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@MDMarra I suspect he's developing something or other; using an Admin account and a non-priv Testing account
@MDMarra I would swear all the text changed late yesterday or early this morning.
could be
But now I've been looking at it so long I can't tell anymore.
@mdmarra Pix have been uploaded!
So the chromebooks are nigh impossible to get in Canada.
@ewwhite to?
@Basil good, it sounds like that might have saved you $1300
@MDMarra There's a 199$ acer chromebook I was looking at actually
Oh, I thought you meant the Pixel
No, that's a stupid excess. If I'm going to buy something that expensive, I may as well get a real computer
Why are you looking at such cheap hardware? Just something to play around with?
My wife needs something to write on while she's traveling
ah, got ya
I'm thinking of renting a netbook from bestbuy (buying it and returning it when the chromebooks become available) but I don't feel right doing that
and you'll have to pay a 15% restocking fee/SOL if they can't find anything wrong with it, too.
I worked there for 2 years lol
that's not the case here I think
@Cole I can easily induce failure
In Computer Sales and Customer Service.
that too :P
@Cole Canada has different rules I think
As long as you don't have any water damage - go for it.
Damn Canadians
@Basil Why not get her a tablet + bluetooth keyboard?
Ah yes. Muskegon locals do not disappoint

@MDMarra She says that tablets are too small
'Adult size' panda costume only item apparently taken during Dalton Township burglary
@Basil an ipad is 9.7" What's a chromebook?
The small form factor ones are for sure, and I suspect that the large ones are over 500$, at which point I'll buy her a real computer
@MDMarra Oh, I uploaded the bling house photos to Flickr.
@MDMarra Chromebooks are 11 or 14
the 14 is 250$
oh, well that's not really a netbook then is it
@ewwhite I'll scope it out
@ewwhite it's for the whole building?
@MDMarra If there wwas a 10 inch tablet for 250$ I'd buy it
@MDMarra yes.
@ewwhite i like the 2nd fl balcony and 1fl porch
you could have some awesome parties
@Basil ipad2s are like $300
@MDMarra Eh, we don't have friends.
but there's a roof deck option.
and since the mini uses similar hardware to the ipad 2, apps should still support the 2 for the forseeable future
@MDMarra Those are ancient, aren't they?
in response to the stolen panda costume
see above :)
And they still sell the ipad 2
They bulk-sell a lot of them to education
forgot to update Bacula in most recent OS rebuild push. And I say to thee "Meh, It's only 3 patch revisions behind and none of that shit affects me..."
Is there a comparable android option?
No idea
If it's being sold for 250 by apple, it's only worth 125
I don't play with that mess
@mossy chuckle
@Basil They hardware margins are actually low. Only like 1% or so more than most competitors
@Basil 140. Profit margins have slimmed.
They make their loot off of the 30% appstore fee
@ewwhite Roofdecks are awesome
@MDMarra Apple's component cost margin is about 50%. Adding in labor they're making between 30 and 40 percent.
Regardless, an iAnything is going to be less hardware for your money than a much better android
@ewwhite the toilet looks like a space ship
@voretaq7 source?
Does anyone know of an android comparison to the iPad 2? Something about 200-300$ that's 10 inches?
@MDMarra Every iFixit teardown ever
I read something last year that apple's hardware margins are roughly 4-5% and most PC manufacturers are 2-3%
and such reliable sources as macrumors.com/2012/11/05/…
@MDMarra They don't have toilets in Pennsylvania?
My cat is broadcasting a distress signal to his home planet
