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@voretaq7 My favorite part was when they, very clearly, put extra effort into selectively ruining the documentation.
@voretaq7 vade retro satanas - IPX! shudder. at least they're out of the nineties and know what TCP/IP is.
I don't understand. Why do you want Satan behind you?
Did you not see South Park: BLU? Or are you inviting the devil-rape?
vade retro satanas is latin for back off, satan!
@fuero Link to their profile?
@fuero WHERE
Where does this still exist in 2013?
the godless, domainless novell heathens? Nope, they'll stone me.
besides, I doubt they know this site exists.
Um, so the SF CSS has changed again
The close question box has changed
As has edit and flag
I like the new modal boxes
I also didn't think that the Mass Effect 3 ending deserved so much internet scorn though, so...
@MDMarra sorry, was a little confused - yes, link to their profile in an answer to a question. I imagined something like [user:<username>] or [user:<user id>], but it didn't seem to work in the preview
@MDMarra there will be moar changes
So [MDMarra](http://serverfault.com/users/10472) is the greatest of all time!
@voretaq7 link?
@MDMarra they're not live anywhere yet - close reasons are getting an overhaul
A: iptables - Block incoming on Eth1 and Allow All from eth0

Karma Fusebox I wanted to block all the incoming route to eth1 but only allow port 21. Just so that external IP can't access to our web server, ftp server, etc. Only allow port 21 for SSH access. Ping should work too. How are your servers visible from the internet side? If they only have private addresses...

basically they're going to make the close reasons suck less, and there will be some cosmetic changes to how closure works (like [duplicate] for duplicates, which is live already)
there was also talk of ponies
but that's probably going to be a mod-only feature
@mdmarra someone is complaining that they don't have a desktop shortcut to Outlook!!!
ponies? Mods get all the good stuff.
@MDMarra ok, could have figured that out myself. I was thinking more of a shorthand like for tags with completion and all that fancy stuff.
Next they'll probably get animated avatars while we are stuck with gravatars.
@ewwhite Are they blind?
@MikeyB Woo, it's fixed. There's hope for you yet. :)
@fuero Ah, yeah not that I'm aware of. Sorry
@TheCleaner we have to get SOME perks!
@MDMarra thanks anyway :D
daf*q did I just watch?
@voretaq7 too much autotune
Ctrl-W fixes that video.
@fuero meh. rap.
Not sure if worse than autotune... or just sucks.
it's World Nutella Day 2013! http://www.aglioolioepeperoncino.com/2013/02/world-nutella-day-2013.html I dedicate this tweet to every intern, woman, and underpaid bitch in this system. Fuck.
World Nutella Day.... when do I get a day?!
@freiheit is that Serial Killer Day?
@voretaq7 something like Clobber-certain-users-with-a-LART day?
@fuero that's EVERY day.
my thoughts exactly
@freiheit pfft, all I ever get for SA Day is more fucking work :-/
Would feel better if people knew what their SA did: google.com/trends/explore#q=sysadmin
should knock production offline one day
@voretaq7 You need to train your users better. I got a gift certificate for booze from one of my key stakeholder users a couple years ago...
@freiheit Teach me your ways.
@freiheit meh, I'd rather just get more money
@Tanner (1) Identify the potentially persuadable users, (2) don't beat them (3) help them, (4) pretend to be friendly, (5) help them with big projects (6) point out when sysadminday is coming up
@freiheit (7) blackmail (8) ??? (9) profit
@freiheit (1) that would be our CEO. (2) Already done. Can't beat the boss. (3) I spend my life doing that. (4) Not happening. (5) I do all the big projects. (6) They'd still be oblivious :P
@voretaq7 You clearly got step 1 wrong
Hmm, I'm good up to (5)
@freiheit small company :-/
@Tanner Drop some "subtle" hints in July...
