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mark henderson for president
@MarkHenderson Maybe you need to refine your SFW definitions... "NSFW part is text only"
@RyanRies haah ya i saw that yesterday
@freiheit Well there was no visible tits or anything
@RyanRies Nice Blarg
:For the butterfly, see Chliaria kina. The Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus or Parus caeruleus) is a small passerine bird in the tit family Paridae. The bird is easily recognisable by its blue and yellow plumage, but its scientific classification is disputed. 'The Blue Tits' may also refer to the popular Bray Leino football team of the same name. Blue tits, usually resident and non-migratory birds, are widespread and a common resident breeder throughout temperate and subarctic Europe and western Asia in deciduous or mixed woodlands with a high proportion of oak. They usually nest in tree h...
(SFW, despite visible tits)
@freiheit Freiheit 1, Mark BURNED!
Well, after spending 25 minutes day dreaming on something that will never happen It's time to get some work done.
Oh also I was approved to wear headphones at work today :)
Well, after spending 9 hours working on something, but never getting anything done It's time to go home and eat dinner before starting work again.
@Cole BONUS!
@ChrisS right?
@Cole Any reason why it was banned?
@Jacob ty
@Jacob an employee, who doesn't even work in our group anymore didn't answer his phone after the Director called him 10 times in a row
@Cole That happens virtually every day here
Mainly cos my boss calls me every single time I take a shit
It's like he has a 6th sense
Shit sense more like it
The details in this email are overwhelming
Hi Cole,

Would like to speak with you regarding joining HP, please let me know when you are available to speak.

My best,
@Cole Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‌​oooooooooooooooow
Like, ok..?
But hey at least someone is trying to poach you. That's always nice.
When you do join HP, tell them to stop that shit with the deskjet drivers.
@Cole ~*~SeNt FrOm My iPaD ~*~
@JoelESalas lol dead.
My friend and I always joke about the text signatures.
So we'll sign our texts like !~*~*<3C0l3<3*~*~!
Don't laugh, it happens in real life
What was the ascii for "name in lights" ? I seem to remember a lot of that on Usenet.
@Cole People have mentioned that to me several times... They still don't get it though, I'm wearing to headphones so I can ignore their phone calls.
@ChrisS right??
I do feel a bit bad; but sometimes I need to get some work done... Otherwise people will just keep starting me on new problems.
@ChrisS No, your justification is there...
@ChrisS I used to shut my door and turn the lights off
I miss having an office
I have a cube; but my quarter of the office is empty, it's only me. So people have to walk a long way to find me at my desk.
@RyanRies where have you been, man?!
@MDMarra Sorry, I know... been super busy at work
There's been too many neckbeards in here, not enough Windows admins!
@MDMarra Tryin' to keep the place from burning down
I just had an interview for a lead MS engineer role
Got a call back from the recruiter, they're very interested he tells me
@MDMarra Really!? How did it go
Pretty well
But the guy mindfucked me
He asked me:
@MDMarra What is the job description, what would you be working with?
You have to do a schema update during business hours but the client is leery of a bad schema update interrupting operations. You must do the update during business hours. How do you do it?
I said take the Schema Master offline or transfer it to a non-critical DC and take that offline and do the update. If it succeeded, bring it back on the network
But then I said it was an ugly solution that I wouldn't actually implement
But it's all I could think of
Not really. I can't help that someone is "leery." I'd just say "do the schema update because I've done 100 of them and they all completed in under 5 seconds with no errors or ill-effects"
@RyanRies All of the core MS products. I'd focus on System Center, core Windows Server tech like Directory Services, SQL Server, etc
@MDMarra Travelling, like a field engineer?
Well, they're growing their MS practice
So right now there are a few MS engineers on staff, most focus on exchange/SP/Lync and I'd be their lead as well
But I'd be excepted to come up to speed quickly on System Center and surrounding tech and do field work for now
And the goal is to grow that part of the business enough where in a year or so I'd be purely an architect
@MDMarra I'd be jealous. I interviewed for a field engineer with Microsoft a few months ago... but didn't get it, however in retrospect I don't think I'dve been totally happy with the job anyway as it required a LOT of travel.
