@Izzy depends on the question. If the question isn't relevant at all outside MySQL then it should be mysql only. If the question is likely to involve more generic database techniques, both tags should be used
@Izzy I'm uncertain if we need a database tag at all. Same reasoning why I said we don't need audio or music or video or programming. - OTOH a database is at least a software which can't be said for audio, music, video or programming.
@Izzy Could you think of an example? I need a library that has database support? As I've said I'm very unsure here as a "database" at least is something (in contrast to "programming"), but so is an "os".
@AngeloNeuschitzer Just click the tag to see. E.g. Free cross database edition software makes sense in this context (looking for an editor understanding the different "dialects" and able to export "schemata" for different databases)
Yuck for all the other ones it's rather mis-used, as they look for specific databases.
@AngeloNeuschitzer Yes and no. See above: What if I need something with a database backend, but don't care which database comes to play? That's not cross database. Examples are e.g. CMS, but I guess there are other things as well.
@Izzy Hmm... I remember there is an english word for telling "need one but don't care which" but I forgot it. Like "database-independant" but better...
@Izzy Why could you need something that has a database backend? (In contrast to file storage, LDAP,... Why would you CARE?)
Also, is database only SQL-style relational database or does it include LDAP and theese fancy new "No-SQL" databases?
@AngeloNeuschitzer Posted my own answer there, maybe you want to take a look? I took the "database" tag as example even, so it serves both purposes at the same time :)
@AngeloNeuschitzer Both. You can see in the tag-wikis I created, in the "related tags" section, I list RDBMSs like MySQL along with No-SQL databases like MongoDB :)
@AngeloNeuschitzer :) If I remember correctly, I even put "bootable" on my list for tags-to-be-deleted. For exactly that reason: using it says nothing but "I don't understand how it works" (no offense meant ;)
Example: "I want a blog software that stores its entries in a database" - And I recommend the software behind this blog: blog.fefe.de - It would be wrong because this blog uses LDAP as storage.
@AngeloNeuschitzer No, I don't want LDAP. I want a (relational) database for my < X >. Something I can query using standard SQL, to create statistics and more.
Most of the time people who ask for "a database" mean "a relational database" but that is not the only kind there is. So "Is there any database..." question would disagree if I answer with LDAP.
Btw, the examples I gave here right now are just "raw". Of course the needs would be specified en detail. They should just give you the idea/direction.
@AngeloNeuschitzer And I say "sql-database" would sound, umm, strange. You would end up with users re-creating the "database" tag.
@AngeloNeuschitzer Question of definition, yes. Hard to tell without seeing your hypothetical answer.
I still thing "sql-database" would be taking it too far. If for a specific question tagged "database" an LDAP answer is right, so why not? We shouldn't over-complicate things.
(I should notice that I don't actually feel very strong about this. It just feels wrong to have it but I won't pick up a fight over it). On SO the tag to use is rdbms - How about using this and synonyming database to it?
Yupp. Question is: is renaming possible? To create the rdbms tag wiki, the tag needs to exist first. I'm hesitating to create it before we found agreement.
I was just about deleting my "mail versus emails", as they have been "merged" (rather re-tagged, as a "merge" can only be done my a diamond (or up) AFAIK – and that process optionally includes synonymizing). Then I saw the synonym wasn't created. Not sure if we need one there, though.
@AngeloNeuschitzer I'd say those are quite different things, though they often "go alongside". A chart is basically a graph. A reporting can be a text or whatever, and may include charts.
@AngeloNeuschitzer Not that I know.
@AngeloNeuschitzer I'd say: What question? Checking...
Still say: What question? There's exactly one for each tag, none having both.
@AngeloNeuschitzer Yeah, that's exactly one more thing I always forgot to raise: Should tags always be pluralized? We have emails, but also database. I remember on other SE sites they decided to unify this (all plural).
@AngeloNeuschitzer Charts are a basic requirement there, though it's somehow about "reporting". I'm not sure whether "reporting" is the central point there. From the business POV: "Prepare shipping" would match as well – and charts were pure visualization of where the biggest "ships" are needed.
@AngeloNeuschitzer another one for you: do we need a synonym "composing → music-composition"? If not: Maybe you delete your [answer here](meta.softwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/423/185/#491)?
