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do you have the pagefile set to autogrow?
or do you have it capped
@MDMarra where do I check?
I'm a n00b
right click "Computer" > Advanced (in the lefthand pane) > System (I think)
somewhere in there
Not on Windows at the moment
@ewwhite Computer > advanced system settings > advanced > under performance settings> Advanced
and then under Virtual Memory
sounds legit
I feel like I broke my toe. Ugh
@Cole Never kick a computer that outweighs you/
@DennisKaarsemaker four zero four?
@voretaq7 No idea what I did to it, just woke up with it hurting a few days ago
I fail at sharing via dropbox.
The time the office in Colorado was saving excel spreadsheets to a DC...
What kind of sick joke is my job? Really.
@Cole please tell me it was directly to sysvol!
@MDMarra lol no. on the D: drive.
@ewwhite yeah, I'd already applied to that group last winter. They've been through a couple hiring manager over there in the past few months. I generally consider it a bad thing when hiring several engineers and hiring a new hiring manager for those positions at the same time.
@MDMarra but I go to check the server, and it's offline.
Apparently they were having errors in Excel saving to it.
@DennisKaarsemaker oh wow, i was actually right?
@MDMarra any idea what this means? A partial replica of partition DC=corp,DC=xxx,DC=com is hosted at site CN=Japan,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=xxxx,DC=com, but no writeable sources could be found for this partition.
@David about what?
ahh makes more sense now
my server wasnt compromised
@MattBear you were just dumb? :)
@DennisKaarsemaker bronies
@MattBear Just a user account with write access to the webspace?
@Cole it can't find a writable copy of the domain partition in your domain
usually a DNS problem
@DennisKaarsemaker sort of, I dont know each and every site we host, so when they told me XXX site got hacked, its on your server, I just took it for granted it was
I've quadruple checked my DNS
@Cole each DC holds a copy of the domain partition
@ewwhite you're still fighting this year-old problem?
searched logs and everything, couldnt find any intrusions
so it shouldnt have a problem finding a writable copy to replicate with
also check sites&services and site links configs
turns out its a GoDaddy hosted site, not even one of mine
and physical topology
for one reason or another, it cant find a partner to rep with that is advertising a writable copy of the domain partition
It doesn't make sense
@Cole Windows.
@voretaq7 Windows, not even once.
@Cole it could just be a corrupt directoy partition
I know it's isolated to the Japan DC since there's other DCs replication to 4 and 5
@MDMarra any way to fix that?
@MDMarra That was my thought
Told my manager that today.
@MDMarra Is demote/promote the domain controller equivalent of "see if rebooting it works"?
@freiheit No, it's "either you spend 12 hours on the phone with a PFE while they do arcane ntdsutil stuff to fix it with no downtime", or you take 20 minutes to demote and re-promote it
@Cole if you're virtual in Japan, just stand up a new DC (and specify a DC not having problems for initial rep) then demote the one that's there
@MDMarra Yeah we are, I'm curious to what resources we have though.
I shall find out.
I'm sick of dicking with it.
I'd be leery on the one that's there with the DN in that reg key being wrong
@MDMarra yeah kinda weird no?
I'm betting there was some reconfiguration or manual tinkering with it a while ago that didnt go smoothly
@voretaq7 I am waiting for the day where the Roomba would be plugging patch cables and pull disks as requested.
and you didnt see the symptoms until it was just rebooted
@MDMarra seriously could have been.
Makes sense
You guys don't patch regularly, right?
@syneticon-dj I'm waiting for the day when the roomba encourages the servers to rise up and rebel.
I really want to
someone could have fucked with some things that are only read on boot
I hate people
Don't feel bad. I ran repadmin /replsum today and the error I got was "There have been 128954 replication errors logged since the last successful replication"
@voretaq7 Servers don't have feet. I rather would expect the servers to incite and the Roomba to rebel.
@MDMarra D:
@MDMarra uh oh
Mine wasn't that bad
@Cole Ever have one of those days when you wanna...
...kill people?
@Cole @David luckily not my AD
@MDMarra good
But, the DC that's fucked up has all 5 FSMO roles and I need to build a forest trust to that domain to do an AD migration
so...they're going to need to fix that, since I'm not about to build a trust on a banged up PDCe
Luckily "remediation of the current AD" is listed as out-of-scope :)
@MDMarra throw the switch on the DC and seize all roles.
That will be my recommendation
@MDMarra "@MDMarra SMASH"?
They surely would not miss any of the changes :)
@voretaq7 yum -y install squirrely-wrath.noarch
My boss is great. He'll list anything as "out of scope" if I ask nicely.
@MDMarra s/ask nicely/blow him/g?
^ nope
@MDMarra he surely will. "Out of scope" is just another way to put "we want more money".
I was laughing to myself as I made that.
Sadly, no one else in my life would understand.
you're right. I don't have any active directory problems :-)
@Cole "Herpies? In my vagina?"
