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00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 23:00

"Cats of Google+" and "The Hunger Games"
moving on
I don't want to have to debug more EL6.4 issues. But the timing is right. Need to test the new XFS.
@MDMarra A lot of hot blogger moms on g+
You're a young dude, aren't there any cougar bars in your town?
Tap that!
@mdmarra shame that you're missing some billable work
Sweet. Someone sent back a quality recommendation on linkedin!
@ewwhite ?
I have a phone, you know
Speaking of billable.
How do I clear Windows 2003 installer cache?
What's the problem?
it's what happens when you leave a customer to manage their own TS.
want to look?
If you clear the installer cache, you won't be able to upgrade or uninstall anything
Sure. I'll look
k. I won't touch it.
it's just such a messed up setup.
I had no clue
yeah that's where it keeps the uninstall stubs and all that
when you're in add/remove programs and click uninstall, it uninstalls by running {blah-blah-blah-guid-thing-0000-1111-2222}.msi /X from the installer cache behind the scenes
@ewwhite what's the actual problem with this place?
you'll see.
oh god
are you going to send admin credentials as well?
There's a terminal server that's a domain controller
TS DS. So hot!
I was called in to install Exchange last year
so I did... added some dc's...
howdy howdy
can't get functional level to 2008 R2 yet...
@ewwhite ok send me admin creds and the server name and I'll take a look
@MDMarra I need to demote the terminal server obviously.
is this in production now?
or are they off
I've been tasked with P2Ving the old terminal server
so nothing I do can cause a reboot now
Oh, this setup is in production
but this is a downtime period
so you just need this to not be a DC?
or is other stuff broke too
yes, which I can do.
but I want to see what can be purged before I p2v
you're going to demote before P2V right?
so you just want to be P2Ving the least amount of stuff possible then and you want me to take a look and see what can be axed?
yes... but I'll also need a plan to get this setup in order.
I gave them a newer TS to use...
assuming they'd move everyone to it
they didn't
so there are users on the new TS... and users on the old...
the people on the old are relying on crusty PST's
files are strewn all about.
send me admin creds and server names and I'll take a look. is the term server
dc1 and dc2 are 2008 DC's
what's the FQDN of the AD?
generalproduceinc.com , duh
split horizon
Whoever set up AD initially left the netbios name at... GENERALPRODUCEI
Well, it's not like they had a choice to add the "NC" on the end.
i get NXDOMAIN for DC1.generalproduceinc.com
ping it
no go
also can't get to
VPN is connected no prob though
fix your mac!
it works just fine!
I don't know what you're saying.
My Mac works fine
However, I can't get to anything on the other side of this VPN tunnel
Already tried
what IP do you have?
utun0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1280
inet --> netmask 0xffffffff
can't see you
I see me!
If there a 1 tunnel per user restriction or anything?
oh, maybe.... let's see.
use mdmarra
the same, uh, password isn't working for mdmarra
oh wait
is that the second email you sent me
hold on
k. try now
Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ mark$ nslookup dc1.generalproduceinc.com

** server can't find dc1.generalproduceinc.com: NXDOMAIN
so, it doesn't look like this VPN connection is not pushing the resolvers on the other side of the tunnel to me
it is.
and reboot that crap
try again
Mac newbie...
is this a split tunnel?
looks like it
it is.
and it looks like the internal interface of the asa is the same as my router at home
that's problematic, right?
there you go!
wait i might be reading this wrong
man, it's all about there will never be overlap if you do that.
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Netif Expire
default UGSc 89 0 en1
default utun0 UCSI 0 0 utun0
10.1.1/24 UGSc 1 11 utun0 UH 4 9 utun0
10.1.2/24 UGSc 0 0 utun0
10.1.3/24 UGSc 0 0 utun0
I'm reading that wrong, I think
Everything on the other side of the tunnel is 10.1.1/24. My home network is
So no overlap, I'm just bad at networking
open your system prefs... look at the tunnel
under advanced config, you'll see the resolvers
yeah i see it
can you ping the DNS resolver?
netstat -rn
There are routes over utun0
two defaults though?
which client are you using?
default UGSc 102 0 en1
default utun0 UCSI 0 0 utun0
the built-in OS X cisco ipsec client
yes, that is normal
Destination        Gateway            Flags        Refs      Use   Netif Expire
default           UGSc           25        0     en0
default            utun0              UCSI            0        0   utun0
10.1.1/24         UGSc            3       18   utun0         UH              5       33   utun0
10.1.2/24         UGSc            0        0   utun0
10.1.3/24         UGSc            0        0   utun0
how do you preserve the formatting in chat?
"Fixed Font"
what's the markdown for that though
The "Fixed Font" button
there's a fixed font button?!
Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ mark$ netstat -rn
Routing tables