@ewwhite Not that are streamlined like that. You could put that thing on top of a racecar
@voretaq7 raw component cost isn't a good measure though
@MDMarra Even being conservative and saying "Labor plus overhead is 0.5*parts" They're making 15% margins which is pretty healthy
shipping, customers, labor, retail costs, etc
Plus R&D
You never count R&D cost in retail profit figures
Also, Apple pumps significant money into improving the working conditions in factories overseas
if you did nothing would ever be profitable
"significant" is relative. "More than most other companies do" certainly, but as a percentage of Apple's overall operating cost, "Pittance"
The iTunes/App Store ecosystem is definitely their cash cow though
@MDMarra the neighbors have a chicken coop, though :(
@MDMarra The minimum necessary to placate the hippies at the cafes they frequent
and hell the only reason I don't have an Android tablet is because every damn app I use is iOS only
@ewwhite Um
@Basil Oh of course
@MDMarra and I can't tell if it's a hipster chicken coop, or a REAL chicken coop.
Apple is in the business of selling their style and brand. It's designer hardware. Twice the cost, because everyone else has one
@ewwhite what's the difference?
@ewwhite How can you tell the difference?
@voretaq7 looks like the info I was looking at before was strictly Intel-based devices
@MDMarra I'm not sure what the margins are on the Intel hardware
Fuck. That. Hardware is a commodity, and so are OSs
Tablets do look to have 35-35% margin
@voretaq7 Those are 4-5%
@MDMarra the majority of apple's profits come from the iPhone
@JoelESalas not according to the earnings call :)
@JoelESalas s/iphone/app store
@voretaq7 Oh? what's the thing now?
the majority of the profit comes from the iTunes/App Store sales
@JoelESalas @voretaq7 tight jeans versus... um...
@Basil Do an apples to apples comparison of a macbook pro to an equal PC. The results are similar
(i.e. iPhone + iPad + Everyone selling Mac apps though the store now)
@ewwhite Overalls? Missing teeth?
@MDMarra I'm still talking about tablets
Oh right
well that's not commodity, so to speak
@MDMarra eh, Apple notebooks are overpriced
Apple designs their own ARM CPUs now
@voretaq7 Only mildly
@JoelESalas Puerto Rican neighborhood.
When you add in the RAM and drive upgrades you're forced to get from apple now?
Depends on the model, I suppose
It wouldn't surprise me if the Apple Tax on RAM and SSDs pushes the profit margin up into the 10% range. They don't even use lube anymore
Their retina pricing is ridiculous because there is no competitor
a regular MBP or MBA are right in line with the competition for the most part
@MDMarra It's just a Coretex CPU... I doubt they modified it all that much.
Also has a integrated Power CPU for graphics.
@voretaq7 The fear of being unable to add RAM forces people to grab ankle
@ChrisS Right, I mean it still has to be based off of what they license from ARM, but it's been modified by apple
@JoelESalas it's a real problem
They just use Samsung as a foundry now
I can extend the life of a machine by a good 2 years if I can add more RAM to it later
@MDMarra Gotta love the irony there
OS X gets more RAM hungry every release too
@ChrisS Before samsung was designing the whole CPU and everything haha
@ChrisS Samsung is happy to make chips for Apple. It really is an entirely different company as far as they're concerned
Q: Can I recover from "rm /*"?

nboltonI'm running Debian... And, I accidentally ran "rm /*" as root (hurray!) - luckily I didn't use -r, so the dirs are still intact. However, when trying to boot, I get... run-init: /sbin/init: No such file or directory Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! ...however, after checking...

