Yuck. Do we really need the google-apps? Taking a look at the questions using it (and the tag wiki excerpt I just rejected), many seem to mis-interpret this as a synonym to android-apps per se.
Explanation: Google Apps or, in short, GApps, is a specific bundle of proprietary apps built and released by Google, which usually ships with licensed Android devices.
So when should this tag be used? "Please recommend me Google-Apps" makes no sense. Looking for "a free GApps replacement" is the only question coming to my mind using it correctly.
In the past I have had mixed success asking for web APIs on other Stack Exchange sites. I think I've tried Stack Overflow and Web Apps, but I'm not 100% sure.
Web APIs seem to be much like libraries and as both programming tools including libraries, and web services seem to be considered on-topi...
@JourneymanGeek And wasn't there also a "corporate service" of them named the same? Probably we speak about the very same. And speaking of which: I thought we "limited ourselves" to only recommend software – not hosting or other web-services other than what would be covered by "web-apps"?
Google, and as far as I have been able to find, all other web search sites do not allow scraping in any form, including just finding the number of hits.
In fact I'm pretty sure that none even offer a web API to retrieve this info any more, at least not for free.
I realize this is a service that...
@kalina It's always early. Unless you get up at least 3 hours after getting up. Which is, hm, difficult and requires some quantum stuff if I remember correctly... #D
There are many algorithms which are based on comparative word frequency used in clustering, keyword analysis, tf-idf, etc.
Usually you need to calculate word frequencies from your own corpus. The larger the corpus the better. Of course this takes a lot of work, space, time, etc, and distracts fr...
In the past I have had mixed success asking for web APIs on other Stack Exchange sites. I think I've tried Stack Overflow and Web Apps, but I'm not 100% sure.
Web APIs seem to be much like libraries and as both programming tools including libraries, and web services seem to be considered on-topi...
@JourneymanGeek I've just linked that "Meta stuff". In my answer to Are web API recommendations on-topic? I've tried to summarize my other Meta-findings.
We have an array of six 55" TV screens arranged in a video wall driven by a single Mac. It looks gorgeous, and is great for multitasking in meetings. (e.g. showing a document to the group at large while having a Skype call with someone remote)
However, we haven't found any software we can use to...
@DanteTheEgregore Not sure if we really have a consensus yet. I've tried to link all relevant Meta-Qs in that last one.
@DanteTheEgregore Looks like we've found consensus there: My answer is currently "ranking top", and confirmed by Gilles in the comments. More votes would be helpful, though. Give your vote/opinion here: Are web API recommendations on-topic?
@danijelc Is there any pattern amongst the unanswered questions? I'm compelled to believe that at least part of the problem is that many of them are much too niche to be at all answerable.
On one hand, it seems to be a consensus (one I agree with) that if you can't write a good answer due to not knowing if the software fits ALL requirements because you're not its active user; you should not answer.
I saw recommendations to solve this by posting a comment.
OTOH, SE generally hates...
@DanteTheEgregore For the sake of the OP (and future searchers), that might still be helpful, though. I e.g. am quite informed concerning Android apps (in the sense of "is there an app for X"), but of course have not used them all. Sometimes still enough to make a recommendation (see the Glympse-case), but not always. The keyword alone might prove helpful also in the sense it's picked up by someone who tries that app, and then makes it an answer. So I'm a bit unsure for a "general advice" here.
@Izzy True, but what he seems to be talking about is posting an answer in the comments if you have no formal experience with the program or library in question to essentially avoid any negative backlash.
@DanteTheEgregore To that I agree: just throwing in names of apps you have no idea about ("Google just threw up this name") should be avoided. Everybody can get those hints easily by simply "launching Google" himself.
My "use-case" was rather like "I've often heard XYZ recommended in this context. Not having any experience with XYZ, but it seems definitely worth a look" (maybe not exactly this phrasing, but you get the idea)
Everytime I meet someone new in the working world , he/she will pass me their business card and I will always misplaced it. ( I am sure this happens to many people also )
I have tried looking for business card readers but most of them are paid and I am not sure of the quality of the apps
I am ...
I am looking for a tool to extract data contained in tables in a PDF file. I would like to reuse these data in a spreadsheet (EXCEL or OpenOffice Calc).
The tool should work under Windows 7 and should not require installation, because I don't have administrator rights on my PC.
could be good questions but needs so working on how to ask what they need
It would be great if we could post some kind of note what to read on meta prior to asking, or some kind of go through this steps prior to post a question
This site is definitely not for me. I ask a question which is pretty clear. Then people come up with confusing remarks. I was invited to read the guidelines. But could not see what's wrong with my questions. Sorry, but that's too much for me
I'm looking for a software that could search through the text of a EULA or other contract for suspicious clauses that you might take issue with.
Does such a software exist? and if it does, Where can I get it?
@IanLudr Re-read the linked topic and try looking at some example questions. The reason they commented is because we need more information to be able to properly help you. Without proper information, it can be difficult to answer your question because we don't know exactly what you need. It's good to be as specific as possible. I know at times we can be pedantic, but we have to be here or the quality goes wildly down.
@DanteTheEgregore Being pedantic is okay. I am used to mailing lists. They are all pedantic to a certain extent. That's part of the business. But here you abut on intellectual masturbation. You may like it. But I don't.
So, this happened: Fuzzy the number of questions in the close review queue, a dopamine for the shutterers
Now, only questions with at least 4 votes/flags are listed in the close review queue. If you're thinking, "that's crazy!" THEN YOU'RE RIGHT! This dramatically reduces the utility of the queu...