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i know its possible, obviously
but i also know that nginx can serve static HTML like McDonalds serves burgers
and i was wondering if there are any statistics
So, looks like we're getting 28" of snow
and if not, if that kind of thing occurs with any frequency
@MikeO Nope, you'd have to test it.
@Cole No kidding? It's sunny and 40ish here. Have fun. Hope you didn't get rid of your shovel.
@jscott I didn't - I'm really not supposed to be shoveling. at least until next week - but yeah
Trying to not do too much so I don't stretch my scars
Right side has stretched a bit, a lot of it I can't avoid
I'm a machine when it comes to shoveling, maybe since I'm so low to the ground.
Q: Can you help me with my capacity planning?

voretaq7 This is a Canonical Question about Capacity Planning Related: How do you do Load Testing and Capacity Planning for Web Sites? How do you do Load Testing and Capacity Planning for Databases? I have a question regarding capacity planning. Can the Server Fault community please...

@Basil !!!!!!!!!!
@Cole hi :)
God damn razor burn! I need new razors
@Cole I upgraded to a 2.9GHz quad-core Intel Core i5 and a 21.5 inch screen. My old monitor was 27 inches. Hated it.
Would rather have two monitors.
@mossy nice.
I supposedly getting an Optiplex with a Core i5/8GB of memory
i'll take it though
@mossy 27" with what resolution?
I want to get one of the Korean A- S-IPS 1440P panels for like $300
They have a brand of those at Microcenter a couple miles away from me for $400, I'm a little more tempted by that
anyone ever hear of mikrotik?
@MDMarra DO IT!!!! Seriously, best 800 bucks I've spent in years.
Linux people, who knows about this?
# yum -y install tuned-utils tuned
Loaded plugins: product-id, rhnplugin, security, subscription-manager
This system is not registered to Red Hat Subscription Management. You can use subscription-manager to register.
This system is receiving updates from RHN Classic or RHN Satellite.
how many screens do you all work with?
@NickM. Yep; they're pretty big in the semi-DIY AP and Router world
@NickM. Tres
@pauska Heh. On a rleated note, I checked the amazon page for SimCity this morning. Over 300 new 1 star reviews in less than 10 hours. That's a new 1 star review every 2 minutes. Kinda of an impressive rate.
Mother Nature cockblocked me today. Bitch.
@NickM. 3. Might go up to 4 soon, but three's a reasonable number... more than that and it's a chore to manage which screen you're doing what on, IMO.
@HopelessN00b Depends on how they're laid out and sizes too...
You definitely want to keep all the same size if you can.
@NickM. 2 here. 20" WS and 20" Standard. Previous job 3x 22" WS
@NickM. I use MiktoTik fairly heavily.
I hate my setup bit, it's all I'm getting
And having them all in a line makes it easier to move windows from one screen to the next <kbd>Win</kbd> + Arrow keys and all that.
Markdown fails me again
Markdown - you are so disappointing.
@MichaelHampton You know all things Red Hat...
what's up with the subscription manager
@HopelessN00b yeah I've been trying to get in the game for 2 hours now.. not a chance
@ChrisS And what you're doing, I suppose. IF/when I go to four screens, one's going to have something static on it, like cacti graphs or the monitoring system. Actively working 3 screens is definitely my limit.
@pauska Oh, you bought it? Ouch. Condolences, man.
Glad I didn't buy it
well I wasnt going to
but then twitter was all "wow eu servers are working great"
@Cole Yeah, I won't even entertain any game with always-on DRM.
I guess every other player in the world noticed the same thing.. I thought it was region locked :(
Has EA even made a statement?
I'm weird, I like to actually own the shit I buy, and not have to constantly ask for permission to use it.
the usual stuff
@HopelessN00b I know, you crazy man!
"We are aware that there are some problems for some players on some servers"
@Cole A pretty hilarious one, yeah. Something about requiring a constant internet connection being a good thing.
@ewwhite It's been a while, but I think that just means "You don't have paid support, so you don't have access to a non-free tool we ship only to paying customers." That and they maintain separate update servers for paying customers.
"We thank you for your patience"
you know
the regular US bullshit way of being polite while actually turning down people
@SmallClanger no, these are licensed servers... RHEL seems to have replaced run_register
@pauska That's a US thing? I dunno, I think it's more of a corporate thing. I've heard the same type of handling BS from companies on 3 continents.
