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@ewwhite Did the script end up being as fun as predicted?
@JoelESalas maybe
but now we need the right verbiage to defend ourselves.
@ewwhite Is their request entirely inadvisable?
did you see the script?
Nope, was driving home
Oh, um..
Doesn't seem that nutty. I also don't see why this can't be run on a clone
@JoelESalas because there's no sanity checking...
So you can't do this on one box, then clone that box?
and the other...
the developer doesn't like that some users are already there (service accounts), our root access, SNMP, etc.
Ok now it's getting good
So what's wrong with it?
Subversion the Configuration: This time it's personal
the client is blaming us for not having a pristine RHEL image because his script doesn't work
Well you're in luck! I happen to have a pristine image
our images aren't pristine... they're kickstarted per-client.
mastered and cloned
but we have monitoring hooks, backup software, networking, etc. that needs to be embedded.
That doesn't affect any of this. We pull down some packages, move shit around, add users
First thing I do see right out the gate is the subversion server prompts for credentials
and I don't see the script handling that
the point is that the dev is telling the higher-ups that our server images are broken
and urging them to go to another provider.
Personally I'd just do it, sans the root access line
My boss shits me sometimes. He came to me this morning, "Mark, can we do $x?" to which I said "No, because of $y and $z". Someone else comes up to me a few hours later and says "Can I pick your brain about something?" - turns out my boss had simply gone to someone else, and rather than asking their opinion, just said "Do $x"
@JoelESalas It's principle.
also lol he echoes the config into the file but doesn't restart the daemon
Our servers aren't broken...
@ewwhite You're a badder dude than I am
his script is.
Can you show his bosses where the script breaks?
I was going to...
Also since when do developers call the shots about hosting providers?
that's what I'm sayin'
he wanted Ubuntu
Guys, Windows 8 is growing on me.
@mossy gtfo
@mossy I like it too
4 mins ago, by Mark Henderson
@mossy gtfo
23 secs ago, by Mark Henderson
4 mins ago, by Mark Henderson
@mossy gtfo
33 mins ago, by Joel E Salas
23 secs ago, by Mark Henderson
4 mins ago, by Mark Henderson
@mossy gtfo
@MarkHenderson So the last email I got said that the power issue destroyed the RAID cards in two servers. I definitely want to hear the full explanation when this is over.
@mossy You should see a doctor about that. Having Windows 8 could be a sign of a serious life-threatening disease.
Oh i don't own it.
@mossy If you're exposed to someone else's Windows 8, you could catch it.
Why does tzdata take as long to "cleanup" as every other package put together
Q: I am looking to buy online steroids

user163529Myself Peter I am New in England, I want to buy online steroids. But I don’t know where i can buy best online steroids in the England. If you have a much idea so share with me.

Why is that even still there?
@MichaelHampton what souls are you crushing tonight?
@mossy Haven't figured that out yet. But it will be whoever made both sides of the datacenter power fail at the same time...
Ohh fun.
he wants the online steroids, not the offline steroids
This cron job fails every morning.
have it set to 1 am and it wont run. Kinda frustrating.
@MichaelHampton -.- god damn it
0 1 * *
@mossy You're missing a * there, aren't you?
Found the problem! I'm a dumbass
@mossy don't you get any error messages mailed to you or in your logs about that ?
Q: Why is my crontab not working, and how can I troubleshoot it?

Eric Leschinski This is a Canonical Question about using crontab. The answer for 'Why is my crontab not working, and how can I troubleshoot it?' can be seen below. This addresses the cron system with the crontab highlighted.

There's logs, I just haven't really put much thought into it. yesterday I was curious why it didn't run, today I found that it was my fault.
I don't have these specific jobs configured to email
they just dump in /dev/null
@MichaelHampton I'm almost ready for your port scan
@MichaelHampton clients.longerdays.com
good luck hackin me im too good at my job
@mossy I don't see any IPv6 there?
yeah i turned it off lol
Where's the dislike button?
wow sounds like I missed an interesting night - both AM I BEING VIRTUALIZED and SERVER 2008 ATE MY DOWNLOAD.
