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Which reminds me - there's no actual difference between a "cat5" and a "cat6" patch panel, are there? Because they're actually "8P8C" patch panels and has nothing at all to do with the cabling behind it?
I was looking at a catalogue the other day and their "CAT6" patch panels were 50% more than their "Cat5e" patch panels
Whoah, who still has an ATA100 drive that still works?
Q: Using an ATA-100 Hard Drive with a Thermaltake BlacX External Hard Drive Dock

JoeIs it possible for a Thermaltake BlacX HDD Dock to connect to and recognize an ATA-100 Hard Drive? I know that the specifications for the BlacX say that it only supports SATA & SATAII, but I was hoping for one of three things: 1) for it to still work even though it isn't supported 2) for there...

@MarkHenderson I have an external USB IDE drive enclosure in my junkbox. But the drive is long gone.
@MichaelHampton I suspect it was ATA-133 anyway
@MarkHenderson Same 40-pin interface, and forward and backward compatible.
@MichaelHampton True. But the ATA100 part was what threw me. I suspect he just means PATA though
And ATA-133 was meant to use an 80-pin cable
@MarkHenderson Yes, it does. It came in various speeds...
OH yeah, I saw a few of those cables. It was right before SATA.
You could use a 40-pin cable but the drive would just slow down.
@MarkHenderson: I might
hmm, actually no, I just took apart my oldest hard drive, and it was a semi modern 40 gigger ;p
@JourneymanGeek Hah I remember my first SCSI drive. 40 pin, 4Gb, double-height
And as loud as fuck
I had two of them and my parents made me take them out because you could hear them throughout the entire house
(the fact that this was about 1999 and a 4Gb SCSI drive was shit is irrelevant)
my parents never really were into computers (and I didn't really have the allowance to :/)
@JourneymanGeek My Mum hated my hobbies, but she hated noise and mess even more
I once brought home a 42U rack and set it up in my bedroom. My Mum cracked the shits and made me sell it.
@MarkHenderson: asian parents. they hate hobbies, period
Ironically I have some leeway cause they realise I have hardly any space of my own ;p
@JourneymanGeek Asian asian, or indian asian?
@MarkHenderson: indian asian.
but same difference in this case
@JourneymanGeek Asian asian, if your hobby is university level theoretical physics I think they would approve
@MarkHenderson Yeah, you sucked. I had a 9GB full height SCSI drive in 1999!
Or actuarial tables
@MarkHenderson: let me put it this way. I have my eyes on a mini lathe. ;p
@JourneymanGeek Oooohhhh
posted on June 03, 2013 by Matt Simmons

I'm interested in the Ops Education movement, because I think that operations staff such as myself should be better than we currently are. We're slowly improving, but we're still using leeches when we should be examining our superstitions and encouraging the development of more scientific thinking and analysis. One of the groups I'm involved with [...]

