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@Tanner What driver are you using now? The one Windows auto-selected?
anyone know a good line of ubuntu/linux admin books?
im gonna go pick somthing up to help me out...
Hi All!
@MattBear So I'm going to convince my dad to let me take the GED, but I imagine he'll say Hell no.
@Jacob Why
@mossy why I want to take? or why he'll say no?
Why do you want to take it
@Jacob Tell him you're gonna run off and marry this really cool biker named "Steve" if he doesn't let you.
@mossy I am absolutely bored in school, and I have so much I'm trying to do the time would help.
@HopelessN00b I don't think so.
@Jacob Everyone's bored in school. Don't be in such a hurry to get out into the real world, because it sucks.
@Jacob Eh. I don't know man. I suggest you enjoy it while you can. You'll have plenty of time after.
I said the same thing, but now I wish my mom would make me dinner tonight.
@mossy There is nothing enjoyable about school.
Word. Fuck bitches get money.
@Jacob Wrong. There's highschool chicks. The great thing about 'em is you can be absolutely terrible and they wouldn't know the difference.
<sigh> Good times, good times.
@HopelessN00b No, in a word no.
@Jacob Yeah i understand man. Do whatcha gota do.
I guess I just miss people tell me what to do.
@mossy It's a very complicated story, that's not going in chat, but I can't take it any more.
@MDMarra @ewwhite One or both of you guys mentioned a website that contains reviews and ratings of companies. What was that, yo?
@HopelessN00b So that's how you still get the women. Creeper.
@ScottPack glass door?
/me checks
@MDMarra @ewwhite Nevermind. You guys suck. Some long haired hippy found it for me.
@ScottPack That Dave guy is back?
Nah, he's just homeless.
@Jacob Sorry to pry, but aren't you 17/18? Wouldn't that put you at senior in HS?
@HopelessN00b nah. Should be the universal hp pcl 6.
Whatever it is I grabbed it from HP.
@jscott Thanks, though. That was exactly it. Interestingly the company I wanted to look up isn't in there. Well played gents. Well played.
@ScottPack Nice to know I'm not the only one who has that issue with glassdoor.
@ScottPack I heard the others using context such as "I did a glassdoor and it wasn't good" which had me thinking there was some new method of sneaking by an office and trying to peep in the windows or something.
@Tanner Can you break down precisely what steps you're going through to install/share this printer? Your description's kind of vague, so It's hard to tell where you're going wrong.
@jscott technically, but it's my 3rd year.
@jscott Oh heavens no. Also, if you do happen to look out your window and see me with a chef's knife and astroglide just ignore it. Totally nothing.
Sure thing. Was working on editing that when a DC went down and DNS shat itself. I'm away from a full keyboard now, will edit as soon as I can.
Fucking Windows. Cunting CD writing wizard.
@Jacob And you still think you want to bail? I mean, it's only like 180 days a year... I know it sucks, I debated dropping out may times.
@HopelessN00b I hate every variation of that word
@mossy "Windows"? yeah, it's a tough one.
@mossy Yeah, no point in trying to clean it up. CD is just awful, by any euphemism.
Hmm. What for dinner tonight?
@mossy Cnuts?
@jscott Yeah, because I can start college in the summer semester.
fuck marks still here. bbl
@Jacob Well, if that's your plan, that actually might be a more useful decision.
@Jacob I hated highschool with a passion, but uni/tertiary education is awesome. You do about 10 hours a week of real work and just fuck around thed rest of the time
@MarkHenderson and have more time to work on my stuff.
I'm just tired of school, always bored, no friends, 7AM-2PM :(, ect.
@Jacob starting college early can be usefull
the dynamic shift is nice
@Jacob Having no friends at highschool sucks. But you also need to remember that highschool students suck and are generally the worst people on the planet, next to war criminals and people who use OSX in corporate environments
@MattBear I was going to start a year early, next fall, but I don't think I can make it through this half of the year.
It only gets better from here
@Jacob yeah, just get out, im sure you can convince your dad
@Jacob I mean, what parent doesnt want thier kid to finish school early and start college
I literally get home, and try to work on stuff until 11 or so, and I get poor marks because I can get 100s all day long on assessments, but HW is over-weighted.