Destination        Gateway            Flags        Refs      Use   Netif Expire
default          UGSc          102        0     en1
default            utun0              UCSI            0        0   utun0
10.1.1/24         UGSc            1       11   utun0         UH              4        6   utun0
10.1.2/24         UGSc            0        0   utun0
woah, I never noticed that
It only appears once there's multiple lines in the input box. Dat UX.
Fix the ASA!
Nothing wrong with it.
this happens sometimes on Mac systems
So what's the fix?
dunno. The VPN works for me.
which group name is in use?
i copied and pasted what you sent me
and ping ?
set your service order
the gear icon in the network config
drag this connection up to the top
didn't help
You sure this isn't an ACL?
what IP do you have?
Marks-MacBook-Pro:~ mark$ ifconfig utun0
utun0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1280
	inet --> netmask 0xffffffff
start pinging
timing out
yeah, weirdo mac.
is VMware or Parallels running
Also, any other tunnel works fine
I'd delete and recreate the VPN
I already did that
but I'll do it again
for a third time
nope, still nothing
could be a NAT issue
looking at logs
yeah, no idea what the issue is here. unless it's an asymmetric routing issue...
which is a possibility here
Yeah no clue. I don't have any crazy setup at home or anything. The only thing I use this laptop for besides web browsing is side work for you mostly haha
And I just tried with Valley and Davalan and both connect fine
it's their load balancer... packets are being returned over a different connection
...........this server...........
are you in?
I just got disconnected from that server with the domain admin account
Was that you?
oh, go back in
oh my god
this server
what's the problem?
all those shares
imagine a non-tech guy who figured out how to use a feature... then went to town with it.
oh and it's a print server
ok, so besides telling you how fucked up it is (which you already know)
what exactly is it that you're wanting me to do here?
I need to see if it is safe to demote it from DC
then see if there's anything nice that can be cleared out before I P2V it.
the client's complaint is that it's been turning itself off every so often...
I think I solved that.
faulty PDU
ok im going to poke around dc1
I threw dc1 up last year to get Exchange running... mainly because Kroger no longer accepts unencrypted mail streams
so there are 4 DCs
Both TSes are DCs
make everything a DC!
(I made dc1 and ts1)
dc1 has all the roles though
I did that... but never got around to demoting
termserv2 isn't really a terminal server
I think it just has a fax card in it
it was intended to replace the first terminal server
but now both of those systems are old... 2003 and 2005
(the years that they were deployed)
ok so it's definitely safe to demote the TSes unless something is using them for DNS
nothing I know of
Also, this TS only has 1 DNS server listed
I'd pop DC2 in there for good measure too
see the shares...
what is the fix?
dedicated file server...
and there's no reason to have all of them as shares. Just make \\server\shares and have them be subfolders
do you think you could sort out the profiles and the file shares?
share - singular...
cleaned up about 1/2 a GB on C:\
give you a little more breathing room there
spec out what you think it'll need in terms of time to get them onto a real fileserver...
and I'll get it approved.
I'm looking through the data now to see if it's scriptable
nothing is uniform...
and there's a lot of waste
it's only like 50GB of stuff
Even if most of it's crap, it's not a ton
Look at E drive
and user profiles on C
yeah, I was talking about moving the user profiles on C as 50GB
problem is that those are profiles mainly comprised of PST files.
and they already have exchange.
so will this include exporting/importing those?
or are they being skipped?
these were people who the local person NEVER MOVED to the new TS1
2008 RDS servers use Exchange online mode by default
and the profiles wouldn't be compatible anyway, right?
I don't set up roaming profiles though
Folder Redirection is different
Roaming Profiles roam everything not just data. So things like desktop wallpaper, app-specific settings, etc.
but you don't want to have to enable XP mode
I've never seen a real need for it
It's not the end of the world for XP style profiles. In clients like some of the one's we've done in the past where it's a rip it out and replace it migration, I prefer not to
But if there is going to be coexistence, then it makes sense
this shit needs to just be ripped out
oh ok
no coexistence.
so similar to what we did at valley but a little messier?
other than I was asked to P2V...
but the reasoning is faulty
but think about the time needed to handle profiles, users, file server... and a printer GPO
what do they use these shares for?
departments, users, crap
just a produce company
are they mapped manually to workstations or something?
they'll need some minimal security
Or is this all thin client
Axel terminals,
thin client
and PC
they go out and buy PC's, then force the users to open RDP sessions
so no PC is actually joined to the domain
oh, and look at the OU's
so what the heck do they have all of these shares for?
what are the share names?
where do they access them from?
Share name   Resource                        Remark