I wish I had the ability to craft things. I've been watching Adam Savage (from mythbusters) on YouTube making things, like gun cases and models
I wish I had those skills
you get skills by doing ;p
I'd be OK if I just worked with CnCs and 3D printers I think
diresta is pretty fracking impressive
dude has no formal training (which means he does brilliant stuff no one else thinks of doing), out of anything that comes to hand
@JourneymanGeek Diresta?
Ah just foudn him on youtube
I haven't seen his videos
Jimmy Diresta, he has a 'show' on youtube with make magazine.
I think this is a good example
they're a good watch, they're fast (cause god knows we don't have time to watch people do things for a good half hour), but you get a feel for what he's doing
adam savage is just scary.
@JourneymanGeek I remember when Mythbusters first was on TV. It's actually an Australian show, just filmed in America with Americans, so they ran it here at the same time as the US. I was just flicking through channels and foudn these two weird guys checking if it's possible to be sucked out of a toilet on a jet airline
They went a bit stupid in the last few years, but the first years were awesome
@MarkHenderson: beyond productions right?
same folks who did beyond 2000 ;p
@JourneymanGeek They're the ones
In the early early episodes their aussie producer is seen and heard a bit too
@MarkHenderson: I actually enjoy Adam's stuff on tested a lot more than I do mythbusters (which I think is one of the best shows on telly right now)
@JourneymanGeek Same
(tho, I love duck dynasty, and I have no idea why)
so my taste is SLIGHTLY questionable
If i EVER become an evil supervillan, I am bulk ordering these arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/06/…
@MarkHenderson I have one of those
Anyone here with Sonicwall/IPSEC VPN experience? I'm working at 2AM and about to go crazy... Just need a second opinion...
My second opinion: You're already crazy.
I know :(
I'm trying to get a tunnel to push public ips and I am failing hard - I believe it is nat related, but, I just can''t figure out for sure or how to fix it
I don't know Sonicwall, sorry.
Though, I suggest constructing a good question for the main site :)
so tunnel 1 is up, both sides can ping each other and stuff... tunnel 2 is local range again to a public ip subnet... I basically want anything to a few ips to originate from the other end of the tunnel - Anyone have a clue what to do?
@MichaelHampton I don't think it will be a good question at this time of night from me... but, I can't really leave site until this is up... exhausted Google... willing to do anything!
There aren't many people in chat... the main site has more :)
@MichaelHampton hmm... found this - serverfault.com/questions/268867/… - basically the same thing...
but, no answer :( I'll ask anyway...
@WilliamHilsum Grah, I've had that problem with IPSEC tunnels before. I gave up.
@MarkHenderson no no no! I don't want to hear that!!!
That... probably isn't what you wanted to hear
It should be simple though, right? At the router, add the public IP addresses into your IPSec policy
But NOoooooooo
I have an Edgerouter in one site, a sonicwall in the other... willing to take any recommendations!
@WilliamHilsum Switch to PPTP so you can get a routable interface, then add some static routes
Wow really not helpful am I. I apologise.
@MarkHenderson I have both tunnels established, including the public IP range... (so, requests to any of those ips just do not work/die at the gateway here)... I am certain that the problem is NAT at the other end - I just can't figure out how to enable NAT for VPN tunnels :/
@WilliamHilsum Oh, I see now
@MarkHenderson Not sure PPTP would be any better? :/
Have you done a wireshark at the different points to see where the traffic is dying?
i.e. could it be asymmetric routing?
Coming in through the IPSec tunnel, but leaving the normal route
I think it's double m, not double s.
@MichaelHampton Bleh, I ignore firefox's squiggling because it always gives me american spellings
@MarkHenderson Funny, Firefox always gives me non-American spellings.
@MichaelHampton We should swap
It's like a six year old Firefox bug.
@MarkHenderson nope - I just don't have the ability to really do that here, i've been here 3 days in a row and just don't want to leave until it is done now! it is a PPPoE internet connection to the end router... packet sniffer isn't really working well on the sonicwall... I can't really diagnose :(
as I said, I am going crazy!
@WilliamHilsum When I had assymetric issues, the giveaway for me was the firewall was dropping the ACKs from the TCP handshakes
@MarkHenderson I am seeing dropped packets... I just don't know what to do next :(
Q: How do I route a public IP range over an IPSEC VPN?

William HilsumSo, I have an established IPSec Site to Site tunnel. Site A has a SonicWall, Site B has a EdgeRouter. The first tunnel consists of Site A's NATed ips to Site B's NATed ips. Everything works as expected. Next, I have a public IP range that Site B needs to access, but, requests need to look lik...