I'm going to make this AD my bitch.
@MarkHenderson It should be "Harpyies".
@MDMarra told my boss that 2012 R2 was released. He said "we should get a demo"
I'm starting to think that it actually only sucks at my work because no one cared/s
@MarkHenderson Whattup douchesnorkle?
So they the CO office was having problems saving an Excel spreadsheet. I went to look at the server and it was down. The IT guy over there said "The server was unresponsive and we rebooted it. This is not related to the Excel problem."
Um......yes it is.
@Cole Everytime someone says "In an unrelated issue..." you know you've found the culprit.
Oh totally
@WesleyDavid Trying to get in the gear for work
Been here for 25 minutes and so far read a few internets and not much else
@Cole In an unrelated incident, I've replaced our core switches with a potato.
@MarkHenderson Wash some Xenadrine down with espresso.
@WesleyDavid LOL
@WesleyDavid I don't have any money to pay my dealer with. ATM ate my debit card.
@MarkHenderson thats OK, we take kidneys now.
er... I mean "I'm sure they'll understand"
@WesleyDavid No speakers at work :(
@voretaq7 I'm going to need my kidneys to deal with all the substances @WesleyDavid seems to think I pump through my body
@MarkHenderson Dude tries to rip off his drug dealer, gets in an accident. Mofo probably got shot the next day.
If only drug dealers issued paypal invoices, or had merchant accounts
@MarkHenderson They do. I think they might. Maybe.
@WesleyDavid Wife's cousin once operated on a guy who had been kneecapped and then shot in the head point blank. Saved his life, he spend 18 months in rehab, got most of his cognitive function back, got released, was dead 2 days later, this time they did the job properly
What an idiot
@pauska paging @pauska
@MarkHenderson What did he do?
@WesleyDavid Don't know
Probably drug related
Okay, Monday brain fry has set in. Time to pump some iron. Later hosers
@Cole wasnt released
it was announced/demod
it hasn't been released for preview yet, I don't think
@MDMarra I meant announced - derp.
He said when it comes available for preview, he'd like to demo it
40 minutes to beer time and everything starts blowing up >_>
@Tanner just light it all on fire.
@MDMarra Do they have a list of features/changes?
I could look it up but I'm lazy
@MarkHenderson tiered storage. And a number of management issues cleared with virtualization.
@syneticon-dj Mkay
So not as big as 2008 to 2008r2
They didn't have as much time. I am just curious if they really envision people upgrading from Server 2012.
@MDMarra on my way to bed - sup?
@Tanner Explosions are easier to handle with beer
@freiheit pretty sure 99% of things are easier to handle with beer.
And when it rains, it pours. Interview tomorrow and got a call to go in for an interview with Google the day after.
@freiheit That just brought back memories of the middle-of-the-night poo explosions that newborns have
and that's why I drink so much.
hm, turned out to be someone creating a new VHD on the SAN...
@Adrian What kind of work are they looking for at Google anyway?
is it normal for that to crush the SAN or...?
@pauska server 2012 R2
that's whats up
@Zoredache Regular in-house IT support. Good place to re-start and learn a pile of stuff with some really smart people.
@MDMarra Windows Server is never "up."
don't hate, devops
@MDMarra There's an R2 for 2012 now?
@MDMarra Windows Server is as devops as it gets: People with no right to manage things adminning production sites
@84104 not released
previewed at teched this afternoon
@Adrian They keep sending me a message every month saying they have openings in the Seattle office.
@MDMarra Okay, I thought I missed something.
@JoelESalas I think you're mistaking devops with incompetence
@MarkHenderson @MDMarra is mistaking windows server with competence, so I guess we're all a bit confused
@JoelESalas Says the guy chatting on a site whose database and web tiers are on windows server
@Zoredache Oh yea, they always have openings. Lot of growth, and they work pretty darn hard too.
@MDMarra eats me up inside ;_;
That someone can make a good product on a platform that you're not a fanboi of?
@JoelESalas I swear, you've been drinking a lot more lately
Go cry, dev!
@MarkHenderson I stopped drinking entirely, that's really the problem here
@JoelESalas THat might explain why you're so angry
@JoelESalas Well then let me fetch you some ice for the epic burn @MDMarra gave
There's no easy way to merge (and consolidate) AD domains in different forests, is there?
@84104 There's the ADMT. What do you need exactly?
@MarkHenderson but really windows is balls.
@syneticon-dj Copious amounts of alcohol, but failing that, a way to get independent windows 2003 domains into a single forest (whose functional level can be higher).
@84104 ADMT
I'm doing that for a client now actually
Well, moving everything from one forest to another
but same principle
@MDMarra If I had money I'd pay you to do it.