I have a MacBook Retina and run out of RAM with Safari and Aperture often.
old question
8GB.. wanted 16GB, but it just wasn't available
so now I'm STUCK
@ewwhite Even the SSD doesn't mitigate how SLOW OSX is without RAM
@JoelESalas basically... I can notice the slowdowns...
@ewwhite I have a soldering iron
Bring it by next time you're in PHL
@voretaq7 I know, but in headlines it looks like Samsun's left hand is helping Apple while the Right hand is getting sued
@ewwhite I like the jacket you have on in the bathroom selfie
@ewwhite Still isn't available. 's what keeps me from buying a new laptop.
Also still waiting for them to upgrade the mini ipad to not suck
@ewwhite I couldn't tell if it was a cardigan or not, but the high neck make it look like it was a jacket
@voretaq7 which is a huge mistake... I think replaceable RAM is a pretty basic feature.
I'd like to carry something smaller in the plane - 9.7" is an unwieldy size in a tiny cockpit :-/
@ewwhite I agree
not so much "replaceable" (if it's defective they're damn well doing it under warranty!) but "upgradeable" certainly. Or they should lower their price on RAM upgrades to be something closer to what I can get the RAM from Crucial for.
Hey peeps
@tdk2fe What's up, dog
@voretaq7 See what i did there?
@mossy You can get your own dog pictures
I'm only obliging peeps because Zombie Jesus Day is coming
I feel bad for that yellow peep.
It's that time of the year
why did I like peeps as a child? they taste foul
@JoelESalas Because mommy and daddy didn't want you to eat them
Why do I still like Cadbury Creme Eggs even knowing what's in them and how terrible they are for me?
aw hell I don't care - give me the chocolate bunny eggs!
How about those orange chocolate oranges
Terry's Chocolate Orange is a chocolate product, made by Kraft Foods. Development In 1923, Frank and Noel Terry joined the family business, Terry's of York. They revamped the company, and after opening the Art Deco-style factory The Chocolate Works in 1926, began launching new products. The first was the Chocolate Apple (1926), then the Chocolate Orange (1931), and finally Terry's All Gold (1936). At the onset of World War II, confectionary production was immediately halted. The factory was taken over by F Hill's and Son's of Manchester as a shadow factory, to manufacture and repair air...
@mossy Always less tasty than advertised
AFAIK nobody makes just a plain unflavored dark chocolate one.
@mossy Also foul
You guys are weird.
I wonder if i can find one on my lunch break
@mossy "prior to unwrapping the ball, to tap it severely on a hard surface to cause the segments to separate from each other " --- "tap it severely", oh those brits and their funny words
Here in America we just say "slam"
... "I didn't bludgeon my users for their stupidity. I tapped them severely."
Slam on desk and eat whole orange in one sitting
get fat(ter)
Hey we're not fat
We have big bones
@mossy mmhmm, big squishy flabby bones. Turning American are we?
with that said, I'm going to get some chicken nuggets from mcdonalds.
be back in a bit.
@voretaq7 We invented the Internet AND being obese. Coincidence?
ooh I just saw my first @voretaq7 twat coutesy of @BartSilverstrim on fb
The Swiss are obese? I did not know that.
@Iain and now you're ruined forever?
What a @voretaq7 twat?
I've apparently missed a lot today doing actually work
Probably should stop doing that
Correct ratio is 1 devops for 100 server because is not possible of ssh and give personalize attention on more server in 1 day.
@Hennes My sister lives there and there's actually a culture of borderline anorexia.
@Basil In the US we call that subculture "The Fashion Industry"
<- deploying upgrades on production systems in the middle of the day.
Because I'm That Good.
foliovision.com/2010/05/network-backup-apple-timemachine Look at how much bullshit this is! Just for a proper network backup!
@voretaq7 possibly
@JoelESalas . . . I just bought a Time Capsule :x
@JoelESalas yeah, what about it?
I answered a Solaris question - someone give me a fucking cookie or something!
@voretaq7 NO!
@voretaq7 Here, have some SPARCling cookies!
I need a hardware recommendation. A good sounding hands-free headset for an iPhone.
@Hennes SPARCling CIDR?
dumb question.... where do I designate <virtualhost> in apache? Which file I mean
@ewwhite cabled, or wireless?
I can do either.
@MattBear anywhere that gets loaded by httpd.conf
I'll do cabled if it sounds MOAR better.