Still need to clear up the assets list for accounting... /stares at giant stack of papers
@voretaq7 insert step (0) have a job where there are some potentially persuadable users
Apparently we spend several hundreds of dollars for these "Desktop CPUs". Wonder what they're going in...
part of the problem is that if you don't directly interact with users and they don't know you even exist, they don't get you booze
don't ever be persuaded that interaction with the clueless is good. Faster than you know you are asked how their phone works, because "you're good with computers"
@fuero Not being "good with computers" is unacceptable for anyone under the age of 25 who grew up above the poverty line as far as I'm concerned
If you're not "Good at this driving thing", you wouldn't insist on getting a car
@fuero This is why step 1 is so tricky... Said stakeholder user is not clueless, just focused on things like HTML and CSS, not on server stuff...
If you're not "Good at being able to swim" then you don't jump in the deep end of the pool
@MarkHenderson That's unamerican! Lots of people who know they're not good at that driving thing get cars
So if you're "Not good at computers" why the fuck do you buy a complex smartphone?
(and even more who don't know that they're not good at it)
@MarkHenderson The advert made it look easy
@freiheit Ok that was a bad analogy
@freiheit Yeah well if you believe advertising then you should be slapped in the face with a trout
@voretaq7 To me, small company means "Home office, laptop is the server, and you don't pay invoices." So clearly we have a difference in terminology. =)
@WesleyDavid that's not a company.
@MarkHenderson Nono, it's a great analogy, because being bad at driving kills people, while being bad at computers makes the helpdesk drink more
Hi All
@MarkHenderson because it's so intuitive! And because the company paid for it
@voretaq7 HOLLA!
I'm eating Ramen, I'm a sad man
@freiheit if you want me to do work the price goes up...
@voretaq7 Here, drink this beer
You know it's bad when you're eating free Ramen
@freiheit drink your own PBR :P
@voretaq7 No, the one I'm making is more like an IPA
A: Cannot Ping from server when logged in from another machine

StephanAgreed, this is a DNS resolution error. You can verify this by pinging facebooks actual IP: # ping # 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=239 time=124.665 ms # 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=239 time=83.031 ms If pinging the IP fails, it's likely a network...

Flag to make it a comment on the other answer or leave as is? I'm using this example so I know in the future if the mods even care or not about things like this
That's the VNC dude
@WesleyDavid Ping?
@voretaq7 I'm getting toward the end of BSG
I'm rewatching the episode where Ellen gets resurrected, because I was on muscle relaxers the first time and fell asleep during it
@MDMarra didn't miss much
I missed sam getting brain surgery and mumbling nonsense
@MDMarra yeah
@voretaq7 How dare you drink that shit
Always thought about getting into BSG
It's good
At least with 6 episodes to go it is
@Cole There is one advantage to not having a penis... not getting groped annually by some weird foreigner in a white coat
@Cole That's it, your license is suspended until you do.
that was a gentle reminder
@BrentPabst dude, I get scraped, INSIDE.
I'd prefer to just be groped.
@Cole you just don't understand the pain of being squeezed or hit in that area... so bad!
@BrentPabst you don't understand the pain of being scrapped inside lol
and cranked open like a car with the jaws of life
@BrentPabst Don't like having fingers up your butthole?
@Cole I watched the first episode and said "Meh." Then these guys started talking about so I tried it again... Now I have 8 episodes left. =S
@Tanner wow, is it on Netflix?
@Cole Ha... I dunno, at times I pretend I am the jaws of life I suppose
@BrentPabst must be for a matchbox then
I'm on Ep 18 of the last season
@MarkHenderson No sir, nor do I like checks for testicular cancer...
I'm half way through 17. Didn't manage to finish it during lunch. :P
Shock! Horror!
@MarkHenderson NO SPOILERS
@MDMarra Thats not a spoiler
I do have a simple yes/no question
So wait is this shit on Netflix
Thats kind of the whole premise of the show
@Cole Yeah.
IF SO, I am moving to the living room to begin
Do you find out what starbuck is?
@BrentPabst I won't that's why I'm making him do it.