@ewwhite Ah. No idea, then, sorry.
I feel silly, but Oracle is forcing me to keep a server at version 6.2 of RHEL...
is there a way to do that cleanly?
people ask on SF... but the suggestions don't seem to work
@pauska Didn't you see the story about EA hiring Chinese spammers to flood boards with crap like that?
@ChrisS I read that story and my first thought was they were way overpaying. Hell, I'd give some serious thought to jumping on that money train for ~$0.16/post.
@pauska 1920 x 1200
Sorry no, wrong computer
With an hour or tw programming a markov chain of positive comments I could probably start blasting several comments per second. At ¢16 each, that'd get my IP banned before I earned more than a few hundred. =]
@pauska 2560 x 1440
@mossy I'd love a screen like that.. though I prefer dual screens when I can, and dual 27" is a bit overkill..
@pauska the problem with a screen that size is you move your head so much. It sounds ridiculous.. but 10 hours of working on it gives me a headache and a broken neck.
@HopelessN00b You got two?
@pauska My dream setup is two 27" 2560x1440 S-IPS panels. One vertical, one horizontal
Can't beat a vertical monitor on the side
@MDMarra Same here, except both horizontal
mossy: no need to move your head that much
Having a large screen does not mean every app needs to be maximised
@ChrisS I can't see everything with two horizontals. I have to turn my head too much
That's why I like one vertical
I love using a larrge screen. I got a web browser open with this chat, and to the side I still see part of a window with other logs (ssh)
You get all the same real estate, but things that don't need to be wide like Chat and Outlook can be on the vertical
I've found Dell makes a 1440x900 17" monitor too Just a little too big, but very close to being a perfect vertical side monitor for the 27" IPS display
I like this 21.5 inch a lot - 1920 x 1080
@MDMarra Over under?
@ChrisS I'd be annoyed by the different panel type
@ChrisS Now you're just CRAZY
@MDMarra I'm not sure how much it would annoy me... I might have to try if I get a few spare bucks
I am pretty picky about my displays. But I am not annoyed by two different sizes (tI used both 15" 1280x1024 and 26" 1920x1200 side by side, and a 24" 1920x1200 and a 26" 1920x1200 side by side).
I get annoyed by the warmth differences between different brands/models
But everybody is different, so trying it is indeed recommended
having TFT + IPS would make me crazy
I actually have very cheap dell led screens at work
IPS is so much better than TN when rotating a panel 90 degrees
dual 24" with 1920x1200.. good enough really
I have two 23" Dells here
@Hennes I've got my laptop next to a 19" right now. They've both 900 high, but 1600 and 1440 wide. =[
a 16:9 screen vertical is comical
I miss 16x10
Dell UltraSharp U2412M
You can get 16x10, but it's more expensive because they don't have the mass production of TV screens
There are 22s actually
my 26" is TN. If I rotate it it looks horrible. (It cam without a rotating stand...for a good reason)
When @ewwhite gets around to billing all of these people, I'm going to go buy one of those 27" IPS panels from Microcenter
I have a cheapo 26" HanSpree that is savage on the eyes
I was going to get a 27" by now, but I've been sucked into getting IB running...
and the HDMI-to-Displayport adapter causes flickering
@MDMarra Yup. Main screen is still a run of the mill 28" inch WS LCD, on account of an older motherboard that doesn't like to display BIOS and POST on those IPS monitors. Flanked by those IPS screens, and it looks really sweet.
I want native displayport
The next screen I buy (whenever a current one fails) will be 16:10 and it will be IPS and have display port
@HopelessN00b WS?
Ugh my Westinghouse sucks - it's so yellow now lol
and my Hanspree one has so many dead pixels
Using my laptop's screen next to the hanspree really brings out how bad it is
@MDMarra billing takes too much time!
I prolly have $60k sitting out there to be collected!
Get an AA :)
@MDMarra Oh, widescreen... 16:9 or whatever. I guess that's the standard for monitors these days... old habit, since I've been using 16:9 monitors since the days when 4:3 was standard.
@MDMarra I'd like to :(
I don't even know what brand it is, TBH.
@ewwhite You really only need to bill one client and pay me out of that
What you do with the rest of that is your business
Viewsonic, maybe.
