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@Undo as for leventov's Meta which just popped up: Could you approve my wiki edit?
Why do we need ?
Will check/do the other one as well. And walk the questions (possibly re-tag). We might need a "todo" tag as well (third variant of task-management), but maybe later (currently, I'd say it's a kind of "project-management" ;)
@Seth Why java, c#, etc?
Isn't that the very same category?
@Izzy We don't need those either >.<
@Seth Umm. I remember we had a discussion on that. But I don't remember its outcome.
Yuck. just have that in the review-queue: "html" added to "web-development".
Q: Can we agree on a tagging guide?

unorI think we have three sets of tags on SR: (Please note that I don’t have good headlines for describing these groups as I’m not a native speaker; I hope the example tags make it clear, and please suggest better terms for describing them.) Tags describing which attributes the software MUST have....

@Seth ^^ even explicitly mentions "html"
doesn't really talk about it though.
@Izzy Exactly :-/
@Seth What's the first coming to mind on "web-development"?
The tag?
Cloud. Advertisements. Java beans.
Oh, and what language? #D
I dunno... I'm not sure we need it.
Raise it on meta. As it currently stands, we seem to have agreed that dev-lang tags are valid (at least implicitly).
> 3. How should we tag questions about {subject}?
How should we tag questions about HTML editors?
html-editor exist...
OK. Now, that doesn't really fit the mentioned question:
How should we tag questions about converting from/to HTML?
Q: Tool for explaining HTML layouts

CasebashThe rules for HTML layout are extremely complex, but I have never seen a tool for explaining in detail why elements are layout out the way that they are. I've worked with Firebug and equivalents quite a lot, but they only display calculated sizes - they don't try to explain any of the underlying ...

document-converter exist...
exists as well...
Tool for explaining HTML/C/C++/Markdown/CSS/JavaScript layouts?
@Braiam ^^^
Thanks, you won :D
@Izzy that might be good
and already exists. Very good analysis, and brought up an analysis tag even #D
what a mess.
> tools and programs to analyze and explain source code in different languages.
new tag excerpt?
btw, please don't try to use markdown in tag excerpt
@Seth Yupp. While we were discussing, someone ate the other two pending edits...
But that might have been my own tag-wiki edits.
@Braiam Good point! Only plain-text works there. A trap I was caught in often enough...
@Braiam checking...
Hm, that one might be better done by a "real dev"...
What does it cover? Debugging of all kinds, including step-by-step tracing and whatsnots?
lemme see if programers or code review has similar tags
programmers has it, but doesn't have wiki programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/code-analysis
Yuck I just wanted to add my canned one to have the answer-poster improve the 3-liner. What do I see? Sam. Community Wiki. Hm. So do I notify Community to improve? #/
@Izzy don't be afraid of removing CW'ed post and commenting the OP
@Braiam looks good! Can any native speaker please explain why "code-analysis" (with an S) is used to "analyze" (with a Z)?
@Braiam Umm? Can I un-CW that?
@Izzy ELU or ELL?
@Izzy no, only mods
@Braiam See your tag excerpt edit :)
@Braiam I am no mod. And I don't want to raise a "discussion" on that in the comments ("it's CW, do it yourself")...
So what. Comments can be removed #D
@Braiam Ugh. So things are clear for en_UK (both times "S"). But still mixed with en_US...
renaming to to avoid confusion
> an·a·lyze /ˈanlˌīz/
verb: analyse; 3rd person present: analyses; past tense: analysed; past participle: analysed; gerund or present participle: analysing; verb: analyze; 3rd person present: analyzes; past tense: analyzed; past participle: analyzed; gerund or present participle: analyzing

1. examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, esp. information), typically for purposes of explanation and interpretation.
"we need to analyze our results more clearly"
> a·nal·y·sis /əˈnaləsis/
noun: analysis; plural noun: analyses

1. detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or interpretation.
"statistical analysis"
I see them both well used
Never mind. Let's just rename that tag (see my previous comment) #D
@Izzy no, mostly deriving properties of programs
it's a standard term
@Gilles Thanks! See, that's why I left that tag wiki to someone more experienced in that field :)
for the spelling, it's standard English craziness
@Gilles the mods has "improve" tag wiki's?
I actually prefer most British spellings..
@Gilles Yeah. Guess we've got that in German as well, but don't notice as we're used to those terms...
@Braiam you get the “improve” button if you can edit directly. So 1k/2k for q&a, 4k/20k for tag wikis
@Gilles I'm glad we got that for q/a when going public. Really missed it before!
@Izzy we had it before, but you have to have sufficient rep
I think you got it during private beta, IIRC at 750
@Gilles I already had 1k+ during private beta, but don't remember I saw that "Improve" button before we went public.
The improve button has always been there for edits..
Unless we're talking about wikis.
I'm not sure anymore (as you're that convinced). But it doesn't really matter now :)
so, what happened with the ?
@Braiam nothing that I can see, why?
@Gilles from here on we apparently were debating the usefulness of having html tag chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/13931535#13931535
@Braiam I see a debate, I don't see arguments
I have no idea why anyone would find this tag not useful
@Undo Your 3 hours are up. Your mod duties await you!
@hichris123 grumbles I claim unforeseen circumstances!
(and I come back to ten inbox messages, all from chat, and a lit up diamond inbox >.<)
But no flags :D
@Undo How many from me? :P
At least 3...
four, at least.
So... about half.
I think that's good. :P
Oh, Manish made Cinder better @Undo.
What did he do?
reads CHQ transcript
@Gilles nodding approval
@Undo LOL That sounds like "unexpected error". Doesn't that imply there are also "expected errors" – or, in your case, "foreseen circumstances"? #D
In this case the unforeseen circumstance is eating, but I digress :P
Btw: Just working the tags again. We've got "task-management" clear now (OS-tasks and -processes). We already got "project-management" clear. Fine. But what's to be included in ?
@Undo Wait... you don't expect to eat everyday?
Is it all from countdown-timers to calendars to todo lists and whatsnots?
Didn't expect to eat at that time in a wifi-less area.
@Undo Ah! Expected error: wrong food. Unexpected error: missing wifi. OK. That's really bad, must count as excuse #D
I really should get something will cellular connectivity.
Any ideas on my above tag question?
We've got a separate "calendar" tag already. So what is "time-management" then that it excludes calendar?
oh, and also excludes "project-management".
@Izzy there, a excerpt
btw, it was well used
Yuck that is.. maybe a bit broad? Do alarm-clocks count as well? a simple watch even? Doesn't it overlap with project-management then?
Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. It is a meta-activity with the goal to maximize the overall benefit of a set of other activities within the boundary condition of a limited amount of time. Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects, and goals complying with a due date. Initially, time management referred to just business or work...
Or when I need a reply urgently?
I needed to read that 4 times to check what it is #D
@Braiam 404
Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name
dammed wikipedia
Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. It is a meta-activity with the goal to maximize the overall benefit of a set of other activities within the boundary condition of a limited amount of time. Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects, and goals complying with a due date. Initially, time management referred to just business or work...
That one?
mm... I already linked it :/
Where to?
@Braiam here @Izzy
@Braiam Ugh... facepalm
OK, full tag-wiki proposed.
Waiting for @Undo to check and confirm :)
goes to edit queue
@Undo Thanks! Now we just need a good full tag-wiki for .
OK, that should do.
@Izzy Please avoid fluff like “has many facets”, “this is your tag”, etc. in a tag wiki
Also, I'm not too sure about the content. Source code control, for example, isn't project management. Issue tracking is a pretty separate topic too.
Issue tracking is part of most project management packages I know.
If I go through the tag wikis on the site, I'm going to find a lot of crap, aren't I? :(
@Gilles define crap
@Undo “the [foo] tag is about foo” (saw lots of these before I was a mod), Wikipedia copy-paste, ...
@Gilles I don't think so... Robert rejected most of those.
Q: How do you interpret this blog article about guidelines on SE?

SamI would like to draw your attention on the following topic. I will cite some part of the guidelines. "We prefer questions that can be answered, not just discussed." "We never claimed that subjective questions were horrible abominations that should never be asked." "Because we believe so deeply ...

A: What is required for an answer to be high quality?

SamI really really love your passion but.. I think you didn't take everything into consideration. You are stating wonderful rules for achieving a really good quality answers and questions. But... they require a strong effort. What happen if people get bored from this? What would have happened if a...

@Undo ^ uh... :P
Is... that one giant not-an-answer on meta?
@Undo That does mean a delete button, yes. :P Even though they say not to delete answers... oh well.
I don't feel like mod-hammering it right now.
Q: Can we afford deleting not good quality answers?

SamI really really love your passion but I think you didn't take everything into consideration. You are stating wonderful rules for achieving a really good quality answers and questions. But they require a strong effort. What happen if people get bored from these? What would have happened if at t...