@AngeloNeuschitzer Whatever. Was just a raw idea :)
@AngeloNeuschitzer Will you check your other questions as well, and delete if already processed? Or do you prefer me mentioning each of them explicitly here? :)
@AngeloNeuschitzer Nice. But maybe you could delay that in favour of making things easier for the CM? If we make it easier for him, he might be more willing to help out :)
Your answers on "resource-packaging" and "invoice" can "go" as well.
@AngeloNeuschitzer No. That would include chat, email, etc. If you take a look at Android Permissions: the SMS/MMS stuff is often combined there and then gets the title "short messages" (Kurznachrichten). Maybe that's a better name: "short-messages" or "short-messaging"?
@AngeloNeuschitzer Don't tell me! But it's still "short" compared to any simple HTML mail #D And it's the parent-term ("Oberbegriff") commonly used for the two.
@AngeloNeuschitzer No, for the very same reason: too broad. Includes WhatsApp, Skype, Viber, and others as well.
@AngeloNeuschitzer Yes. SMS/MMS just go directly via your provider, not involving a "3rd party", and billed for via your provider (let the flatrate quesion aside for a moment). They are neither real-time communication.
@AngeloNeuschitzer Leaves the Q how to group mms/sms. The usual term is "short messaging" IMHO (though that directly refers SMS = Short Message Service). But take into consideration that group-SMS often gets converted to MMS, these two definitely form a group.
@Izzy Yeah, I just look for consistence (e.G. to categories in Wikipedia) to use the same wording "everybody else" is already used to. But as the german and english wikipedia aren't consistent on this (and your rep on android.SE marks you as much more an expert then I am) I just take your word for it :)
@Izzy You convinced me.
@Izzy I still feel like "partition" is too narrow.
@AngeloNeuschitzer Thanks :) I just was busy editing your answer when you did. Thanks to your edit, there was no need to commit mine :) Full ack on the current version. I'll mark it such for the "processing mod". And will check what you mean with the English Wikipedia: What link did you check?
@AngeloNeuschitzer Admitted, I'm a little wavering on that: it's quite specific, but I'm not sure whether to go so far as calling it "too narrow".
Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a standard way to send messages that include multimedia content to and from mobile phones. It extends the core SMS (Short Message Service) capability that allowed exchange of text messages only up to 160 characters in length.
The most popular use is to send photographs from camera-equipped handsets, although it is also popular as a method of delivering news and entertainment content including videos, pictures, text pages and ringtones.
The standard is developed by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), although during development it was part of the 3GPP an...
@AngeloNeuschitzer It extends the core SMS (Short Message Service) capability makes this grouping implicitly, wouldn't you agree? Like EDGE extends GPRS, and both are grouped as "2G".
@Izzy Yes totally. But have a look at the question where it is used. Thats like the parade example for a "communication tool" and I hit my head really hard to come up with a better one
I always wonder why somebody should do that... In a networking job I had once it was a clear "Give Money or you go down" thing. But I can't imagine that SE would be the target of such threads.
We all should take a look at all the elements tagged [tagging] on meta to have a most clear voting on how that should get along. If all 8 people here in the channel would give their votes there were a much clearer impression.
We've got a bunch of tags which are pretty narrow, and thus not much of use. Similar to Private beta cleanup: tag synonyms and tag merges, I suggest we use this "question" to collect those CW-wise to decide on each one (one tag per answer).
Other than "over there", answers here should not be del...
@Seth Lovely, now we only need to linger around until somebody else also shows activity here and prod them to have a look at all the answers to this two questions and we might get as much as 5 votes on all of them.
For everybody who might have missed it: Angelo and me where going through the Private beta cleanup: tag synonyms and tag merges answers today, and I've flagged this question to "ping a CM" as we cannot do the synonyms on our own.
To make things easier for the "processing mod", I've placed summaries on the answers, holding the "consensus".
Hoping for a CM to appear (I'm a believer, I want my apparition now – LOL)
@AngeloNeuschitzer I see you propose a lot of tag synonyms for tags that are vaguely related. That's not what they're for. If two tags are synonyms, they form a single tag. That's only done for names that are used to mean the same thing.