@MattBear He had to get a GED to start working and college, and he was never happy with it.
@Jacob what state are you in?
@ScottPack y u need glassdoor?
@MattBear VA
@ewwhite sent you that email. PayPal or old fashioned check is cool with me. Whatever is easier for you
@MDMarra Take the check, PayPal will rape you. Hard.
I'm not the one getting hit with the fee :)
up to Ed if its worth the convenience
People still write checks?
@MDMarra Not only the fee, I bet it will take them 7 days plus while they keep the money in a holding acct. My business account transfers much faster than personal ever did.
@MarkHenderson It does? Because I was gonna say that I long for the time when a "whole day's work" was 6 hours of napping in class and not having any bills or responsibilities beyond waking up for the occasional test.
@Jacob if you'd like a word of advice about school from someone that coasted through HS and then fucked around in college, dropped out and then finished 5 years later at nights: just do the boring shit like homework and do it right the first time. If you think it's menial now, imagine how it'll feel when you're 26 in a class with 18 year olds doing group work
@MarkHenderson For the record, OSX makes for a fantastic desktop. I get a linuxy backend without having to deal with cygwin garbage, I get real Office, a VDI client, all with a pretty interface that's fucking stable.
@Jacob I did the CHPSE, California High School Profiency Exam
you have one it looks like called the SOL, Standards of learning test
None of this gnome-shell garbage. "Ohai! I see you clicked on the unlock screen. Here let me crash for you."
@Jacob The CHPSE rates higher then a diploma, which I actually got also
@MDMarra I found out about a security consulting firm nearby that I had never heard of. Their website wasn't overly helpful so I wanted to see if anything else could be said of them.
Ah. I see
@ScottPack wtf did you install Gnome on OSX for bro? Nevermind, re-read, I'm just 2 beers in.
@Jacob and really, none of that matters when you have a real degree anyway
@MattBear No, that's a proficiency test to test people at the end of the year.
@MattBear Yeah.
@jscott Oh not at all. I have a MBP and a Fedora desktop.
@Jacob ahh, you cant take the final test and just graduate?
thats how mine went
@jscott Not a problem. I'm only one wine glass in, and I started that with dinner.
basically an exit exam
@MattBear Nope, I tried, I have to have the hours.
@MarkHenderson I think that learning to deal with those people is one of the best things someone can take with them after graduation. Before I graduated I imagined a perfect world, no drama. Now I face worse - Adult drama, and middle age people that act like higschool students.
this chat post is offensive. Please flag me.
Are you ok, Scott?
:8283489 I did ok on the SAT, but my cc doesn't even require them beyond placement.
Move to Regents state. Fail all year long. Pass final. Graduate.
@MDMarra I think so.
Too bad
I'm trying to be mean to you!
@MDMarra You failed, wasn't even remotely funny.
Funny != mean
Saddest Scott
@MDMarra On Serverfault chat, funny=mean in fact returns true.
@mossy The students I went to highschool with represent the cesspit of society that I do everything i can to avoid, and thus don't have to, nor wish to, deal with
@Jacob assignment operators should always return true unless you have a hardware issue.
Ya high school is a mess for everyone. I had a decent amount of friends and got along well with most people, but I still hated it. Everyone does
I need to deal with a bunch of 18 year olds on a group project today...
go me
@MDMarra I did have a bit of a crankfest today. I was trying to authorize our new student to access the internal wiki and kept failing miserably at setting up mod_ldap. Turns out throwing ?uid to the end of your ldap search path is only good if their user object has a uid. I had to change that shit to sAMAccountname
@JourneymanGeek I had the same thing last summer. I feel your pain
@ScottPack lolzactivedirectory amitire people?
@ScottPack ah, the good old dirty SAMAccountName
It's the best when it disagrees with CN and name because people are dumb
@ScottPack @MDMarra Would have made it work, because AD fears him.
@jscott Only those users who actually get shell logins to unix systems have the unix attributes populated. Which works out great since she's the first user in the security office who hasn't had those attributes.
@MDMarra Also, sAMAccountname is indexed. Unlike cn or uid.