Welp brb
I endured until season 4, shortly after New Caprica. When they did the whole pilot thing again, I had had it with that show.
@MDMarra I thoguht you said no spoilers?
ok ok
@fuero Pilot thing?
@voretaq7 God I wish I was related to that part of the family...
don't tell me
@MDMarra starbuck is a <spoiler>
@MDMarra You'll find out what Starbuck is when she does.
But the short answer is, Starbuck was a ratings winner, so when her role, uh, changed, the ratings went down, so they put her back in her original role
<spoiler> did it. It was all <spoiler>. Be nice to your <spoiler> or it will <spoiler>
If that is supposed to say "dies" then it's a spoiler
So your answer is yes, you find out she's a ratings whore
I think she's one of the most dislikable characters on the show
@MDMarra I know. I hated her.
@MDMarra shut up and look at her breasts.
Boomer/Athena is a way better female character
@MarkHenderson you too, shut up and look at her breasts.
@Tanner cylons came, killed a lot of them, running from the cylons, they caught up, killed a lot of them, oh now we're running again
@MDMarra Toaster Fracker.
Also, Cavil should have more screen time
@MDMarra Boy you are gunna be pissed then
He's the best of the bad ones
@fuero Ohhh... What did you think was gonna happen? :P lol
@MarkHenderson NO SPOILERS
of course. in hindsight I should have known
What you really should be asking is, what happens to the toasters?
I get my zombies back on Sunday!
@MarkHenderson I think what Boomer did with the <spoiler> was <spoiler>
@MDMarra She's actually a DUDE
not sure if you all got to see this... props to TWC though even though they are the devil...
@MarkHenderson I knew half the fleet was gay
AND we're back
Starbuck? Please, that's no spoiler, that's obvious. she has the biggest balls of all the fleet.
@Cole Migration complete?
5 seasons?
er 4
here we go
@MDMarra which half? the cute half?
@MDMarra Well in Caprica the major characters are gay, but that seems to be totally normal/acceptable
Before you get too excited about it, do keep in mind I watch seasons very quickly... Doctor Who only took me a couple months (The last three doctors anyway, didn't go further than that.)
Almost got sucked into Law and Order for a second
@voretaq7 The ones that slept with Kara
@Cole not worth it.
@MDMarra ...so, not the cute half then.
Since she's a guy according to our Aussie Mark
@voretaq7 You know you'd smash Anders
dammit I have four episodes to watch of Girls
@MDMarra yeah, he's about the only one actually
and I prefer the term "fuck senseless, then fuck sensible again"
@voretaq7 Baltar post-new caprica?
In the original BSG, Starbuck was a man. So....
@MDMarra ummmmm no
and this latest episode of Big Bang Theory first
You're not into the jesus thing?
@Cole I just lost some respect for you
Their portrayal of aspergers is just.. terrible (although they never say Sheldon has aspbergers, but it's fairly obvious)
@MarkHenderson What? You even had any to begin with? Well, that's where you went wrong.
@MarkHenderson clap
@Cole You chopped your tits off and are physically becoming a man. That gives you loads of respect in my book. Just don't squander it.
squander is really an underused word
@MarkHenderson I always just figured Sheldon was your typical physics dork
@MarkHenderson I'm borderline aspergers - It's very common in transmen.
@voretaq7 Not with that level of OCD
I mean seriously, all the high-end fizzers I know are just as abrasive and socially inept
@MarkHenderson and EVERY PhD I know is that OCD
@MDMarra So is squalor.
@WesleyDavid So it skeet
@WesleyDavid stop talking about your litter box
@MDMarra Skeet! Skeet! Skeet!
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
530k 162 2718 4121
Jon Skeet, Reading, United Kingdom
530k 162 2718 4121
and such
cmon, one more
skeets come in threes
@MDMarra that would be excessive
Stupid watermarks.
@MDMarra I think that's a regional thing. Around here there are usually two "skeet"s and a "BITCHES!"
fair enough
(now find me a user named "bitches" who hasn't been banned yet!)