ADMIN$       C:\WINDOWS                      Remote Admin
print$       C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers
                                             Printer Drivers
IPC$                                         Remote IPC
E$           E:\                             Default share
C$           C:\                             Default share
Acct Docs    E:\Acct Docs
aps bu       E:\aps bu
If they all just remote to this terminal server anyway, what's the point of all of those shares
two terminal servers
is the other one like this?
and the scan folders are destinations...
for the copier's scans
so the copiers will have to be reconfigured
and the printers all appear to be shared
it's stupid to define them all on a terminal server anyway
there may be a case for per-location printer targeting here
three locations
location as in sites with separate IP subnets?
10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.3
but if you ever wondered what happens when there's no IT...
look at the naming conventions
Is there stuff on the other terminal server that needs to be migrated as well?
go take a look...
what's over there?
what's general-ts2
is that the new one? or is there a third one
man, I don't even know
general-ts2 is the non terminal server with a fax card in it
aka the 4th DC
what the hell is Keller?
There's a share for it on every server
can never have too many domain controllers
Keller is for their trucking business.
so there are user profiles on both term servers, a ton of shares, and printers on both
and it should be consolidated, right?
They need:

And OU structure
Central File/Print Server deployed via GPO
File Migration skipping PSTs
Demotion of the two extra DCs
Sound right?
I can handle the dcpromos
I need to do that tonight
but the rest, yes
as long as nothing is using them for DNS, you should be good. They aren't FSMO holders
I'd add that they should probably delete any inactive users
yeah, I can whip up a query for anyone that hasn't logged in for X days
that'll cut down on data needing to be migrated
Lots of maternity leave at produce places...
it's weird... but you'll find users who've been gone for months.
Well, I can get a list that you can give to them for review
not looking for itemized... just a estimate of a block of hours
to get approved.
e.g. 12 hours.
Ok, so I'd say 12-18 hours. Probably closer to 12, but there's some fucked up stuff here so I'm expecting at least a surprise or two
Is that too wide of a window?
just make it 15 hours.
so can I dcpromo and p2v this crap?
yeah do it up
add DC2 to as the secondary resolver too
demote general-ts2 too while you're at it and raise the DFL and FFL to 2008 R2 so that I can do stuff like enable the AD Recycle Bin and use 2008 Namespaces for the file server
so this whole thing is doable?
anything is doable
but yeah, it's a mess but I think it can be sorted out
The only thing is that I dont know what these shares are
so I don't know what will break when the path moves
you don't know where they go, you mean?
i mean, there's program files\Keller shared
i don't know who is actually using those shares and where the paths might be hardcoded
if there's a way to get lists of who should be mapped to what shares, I can just whip up a GPO that maps based on group membership and then it's simple, just time consuming
ugh... painful
or you can just tell them where the new shares are and they can map manually
these people are like Valley... an overworked dude trying to hold things together
oddly enough, the guy there taught me how to take photos
the problem is just that I don't think I can make it seamless unless i know exactly where each and every share is mapped and by who
and there are dozens of shares
he specializes in photographing teenage models
But yeah, tell them 15 hours. Get me a new terminal/file server there, and tell the creepy teen guy to stop making shares
@ewwhite not clicking that
It's work safe.
well, I wouldn't click on Jenna...
@ewwhite so, what can we do to dial down these shares or get them sorted?
@MDMarra gotta find out what connects to them
So, bill the other outstanding projects. Then let's clean up this mess :)
you need a new terminal server?
is ts1 fucked up, too?
yeah, it probably is
If you'd like to start totally fresh, we can do that
Is there any way to make the VPN work me on this?
I'd hate to have to rdp to this old box to jump to the new stuff
I'd have to set a persistence rule on the load balancer
sounds do-able :)
try it now
no :(
works for me!
I added an ipsec-esp rule... maybe that'll work
oh well
00:00 - 05:0005:00 - 23:00

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