@ewwhite try the Plantronics headsets?
@voretaq7 I have one of their bluetooth
/etc/apache2/httpd.conf is blank... but there are multiple sites running on the server
@ewwhite don't like?
@MattBear then find out where your OS puts Apache configurations
(or where someone put a different httpd that's running)
@voretaq7 I bought this phone set
I want something like that.
for when I'm in a damn hotel and need to take a long conference call on my mobile
@ewwhite I just use the earbuds honestly...
@voretaq7 thats what im trying to do lol... I dont know linux well yet
@ewwhite Plantronics Voyager plantronics.com/us/product/voyager-pro
@voretaq7 SPARCling CIDR has no Class. :-)
@MattBear try /httpd/
@MattBear what distro?
@Jacob ubuntu
@voretaq7 I don't have any
OK, place your bets: Is my fix to firewall state synchronization going to work, or am I going to have all my SSH connections drop?
@Jacob is it good?
@ewwhite They don't come with the phone anymore?
@voretaq7 10 on shit failing
@ewwhite Yeah, It's noise canceling and nice to use. Longish battery, and whatnot
@voretaq7 I dunno... I use customs.
<croupier>place your bets.... place your bets</croupier>
@MattBear You're doing it wrong, use CentOS/BSD
@ewwhite meh - kerspensive!
$2K earbuds?!
@Jacob not my choice lol
I draw the line at things that cost more than aviation headsets :P
<croupier>No More Bets....</croupier> ::restarts FW1::
@jscott mine were less than that :)
...FW2 is now master
@Jacob /usr/sbin/apache2 -V isnt even giving me the file...
@voretaq7 and, did you drop?
@Jacob we'll find out when FW1 restarts
@Jacob Serious. I don't think my hearing is good enough to tell the difference.
the problem was never in failing over, it's in failing back
FW1 is now up...
...and FW1 is now master, and more importantly I know this because I was able to check it from my STILL WORKING SSH SESSION ON FW2
::does the happy happy state synchronization dance::
ah hah!
The /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is empty in Ubuntu, because the Apache configuration resides in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf!
@MattBear ...because Ubuntu is all about doing things differently (a/k/a DOING IT WRONG)
Minor typo...
this sin is worth 1 Shuttleworth Cockpunch
and virtual host configurations are stored in.... sites-enabled
@MattBear yeah that's actually pretty standard for Linux
"active" is also acceptable
@voretaq7 some variants of
@voretaq7 Did the SSH sessions close?
2 mins ago, by voretaq7
...and FW1 is now master, and more importantly I know this because I was able to check it from my STILL WORKING SSH SESSION ON FW2
when it comes to linux, pretend I dont know things I should, in fact dont pretend
@voretaq7 :(, I'm trying to do like actual work...
but woot, found my config files, makes sense now, apache2.conf tells it to look for the virtual host config files in sites-enabled
and in sites-enabled, you create a .conf for each site setting its url, and file location
@Jacob WTF would you be doing THAT for?
@voretaq7 Because the funds for not doing work cause MY bank account to drop.
am I right?
(this is me front-loading actual work for next weekend, so my major upgrade cycle takes substantially less time)
@MattBear essentially, yes
(they don't have to be separate files, but by convention if you're using sites-enabled that's what you should be doing)
@voretaq7 but you can also specify the virtual hosts directly in httpd.conf?
@MattBear apache2.conf in your case - but again if your system is using sites-enabled or equivalent you should really stick with that convention
that way the next guy doesn't have to figure out why the system is doing things two different ways
@voretaq7 apache2.conf is what I meant :p
there's other reasons too - On my servers httpd.conf has global configuration stuff that is the same on every server, and the active/whatever.conf contains the stuff that gets customized
@voretaq7 thats actually a good idea...
i will keep that in mind, im rebuilding 9 of em after all
are the best practices to follow securing the servers?
@MattBear in that case may I strongly suggest investing the time now to learn Puppet (or equivalent)
@voretaq7 what is puppet?
@MattBear "Turn off (and optionally uninstall) all the shit you don't need"
@MattBear (or puppetlabs.com)
and these are azure cloud servers, migrating from godaddy
its 3 production, 3 staging, and 3 dev servers
Q: how to approach one-codebase-for-many-domains with SSL?