OK, so you want an IPv6 port scan...but IPv6 is off?
I didn't know we were limiting it to IPv6
You can do IPv4 yourself :P
Morning all
Parcel delivery sucks huge balls when you work away
Can't order it to where I'm working because if it gets delayed, my parcel is then 100+ miles away from me in some random place. Can't order it to my office, because I'm not there and that's 55 miles away from me. So I order it to my house, but because I'm away and Jane works - there's nobody there!

And Interlinks depot is open for 2 whole hours on a Saturday morning!
@Dan Isn't there some holding service you can ship it to that you can collect from when it's convenient? I think I read about one that will re-deliver at evenings/weekends, too.
@SmallClanger Maybe, I'm not paying for it though
The Amazon Locker thing is quite good if you order it from then, but then I tried it once had a "Your Parcel Has Been Delivered" e-mail and the shop denied all knowledge. Had to go back the next day which pissed me off
It was massively infuriating
"It says my parcel has been delivered"
"It's not here yet, come back later"
"Yes, but, the delivery driver clearly thinks it's been delivered - so he's not going to come later is he?"
"You need to come back later"
Serious question - is there any point to vSphere essentials at all
@Dan that's just been listed from the VM forums
@Iain Hopefully it'll work when I get home tonight
I need to hit VM up for some cash again, actually, due to their piss taking contention rates
I wish I hadn't signed up with them again in November, but on the plus side I've not paid for a full month since
And I thought Comcast was bad. At least they wouldn't let a popular website go inaccessible for a whole day, let alone a week or more.
@Dan it's been bad for 2 or more weeks so I guess if you're not affected already then you're ok
@Iain I've not really been home since
I'm on VM and I don't recall having any issues recently.
I always get that man-behind-the-curtain feeling when I read about some peering or routing cock-up. It amazes me how things mostly stay working when there are so many people around the world with the ability to royally knacker them.
@SmallClanger Haha, yeah
If we ever find out what the problem was I bet it's a fat finger
More than likely
I have to admit, I'm next to clueless about what really happens once the packets have left my end points.
In my head, it's like Mike TV out of Charlie and the Chocolate factory.
I have a halfway decent idea what happens to packets on the Internet. But don't ever ask me to configure it. I'd probably send YouTube to Pakistan.
@MichaelHampton Hah, that's the one I had in mind. Some fat fingerer managed to publish routes for youtube that the rest of the internet just accepted?
I'm with @SmallClanger, my networking knowledge is definitely limited to LANs
@SmallClanger Yes indeed. Several years on, not much has been done about it either.
@SmallClanger It's kind of surprising that nobody (China, I' mlooking at you) has done any real damage yet
Worse, there are several competing proposed protocols for securing BGP. One has been around almost as long as BGP itself, but was never widely used.
Ah well, it's not like we rely on the Internet for anything critical is it now
Heh: "Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4), along with a host of other
infrastructure protocols designed before the Internet environment
became perilous, was originally designed with little consideration
for protection of the information it carries."
No, the Internet is just a fad. It'll fade away pretty soon.
See also: Every other internet protocol ever/
Not long ago I was reading the original RFC for what eventually became FTP. It was dated 1969.
@MichaelHampton I hear they're bringing out a new version - Web 6.0 I think it's called
Microsoft Web 2017?
@Dan Don't touch it until Web 6.1.3r5
I hate myself right now, despite all the (totally deserved) bad press around Sim City I'm still so tempted to buy it if the weather is shit this weekend
@Dan haha. oh you so funny.
Wait til they add more servers and see if the capacbility is there
@tombull89 I won't, because I realise I stand a high chance of not being able to play it, but man, I want that game
Quite enjoying Tomb Raider, at the moment. No crappy DRM there.