@WilliamHilsum Does it tell you why it's being dropped?
@MarkHenderson Nope
Spoofed IP/Invalid sequence/etc?
That's all pretty key information
To be honest, I don't really know where to look
tried looking in the log, but quite vague... and, it is production with traffic going over it, so, I need to filter.. not sure to use source as the IKE tunnel's ip, my machine's ip or other... (well tried both of these along with others, and haven't really got anywhere).
So many people do this sort of thing... I can't understand why there aren't any (easy to find) articles
Can't do a bounty for 2 days... 3AM, I am not really fit to drive/next to no sleep for days... think I am going to have a nap in the car and hope there is an answer when I wake up.... so annoyed :( I hope someone can answer!
@WilliamHilsum good luck
what are the bets that this doesn't get a single answer!?
Holy heck - Game of Thrones was.... intense this week. I'm glad I've avoided spoilers so far... Going to have to keep it that way for the remainder of the series I guess.
@ChrisS Shhhhh! I'm just starting it.
Who wants a stab at a question my client just asked?
@ewwhite Mark doesn't get it until Wednesday. So don't say anything.
"Edmund - is there a best practice or any ideas you have on how we can recover if our Cisco (ASA 5505) Firewall goes down? Any way to have a firewall VM directly connected to the Internet and powered down that could be started if anything happens to our Cisco firewall?"
I think we call that a "spare".
I've never had one fail.
And really, we're 10 miles from CDW's main warehouse... Within same-day courier distance...
Is it rude to just say, "don't worry about it"?
@ewwhite Get a second 5505 and set 'em up clustered?
As long as you say "I've never seen one fail, and if it does, the warehouse is 10 minutes away." as well
@ewwhite Yeah, best practice is to buy another firewall as standby. NEXT! Oh, and ^ that is good too :)
@ShaneMadden I've clustered 5510's and above... but I really never need to.
@ewwhite Sure, but if they're paranoid about it, can't really hurt
@ShaneMadden Can you do that with the 5505?
Yes... Active/Standby
@ChrisS Pretty sure you can, just needs one of the more expensive licenses
WIth a Security Plus license... which I just applied to this unit
Also, with the number of clients you have on 5505s, why don't you have one just sitting around?
@ChrisS I do. My cabinet is 10 feet away from this client's... in the same colo.
Ah - sounds like nothing to worry about realistically.
Also, I've never seen one fail.
Though the power brick gets warm enough that I've worried about it.
The clustering could be complicated, though. I already have two handoffs in HSRP from the provider... goes to the main switch. Then from switch to ASA... then ASA to the switch on another vlan.
We had some 5505s fail at my old job where we had like 300 of the damn things.
Not too many though.
I'd be afraid of failure of any other number of components before getting to the firewall...
A: CloudFlare CDN and static site with root on Amazon S3

Michael HamptonWhen your email stops coming in tomorrow, you'll know that it wasn't safe to ignore this warning. The CNAME replaces all other resource records, so it overrides the SOA record, MX records and any other records you might have defined for the zone. That's why it's strongly recommended against. (An...

I'm really tired of answering this question.
Not sure I understand.
You can't make the zone apex a CNAME, what to do about it?
Don't we already have a canonical question or two for this?
@ChrisS Thankyou for the thought :)
@MichaelHampton I keep getting the occasional vote for the heroku one
I'm mad there's only one episode left this season... it's gone too quick
@ShaneMadden I have it linked from yes-www.org
@ChrisS I just finished season 1 - sounds like it stays good?
@MichaelHampton Aha!
@ShaneMadden I love and hate the story... In honest it's a bit more politics and "human nature" than I really prefer in a fantasy story, but I'm also more than a bit annoyed by the constant stream of plot holes in Tolkien(-style) stories.
That question had a funny in it, too: "Does anyone here speak Enterprise?"
American healthcare. Way to fail :(
Don't get me started on my visit to ER last month that resulted in 2.5 hours of poking and prodding only to end in "you'll be fine, get out, here's your bill"
@ChrisS You see I'm going to university in West Virginia, and my insurance provider doesn't operate in WV. Therefore for any care I'd have to drive ~70 miles back into VA. I can't get my own coverage due to preexisting illness BS.
We might have shitty internet, poor connectivity, extortionist prices, but at least we can go to do any doctor anywhere in the country, or any hospital anywhere in the country and either medicare or my health insurance will cover it
@MarkHenderson Yep. I know.
@MarkHenderson My insurance will pickup everything, but my jaw still hurts from it hitting the floor after seeing the price.
@ChrisS Oh yeah, I once asked the hospital for a peek at what they were billing the insurance company; it was $500/night just for a bed, plus every single drug that was used was billed at full price, TV was $50/day, every minute of every non-nursing staff was on there
We had to pay I think a $300 excess, plus our anesthetists bill because they charge above what the insurance covers (they all do)
"It should have been called 'Barrow Ship'" lol --> youtu.be/1kmatKUBBck
@ChrisS I love that channel '
@Jacob Yeah - one of my favorites
@Jacob There's a few "sins" that really shouldn't be in there... Like that last one about coming aboard.
@ChrisS Yeah, or the blow all the things up one
3 hours later…
Q: Presented LUN displaying 3 disks after fdisk -l

EdLeeAll, I appreciate in advance any useful responses to the following: One (1) 800GB LUN from external SAN was presented to 4 RHL servers (2.6.9-78.0.8 x86_64) Initial < fdisk -l > before reboot indicated no disk with < doesn't contain a valid partition table > After reboot, < fdisk -l > displays...