Apparently their MS business is booming, but it's sort of been second tier to their Cisco and EMC business. They're aiming to do a bunch of hiring for their MS services over this upcoming year and are looking for somone to lead it so far
@RyanRies Ah, this isn't with MS, it's with a consulting firm
MS partner, not MS itself unfortunately
Ahhhh ok, I thought we were talking about MS itself
There is an Exchange PFE position open in my area though
@MDMarra So would you be management, or an engineer?
When Verizon caught wind that I was thinking about jumping ship, they started throwing money at me so I'd stay, and I gotta say now it would take something REALLY awesome to make me leave
@Jacob Engineer that leads the other MS engineers
Not management
"Lead Engineer" is a pretty sweet job title though
@Jacob So, I'd be expected to keep up with all of the new stuff coming out and be able to tell the other engineers what's important and what the current clients can leverage and sort of make sure everyone is on the right track in my group
@RyanRies yeah, the recruiter made it sound like he's expecting an offer soon, so I'm hopeful
@MDMarra Well seriously good luck
thanks man
my current job is starting to get soul crushing, so it couldn't have come at a better time
We have 24 new servers going out to remote sites and I was just asked to justify why I wanted to set up WDS to image them instead of just doing it by hand
^ My face
Dude, I would find it hard to remain respectful if my superiors questioned me on that
We're so overstaffed that everyone's used to just doing everything by hand
it's a product of too much money and people that don't know better
@MDMarra At a NPO, I'll call the IRS for you.
@Jacob They're legal
They funnel the excess into another NPO to stay under the cap
@MDMarra I don't even...
We're pretty big in the medical field. It's all legal
I'm pissed
Ordered two books off of Amazon, says they were delivered to my front door at 1:16PM. They're not there.
@Cole I'm depressed, get in line?
@Cole odd
Someone probably stole my shit -_-
@MDMarra who do I dispute with? Fedex?
and if they don't do anything, your credit card company
Ugh I'm so pissed!
Should I just contact customer service?
Really, who wants a sed and awk book and vi and vim?
I've had it happen at newegg and newegg just overnighted me a replacement
they'll probably take care of you
if not, your credit card company will likely refund you the cost
It's a debit card so...probably not
@Cole What credit card did you order it with?
@Cole oh shit.
It's a Visa
yeah I never use my debit card for purchases
but you'd call your bank for that
Yeah, I'm most likely out $50 now
maybe not
you'd be surprised
Last time my dad bought something online with his Amex card they overnighted him the order and dealt with refunding the first order with the merchant.
This blog post - the comment section - it feels good to get some validation from that guy. He's been one of my idols for a couple years now: blogs.technet.com/b/filecab/archive/2013/02/14/…
yeah amex has awesome customer service
I had this happen once before and it showed up the next day
I wish I had amex
my corporate card is an amex :P
@Cole Hint so is/was my dad's
Well we're not allowed to use ours for personal purchases
@RyanRies A single machine offering directory services for multiple directories?!>?!
@Cole I use mine everywhere but a lot of smaller places don't take it
@MDMarra They were planning on it, never came to be
But I get bonus points for free shit on amazon (and other places) and just pay it off in full
@RyanRies right but now that makes sense
@Cole He's sortof the president, he sets those kinds of policies :), only company cards that can be used personally are amex which only the he, and my uncle have. see how that works? :)
@MDMarra All the junctions in sysvol?
Did you see Harold Wong has been sort of active here recently?
I had the opportunity to become an evangelist, but I like engineering too much.
@MDMarra Had no idea. That's awesome. Man, I love this site. I'd be more active on the Technet forums, but this site is just so much superior in design, aesthetics, execution...
Yeah, I don't mind reading technet, but I'm not interested in participating there
I saw his first answer and he put "Harold Wong" at the bottom like a sig. So, naturally I edited it out.
Then I looked at his profile and was like, whoops maybe I should have let that slide
!! haha
So I don't know if you guys are generally anti-cloud, but Azure is turning out to be not bad
My own employer offers IaaS, but they're twice as expensive and can't do Server 2012, so... :P
A: When would I open Port 53 for DNS?