I'd reccomend Tomb Raider as well. Currently playing Bioshock and managing to gross out my Dad when he watches me play. When I finish 1 and 2 infinite should be out, plus I found out lst night Steam will be releasing Age of Empires II HD Collection - store.steampowered.com/app/221380. AoEII became something of a family meme and I am seriously looking forward to it's release.
@tombull89 - During my last year at uni, you could often hear scream of "Fucking Priests!" coming from one of my flatmates bedrooms as they wandered into firing range of my ballistas. :D
@SmallClanger WOLOLO
Also hosting a "cheats allowed" game on the Gaming Zone was hilarious...it lasted less than 5 minutes typically.
Heh. Always kill the priests first. Good general life advice, that.
@tombull89 Oh god, AoE. I shit you not - I used to play that with my brother over a parallel cable using laplink
@Dan Amazon have suspended sales of Sim City - some of the reviews are brilliant - amazon.com/Electronic-Arts-41018ted-Edition2-SimCity/dp/…
@tombull89 Good.
"Go up to a random stranger, preferably a musclehead, hand him your $60 and ask him to punch you in the face," says a disgruntled gamer. "You'll get more out of your money, and it'll be less painful to watch."
This online obsession has got to stop, it's infuriating
I don't want to play online, I don't need you to run servers for me - just put the binaries on the fucking disc and let me play my game in peace, where I choose
With any luck it'll get cracked and hacked and I'll use that version instead
@Dan I suspect it's winging it's way to The Pirate Bay as we speak.
@Dan: same thing that annoyed me about DIII
@JourneymanGeek It's really poor and, frankly, EA deserve to go bankrupt
There's at least a good reason for d3 to be online.
There's no concivable reason a single player game should lag
@MichaelHampton: the real money auction house?
@JourneymanGeek Yes, mainly that. And the multiplayer modes...
@MichaelHampton: still dosen't negate the fact that the single player game can lag ;p
@JourneymanGeek It's never lagged for me.
it has badly for me
/me also discovered torchlight around that time
even less story, but its good fun, and plays wonderfully in single player
"By the way, the belly-aching over the server issues is overblown since the "orange fingered adolescents" (I like that Jack!!!) are in control. I won't be surprised to see that the "special" 1 star reviews outnumber the honest {1 star-5 star} reviews by 3 to 1. Many MMORPG's have server issues the first few weeks. Yes, this is not a MMORPG's but the screaming about not being able to get on the first day is ludicrous. There will always be some issues at the very beginning. "

Some people have really strange ways of looking at things
If I splash a chunk of change on a game, damn straight I expect to be able to play it now. If I purchased a new car and it broke down on the forecourt then I'd chuck the keys back at them and ask for the money to be returned
feeling that way about my new mouse :/
waiting for the distributor to approve an exchange on it
I've decided to start a blog - how novel!
@Dan Wordpress?
@tombull89 Yeah - I've had a Wordpress install in some form for years and years, but never really done a fat lot with it. Problem is, I'm not really a blogger and i don't have any desire to express my opinions on one - BUT, what I do think I need is an online presence that I control
Dealt with a hacked wordpress blog last night, that was fun. .htaccess had been modified and there was a load of stuff being inserted in the page.
It's so easy to keep up to date, there's no excuse
apparently it happened before but they deleted all files, re-uploaded everything from good known, changed db and ftp password and yet it happened again.
I just want somewhere that shows a bit of me - as I've said before, I don't really know what my career plans are for the next few years so I'm kind of preparing for that in a sense.
Hehe, just found this photo
I need another holiday!
that front wheel looks wonky
Of course, it's American.
@tombull89 I hate to say it, but while good fun, the car was shit
I got like 2.5 hours of sleep total
Today is going to be amazing
@mossy Porn addiction?
Naw can't watch porn mum gets mad
@Dan Yes, cars tend to be shit when the wheels are falling off.
@Dan You look like a girl!
@pauska I do? :(
and yes, the steering on that car is like driving a boat.. but it was fucking awesome on the highways!