(hire an AA though, that's the first step to you starting a real consulting business)
((and my first step to being the VP of engineering))
@HopelessN00b We sold those at a shop I worked at when I was first getting into tech
It's all we sold, I assumed they were awesome
@MDMarra Enh. I can't tell the difference between them and the cheap-o Hanns-G monitors I used for years, at least in terms of display quality.
They're definitely middle of the road. As a 19 year old with no clue though, I just assumed "Hey, it's all we sell. They must be primo!"
Ah, gotcha. Popularity isn't a good indicator of quality, is it?
I also used to think that charging $60 to reinstall windows for people's laptops when they got viruses was bad
I was so naive
@MDMarra Psssh
I would be happy with reinstalling it for $60. if all I needed to do was reinstalling it without user interaction.
Just line up the PCs to fix. Reinstall, run updates (from a local source, not downloading them all over and over). Add the requested free AV product. Done
What I fear are the users who want to add a ton of little tools, need their icons back in the same place and we are afraid to click a mouse button
Oh, and please reinstall these illegal copies of software I got from the neighbour and add my wireless printer, which is on the other side of the house and .. and ..
@Hennes which is why I stay away from helpdesk, and dont tell anyone I know what I do for a living lol
good morning all
Ayup. :-)
My favourite (less, least favourite) problem:
I set up a printer via wireless. then went on vacation and now it will no longer print!
(Wireless, DHCP lease and everything turned off during the vacation... You can fill in the gaps and why it does not work)
4 people on summer vacation. 4x the same problem.
@Hennes theres one person I dont mind helping out, one of my dads friends, because he doesnt mind helping me out when I need welding or something done, anyone else, is one thier own
I used to take pride in being able to fix stuff... Not anymore lol, now when I hear people talking about thier computer problems, I sit back, stfu, and let Mr. "I installed AVG all on my own" give his advice.
Last week my dad told me that "He installed opera all on his own!"
just tell people your a data analyst (obscure, and semi accurate) no one bugs you
He is on Xpo and had an ancient IE. I never upgraded it because a button might have moved, or it might look slightly different. (Dad is nearing 70 yr old)
dont keep computers in your house, if you do, a laptop, hidden.
It turns out that he did not mind the change since "his internet is still google"
My upstairs neighbor asked if I knew how to fix laptops last night... I asked what was wrong with it. She said "Somebody used to look at porn on it." Nope. Not touchin' that one...
@Hennes yeah, my grandpa was like that lol, he would freak out out if I changed the resolution from 640x480 to 800x600
@Tanner burn it with fire
It took 5 years, but dad now knows how to pouble clock everything (all the time. Never a single click!) and how to type "youtube funny videos"
Then close the browser,
start the browser again (now at the homepage which is google) and try it again
Not that all old people are computer illeterate
mud.stack.nl runs a guest mud called Split infinity... main creator is a truly ancient grandmother.
@Hennes whats a pouble clock?
Double Click
Double typo
Security awareness training...
double click what?
does double clicking explain what a pouble clock is?
@MattBear Sounds kind of like trampling.
so if I see @mdmarra's social security number or medical test results, I need to notify someone.
I cant even find it on google....
@MattBear lmao
googles telling me to double click too
Can't tell if serious or... He meant it was a typo. Was trying to say double click and typed pouble clock.
what am I supposed to double click!!!
The 'i' and the 'o' are next to each other. Easy to typo those.
just tell me what a pouble clock is, no more games!
Not sure how I messed up the 'd' and the 'p'
@Hennes lol
woot, disabling lock-tables fixed my MySQL export errors
thank you google
/me ponders a nic short URL explaining "double clock" and landing on a tubgirl page. OR maybe youtube and Rick Ashley
@Hennes Rick Ashley... I used to love his songs
Oh, the songs can be fine. It is just traditional to RickRoll someone
never gonna give you up was one of my favs
i thought the video was pretty good too
holy crap, just looked it up on youtube, 60 million views... is he making a come back?
@ewwhite Tweet it
@MattBear are you drunk or something?
@Tanner no, I dont drink anymore
..because the bottle is now empty ...
Anyway. AFK for a bit.
@Hennes used to get me into trouble...
heh its sooooo easy
I think I forgot /sarcasm on
but oh well, /sarcasm off
i couldnt be a /b/rother without knowing that :p
@MDMarra Yeah @mdmarra thinks it's a poison ivy rash...
Oh god, I can tell it's friday: Website expires my password, so I open the safe, generate and save a new one, then look at the page... "Please enter your current password to continue"
@SmallClanger what do you use as a safe?