JacobWhen would you open port 53? I would assume when you are hosting DNS zones. Are you running DNS internally or subbing it out? If you run than you better have 53 open if you want anyone to get the records. As far as the IPtables rule I'm not sure what you mean by secure, but that will open the p...

err Wat?
@RyanRies I can't be too anti-cloud, I just interviewed at a SaaS provider owned by IBM after that other interview I was talking about today
@RyanRies You mean Terramark, now VZ Cloud?
Is Azure cool? I've been meaning to play with it
@Jacob Yep, we have a "vCloud Express" and an "Enterprise Cloud," that make us lots of money. The difference between the two being that vCloud Express offers a shared infrastructure while ECloud is pricey but offers dedicated infrastructure (your own SAN, etc.)
@RyanRies Sounds like what @ewwhite does
The second one, anyway
Do the TechNet Virtual Labs run on Azure? Or is that some in-house Hyper-5 stuff?
@MDMarra Yeah I'm liking Azure so far. It's slick, well done. All they need to do is finish adding features and make all the offerings GA. A lot of the features are still in "preview" mode, but still work fine as far as I can tell.
General Availability
My website is running in "preview" mode right now... but I can't tell the difference.
You were hosting out of your own place before?
I'm not hardcore enough, I just use blogger :(
@jscott That's a good question. I think that the virtual labs ran on something else because they've been around since before there was even such a thing as Azure... but I wouldn't be surprised if they migrate them to Azure.
@RyanRies Microsoft brought a third party in to do that
It's a Hyper-V back end with custom code
@MDMarra Yeah I used to run it out of my house until today... practically no unplanned downtime too! :)
I just switched the DNS and will leave the old site up as a mirror for a few days while DNS gets settled
@MDMarra Yeah, I remember reading something about that a couple years ago
@RyanRies My test network lives in my house :)
@Jacob That was part of the reason I moved my blog to Azure was so that I could tear my lab apart more without worrying about affecting my blog... not that it has a huge reader base that's looking for it, but it's the principle of the thing ;)
@RyanRies A while ago @Zypher tweeted a screen cap of all of his side tabs and your blog was open in it
I think he freaked out a little when he realized people could actually read the site names in the screen cap. Lucky for him, he didn't have any porn open
It's a work in progress, hows the homepage text?
@MDMarra lol. That's bad ass... I just hope that I can keep saying interesting things that people enjoy, and if not, then I still enjoy doing it as a personal project
@MDMarra Pics or it didn't happen.
@RyanRies You've got solid material, keep going
@RyanRies Your post about dfs-r not restarting on unclean shutdown in 2012 helped me today!
I got to use it in my interview haha
@MDMarra woot!
@Jacob Seems like it could be a little more focused
@Jacob Nice site - I see the announcement about servers in Texas. How many locations do you have?
@MDMarra Just like me HA
@RyanRies 3
@RyanRies I need to grab twitter for TGH, MH is just a brand that we sell under.
@MDMarra Thanks, it's a WIP, so I'll keep going on it.
> Don't let our name fool you! Our serious team doesn't just offer amazing gamer servers, we also offer Web Hosting, IP Services, Co-location, and consulting services. We're built on Intel and AMD technology in Super Micro servers to deliver excellent and reliable performance to all of our customers!
Something like that
@MDMarra I like that, mind if I have that :)
go for it
I'm so unfocused right now it's killing me
I'm the master of cutting down on text
I re-write important emails two or three times and can usually distill 3-4 paragraphs into 1
@MDMarra Nice
@RyanRies I don't want to restart the Ad push until all the websites are done, but my bank account suggests otherwise, but that could be me just being paranoid.
What games do you host?
Dear Text Master Please evaluate this sentence Check out our Brands to see what services we can provide for you today!
I used to rent a TF2 server but it was so clunky to update and the host's interface sucked
@MDMarra Minecraft, and any Source based game.
and we can do some other stuff by request
@Jacob seems fine to me
probably make "brands" a link
@MDMarra I'm working on that page now :)
@MDMarra Need a TF2 server again :)
Heh, I haven't played in 1.5 years
I sold most of my unusual hats before I quit
I'd only log in again to sell the rest
@MDMarra Sorry, shameless plug.