I like how the "I'm a PC" guy is the brain surgeon in this episode
@MDMarra just wait till he crashes.
I want a 3D Printer
@Cole and a laser cutter. and a place to put both.
@fuero yes, very very yes
@voretaq7 Just wait till he tries an in-place upgrade.
Yo, I dunno what you're talking about, @voretaq7. This is a great episode
wtf, I literally heard my boss just say this:
Hey, Komal, you're indian - can you give me the details of some off-shore programmers?
@MDMarra oh it's not a bad episode
@MarkHenderson Dunno - maybe your friend has friends and your boss was just curious?
@Cole once you tricked your superiors into buying that stuff, tell me how you did it :D
@MarkHenderson all indians know eachother, diddnt you know?
@MattBear My thoughts exactly
but I thought injuns just drank and ran casinos...
She comes from a privileged family that had servants and they all have masters degrees. Unlikely that she knows some program-farmer
Also, why the fuck does he wanna go offshore for?
Hey, @Mark, you're Australian - can you give me the details of some hot girls? Oh wait, NO YOU CAN'T. Some Australian you turned out to be. =(
sure - and every Austrian knows the bl**dy "Sound of Music".
@WesleyDavid lol, im sure he can hook you up with a kangaroo
@MarkHenderson $10 an hour, skeetwad!
@voretaq7 don't make me go all grumpy cat on you
@fuero I ran a sound board for that once. Saw it 22 god damn times. :| Dirtiest $1,000 I ever made...
@Tanner way too little money if you ask me shudder
Oh, it was. If I had only known.
ok BSG time
Let's start this bitch
watch it all in 4 days
@fuero I'd never seen it before, and the prospect of making money by running a sound board was awesome at the time. That's when I realized I didn't ever want to do that professionally.
I've been waiting to finish for weeks to discuss
@Tanner When I was 20 or so, I watched a documentary about tourism in .at. Until that moment, I didn't know that "Sound of Music" existed.
Can't have you slowing us down
@MDMarra I did that almost...
@MDMarra motorcycle crash, laid up for a few weeks.... watch all of BSG
both arms were broken, couldnt even hold a mouse or an xbox controller
damn dude
sounds horrible
girlfriend dumped me about a week after the crash because I had become "needy" lol
I "needed" help with shit
@fuero oh like you're not ALREADY grumpy, cat?
@MattBear . . . bitch much?
so, BSG, One Piece, and a bunch of movies... soon as I healed, I got rid of my TV lol
@voretaq7 quickmeme.com/meme/3rzhve - that's me before my first cup of tea
couldnt watch tv again for a couple years
@MattBear Wow. I bet...
eh she was a bitch, shes gone, I diddnt care much then, dont care at all now
That's the spirit.
what do I want for dinner?
@voretaq7 Even angus cheeseburgers? =(
@voretaq7 ...jinx.
does anyone else use GoDaddy cloud servers?
@MattBear Nope - I wouldn't trust them personally. For lots of reasons.
God dammit update must have borked flash on my laptop
@WesleyDavid we have 12 servers with them, and they are discontinuing the service on April 15'th
I have to migrate everything... its my next project
@Cole reinstall?
@WesleyDavid TERRIBLE! :(
We are thinking Azure
@fuero your 1x1 image is terrible.
@voretaq7 chinese
always chinese
@MDMarra Terrible.
@MDMarra meh... too cold to walk to the chinese place by me :-/
I wish someone were around to go into philly with me for dinner
@voretaq7 Plus it's terrible.
@fuero rm -r ~/.config/google-chrome/PepperFlash
@MDMarra I'll be right over, snookums.
@WesleyDavid slightly less terrible though
katie's at a book club (fucking librarian, amirite) and no one else is around
@WesleyDavid Let's go to El Camino Real, ok sweetie?
I havent been there for a few weeks
@MDMarra Only if you stare deeply into my eyes while we share an Italian soda.
what the fuck is an italian soda?