Hard to follow.
(but I'm just dense)
@MichaelHampton Yes. Unfortunately.
Oh, worse, it's Monday morning.
It's 3 am on Monday morning and and I'm already at work!
It's 9 am here, but I still don't want to be at work.
Hey Iain
How's it going ?
dyho01@serenity:~> bin/behappy.pl
Be happy! Only 27 days left at this sorry job!
is how it's going...
How are you?
I am awesome.
I love my job.
Iain are you from australia?
@Zurechtweiser That sounds nice. I'm hoping to get that at my next job.
@JennyD I'm good - it looks like Summer started yesterday and will continue for the rest of the week at least. I haven't ridden a horse in just over a week due to school holidays (the yard is way too busy) and and other commitments but I'll remedy that tomorrow
@JennyD You won't. I love my job because I am self-employed.
@Zurechtweiser Gee, thanks... You are aware that you have no idea what my next work is, right?
@Iain My horse got moved to the summer pasture Saturday. He was surprisingly well-behaved yesterday anyway, though.
@JennyD I don't need to know what your next job will be, as long as you are not self employed you will never be happy.
@Zurechtweiser Yes, cause everybody is just like you and your way of life is the only true one.
@JennyD That's how it is.
I love the Hide user option.
@JennyD Listen only to me if you want to have a better life. If you don't, use the hide user option.
@JennyD ooh, counting down properly now
@MichaelHampton who did you piss off?
@DennisKaarsemaker It still includes holidays and weekends, because I couldn't be bothered to find a perl module containing Swedish holidays.
@DennisKaarsemaker The owner of the VPS hosting provider.
@JennyD sweden has holidays in june? Lucky you.
also Date::Calc should have it :)
Yes, national day on June 6th and Midsummer eve on 21st
@DennisKaarsemaker I still can't be bothered :-)
It's remarkably sunny here today - I just hope it lasts.
It'll last until it rains again.
Guys, what does make life worth living for you?
@Zurechtweiser sex, food and alcohol
@DennisKaarsemaker I agree but that's pretty generic. Do you have higher ideals, too?
It's lovely weather here
Morning all
@JennyD It's finally sunny here - had an awesome ride on the bike yesterday
@Zurechtweiser you do realise this is ServerFault, not psychology.se?
@Dan sounds lovely! I had a lovely time out playing with my horse yesterday.
I love being able to pick that up and slam it into someone's head at high velocity, who desperately needs it.
@JennyD I imagine - nothing like getting outside is there?
@Zurechtweiser not on monday morning
@MichaelHampton isn't 3am EST towards the end of your normal working day ?
@Dan Especially getting out into the actual countryside, with fields and forests...
@Iain Yes, I'm about done. And it's 4am here.
@tombull89 This is the right place for this question.
@DennisKaarsemaker I understand.
Here's a little quiz for you all - what am I doing right now? Hints: it's legal and I've not done it for a while.
@Chopper3 Chatting?
@Chopper3 I like this quiz. You are drinking coffee.
@JennyD nope, good try
@Chopper3 Well...has your motherboard turned up yet?
@Zurechtweiser no, more of a tea man anyway
@tombull89 sadly not
@Chopper3 Then who is using your account here? looks suspicious
Ah my guess would be "building your computer" but that's my guess out the window.
@JennyD I've not done it until for a while was the main clue
@tombull89 nope, but on the right lines
@Chopper3 You are drinking tea and you are watching your screen.
Um, growing a beard?
@Chopper3 Working?
@Dan CORRECT! back to work today, first time since 27th September
@Chopper3 About time, you lazy fuck
@Chopper3 Congratulations?
@Chopper3 That was too easy. Some offer something more challenging.
Someone offer something more challenging.
@Dan :)
@Zurechtweiser You probably don't know that I've been off for 8 months with cancer
@Chopper3 Seriously though, congrats. I presume you're settling in gently?
@Dan very much so, I'd have had a stroke by lunchtime if I didn't :)
@Chopper3 I'm so very glad you're well enough to be back!
@JennyD Me too, genuinely never thought I'd see today
@Chopper3 The miracle of modern medicine...
@JennyD It's almost like science has a clue
@Chopper3 Have you got a proper gaming keyboard for your machine? My basic Logitech no longer cuts it (plus being wireless it can drop out at bad moments).
@tombull89 No, just an MS wireless (not bluetooth, eats batteries too much) one
@Dan Indeed. I have so many friends who would not have survived their illnesses just 50 years ago...
@JennyD my wife's mum (who I never met) died about 30 years ago of exactly the same type of breast cancer I had
@Chopper3 My husband's mum has some sort of abdominal cancer that is recurring, so every 2-3 years or so she needs a new round of chemo. 50 years ago that would not have been possible at all.
@JennyD no, still hellish though
@Chopper3 Yes, it's hard on her.
My mum's husband has kidney failure. He has a dialysis set at home that he can even bring when travelling. Again, wouldn't have been possible a few decades ago...
Has anyone got / used / seen anything like this:

Fancy something for the garden
@Dan We've got a fire thingie but it doesn't look like that...
@Dan My dad wants to get a ceramic one but mum won't let him because she know he'll stick all sorts of stuff into it and trying to make a blast furnace sort of thing.
@tombull89 Haha
@tombull89 You say that like it's a bad thing
@JennyD nah...I'd probably join in.

Things like that really anger me
@Dan AOL
that and anti-vaxxers
@JennyD AOL?
click. Goodbye!
@Dan Me too
From back in the day when AOL first got millions of noobs online to Usenet, and they would quote an entire usenet post just to add "me too" at the end of the post.
Also known as the beginning of the eternal september.
Ah, not heard that one before
Young people of today, what do they teach them in school these days :-)
hey, I'm 15 years older than you, I'm allowed to shake my cane at you and yell to get off my lawn :-)
Very true
@Dan When I were a lass, we didn't have any of these newfangled switches and thingies. We had to make our own ones and zeroes by knocking stones together and carry them in a bit bucket to and from the router!
@JennyD heh, usenet. Pretty irrelevant these days...
@JennyD <AOL>me too</AOL>
@DennisKaarsemaker Unfortunately, yes. I've still got a server but it's mainly for a private hierarchy with maybe 100 users world wide...
But I have to say that Usenet changed my life for the better. All the people I got to know via newsgroups, including two exes and my husband...
@JennyD That doesn't sound like good statistics ;)
@Dan One of the exes was a bit of a jerk and I'm well rid of him. The other is still a very good friend.
And there are so many other friends that I met there, some of whom I've actually met in the 3D-world too
@JennyD I was just being facetious!
@Dan I was being nostalgic :-)
I kind of miss those days
Seen that before, shockingly expensive from what I recall
@Dan "shocking expensive" is pretty much it, yes.
Right, brew time
Thought I'd take the chance to catch up on personal admin and Facebook message a few people to pass on a cuople of messages. Turns out all 5 people were sat on Facebook and are now trying to engage me in a proper chat - this is the drawback of messengers blurring the lines of SMS/E-mail
@Dan Yes, I've had that - it might be an idea to turn chat off.
ANother one may be set up email notification of new messages, so you can use reply-via-email and they don't get the "seen at 00:00" message when you've read the email.
@tombull89 Yeah, that's the biggest load of wank
Kim Jong-Un, Democratic People's Republic of Korea
1.4k 1 10
Very nearly spat my tea out then, in the very literal sense
Have you clicked his profile?
@Dan yup :D
Can't help but read it in the kim jong-il voice from team america world police :)
I'm so...ronery
Q: Getting internet to a protest

user228649I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but it's been in the back of my head for a while. I am in Turkey, where there are thousands of protestors gathering in the street against the government. There have been reports that the internet has been cut off in the center of my m...