(Yeah I could fish it out of the backup)
I've been using clipperz, but I need to find a real solution
loooool last night somebody shut down the server holding the transaction log without taking down the database...
@Tanner CSB
KeePass + KeePassHTTP + IPassFox/IPassChrome
w00t get to go home at 2
w00t get to go home whenever I darn well please =P
well, fuck.
Q: gentoo esxi install failing

rahrahrubyI'm new to gentoo and am having problems with the install step that wants you to copy the kernel you configured from "make modules_install" I am using esxi vmware and I used the default values in that were presented in "make modules_install". When I try to copy the bzImage file over, the copy fai...

@ScottPack They had it figured in only twelve minutes. Not too shabby for accomplishing something in Gentoo.
@jscott Yup. Only took him 12 minutes to realize that there's a difference between i386 and x86_64
I won't downvote :)
Me either.
Q: Keep RHEL at a particular minor revision level?

ewwhiteI'm working with a large database platform (Or#&%@) that requires a specific revision level of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In this case, it needs EL6.2 in order to retain support and compatibility with several DB features that we intend to use. What is the cleanest, most elegant way to update ...

that fool deserves a downvote.
but seriously, I don't know how to do it.
@ewwhite just click the down arrow on the left of the post ...
@Iain I'm talking about the evil smiley face guy.
I have a damn system that's trying to update to RHEL 6.4
but needs to be 6.2
EZ points, @MichaelHampton
@ewwhite it's currently 6.2 ?
@Iain 6.2 installed from our imager.
and it needs to stay at 6.2 - no updates or something else ?
6.2 + updates
I need a good mysql admin guide... any advice
how is 6.2 updated ?
@MattBear Something more than the website?
yeah, im looking through safari books
@Iain yum :)
once 6.3 etc is out isn't 6.2 abandoned in favour of them ?
I thought each minor release has its own security (but not functionality) update stream. or no?
@Iain Z-stream, I think
> Red Hat offers the Extended Update Support (EUS) Add-On to a Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription for those customers who wish to standardize on a specific minor release for an extended period of time. The EUS Add-On allows customers the flexibility to decide when to take advantage of new Red Hat Enterprise Linux features, including new hardware enablement.
if you have the EUS addon then you can keep getting security and serious bugfix updates for 6.2 without jumping to the latest 6.x
not that I need continuous updates.. just the last 6.2 kernel and all of the updates until the end of that series.
@ewwhite maybe I can figure it out if you post your /etc/yum*conf and /etc/yum.repos.d/*.conf files, omitting of course any internal corporate or third party repos
/etc/yum.repos.d]# cat redhat.repo
# Certificate-Based Repositories
# Managed by (rhsm) subscription-manager
So you're not directly using yum, in the sense that yum isn't the tool fetching the update packges; it's RHSM.
Is there any difference between running a program as a service, or running a program through a scheduled task to run on startup as a different account?
@tombull89 Certainly yes
Yes, windows.
when you start a Windows Service, it responds to the service control API; furthermore, the service control manager can choose to start it in-process within a svchost.exe alongside other services in the same virtual address space / process image
when you start something through a scheduled task, it basically uses the RunAs interface to start it as another user, but it doesn't support or respond to the service control API
and it'll always be in its own virtual address space
@allquixotic I've got an .exe which I can double-click to run. When running it provides a web server on 8080. It's set to run on startup as an account that's been granted log on as a service privs and, when I'm logged on as the machines admin account I can see it's running as that account fine, but the web server is not accessible.
Looks like I need to start it as a service then...
@tombull89 Does the executable support running as a service? Unless you wrap it in something like srvany, you can't just run any old executable as a service
@allquixotic not that I'm aware of
you have to export a pre-defined series of native entry points in your binary image's virtual function table
if it doesn't explicitly export those, then it can't run as a service, unless you download the Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit and use the srvany.exe binary within, which is basically a wrapper that does support the service control API, and will "manage" its child process (the non-service-aware binary) by spawning the child process when starting the service, and terminating it when stopping the service
There's something called SrvStart that could work with it
don't know about SrvStart, that might be something newer than srvany with a similar purpose
oh, man. Nothing's ever simple, is it? :P
the Win2k Server RK is only 4.6 MB download from microsoft.com, it's free
there are various tutorials if you google "srvany" that'll tell you how to get it working
I've tested it on Windows versions as new as Server 2012, and it still works
Thanks, that's something to keep me entertained for the rest of the evening.
