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07:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Q: How should we threat answers that doesn't fit all requirements?

MichelOn the question proposed by @juergen d where he asks about XML inspection tool, the only answer (so far) is one answer that doesn't fit 100% of the requirements, but provides good information and may be helpful for another person that is looking for something similar. The answer itself has good ...

~making publicity :P
@Michel Didn't you mean "tread"? I'm not an english native, but "threat" is somewhat hostile, isn't it?
@AngeloNeuschitzer Auto complete by Chrome :3
@Michel I think that says everything that I would say about this browser :)
@AngeloNeuschitzer “treat”, I suppose
and we already have a question about this
hmm, no, on second reading your question is more specific
@Gilles You can "switch" the close vote for the other one
@Gilles Yes, you're right. I already made the correction. thanks
Q: How should we treat answers that doesn't fit all requirements?

MichelOn the question proposed by @juergen d where he asks about XML inspection tool, the only answer (so far) is one answer that doesn't fit 100% of the requirements, but provides good information and may be helpful for another person that is looking for something similar. The answer itself has good ...

@Michel I retracted my close vote
@StackExchange I was faster :P
@Gilles Thanks, but the link is really useful!
@Gilles thanks for keeping the link :)
@kalina Thanks for the extra link as well
both links are important considerations for that particular topic but neither actually answer it
@kalina Eeyup
Who're our mods atm?
community team
@Michel none yet. They'll be chosen after a few weeks
@AngeloNeuschitzer thanks
@Gilles thanks²
@Gilles AFAIK we need 3 of them, correct? So far we've got 1 accept, one unsure, and the others not really voted upon (or not on the "plus side").
@Izzy Hey I have over 10 votes... (Just not in the correct destination...)
@Izzy voting and acceptance are only indicative anyway. The SE team will decide who they want and send emails asking for confirmation.
LOL Maybe I downvote @Seth at AU, so he becomes available here? (kidding ;)
Altough I really would be interested in the reasons. (In case someone here downvoted but dosn't want to have the reason public, do send me an email - its on my profile page)
well, only 4 candidates will get removed and Seth was seriously upvoted
@AngeloNeuschitzer Wasn't me. And as for Seth and AU: He just got my upvote there...
@Braiam Yupp, just got my vote, too :)
@Braiam you talking about AU?
@kalina yeah
yeah he's really running away with it
was (up to some minutes ago) the only candidate without downvotes
these swag sizes
are they in inchs?
@kalina I would be more interested in the footnote
I might just go for the largest one so I have another tshirt to sleep in
I really doubt I'm going to wear a SO tshirt in public
@kalina Why not?
I don't wear technology/geeky tshirts in public
@kalina I like to repeat myself :)
@AngeloNeuschitzer I duno, I just never have
I don't have many clothes that I wear in public that have logos or whatever on them
@AngeloNeuschitzer she's not that geeky
@kalina Since I do it I know a lot more fascinating geeky people.
I'm more like a super secret geekette
none of my friends are really into it, I guess I just hide the fact
they don't even know I play games :P
@Braiam Have a look at her score. Shes geek.
waaaaaay too much hassle to let my friends know I play World of Warcraft
Okay, I was so geek always I had no choice in my coming out...
my friends don't need to know I build my own PCs
@kalina Then you have a different semantics of "friend" than I do :)
otoh I only have friends who are geeks themselves... So maybe my definition might not be the best.
Gotta try that someday. After my daughter is grown up and I have time for socialization again :)
when I go and hang out with my friends, it isn't to talk about technology stuffs
we don't even talk about facebook (primarily because I hate facebook)
@kalina I haven't figured out what to talk about besides tech / politics / science / children :( So as most people I know don't have children that only leaves geek topics.
politics is a guaranteed argument
religion is a guaranteed argument
@kalina Nah, I'm buddhist. Argue with me doesn't work here :9
fashion, tv, movies, boys, music, going out... that sort of stuff...
Hmm.. boys. That could work ;)
Thank you, I'll try that next time. (seriously)
gossiping is a fun one too
So, gotta cook.
3 hours later…
> However, and here is where a law student can find enough material to write their dissertation, it seems that this may only apply to “computer software”. And that video games may not actually count as “computer software” because of their “audiovisual components”. They’re “not only computer software” (emphasis mine). And it’s this distinction that excludes games from the CJEU UsedSoft ruling, and allowed the German courts to hand victory to Valve once again.
07:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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