, is we both waited to get approved for the edit
@yagmoth555 Take a look at time. I had edited 4 year old question.
ok, yeah, me it's an answer from; answered Jan 23 '10 at 3:24
@yagmoth555 That is important IMO
yesterday, by Slate
@Wolgwang You're on the right track, but this needs refinement
@Slate One buried penny hat for editing a post that was inactive for more than 3 years?
@yagmoth555 I think I had edited all the posts that were asked in 2016-2017
oh, @slate, One buried penny hat for editing a post that was inactive for more than 3 years and is closed too ?
@Wolgwang no way
@yagmoth555 Not closed I can confirm
@CinCout Why?
@Wolgwang I checked, and my question was close, and your one got close after your edit
@Wolgwang i did quite a few earlier today, no hat
@yagmoth555 But I received the hat before it got closed.
@CinCout Suggested edits?
1 min ago, by Wolgwang
@Slate One buried penny hat for editing a post that was inactive for more than 3 years?
suggested edits*
@Wolgwang no. Directly did the edits. I have enough rep on SO
I don't think any high rep user has got these hats?
Nope. Pretty sure they must be suggested edits.
Yeah, both of us was suggested edit, and old post
I am worried about time...
yesterday, by Slate
@Wolgwang You're on the right track, but this needs refinement
You haven't gotten any closer with this guess ;)
suggested edit on a old post, that is under a question on 1 or less ?
@yagmoth555 Nope...
@Slate Last request before I log out:
One buried penny hat for suggesting an edit to a post that was inactive for more than 6 months.(that gets approved)
(that gets approved, probably)
so you guys mean to say people with enough rep whose edits are automatically approved will never get this hat?
That is closer.
@CinCout No
@CinCout You can have 3 active 500 bounties at any time ;)
@LukasRotter and what does that do? Sorry if it's a dumb question
Should eventually remove your privilege to edit without revision, if you spend enough rep
@LukasRotter ha ha.. I will have to spend a lot of rep for that
2k is the limit on SO if i remember correctly
Just gave a bounty...another hat.?
@Wolgwang there can be a hat relating to offering bounty (with some other triggers).. there definitely was in previous years
@CinCout You can get on other sites, e.g. I did on Portuguese Languge
@RafaelTavares yeah that's true. But I was kinda targeting the SO main site
Helping arm is the most weirdest hat IMO
@Wolgwang Nope. I currently award a bounty everyday on PSE because of an event. So if there's a hat for something like that, I'll let you know :P (probably not)
those are never higher than 200 though
the Dialogue hat is wrong ?
@islamm True
@islamm Why do you think so>
Can anyone make sense of the Helping hand awarded here :
Indeed! Yes, I'm a relatively senior citizen, so maybe culture has drifted, but I myself would never address someone by their first name if I didn't know them! In "my culture", being "on-a-first-name-basis" means some acquaintance: perhaps extended family, perhaps friendship, perhaps work-related. The only people you'd address by their first name without prior acquaintance would be children. :) — paul garrett yesterday
@Wolgwang i did what's written an hour ago and didn't get the hat
@islamm Which question?
@Wolgwang ?
@islamm Where did you ask the question?
@Wolgwang what question
@Wolgwang it says comment on an answer of your own question
@islamm Dailogue hat
> Comment under an answer to your own question - the question must have a positive score
@Wolgwang yes
@islamm Yes but what question have you asked?
Going to any users meta profile and then clicking on the hat icon takes you to their main profile, does anybody know if this is a bug or not?
@Wolgwang this
@islamm The question itself must be asked during Winterbash
it doesn't have to be new, does it?
@LukasRotter oh
To prevent abuse of all kinds
@islamm I think they should mention this...You are the third user that thought the same...
@Wolgwang and the hat for commenting on first post , still didn't get it
@Slate I will try for One Burried Penny; Suggesting an edit to a post that was inactive for more than 6 months. (that gets approved), and the question got upvoted to a postive score.
nitpick: *and the post
damn it. I missed my timeframe for the clockwork hat today. Must set an alarm :)
@Slate That means it is time for me to log out. Is the time period correct even?
@Wolgwang Nope. Have a good night! :)
@yagmoth555 Unfortunately... no.