neokioI have a VPS with WHM/cPanel, and a bunch of web stores, all with unique content, and all running off the same PHP codebase, db, CMS and CRM systems. Each domain is unique, but generated from the same code, with shared file resources. There's only one missing element: How do I host the thing?? ...

Has someone turned on question migration from SO again? ^
Q: Exchange Certificate Problems using WindowsPhone 8

IswMAi know this is not the place to ask "phone questions", but smartphone-communties are an even worse place to ask server-questions. What i'm trying to do is access my exchange-account via windows phone 8. My company is using Small Business Server 2011. When i enter my login,password and domain it...

@MattBear put them in sites-available then use a2ensite to put them in sites-enabled
@RobM moderators can still migrate questions
and if you're gonna beat the guy up for his awful question how about saving me the time and leaving him a comment telling him why it's awful? :)
@MattBear In Debian, you create the site specific conf in /etc/apache2/sites-available. Then you use a2ensite to "enable" the site (create the symlink). Not sure about Uboonutoos, but just something to be aware of in case your config goes missing.
<- DIAMOND means LAZY!
I was confused by the other names appearing there also, only 1 is a diamond
@jscott Ubuntu does that too
@jscott what I was planning was to make a tarball of the entire directory, and SCP it over to the new one
@voretaq7 and how do I know what I dont need?
@jscott what that be a bad move, considering im upgrading from 11.x to 12.10 in the process?
@MattBear turn it off and then test to see if anything breaks ?
hi @dan
Well I know by ~15 years of bitter experience, so in about 14 years you will too :-)
(or do what @Iain said -- that's how most of us learn :-)
You can also make some sound educated guesses - like "Servers don't need graphical desktop environments!", and "Only an idiot would be running OpenOffice and Firefox on a production server!"
@MattBear Copying the configs directory should be fine. I would avoid copying the mods directories, in case there are versioning issues.
@voretaq7 ill start that, but testing and experimentation time isnt a luxury I have
@MattBear Make the time. (Seriously. Do it right the first time, or make sure time and resources are budgeted to do it over again in 6 months.)
You can get a perfectly fine system by just throwing the standard Debian/Ubuntu/Whatever "Server Edition" on a box though, if you're really crunched for time
@voretaq7 godaddy cloud server services terminate in a month... I pretty much have 2 weeks to get it done
definitely make the time to learn some kind of configuration management system though
and no, there is no gui
@MattBear . . . and what drunken ass lunatic C-Level Executive came up with this timetable?
Wait sorry to bust in and ask questions but are you thinking of using ubuntu @MattBear?
@mossy allready am, we currently use 11.x, and the new azure servers are 12.10
@voretaq7 ask godaddy, they are the ones ending the service
@MattBear Given your time constraints, plan on two things:

1) Having to learn and retrofit some kind of configuration management onto this environment (so make everything as uniformly identical as possible between the machines now)

2) Probably having to re-architect the whole thing within a year (because you don't have the time to get up to speed on all things Unix *and* get it all rolled out before your current servers vanish into the mist)
@voretaq7 Tweetin pics at you
my bosses predecessor was the one the built everything initially, (new boss is CIO), I'm supposed to learn it over time, but this got dumped onto us unexpectadly, on top of other major projects.... Just finished SharePoint last week
@voretaq7 right now, I'm just trying to clone the existing configuration, and understand what I'm cloning pretty much
up till now, its been kind of an enigma (it aint broke, dont screw with it)
@MattBear Ah yes, the Ostrich School of System Administration
(Bury your head in the sand and pray it never breaks)
@voretaq7 no... more the 10 tons of shit and one shovel method
gotta move through the front of the pile to get to the rear lol
@MattBear . . . that's how you wound up with Ubuntu.
@voretaq7 is ubuntu that bad?
because I can do centOS
both are debian based right?
Ubuntu is debian based, CentOS is a RedHat derivative
and they all suck, so if you're using Ubuntu stick with it (or use straight Debian)
my options are.... CentOS 6.3, SUSE LES 11, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, Ubuntu 12.10
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present for your amusement:
user image
Grumpy Toad
only reason we are running ubuntu was because thats the only option godaddy had at the time
@MattBear The real question is "Do you have enough time to learn a new core operating system and resolve any problems your site might have as a result of the transition?"
@voretaq7 short answer, no
Then stick with the latest LTS edition of Ubuntu
We are having problems moving assembled computers via standard shipping services due to rough handling causing damage to the internal components (specifically the GPUs are snapping the PCI-E slots off of the motherboard).
Q: What is the shock rating / g-force load of a typical assembled computer?