@MDMarra Please let me know if I'm bugging you, but what do you think of thegamerhoster.com/index.php/our-brands
> You also have the Server Duck 4 hour hardware SLA and 100% Network and Power SLA covering your back on all servers.
I might make that say: You also have the Server Duck 4 hour hardware SLA and 100% Network and Power SLA to keep you covered.
@MDMarra Have any interest in becoming a freelance tech writer :) Thanks (again)
No problemo
I'm reading the rest of the page now
> MinerHost provides reliable, high quality Minecraft Servers at a fair price. Born from the frustration that we suffered through with other hosts, we had two rules in mind: First, we had to provide the best up-time because we understand what it's like to pay for a server that goes offline every other hour. Second, unlike other hosts we wanted to charge only for things that cost us money to provide to you like RAM. We don't artificially limit slots just to increase our profits.
> This is why every server that we offer is provisioned with 512 slots. If you can find a way to cram that many people into any of our servers, we won't stop you! Minecraft plugin support and MYSQL DBs are included free with every package.
Didn't all fit on one page
@MDMarra What do you mean?
I typed it out as two messages because it hit the chat limit for a single message
Not necessarily suggesting that they should be two separate paragraphs like they appear in chat
@MDMarra Ah, if you want to keep writing content please feel free :)
You probably don't want to see his hourly rates. :)
My pizza will be here shortly, at which time I will be disappearing from the internet
@jscott TBH, I'm not even taking out a salary right now, definitely no contractor money in the budget.
@MDMarra Oh, drats. Thanks for the help!
@jscott Did you see my mindfuck interview question I posted a couple of times earlier?
@Jacob Oh boy... you have to get paid!
I'm convinced there's no right answer
@MDMarra Yes, and I still wonder if it's one of those "let's watch him think aloud" questions.
@MDMarra link?
@jscott Trust me, I agree fully with that statement, but my bank account disagrees.
interview riddles are teh stupeid
2 hours ago, by MDMarra
You have to do a schema update during business hours but the client is leery of a bad schema update interrupting operations. You must do the update during business hours. How do you do it?
@Jacob My wife is trying to get her own business off the ground to. I feel for you man.
(schema in this case means Active Directory schema)
@MDMarra You're really worrying about it too much, you provided a solid answer to an impossible question.
Sorry, I don't have AD experience. Ask the AD expert? Ask a consultant?
Oh, I'm not worried
@jscott what is she trying to do?
I really want to know the answer
@Andrew I'm the AD expert :)
But in general: test in production, take backups, and why can't you do it not in business hours?
@Jacob She is an artist.... so yeah.... She's trying to make things that others will [hopefully] buy.
@Jacob lol!
@Andrew I'm 99% sure there's no right answer, but in the off chance that there is one, I'd love to know it
food's here, bye internet
@MDMarra I am hoping you get some answer -- even if it's wrong or doesn't make sense.
@jscott Sometimes I feel like I'm 9 compared to the real pros...
@Jacob I'm 37 and I feel the same way.
@jscott If you know PICC, I'm going to give a lighting talk on how awesome the IT field is for encouraging newbies.
@Jacob Not familiar with PICC. Will it be streamed/youtubed?
@jscott Possibly.
Well please share if it is.
@Jacob profile pics have lots of hidden psychology behind them. "On the internet nobody knows you're a dog" - unless your profile pic gives it away.
@Andrew Huh?
@Jacob Wow, Standalone and ThatTom, you're in good company! Hope you have a great time there.
@Jacob you feel like you're 9? build a professional image that's not age-discriminatory
speaking of which, I should change my own gravatar again
Yeah, maybe I should upload a photo of me with my beard... Not one from 5 Years ago :)
I dislike photos though
@Jacob Put up one of those QR Code things
Or not, who cares? ;)
@Jacob lol are you 12 in that pic?
@Tanner Plus Minus but AFAIK yes. It was sometime in middle school
Maybe 13 or 14
You should change it and stop making everyone feel ridiculously old :P
@Tanner I'm only 17 now....
Well every time I see your pic I wonder if the past 7 years have really been that hard on me.
@Jacob btw Kudos for being so driven at 17. At that age I was... well this is indexed by Google so I'd rather not say.
@Tanner Honestly, I would attribute it to having nothing else (better to do)... It's sad, but true.