@Slate does Trialogue have 2 triggers? Like Defender of the Unicorn
The helping finger description makes it sound like it has to be under the same post. I assume we mean 3 separate first posts, right?
@LukasRotter either should do
@yagmoth555 No, an upvote is not necessary, I think. Maybe the edit needs to be approved on the same day.
what does "Reviews without votes" mean?
@Slate Another try for One Burried Penny: Suggesting an edit to an answer to a question that was inactive for more than 6 months, and the edit gets approved.
I'm guessing; Monologue is A asks, B answers -> Dialogue add A comments -> Trialogue add B edits -> Quadalogue add A accepts, in order.
Anyone with Trialogue wanna try Quadalogue?
@Slate It is, considering that they were told twice in a minute a half hour earlier.
Am I missing something, or shouldn't I have gotten Plus 44 for this answer?
@Peilonrayz @CinCout Want to test this theory for trialogue?
@cairdcoinheringaahing How do you not qualify? "Answer a question of score four or greater with an answer of score four or greater."
@Catija Exactly, but I don't have the hat: codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/66833/…
Was the question asked before hats started?
15:23 UTC on the 15th, and it appears that another user got that hat for answering that question
Maybe there's a hidden "must be first answerer"?
That would fit with the other user having it
Yeah, they posted the first answer.
The first answer to get to score of four?
That immediately makes it a lot harder to get on CGCC :/
You might ask whether that's a bug. Seems like all answers should earn a hat if it meets the requirements.
Catija, are you aware of a possible bug for the Manual key trigger on Android?
Some users had that issue
Someone was in here yesterday saying that the hat wouldn't get awarded on FF for Android - but I don't know that we have an easy fix to that - I can't consistently get it in Chrome on my Mac, either. But works great on my iPhone's Mobile Safari.
I clarified Yaakov's message and pinned it so that people wouldn't be confused. :)
Yes, it was Rob. Today Hkotsubo mentioned he had issues on mobile too. I tried once on Android Chrome and didn't get it.
I upvoted because there's a grinch going around downvoting everything WB-related. :(
Interestingly, I got an immediate downvote, which got retracted fairly quickly
I know there're people who don't like the WB, and I can imagine they downvote the bugs because they think something like "they will spend time fixing that..."
But I can't see downvotes on MSE yet, and my question didn't have a downvote yet, so I don't know how problematic is this hehe
@Catija it probably excludes self-answers and/or wiki posts as well, otherwise I would've got it for the hat list
Quite possible. More likely self-answers than wiki but I'm not sure.
(not that I particularly care this year, I'm gathering some statistics about how many I hats I get with regular activity across the network)
Thank you for the comment feedback, Catija. I really appreciate the effort the Staff is putting into this event :-)
@Catija That happened because the question was migrated. When the system adds the discussion tag to ensure all questions migrated to a meta site have a required tag, it doesn't check for synonyms.
... OK?
I'm not investigating why that one question worked and the others didn't. I'm investigating why the correct tags do not award the hat.
I'm almost inclined to make posts on Meta.SE and ask a mod to migrate them to all the localized site metas so that there is at least one post eligible to earn the hat on all site metas, in the meantime when the bug isn't fixed yet
I really think that's overkill.
@JasperHabicht No for the same day, mine got two day interval before getting accepted, it's editing a old post, but there is something else
@Catija For One Burried Penny; is it; Suggesting an edit to a post that was inactive for more than 6 months. (that gets approved), but on a question that got atleast 4 reviewer (close or edit) in the question history
@yagmoth555 No. I know we come up with somewhat complex things but that's... suuuuuper complex.
@Catija hehe, thanks for letting know :)
@yagmoth555 I earned one and two burried penny in this answer edit
I think it is because someone upvoted it after my edit was approved
@RafaelTavares @Cat, I did eventually get it, after trying (seemingly) the exact same thing several times. Copied a -3 voted question with the word "question" in it a couple of times - which I'm told isn't quite right, but I'm happy with two hats obtained that way.
@Rob were the questions tagged discussion?
It only works for discussion questions.
The one on MSE was, not sure about the one on SciFi - just noticed:
7 hours ago, by double-beep
@RafaelTavares @Catija it must be tagged as [discussion]
@Rob That's great. Maybe it is just intermittently, as Catija said about her Chrome on Mac
Is e-pic for any image that is edited and the edit on the image is approved?

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