@WesleyDavid whys it gotta be italian?
you got somthing against italians?
@MDMarra eat the cat?
@MDMarra Uncouth ne'erdowell.
@voretaq7 tex/mex bbq
An Italian soda is a soft drink made from carbonated water and simple syrup, usually flavored. Some vendors add cream to the recipe as well. In spite of its name, Italian sodas originated in the United States, not Italy. One claimant to the introduction and increased popularity of Italian sodas is Torani: Rinaldo and Ezilda Torre brought recipes for flavored syrups from Lucca, Italy and in 1925 introduced what become known as an Italian soda to the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco, California. The Italian American association with Italian sodas has been reinforced by various r...
awesome vegetarian options
I get them and I'm not even vegetarian
@MDMarra fuck that shit - kill me an animal, chop it up, and cook it!
@MDMarra We'll go to Munchy Time in Camden.
Seriously, Google street view that place.
Oh, they have awesome brisket, pulled pork, ribs, etc
@WesleyDavid camden nj?
@MDMarra yarp
@WesleyDavid No one goes to camden on purpose
In fact, put some of the pulled port in the collard greens!
@voretaq7 You want spikes or studs on the collars?
anyone else have a sterotypical DB programmer at their work?
People only go to Camden when they're on 7th street toward 76 and take a wrong turn
the camden aquarium is cool
fat, doesnt shower, chess freak... 0 social skills, die a virgin type
@MattBear Hey, I shower.
@WesleyDavid That's right over the bridge
@WesleyDavid getting hit with the squirt gun for being a BAD CAT doesn't count.
@MattBear I wish. He'd be really useful. =\
@voretaq7 Oh and I'm not fat either - and I'm getting skinnier because I keep getting sick and not eating. I'll be in the 140s shortly I think...
And I'm not a bad cat I'm just rambunctious.
think Milton, from office space
but... out of my way... but.... want burger...
@voretaq7 I'm just gonna to Chik-fil-a tonight.
It's easy when it's within walking distance. That and In-n-out
@MattBear well not a DB programmer, but yes, some programmers fit the stereotype.
@WesleyDavid meh, their chicken is mediocre
now if I had a Popeyes around...
he's in the cubicle next to mine, and annoys me every day....
@voretaq7 Church's is good.
creeps up behind me, watches over my shoulder, I know hes there by the heavy breathing and the smell...
that's cute
he likes you
God dammit Netflix fucking LOAD
Oh sweet! I just found some ARCServe 2000 files on an old server.
@WesleyDavid you mean White Castle Chicken?
@MattBear Roll the char back. Hard.
he would probably start crying... I feel bad for him
not bad enough to share my cheetos with him though lol,
@MattBear Sounds like he has some issues.
@MattBear chemical warfare? have chilli con carne for lunch :D
@fuero he might like it...
@MattBear eeeew. well, mustard gas then
so no one else has "that guy"?
@MattBear Nope. You can keep him actually. Our SQL can stay broken.
You see a file with a last modified date of January 5th, 2001. It's name is 58463.exe. What. Do. You. Do. ::double-clicks::
god dammit netflix
in that case... you are "that guy" :p
@Cole to frustrate you.
it's excelling.
@voretaq7 APPARENTLY
@Cole watch Jericoh
@Cole s/airport/TSA/
@MattBear that series got fucked over by the network.
Ok so this is the weirdest feeling ever. So I'm cold and I feel the sensation that would normally make my nipples hard but obviously my nipples aren't hard and I can't feel them.
@voretaq7 was good though
Is always user error. Especial in case of user which is operate core router.
@JoelESalas BoOoOoobs
like, ghost boobs..
I've gone too far.
@Cole you need less morphine. Or more. Experiment and figure it out.
@voretaq7 I haven't taken any pain meds today
@Cole Will you ever regain sensation?
@Cole then you obviously need more.
@Jacob maybe

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