That totally dosen't look like chloe ;p
@MichaelHampton Ahaha, there's nothing wrong with the bloody steering :D
@JourneymanGeek I still maintain that Chloe was hot
Grr. Fuck foreign tech support: "Can you confirm the issue which you were referring that you got it back is regarding the camera or the trace of the previous video image which is not refreshed. "
@Dan: did anyone actually pay attention to that? ;p
@pauska Agreed - it was a life long ambition. Take a Ford Mustang (Okay, I'd rather an old one) and drive into the Arizona desert! Done!
@Dan It does look like something's wrong with the wheel though. Of course, I could be distracted by the scenery and not seeing it correctly...
wheel does look off to me
and I was quite nearly an auto mechanic, in the sense that I used to help one out ;p
@JourneymanGeek Yes, can't remember the stats but I had more profile views in that time than I did for the entire rest of my membership!
@JourneymanGeek It's not bloody off - it's just nearly at the end of lock
@Dan she was cute in a way
@tombull89 Yes, cute is the better word
@tombull89 I guess what I'm saying is "I would have"
But that feels wrong, given I have no idea who she is
that's part of the charm of it
chloe is mysterious
Not like Sandra?
@JourneymanGeek It did creep people out, though
There's something off about Sandra IMHO
But I'm sure she's lovely
@Dan: well, probably cause she's female and cute...
or are 2 meters wide around the ass
and that's entirely uncommon ;p
@JourneymanGeek Eh, she does nothing for me but I guess different strokes!
I suppose ;p
@Dan it's more fun to drive a car like that when you can accelerate.. like around a city :)
Eh, I didn't really think Sandra was cute.
If cole changed his gravatar to his pre-op picture his profile views would go through the roof.
@Dan who is chloe?
@pauska Yeah, probably - didn't really spend much time driving AROUND Vegas as such
@tombull89 Cole was hot, to be frank
@pauska The girl I keep in my basement
The girl in the picture?
@Dan ah. Fritz-style. Right on bro.
@pauska I didn't say she was daughter, dude
@MichaelHampton isn't that girly dan?
@MichaelHampton It's me
Now I'm gender-confused.
@MichaelHampton No, seriously - the girl in the pic is my real life fiancé
Chloe was me pretending to be a girl, the picture was a random Google Image Search
And Cole was a hot girl
yeah now I remember chloe
Server Fault: Mixing up gender roles since 2011
cole posted pics of .. nicole?
never seen
@pauska I'm sure if you ask, he'll put them up again, though we're rather moving into the realms of objectification. Mind you, now he's a man in the physical sense too, perhaps he'll become a misogynist - that could be interesting
@Cole, @pauska wants to cyber with you
@tombull89 I do really feel for him though, being born a simple white, heterosexual male has got to be like starting life 100 points ahead of everyone else
@Dan: depends on where I suppose
being born a guy in singapore occationally sucks
@JourneymanGeek I'm not so sure - homophobia, sexism and misogyny is pretty universal
The disabled toilet here has some kind of crazy hidden folding door thing which I fell into, and then struggle to get out of. Good luck to a disabled person
@Dan I'd prefer to be gay in, say, the UK than in, say, Africa, where in most contries it's illegal or you face the death sentance.
@tombull89 Oh, hell yeah
@Dan: Well, my government is fairly homophobic unless you're rich
(one of my best friends is gay, didn't find out till last year. Pity, I'd have hit on his 'girlfriend' back in the day then ;p)
@JourneymanGeek Haha, I'm not sure it would make it legit!
@Dan: ;p
wasn't his girlfriend, so fair game ;p
@JourneymanGeek Ooh, I see, a cover up!