Do you have a point here, or do you just enjoy wasting our time? — Gilles 20 secs ago
I have no hope whatsoever that this guy is going to make a positive contribution.
and I'm still not completely sure this isn't a psych experiment
His contribution are becoming a sketch...
I can't believe he is asking why the downvote in meta...
@Gilles Sorry, was called off-keyboard. I'm a little unsure to what you're addressing here. Is it about style? Whether I say "please use this tag", "this is the correct tag", or "this is your tag"? I rawly remember a tag-wiki should say where to use or not to use a tag.
@Izzy a tag wiki should say when to use the tag when it's not obvious. There's no point in saying “the tag is about Foo”. OTOH, it's worth mentioning e.g. that the tag is for Photoshop plugins (as opposed to alternatives to Photoshop).
@Braiam it's good to ask that though, someone might see it as a prompt to provide more information
@Gilles Got that. But what's obvious to you and me, might not necessarily be obvious to Joe. Examples even of obvious things make clear Joe got it right. Of course this should not be exaggerated ­– and of course it also requires Joe to read the tag-wiki at all...
@Izzy Well... how bout this: if you said to a random person What's <tag> would they know what you meant?
@hichris123 Humm? The point was not whether Joe reads the tag wiki. Or did I get you wrong here?
@Izzy yeah, Joe never read the tag wiki anyways...
@Izzy Yeah, I probably didn't make it clear enough. If Joe wouldn't obviously know what a tag is, then define it. But don't define internet, or computer, or obvious stuff like that.
@Braiam OK. So why make it Joe-friendly at all – is that the point?
@hichris123 Yeah, that's clear. If someone doesn't know what the Internet is, he wouldn't be here asking :)
@Izzy You never know...:
@hichris123 Ah, you've got the thoughts between the lines :D
Q: Age limit is too strict

GnomeThere is a restriction on setting your birthday: Oops! There was a problem updating your profile: - Birthday must be after 1920/01/01 I realize the number of 90 year old users is small, but shouldn't the restriction be a bit more relaxed, such as larger than any known living person? Eith...

@Izzy ^^
See, and that's why I even try to explain the "simple things". In short words, hopefully.
@hichris123 LOL Yeah. Reminds me of a review I've got on one of my books. A 70 year old reader said he was happy having bought it, since the way it was written even let a 70 year old like him understand.
@Izzy :O You write books?
@hichris123 Yupp. Find me on Amazon :)
@Izzy Linky?
search on amazon for "izzy android"
You make me do work... :(
Then follow up the author on one of the 3 blueish ebooks turning up on top :)
Yuck. Lazy bas... people: amazon.com/s/…
@Izzy Heh. German?
Yupp. Nothing I could do about that, and nobody asked me to agree #D
@Izzy I want a translation! :P
Oh, that's why I have Chrome. :D
@Izzy So do you have English versions?
@hichris123 Nope. Already hard enough to keep the German versions up-to-date (4th edition of the print variant coming out in March – that's 4 editions in ~ 2 years)
@Izzy I'm curious what you say in it (I'm an Android dev and power user). :P
I honestly didn't read or voted your question, I just went for the TL;dr version of @Gilles answer, forgot that you ever asked and voted the answer. Past experiences indicates that when your post is more than 2 paragraph long I will be left with the sentiment of "what the heck have just I read" since most of the time you describe a problem in a very roundabout way. I've sit down to read some lengthy post in the past because I have an idea that will be easily understood, yours sadly doesn't inspire me to read them. — Braiam 15 secs ago
was I too honest?
@Braiam no
mm, good, I don't want to be psycoanalized
@hichris123 OK. Heard of "Google translate"? Yes? Check ebooks.qumran.org/Androidpitidenbuch for an alternative "CC-BY-NC-SA" variant, also "online HTML" to feed to Google Trans :)
@Izzy Mm... don't I have to pay for it to put it in Google Translate. :P
@hichris123 "Translate this page"? Not that I know. I'm just not sure concerning its length... :)
@DanDascalescu If the question is indeed on topic on SR, then there would be no problem. However, I don't think most recommendation questions that get closed on SO/SF would be on topic on SR. The site may be very young, but the community already came up with a concrete set of rules on what questions they welcome (see: meta.softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/455). Most recommendation questions on SO/SF don't follow these rules. — Yannis 6 mins ago
@Yannis: Then what's the point of SR? To drive people to Quora? — Dan Dascalescu 4 mins ago
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