@ewwhite Looks like the answer may be here if you have the Red Hat subscription login
If it doesn't work with the SrvAny type tools @tombull89 then you can use the windows job scheduler to create a scheduled task to run your .exe 'when the computer starts'. It's a bit ghetto, I don't like doing or even suggesting it, but when push comes to shove it bloody well works.
@allquixotic Z-stream, right?
@ewwhite I guess so? If the version numbers go x.y.z then what you want is the latest x.y.z maximize z holding x and y constant
not sure how to tell rhsm to pick that but it sounds like that's your goal
all day, every day...
@ewwhite is that a Red Hat Red Screen of Death?
@ewwhite RSOD! At least it's not PSOD
@allquixotic It's not the Windows Red Screen of Death... So, could be...
it's the proliant red screen of death
people at work think the machine is defective.
but it's just that there's no boot drive.
I had that once... I can't remember what I was doing to generate it, but the hardware wasn't bad...
so now I'm just booting up the firmware DVD
which clearly boots
I think it's that the old logical drive had an OS on it or something funky.
@allquixotic from the RHEL site...

You can certainly could get 6.2.z by executing below:
# echo 6.2 > /etc/yum/vars/releasever
On RHEL6.2, you can not execute following because RHEL6.2 does not provide "release" option.
# subscription-manager release --set=6.2
@ewwhite lol that's easy enough. An echo :D
does that work?
testing now
Heh. I've been installing old Windows Server OSes for far too long. Only 28 updates available for 2012, so I thought I must be having trouble connecting to the Microsoft update site.
@RobM That's what I'm currently doing - the program is running as the user I set it to (I can see in task manager it's running and the account it's running as) but I can't access the inbuilt web server when I'm supposed to be able to.
ok that's a bit weird
If I run the program as admin it works fine
But when you run it as the same user via scheduled tasks it doesn't?
If I'm logged on as the account I want to run it as, and launch the program, or force start the task, it runs okay.
@tombull89 what web server? do you have a log file from when it starts automatically?
@allquixotic I'm just trying to find a log file
@ewwhite I think that's the command-line equivalent of what I posted as an answer :p
@MikeyB did not work
Ugh, I have 1,754 servers entitled on the RHN page
@tombull89 use process explorer to see what it writes to when you start it from task scheduler
@ewwhite So basically you pay Lennart Poettering's salary
@ewwhite As in, would work if you had subscribed to that option?
@MikeyB the option is not available
I'm sure you're an "executive" customer to them... they would probably do a free site visit =P
The cheapest 2-socket server license they sell (which I highly doubt you have any entitlements to since it's "self-support" only), is $349
2000 licenses at $349 (which is probably less than what you paid per entitlement) is almost $700k... o_O
I don't think we pay that way... it's like the 800-CPU Vmware license we have
MS, RHEL and VMware all get a monthly cut.
Don't mind me, just having fun with license-free openstack over here
@JoelESalas CRASH!
honestly, I prefer CentOS
mainly because I don't like dealing with licensing
Man there's a lot of snow out there
I run Debian Squeeze on my box (note: box singular; I can understand having RHEL support for 2000+ boxes)
probably switching to CentOS 7 when it comes out
@ewwhite That's a fuckload of channels.
and entitlements.
hahaha they are going to use Fedora 18, which is hailed as a craptastically unstable distro, for RHEL7
@allquixotic Fedora has been upsteam of RHEL...forever
It always seem to turn out OK
@MDMarra I know, but most Fedora releases are at least semi stable once they go final
@ewwhite I suppose. The last time I saw our numbers they were a lot bigger.
F18 "final" is of a stability level you'd expect of a typical Fedora Alpha release
What should I do if a Windows update consistently fails
and they only have until Dec 2013 (at the latest) to stabilize it if they're sticking to the plan of releasing RHEL 7 in 2013
Except for gnome-shell I've found F18 to be pretty stable.
its that ^
tried downloading it manually and running it, still failed
RHEL 7 will be the first release of RHEL to use systemd. Forget the desktop stuff; sysadmins are going to be confused and bewildered (and lots of other allergic reactions) to RHEL7 ;-)
I laugh because I think systemd is pretty cool but lots of people won't be amused
@David what error code did it fail with?
And have you googled it?

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