WickedGreyTLDR: for insurance purposes, we want to alert the recipient of a shipped assembled computer that there might be damage to the components via a shockwatch label. What G-force rating should we use? We are having problems moving assembled computers via standard shipping services due to rough ha...

@voretaq7 what is LTS?
@MattBear Long Term Support. The one that they'll provide patches for for a few years instead of only 1 year.
What he said
ahhh ok
?If I walk to KFC, does that make it healthy
@Dan Depends how far you walk
@freiheit Not far enough :( I ran 8 miles last week and apparently that's about 1200 calories and I doubt that even covers a KFC
@Dan its more then 1200, remember calories are burnt recovering and building muscle, and it boosts your metabolic rate
@MattBear I don't follow you? Everything I've read, including my GPS watch estimates around about there
I think I finally get the harlem shake
@Dan 1200 is burnt while you are running, but more are used after that during recovery
@MattBear Ah, I see what you're getting at
and boosting your metabolic rate increase the ammount burnt while resting
@freiheit I refuse to click
@Dan That's about one extra crispy breast, one extra crispy drumstick, 1 side of mashed potatoes, 2 biscuits and one serving of corn on the cob
just found out im allergic to gluten... so I cant eat fast food at all anymore
@freiheit So probably doesn't cover a large Zinger Tower burger with beans and a chicken leg
@MattBear Ouch :(
or breads, or well... anything good
even beer!
@voretaq7 "fragile" - better know to shipping grunts as "that box we're going to play indoor soccer with"
@MattBear allergic? intolerant? celiac? How sensitive? That's tough!
@MattBear That's pretty tough - I have IBS which irritates me (heh!), but having spoken to people mine is really mild, so I'm quite lucky all in all. I just have to watch my overall intake - there's nothing I have to actively avoid
@freiheit allergic, my dad found out he was, and it really screwed up his digestive system, causing vitamin and mineral deficiencies
my brother got tested, he is, so I got tested, I am too
im allergic to cupcakes :(
and twinkies
and pizza
and toast
and cheerios
@MattBear There are places that make gluten free cupcakes, pizza, etc...
@freiheit yeah, I been checking
Whole Foods stores often have a gluten free section
luckily, I can still eat steak, potatoes, rice, corn, vegetables
makes it real hard to be fat lol
@ewwhite Doesn't that whole question seem odd? Why would he care about X or Y RAM metric, instead of application performance
If I were a superhero, my weakness would be cupcakes...
@MattBear Mine would be hot women
I just ran Procmon over my own program - what the fuck does .NET do! My software looks like it's scanning half the bloody filesystem
Does this proposal overlap with SF?
Weapons (Firearms, Knives, Archery, etc.)

Proposed Q&A site for people who have an interest in Weapons. This will include a somewhat broader category then the old Firearms proposal had, as well as a larger SE audience.

Currently in definition.

I know perl does this, so if your answer is l2perl, I'll be on my way, but in bash, is there a way to define arrays at runtime? Like if I have a buildfile with an arbitrary number and selection of server names, create an array for each one? If I do arrayname="server1"; $arrayname[0]=1 I get an error in bash. Should I keep looking, am I missing something obvious, or is this just not possible at all?
good afternoon, my fellow gentlemen

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