Yeah fooled everyone too ;p
Telling that he felt that he had to do that though :(
Well, yeah
My old battletech group had someone who was bi, and someone who eventually became FTM so...
most of that gang was probably not going to give a shit
I still don't really ;p
LOLOLOL just saw a student trying to play ARMA2 on one of our desktop machines
(on the other hand, I totally discriminate against people who can't be bothered to learn shit)
@tombull89 Good choice
@tombull89: single digit FPS? ;p
@Dan desktop machines are dual core 2.8ghz with 4GB RAM and integrated intel graphics. Don't think they'll run ARMA2
@tombull89 My laptop ran it surprisingly okay, though the graphics are marginally better
Or was that ARMA 1
1 I suspect. II had quite high requirements.
I take it all back then!
gotta give him points for optimism
tho, other than graphics, thats probably better than the desktop I had till december
and now Doom 3, which seems to run fairly well
I was playing Max Payne on my Tablet last night!
Well impressed - it's old graphics, but damnit, it's on my tablet! I did that "Hmm, I'll just see what this things like" and then it was 12;00am :(
I put Command and Conquor Generals back on my desktop as well recently, with it being 10 years old.
Where does the time go, eh
Right, lunch time before I flip out and fly to Symantec HQ
oh god powershell
how can microsoft screw this up this badly?
@growse ..?
open powershell from start menu, command works fine. Execute c:\windows\...\powershell.exe to get prompt, suddenly: 'cannot retrieve dynamic properties for the cmdlet'
because that's an error message I can work with, obviously
@pauska check your gmail
@growse I cannot reproduce this error. Is there anything special about your environment (redirection or other GP) that could affect you user profile?
@jscott don't think so. Just trying to create an IIS AppPool from a command line.
I'll make a superuser q about it
@Iain I'll reply later today!
today doesn't appear to be going well. I can't make basic PS work, Rackspace have an 'issue' which prevents creation of any Windows instances, and I've got to migrate a codebase from a contractor who obviously didn't give a crap about maintainability. :(
@pauska cool
I think I shall give up on this, and grumpily review SF questions instead.
Are we in danger?
top - 08:25:08 up 9 days, 14:00,  7 users,  load average: 4.57, 4.98, 4.85
Tasks: 5222 total,   2 running, 5220 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  2.1%us,  4.1%sy,  0.0%ni, 70.6%id, 23.1%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.0%st
Mem:  98863236k total, 79252968k used, 19610268k free,   286712k buffers
Swap: 16777208k total, 15637440k used,  1139768k free, 40975376k cached
PID to kill:
17286 oracle    18   0 8466m 3.1g 3.1g D  0.6  3.3   8:00.91 oracle
# free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:         96546      77392      19153          0        280      40016
-/+ buffers/cache:      37096      59449
Swap:        16383      15270       1113
Your disks are kind of busy, but the RAM usage doesn't seem bad.
Woo, Friday. One of the two days of the week that make life worth living.
@HopelessN00b There's two of them?
I want to play sim city :(
@pauska Know how you feel
It has a 1 star amazon review and they've stopped selling it
@MDMarra Yeah, it's not going well
yes, because of the always online piece of shit
@pauska I still don't get why they felt they had to do that - it's like they just didn't understand their market in the slightest
it's still a great game when you can actually play it and not lose data.. fucking EA
I would have thought it would have been cracked by now
@MichaelHampton client is WORRIED
@tombull89 Problem is, I have a horrid feeling it actually does processing online - so if that's the case, there's no way round it really
@ewwhite didn't I help you with this the other day? Lower the shm size or get more RAM to avoid swap..
I don't even mind paying, I just can't be connected to the internet all the time
@pauska different client.
@ewwhite but it looks like the same scenario.. 15G in SWAP is not exactly normal. Or well, uh, I guess it would work fine if the swap never moved
@pauska dropped caches... and cache went from 70GB to 40GB
trying to see if there's enough room to move swap contents into RAM cleanly... we have DBAs here... I don't understand all of the conflicting info. Oracle's installer wants swappiness at 100...