@Jacob my arcane AD knowledge finally paid off. I tricked someone to putting me in charge of a windows engineering team :)
@MDMarra: oh its a management module too. And one of the guys is obviously going to be a HR drone....
@ScottPack Out of that entire statement, "great since she's the first user in the security office who hasn't had those attributes." Wat?
@ScottPack Yeah, I'm a slack ass, I don't even use the Unix tab, 'cause it's only me and an couple others that do the AD/*nix auth stuff. sigh
@JourneymanGeek mine was a public speaking class
on the bright side, its due day after tommorrow, and its individual projects from there on
@MDMarra Excellent work BTW :)
@MDMarra: finished our presentation. Lecturer was asking VERY hard questions so its probably ok ;p
@ScottPack I once broke a CentOS server by pointing it at AD for Auth against a 40k object directory with no indexing or search scope defined
So here's how I handle group projects. STFU, talk to your friends and I'll handle it.
@Jacob doesn't work that way all the time. Many times professors want breakdowns of who did what
@Jacob That sounds just like CIS101 projects.
@MDMarra Not my problem.
Plus, collaboration is one of the few soft skills that's actually worthwhile that you'll get in the education system.
@Jacob Plus, that's also a recipe for burnout and fail once you get past the intro level BS.
@HopelessN00b OK, if I can actually count on someone, then I don't do that. Usually, I wind up with someone who doesn't give a ______
@Jacob if you're in charge, you have to rely on people that are probably less talented than you are. If you're not in charge you have to deal with following people that you'll probably feel that you're smarter than. Managing those two situations to an acceptable result is how you get to a Sr or Engineering role instead of toiling away with no promotions ever
Just food for thought
@Jacob Well, you have to deal with people like that in real life, so they're a good chance to hone your nut-kicking skills persuasion techniques.
It took me about 4 years to figure that out
@MDMarra I didn't say they were +- intelligent, I said they didn't want to do the work. However I will agree I have a issue I need to fix with working with people that might be less intelligent than me.
@MDMarra Oh, you're the PHB? Yeah, that makes sense.
I'm no PHB, sir
I'm still far enough down the food chain to have relevant knowledge
@MDMarra If we did pam_ldap that would definitely happen. If you'll recall we have 250-300k user objects in People. Instead we do pam_krb for auth and local accounts for authz.
I don't remember how I did it. Just that the machine didn't even boot after
Which reminds me, I was supposed to clean up that puppet automation user module for George.
Oh definitely. If you have any domain big enough to actually matter and try to have pam do straight ldap against it you are in for a bad day.
"Cool. Worked on the test forest. "
click click click
"um.....oh no"
So what's so fubar in pam_ldap? I've not used it, but I've done simply stupid ldap queries (granted only ~18K objects) in Linux, and the worst just took a long time to return.
Is it just iterating a shit load of un-index attributes?
@jscott The time is the problem. If you are attempting to search on, or load in, un-indexed fields then the ldap query takes longer than the pam timeout.
My understanding is that without indexing or a narrow search base, it enumerates the whole directory every time any logon happens. Even non-interactive
Ok, that is funny!
But yeah, Linux is still a bit of a black box to me
Mark's assessment is correct. In order to set up pure ldap with pam you have to be very explicit with your base DN, your search path, exactly which fields, etc, etc.
@ScottPack Guess I'm glad I've not used it then.
@MDMarra Linux is just as shitty as Windows, just in a different way.
Let's say you set this up in your search ldaps://dc1.domain.com/
That will completely enumerate every object in the directory until it matches the one you're filtering on (typically cn or uid)
So you get a little smarter and do this, ldaps://dc1.domain.com/ou=People,dc=domain,dc=com?sAMAccountName
That will recursively enumerate the sAMAccountName attribute of every object under the People container until it finds one that matches.
You're not having to list every single goddamn attribute of every object, but if you're storing your user objects all in that OU? Fuck me that's still a lot.
I guess I don't understand why the enumeration happens if the attribute is indexed by the LDAP/AD server. Is that a failure of pam?
Perhaps I've been building LDAP filters wrongly for all this time.