It's not hard, just takes planning
@JoelESalas Some people really like balls
the documentation is very long
@84104 yeah, ADMT that is. The functional level does not matter much - the idea is that you create a trust and export / import all data in question. What ADMT can do for you too is exporting users' passwords and migrate domain member client machines
actually, the password export is handled by PES 3.1. It goes hand in hand with ADMT, but out of the box, ADMT doesnt do passwords natively
Migrating users and groups and having the users maintain their membership in the new domain is slick
plus, SID history, meaning you would not have to rewrite all ACLs and replace old principals by new ones.
@MarkHenderson I know why people use Windows Server, in the same way I know why people do blow or heroin. I just wouldn't
SID history is only for access in the old domain. It actually updates the ACLs with the migrated groups as part of the server migration process
If you're doing everything as a weekend cutover, you don't need SID history
If you are just changing the domain membership of a file server in the process, you certainly would, wouldn't you?
SID history enables a user account to access resources in the old domain
when you migrate groups and then you migrate a file server, it actually updates the ACLs on that file server by replacing the groups from the old domain with the migrated groups from the new domain
@JoelESalas I have this really annoying habit where I prefer to get shit done rather than argue over the merits of different operating systems
@MarkHenderson I just planned a Xen to KVM migration, so I'm feeling pretty good about fucking around a bit
@JoelESalas Well if we're talking about things we hate, I've had nothing but horrible experiences with Xen
Although that's more to do with the person that set it up than Xen itself, I suspect
@MarkHenderson So far I'm 1 for 1
@JoelESalas All operating systems suck
Well, sometimes they blow, instead...
@Cole Pretty sure 99% of things are easier to deal with when they're on fire.
@freiheit except for OpenBSD, of course.
@freiheit CP/M or die.
@WesleyDavid Been a while since we dug up CP/M
@WesleyDavid Beer is the 1%
@syneticon-dj Especially OpenBSD <- ftfy
@syneticon-dj OpenBSD sucks with spines
In other news, our Windows guy is quitting
You know what that means!
@JoelESalas Congratulations on becoming a Windows Admin!
@freiheit Actually it means we're going to test management of Windows using Puppet, which is a slightly worse fate
Windows works well enough when you have only windows
@JoelESalas I've heard... of... that...
It sounds scary
(and I really like puppet, too)
Honestly I could do my duties and admin windows too, it's really not that much windows here
I've never used puppet
@Cole how about chef/cfengine/salt/etc?
@Cole It doesn't run on Windows NT anyway
It's SCCM if they made you edit everything by hand and learn a new language :)
@WesleyDavid wat
@Zoredache negatory
@freiheit You know what else sounds scary?
@WesleyDavid Not owning a bike?
@freiheit Yeah. =(
OMG, I had the scariest bike riding experience of my life yesterday
WESLEY: Really! I didn't
@JoelESalas You didn't buy a bike? Yay! We can be losers together!
@Cole mosh and a serialized .pl script in root's crontab.
Apparently I'm comedic gold today.
@Cole I'm making a tshirt of that, do you want one
@JoelESalas yes.
I'd do it as "Do you even autom8"
@Cole I carefully automate one server at a time, by hand.
@freiheit me too son, me too.
God damn, just speed cleaned my apartment. I'm sweating like Britney Spears on Jeopardy right now.
@JoelESalas gooby pls do u erben autom8!?
@Cole With or without the cocaine?
So, I just realized that I have a power as a room owner that will piss everyone off
I don't know how this isn't more widely publicized
@WesleyDavid without, I'm way too fat to have been doing cocaine.
@MDMarra You're going to officially make this a place for live support?
cancel stars
@MDMarra I'll cancel your stars, buddy!
@freiheit Star you, man. Star you.
@MDMarra Oh man do it
@MDMarra Can you star your own things?
I will clear the entire star wall unless you all start behaving
@freiheit i can pin them
i cant just straight up star them though
@MDMarra pin then unpin
I kind of want to see the starwall blank
huh, it works
how about that
@JoelESalas I can make that happen
@MDMarra Maybe someday they'll fix that bug... but I doubt it...
@MDMarra but I said a lot of funny shit today.
@freiheit Yeah, they'll fix it when "fix self-star" and "fix markdown" are the last two outstanding chat issues
anything to not fix markdown
posted on June 03, 2013 by ryan

It is with great shame that I admit that the information in yesterday's post is not accurate.  Yesterday, I spoke about the "Hyper-V Virtual IDE Controller (Emulated)" performance counters as though they would give you I/O statistics for virtual machines using the virtual IDE controller. Au contraire! There are only two scenarios in which those counters will show anything useful. Eith

*Ticket closed because:*
**Cannot reproduce.**
A user can't access a server when using in the wrong IP address... how long has DNS existed?
@84104 30 years. Probably only widely deployed for 27-29 years, though...
Some people are a bit slow to adopt crazy new standards...
I now have one more inane question to ask before troubleshooting network connection it seems.
@84104 Hit it

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