That's an interesting one.
The activist in me would love to have a go at doing something like that, but I need my clean(ish) CRB
@tombull89 Very. I'm thinking satellites rather than ordinary mobile phone data traffic - it'd give you latency but be much harder for the regime to block
A single enterprise AP with external antennas can usually hold up to 150 clients
@Dan It wouldn't affect your CRB record. CRB checks aren't performed on corpses.
@TomO'Connor Excellent point, well made.
Let's say that 20% of the people in the streets are using the net.. you'd still need a ton of gear
@pauska Portable cell tower!
@JennyD Also, the bandwidth blows, unless you've got $LOTSANDLOTSANDLOTS
@TomO'Connor Satellite isn't as bad as it used to be, actually
Upstream is still the major issue, though
I thought sattelite was fast but high ping?
@VOT99 If internet blackout in #Turkey: Dial Up internet access by #XS4ALL a Dutch ISP: +31205350535 user/pass: xs4all #occupygezi #gezipark
another option if phones still work
@Dan Acoustic Coupler and a pay phone.
@TomO'Connor So, are we concluding that modern day activism is like 1980's phreaking
^^Activists in Turkey work to give Twitter access to thousands of protesters
@tombull89 Yes, that's what I meant by latency.
@TomO'Connor I think the government might notice if you start putting 30m masts up around the park...
You wouldn't want to get on the wrong end of a water cannon
brb installing CS5 on a clean machine image. Wake me up when it's done.
@tombull89 See you on Thursday
Oh my...the "new" server apparently started in read-only mode when I restarted it yesterday. That'd be why it wasn't working. -_-
@Dan I make things like this for fun, out of old calor gas bottles and scrap steel.
Old reply is old.
@TomO'Connor Yeah, while I'm happy to break out the MIG and the angle grinder I think the Mrs wants something a little fancier :D
@Dan Don't get a clay one. They don't stand a british winter.
Cast iron ones crack if they get bumped.
@TomO'Connor That's not major, I can put it in the garage during winter
the only problem with that one you found is it has 4 open sides.
@TomO'Connor Yeah, that's a good point - smokey
so it'll burn quickly.
you want lots of holes at the bottom, but a considerable amount (thickness, and surface area) of steel for radiant heat.
my calor bottle ones can quite easily get to red hot after an hour or 2 of coalite and wood loading.
the whole bottom bit red hot.
I imagine the cast iron ones are pretty good in that sense, then, though I'm unsure on the aesthetics
@Dan: if I was hiding a satillite uplink, illegally, I'd disguise it as an unmarked police vehicle ;p
@JourneymanGeek Sounds like a great plan during public disorder.... ;)
@Dan: actually I know the PERFECT vehicle, but I have no idea where I'd get a police riot truck ;p
@JourneymanGeek From da police! Duhhh
@JourneymanGeek You need a jankel
@JourneymanGeek Well done, you've found my zombie apocalypse mobile HQ
@Dan: I've seen these remarkably often
apparently the police park these outside a major bar district on weekends ;p
If I had to deal with zombies...
(miltary propaganda youtube channel ;p)
Our police just have a regular camper thingie that they use around the city on weekend nights... polisen.se/Om-polisen/lan/St/op/Polisen-i-Stockholms-lan/…
@JennyD: eh, the security situation here is funny
we have no actual threats (other than the odd terrorists)
we certainly don't have racial riots.
yeah, different places have different needs
but its useful for TPTB to assume that it will ;p
@JennyD: you could go for a weekend in the countryside with one of those ;p
@JourneymanGeek Umm, neither do we. We have had some riots that right-wingers want to call racial, though.
@JennyD: we had a PARTICULARLY nasty one in the 70s
The 1964 race riots were a series of riots that took place in Singapore during two separate periods in July and September between Chinese and Malay groups. The first incident occurred on 21 July during a Malay procession marking the Birthday of Islamic prophet Muhammad. In total, the violence killed 36 people and injured another 556. About 3,000 people were arrested. At that time (1963-1965), Singapore was a state in the Federation of Malaysia. July riots On 21 July 1964, about 25,000 Malays gathered at the Padang, Singapore to celebrate Muhammad's birthday. 212 Muslim organisations par...
ok, 60s
way before my time

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