RHEL recommends 0
the /dev/shm usage is nutty
well, to be totally honest, I'd trust the DBA's more than a chat room
it's pretty obvious from docs out there that oracle benefits greatly on shared memory, so I'm not surprised with the shm usage/size
it's just that your dba's have eaten up nearly ALL the memory for shared memory
@pauska I just followed you back on twitter, but it appears that you only speak in tongues in it. Have you hit your head?
with that kind of disk i/o you should have more free RAM for stuff like cache and active processes
@MDMarra oh. heh. I used this account at $lastjob to demonstrate a RSS feed plugin..
turns out its's like 7000 tweets that I have to delete manually one by one..
Do you speak English day-to-day or viking?
@pauska Oracle appears to be a mess, though. Lots of contradictory information.
I've never even worked at a place with english as language..
@pauska I'm seriously jealous of your English ability - I can speak like 3 words of foreign
Your English is really good man. Did you learn it from a young age?
@Dan it's not just me.. recent studies show that norwegian kids do better on english grammar than norwegian...
@pauska Well, y'know, superior language etc ;)
I can order a hamburger with no lettuce in Spanish. Not bragging, just throwing it out there.
@pauska they probably do better at English grammar than UK kids as we don't teach grammar (formally) any more
@MDMarra I could to, it'd just involve a lot of pointing and, of course, I'd have to shout very loudly and talk slowly so that those silly foreign people (Bless em!) could understand
I can swear at French ski instructors in French. if we're throwing things out there.
@MDMarra I can order a couple of beers in German
Well, I got my first computer very early (I was 7..?) with english MS-DOS on it.. it kind of went on from there. I had a full FreeBSD webhosting shop running at the age of 13..
stuff like #freebsdhelp and reading manpages really boosted my english skills
So you're self-taught?
#freebsdhelp was a bitch if you said something the wrong way.. everybody would point and laugh
well I did learn english in school
but not at this grade
Pretty impressive
I think we should ban him to make ourselves feel better
Although, technically, I guess I'm descending from Vikings so hmm
Now every time you point something out that I don't know I'm not only going to be like "damn, should have known that". I'm also going to be like "AND he speaks Viking most of the time!"
@pauska There's a couple websites out there that let you twitter-cide. They'll batch delete your tweets for you.
Q: Google indexed my site through a subdomain, how to fix?

Nathan CobbSo I recently switched to nginx but I didn't specify my site_name in nginx.conf, which I've learned is interpreted as a wildcard domain, meaning you can access the site through any subdomain. I had a subdomain DNS 'A' record set up pointing to my site's ip. Somehow google picked up on the subdoma...

How the hell did this get migrated here?
@MichaelHampton George Stocker at SF thought it should go here, so he moved it.
@MichaelHampton Because developers, duh.
Hardly the worst thing they've migrated to us, even if it would probably be a better fit at webmasters.
it is so weird that uname -a returns CentOS 6.3 but cat /etc/issue says "Debian". Have never seen that before... Is hetzner that bad? — TheBronx 2 hours ago
@tombull89 Hasn't it been? There's a number of cracks on TPB for it. I have no interest in it, and am at work anyway, so I can't check to see if they work, but I'd be rather surprised if it hasn't been cracked already. Doesn't seem to be any DRM that last more than a few hours after the scene groups get a hold of the game.
@HopelessN00b I would also check, but all UK ISPs have blocked access to TPB and I don't know of any proxies off the top of my head. It wouldnt surprise me, anyway. I think Spore was cracked in the first few hours of its release.
Why, sure, we'll block access to TPB...and other offensive websites, like that of Parliament!
@tombull89 Lol. That's a hilarious approach, blocking a link aggregator to prevent people from reaching the links it aggregates.
Okay, forgive the dumbness - how do I link directly to me careers.so account
@HopelessN00b Now if you want to talk about judicial stupidity I'm all ears :D (:()
@Dan That didn't work out so well last time... and without 100+ windows updates to watch install, I really don't have the time for that again today. :p
@HopelessN00b Haha, what I mean is that it's fucking stupid

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