I have been told by a non-authoritative source (but one that I generally trust) that current "Best Practices" is to construct OUs in such a way that they map to your org chart and have the user objects live in within the leaf OU that matches their position in the organization. Does that make sense and/or correct, Mark?
@jscott The indexing is all done at the AD side, and is a black box as far as I'm concerned. All I know is that the AD people tell "This attribute is indexed, this one isn't." and that searching based on non-indexed fields is non-optimal.
@ScottPack "searching based on non-indexed fields is non-optimal." Well, duh. :)
@jscott In that case the failure isn't so much pam, since it's just doing the query and waiting for the result, but on the filter author for searching on a non-indexed field.
At La Salle there was a top level Fac-Staff container and a top level Student container. Under them were: Users, Computers, Servers respectively
I didn't break it out by department because people moved around too much and so did equipment
hey! im back..
It was a exercise in futility. I did my filtering based on group membership not OU
why did I get suspended?
(for the most part)
@MDMarra Ours is much more hierarchical than that, but all user objects that map back to real people exist within People and any type of departmental or person type classification is handled with group membership. User objects that are service accounts are stored elsewhere.
@MattBear Someone flagged one of your posts as offensive
@MDMarra No kidding. We only target [user] OUs to building. Groups are where we [try to] do the department/position correlations.
@MarkHenderson ??
All lab computers were broken out by campus, then building, then classroom
@MDMarra The downside is that, because of nesting, we have some people that are members of well over 100 groups.
@MattBear shrug
It was your comment to Jacob about doing the GED and SATs
@ScottPack Deal with it. :0
No info about who flagged it though
@ScottPack as long as you don't hit 200+ you're good
@MarkHenderson I supposed SATs are pretty offensive...
@MDMarra Well, I think most technical staff are in the 75-100 range. I know of some people that are over 250.
@MattBear I don't even know what a SAT is, but even if I did it's pretty hard to offend me; like most people in the room
So I can offer you no explanation I'm afraid
@ScottPack their tokens are too big! Some of that membership is likely being truncated
@MDMarra I've also noticed that once you get over 100 filtering based on group membership can be...inconsistent.
@MarkHenderson SAT is a college placement test
@MDMarra Not likely. Is. And Often.
@MDMarra Throw in Exchange attributes.... :)
@MarkHenderson math and english
Waiti I lied. It's like 1k groups before Kerberos breaks
I got to watch debugging of a student who couldn't log into a computer. We tested using 3 different methods of displaying her user account and got different numbers and sets of group memberships for each.
@MDMarra The whole reason she couldn't log in was because her token was being truncated to the point that 'Domain User' wasn't being included.
@Jacob well, anyways like I said, how you get out doesnt matter once you complete the next step... Unless your shooting for Ivy League or somthing
@ScottPack nice!
@MDMarra Pretty much. That was fun to watch the Windows guys fuck with.
I'm not sure how all they were searching on her account, but I know they used 3 or 4 different tools, and each one was providing back a different (but internally consistent) set of groups. Only one of which included Domain Users.
@Jacob funny = mean will always return true unless you're doing something dumb, as you're doing an assignment. I think you mean funny == mean
I also learned that day that DU membership is required to log into Windows.
@ScottPack That's actually pretty magic, as Domain User is the primary group (unless you screw with it) and most DS queries (ya, not LDAP) won't even return "Domain Users"
Whoami / groups will show your current membership based on your token. Get-ADUser -properties memberof will show what AD says you're a member of. I've never had someone in enough groups for them to disagree
wow... that was dumb of me
That's because you're a pussy with boring environments.
putty'd into the wrong server, was wondering why the config files werent right
@ScottPack yeh, it's automatically added to built-in\users on all domain-joined computers. And built-in\users is granted interactive logon
@MarkHenderson Shoot, I didn't even notice I forgot the second =
I can't wait to start consulting and see all of the fucked up shit out there
Where has @wesleydavid been?
Get-ADUser YourName -Properties * | Select-Object -ExpandProperty memberOf will not include Domain Users
@ScottPack thats a good idea
really good
@MDMarra Busy.
Good for him
@MDMarra Not exactly. He's stuck with some real timesuck stuff.
Bad for him

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