Most of the ambitions my peers have I see no benefit to.
@Jacob Nah. I was sheltered at that age and still found a little trouble to get in to. Around that time it was all about playing music for me. Kind of wish I had stuck with technology instead (though I do know a thing or two about guitar rigs and tube amps now.)
@Tanner I have trouble interacting socially, and technology has always been the substitute some how.
I can't type fast enough to program, so I fell into System Administration
@Jacob Your peers ambitions probably amount to seeing how many sets of boobs they can touch in a single day
One hand on a QWERTY keyboard is a PITA
@MarkHenderson Yeah, that and lots of drugs. Seeing as intelligence is my best skill, I don't want to F that up.
@Jacob Well I've never dabbled in drugs, but I have dabbled with boobs. My record per day is ONE SET
beat that fuckers
Most of my peers associate me with lots of money, and being too smart.
@Jacob Money is a great replacement for social grace...
@Tanner Yeah, but I don't want to buy a relationship...
@MarkHenderson Twist that and I will DDoS you...
@Jacob For once I agree with you
Buying a relationship is not a real relationship
Whether it's purely physical (oi.e. a prostitute) or finding a gold digger, neither is going to be long term satisfying
Not saying you have to flat out purchase a relationship. :P But money problems are the easiest way to run in to problems in a serious relationship. Makes it easier to swallow a few personal problems when your significant other is obviously driven and successful.
Some people had tried to do that sort of thing, it's not hard to figure it out, because their only interested after someone informs them how much money they think I have.
Which isn't all that much to anyone >18, but still most of them are lucky to get 8$/HR
:8201206 no worries, neither can I.
I'd rather be broke and happy than rich and have a bitch wife (oh wait, I am broke and happy, yay go me)
4 mins ago, by Mark Henderson
@Jacob For once I agree with you
@MDMarra Oh, I don't do anything!
@RyanRies Just needs a OS reimage, It'll be fine for the next refresh cycle.
@Jacob I'm guessing shotgun blast
@RyanRies 12 gauge scatter shot is my guess
Q: Best SOCKS proxy server for Linux

user12145I want to setup a SOCKS proxy server on linux, any recommendations? I currently use SS5 and want to know if there are any better alternatives.

Q&A is hard, let's go shopping!
Muhahaha - Picked up a "damaged" 24-Port IB Switch for $75. Everything works except the console port and Port #1 is slightly smashed. =]
@Jacob I recommend using "not constructive" as the close reason for shopping questions, since it more accurately describes why the question is being closed.
@ChrisS Nice. how many x?
@MichaelHampton I just don't understand... Any Internet connected Admin account need an excellent and unique password, without exception. Security isn't that hard. While I don't expect users to understand security basics, people with "admin" accounts are beyond the luxury of ignorance.
@ChrisS These are iPhone developers.
@MarkHenderson Only SDR, it's an older unit, and looks like it's seen it's fair share of use. Also smells like a factory.
@ChrisS so I better change my passwords that are all 123456
That's what happens when developers get administrative passwords.
@MichaelHampton These are the Administrators of a website, which happens to cater to developers, but website admins none the less.
@MarkHenderson That or I'll change them for you ;]
@ChrisS Yeah, there's no excuse for it. I'm just saying, that's where they came from: Developer la-la-land, where "strong password" means that your password is "strong".
I laugh... then I cry a little on the inside
@MichaelHampton I make my strong passwords "cabonfiber" - because that's a super strong password, but when it does break it absolutely shatters
Just saw The Book of Mormon on Broadway.
@ewwhite I hear it's quite good
@MarkHenderson Very much so.
$360 tickets...
each :-X
but otherwise...
@ewwhite IL!=NYC??
@Jacob what?
@ewwhite You're in NYC now?
@ewwhite Hoooly shit, you didn't just go to one of those places that sells the few un-sold tickets for the show?
@Jacob yes, I work in NY.
Awesome 2 sites down, 1 to go thegamerhoster.com
@MarkHenderson Nah... wanted good seats and wife was in town.
In Chicago, the show has a 5 month wait...
@ewwhite WTF?
@Jacob NY is where my company is.
Split my time between Chi and NY

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